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Lesley-Ann McDonald

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Non-Executive Member

Lesley-Ann McDonald became a member of the Board on 1st July 2024.

Lesley-Ann graduated from Glasgow University in 1989 and worked in private practice in Glasgow before moving to the public sector as a solicitor for the then Comhairle nan Eilean in 1993. During her career in the Western Isles, she acquired further skills in governance, corporate policy and community planning and was involved in the establishment of health and social care partnerships.

Since retiring in 2018 Lesley-Ann has volunteered with Clydesdale Foodbank and has been a Board member of Clydesdale Housing Association since 2022. In these roles she has gained insight to the difficulties faced by the most vulnerable in society as well as the impact of positive interventions such as the provision of good quality affordable housing.

Other information

Expenses claims

No expense claims have been declared.


No hospitality declared

Register of interest

No interests declared.

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