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- Create Date 31/03/2023
- Last Updated 31/03/2023
Best Start - A Five-Year Forward Plan for Maternity and Neonatal Care in Scotland
The Best Start - A Five-Year Forward Plan for Maternity and Neonatal Care in Scotland.
- Chapter 1: The Case for Change
- Population health
- Opportunities to improve health
- Learning from audits, reports and evidence
- Future service provision
- Workforce consideration
- Views of service users
- Chapter 2: The Current Model of Maternity and Neonatal Care
- Service demand
- Maternity services
- Neonatal services
- Transport services
- Scottish policy context
- Maternity and neonatal policy context
- Chapter 3: Our Vision
- Underlying principles
- Chapter 4: The Review Process
- Establishing the Review
- Structuring the Review
- Engagement
- Communication
- Evidence and data
- Outcomes from engagement process
- Outputs from evidence
- Additional Evidence
- Chapter 5: New Model of Care
- Continuity of carer
- Person-centred maternity and neonatal care
- Family-centred care
- Multi-professional team working and pathways to care
- Redesigned personalised care
- Multi-professional working, culture and behaviours
- New model of multi-professional working, culture and behaviours
- Role of the third sector
- Workforce implications
- Accessible and appropriate local services
- Infant feeding
- Midwifery across the career framework
- Equipping the workforce to deliver
- Specialist services
- Theatre and critical care (High dependency and intensive care)
- Services for vulnerable women
- Workforce and education
- Perinatal mental health
- Bereavement
- Chapter 6: Implications for Neonatal Care
- Neonatal care
- The new model of family-centred neonatal care
- Neonatal intensive care
- Proposed levels of neonatal care in Scotland
- Getting babies home
- Quality and safety – standardising practice in neonatal care
- Developing the workforce in neonatal care
- Chapter 7: Supporting the Service Changes
- Transport
- Remote and rural care
- Planning and supporting the workforce to deliver
- Continuous quality improvement
- Information technology, data and telemedicine
- Chapter 8: Wider Implications
- Managed clinical networks
- Further research
- Resource implications
- A Summary of the Review recommendations
- Maternity units in Scotland
- Neonatal units in Scotland
- Aim and remit of the Review
- E Review group membership
- F Sub-Group remits and membership
- G Efficient evidence reviews: authors and sponsors
- H Efficient evidence reviews: full conclusions
- I Further research: recommendations
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NHS Scotland Best Start 5-Year Forward Plan 2017-2022.pdf | Download |