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Digital Health & Care Strategy – Digital On Demand 2023-2028

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  • Create Date 31/03/2023
  • Last Updated 31/03/2023

Digital Health & Care Strategy - Digital On Demand 2023-2028

This Digital strategy presents our vision for “Digital on Demand”: the next phase in NHSGGC's digital journey.


  1. Introduction
    1. Message from the Interim Director of eHealth
    2. Introduction
    3. Our stakeholders
    4. What we mean by Digital
  2. 2023-28 Digital vision
    1. Shared vision
    2. Core principles
    3. Benefits realisation
    4. Risks
  3. Essential context
    1. Strategic drivers
    2. NHSGGC corporate objectives
  4. Strategy engagement
    1. Engagement summary
    2. Citizens, staff, clinical and partners
  5. 2018-22 retrospective
    1. What we have delivered
    2. COVID-19 response
    3. Clinical systems review
    4. Digital maturity review
  6. Strategic themes
    1. Data and clinical informatics
    2. Digital clinical safety
    3. Remote practice
    4. Citizen access
    5. Safer use of medicines
    6. Workforce digital literacy and skills
    7. Regulatory and cyber security
  7. Priority programmes
    1. Digital health and care records
    2. Innovation and systems development
    3. Safer diagnostics
    4. eMedicines Programme
    5. Decision support
    6. Technology estate
  8. Digital roadmap
  9. How we will deliver this strategy
    1. Major investments
  10. Getting involved
  11. 11. Appendices

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