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Home > Best Start – A Five-Year Forward Plan for Maternity and Neonatal Care in Scotland

Best Start – A Five-Year Forward Plan for Maternity and Neonatal Care in Scotland

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  • Create Date 31/03/2023
  • Last Updated 31/03/2023

Best Start - A Five-Year Forward Plan for Maternity and Neonatal Care in Scotland

The Best Start - A Five-Year Forward Plan for Maternity and Neonatal Care in Scotland.

  1. Chapter 1: The Case for Change
    1. Population health
    2. Opportunities to improve health
    3. Learning from audits, reports and evidence
    4. Future service provision
    5. Workforce consideration
    6. Views of service users
  2. Chapter 2: The Current Model of Maternity and Neonatal Care
    1. Service demand
    2. Maternity services
    3. Neonatal services
    4. Transport services
    5. Scottish policy context
    6. Maternity and neonatal policy context
  3. Chapter 3: Our Vision
    1. Underlying principles
  4. Chapter 4: The Review Process
    1. Establishing the Review
    2. Structuring the Review
    3. Engagement
    4. Communication
    5. Evidence and data
    6. Outcomes from engagement process
    7. Outputs from evidence
    8. Additional Evidence
  5. Chapter 5: New Model of Care
    1. Continuity of carer
    2. Person-centred maternity and neonatal care
    3. Family-centred care
    4. Multi-professional team working and pathways to care
    5. Redesigned personalised care
    6. Multi-professional working, culture and behaviours
    7. New model of multi-professional working, culture and behaviours
    8. Role of the third sector
    9. Workforce implications
    10. Accessible and appropriate local services
    11. Infant feeding
    12. Midwifery across the career framework
    13. Equipping the workforce to deliver
    14. Specialist services
    15. Theatre and critical care (High dependency and intensive care)
    16. Services for vulnerable women
    17. Workforce and education
    18. Perinatal mental health
    19. Bereavement
  6. Chapter 6: Implications for Neonatal Care
    1. Neonatal care
    2. The new model of family-centred neonatal care
    3. Neonatal intensive care
    4. Proposed levels of neonatal care in Scotland
    5. Getting babies home
    6. Quality and safety – standardising practice in neonatal care
    7. Developing the workforce in neonatal care
  7. Chapter 7: Supporting the Service Changes
    1. Transport
    2. Remote and rural care
    3. Planning and supporting the workforce to deliver
    4. Continuous quality improvement
    5. Information technology, data and telemedicine
  8. Chapter 8: Wider Implications
    1. Managed clinical networks
    2. Further research
    3. Resource implications


  • A Summary of the Review recommendations
  • Maternity units in Scotland
  • Neonatal units in Scotland
  • Aim and remit of the Review
  • E Review group membership
  • F Sub-Group remits and membership
  • G Efficient evidence reviews: authors and sponsors
  • H Efficient evidence reviews: full conclusions
  • I Further research: recommendations

Attached Files

NHS Scotland Best Start 5-Year Forward Plan 2017-2022.pdfDownload