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Adult Mental Health – A Five Year Strategy 2018-2023

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  • Create Date 31/03/2023
  • Last Updated 31/03/2023

Adult Mental Health - A Five Year Strategy 2018-2023

A Five Year Strategy for Adult Mental Health Services in Greater Glasgow and Clyde: 2018-2023.


  1. Introduction: context, drivers and principles for change
    1. Scope of this Strategy
    2. Summary of the Proposed Service Changes and Improvements
    3. Strategic Context: Shifting the Balance of Care
      1. Future Delivery of Public Services
      2. Clinical Services Review
      3. Integration of Health and Social Care
      4. The Five-Year Forward View for Mental Health in England (2016)
      5. A Fairer NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde (2016-2020)
      6. Scottish Government’s Mental Health Strategy 2017-2027
      7. ‘Healthy Minds’ 2017 Report by NHSGGC’s Director of Public Health
    4. Whole-system integration and dependencies
    5. Financial Context
    6. Principles and Key Areas of Work
    7. Service and Resource Changes
    8. Implementation
  2. Prevention, Early Intervention & Health Improvement
    1. Current situation in Partnerships across NHS GGC
    2. Recommendations
  3. Physical Health
  4. Recovery-Oriented and Trauma-Aware Services
    1. Models of recovery-oriented care
      1. Recovery colleges
      2. Peer support
    2. Evidence
    3. Proposal
  5. Community & Specialist Mental Health Teams
    1. Productivity and Quality Improvement
      1. Improved Productivity
      2. Recovery orientated approaches
      3. Improving Access to Services
      4. Cultural Change
    2. Community Mental Health Teams
    3. Primary Care Mental Health Teams
    4. Specialist Community Teams
      1. Esteem
      2. Adult Eating Disorder Services (AEDS)
      3. Glasgow Psychological Trauma Service
      4. Borderline Personality Disorder Network
    5. Recommendations
    6. Primary Care
    7. Commissioned Social Care Services
      1. Profile of Commissioned Social Care Services
      2. Summary of Main Challenges
      3. Recommendations
    8. Community Services: Non-statutory Services
    9. Recommendations
  6. Unscheduled Care
    1. Analysis
      1. Community
      2. ED and Acute
      3. Mental Health inpatient
      4. Court system
    2. Unscheduled Care Summary
    3. Recommendations
  7. Shifting the Balance of Care
    Part A

    1. Short Stay Mental Health Beds
    2. Overview
    3. Internal benchmarking: Short-Stay beds
    4. External benchmarking: cross-check
    5. Key Challenges
    6. Recommendations
      Part B
    7. Mental Health Rehabilitation and Hospital Based Complex Care (HBCC) Beds
      1. Background
      2. Analysis
    8. Recommendations
  8. Service User & Carer Engagement
    1. Service User Engagement
    2. Carers
    3. Key Messages from Service Users and Carers
    4. Recommendations
  9. Workforce
    1. Nursing
    2. Medical
    3. Psychology
    4. Occupational Therapy
  10. Finance
    1. Health Budgets
    2. Social Care Budgets
    3. Future Financial Context and Prospects
    4. Capital Funding
    5. Transitional Funding
    6. Future Financial Framework
  11. Managing Risk
    1. Risk Management Framework
  12. Management and Governance
    1. Governance Arrangements
    2. Recommendations


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