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Glasgow dad living with Lyme disease urges people to be tick aware when enjoying the outdoors this summer
Glasgow father-of-three Rico Franchi, who has lived with Lyme disease for the past 12 years, has bac…
Stunning new green haven at refurbished hospital pond reopens
The newly refurbished pond area at Royal Alexandra Hospital has reopened after work to radically tra…
Nine projects across Greater Glasgow and Clyde receive £45,000 funding to tackle mental health stigma
Nine projects from across Greater Glasgow and Clyde have received a total funding of £45,000 to tack…
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As part of Healthcare Science Week, we welcomed the Chief Scientific Officer for Scotland, Professor Catherine Ross, to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital campus for a tour. During her time with us, she met Executive Nurse Director Professor Angela Wallace and Healthcare Science Professional Lead Karen Brazier, visited the UK NEQAS Cardiac Markers Lab, held a round-table discussion with He