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Karen Turner

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Non-Executive Member

Karen Turner became a member of the Board on 1st July 2024.

Karen has over 40 years’ experience working in health, including as Director of Mental Health for NHS England (2015 – 2018) where she oversaw a new plan and funding for the expansion of mental health services in England.

Karen has had different roles in the NHS, in the prevention of poor health and in health policy, and particularly enjoys working with patient partners, with staff, local councils and research academics to deliver effective and compassionate care to patients.

Karen is a lay trustee and Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. She is Chair of Strength and Learning through Horses, which offers equine therapy and education to young people facing disadvantage.

Other information

Expenses claims

No expense claims have been declared.


No hospitality declared

Register of interest

No interests declared.

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