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Overflowing with good wishes – NHSGGC ward runs out of space to display positive feedback

  • 5 min read
Two smiling nurses stand beside a board displaying dozens of messages of thanks from former patients and relatives.
Charge Nurse Sharon Woods, left, and Senior Charge Nurse Claire Robertson at the Ward 56 Care Opinion board.

A ward in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde has received so much positive feedback that they have run out of space to display it.

Ward 56 at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital displays its positive feedback, received through Care Opinion, on a board at the entrance to the ward, and last week Senior Charge Nurse Claire Robertson and Charge Nurse Sharon Woods had the honour of pinning up the final two messages of thanks before the board filled up.

Among the messages on the board, a sister of one patient wrote: “What the nurses did in the Ward humbled me, as their dedication and duty towards their patients was a tribute to their nursing.”

Another, from a patient, read: “Before my arrival here I honestly could not have imagined that angels walk amongst us. But believe me, I now know that you do.”

A patient who had never been in hospital before said: “This was my first experience in hospital, and I was totally amazed by the friendliness and helpful attitude of the nursing staff (male and female) … many, many thanks to all.”

And the partner of one man who was cared for on the ward said: “Excellent treatment by all the staff. They are a caring bunch of people who deserve more recognition and reward for their efforts. Can’t thank them enough!”

The ward specialises in Stroke Rehabilitation and patients often spend a considerable time receiving care there, so staff build up close relationships with the patients and their families.

Sharon said: “Everyone on this ward is so committed to giving patients the best care we can, and it’s wonderful when we receive positive feedback from patients or their loved ones.

“During the time patients spend here, we get to know them and their families really well – we’ve even had the joy of meeting newborn babies.

Two cards with messages of thanks from former patients and relatives.
Some of the good wishes received by staff on Ward 56.

“Positive feedback is always lovely, but when you’ve developed these strong bonds with a whole family, to hear that they’ve had a good experience in our care is really special.”

Claire added: “Everyone on Ward 56 has worked very hard to foster a real team atmosphere among the staff, and the amount of positive feedback we have received is the best evidence we can have that our efforts are paying off.

“We would like to thank all the patients and families who have taken the time to send us their good wishes, and finding a new place to display them all will be one of the nicer problems I’ll face in the coming weeks!”

Care Opinion is a national resource that gathers feedback anonymously and shares it with NHS services so they can pass on positive feedback and learn from any instances where levels of care may fall short of expectations.

It is one of a number of ways feedback can be shared with NHSGGC, and as well as being valuable in helping to inform the care staff deliver, it also gives staff an opportunity to answer the feedback they receive, if that’s appropriate.

NHSGGC encourages any patient or relative who has first-hand experience of the care it provides to share their feedback through Care Opinion, and earlier this year the board achieved a major milestone when it received more than 2000 pieces of feedback through Care Opinion for the first time. Of those, more than 80% of the feedback was positive, with 79% noted under the highest ‘Category 0’ rating.

Professor Angela Wallace, Executive Nurse Director for NHSGGC, said: “I would like to thank everyone on Ward 56 for the great work they do – and for the patients and their families for taking the time to share their thoughts through Care Opinion.

“I know that every team throughout NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde is equally committed to providing the best care for patients and support for their loved ones, but to hear that this ward has actually run out of space to display all the good wishes it has received is particularly special.

“Well done to everyone on the ward – reading these positive messages is tangible evidence that they, and the wider NHSGGC family, are doing something right.”

For more about how to give feedback to NHSGGC, go to: Share Your Feedback – NHSGGC

Two smiling nurses stand beside a board displaying dozens of messages of thanks from former patients and relatives.