Intensive Care Unit wedding couple celebrate 7-month anniversary
A couple who wed at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit last year are celebrating an anniversary they didn’t think they would reach.…
A couple who wed at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit last year are celebrating an anniversary they didn’t think they would reach.…
Finding information on how to self-manage children’s health and well-being couldn’t be easier with the development of Kids Independently Developing Skills (KIDS), a new website…
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) has introduced community testing for people who have complained of symptoms associated with Coronavirus (COVID-19) as part of procedures…
The Gynaecology Team from the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow has been recognised for their care of hard of hearing patients. The team was…
Today (19TH) staff in the virology laboratory at Glasgow Royal Infirmary (GRI) hosted a visit from Public Health Minister Joe FitzPatrick. The Minister was there…
The Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and the Royal Hospital for Children have been positively recognised for progress in cleanliness and compliance with infection control measures…
Having your first baby is stressful enough but add in a health condition and it can be doubly scary. That was Michelle McManus’ first thought…
Senior managers from NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde have attended an open meeting with Port Glasgow West Community Council to keep them updated about the…
More people than ever before are taking up the chance of potentially life-saving bowel screening in Greater Glasgow and Clyde, according to latest figures. In…
As a result of pressures facing its current urgent Out-of-Hours service, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) has introduced a short-term contingency plan which will…