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Endowment Funds – Operating Instructions

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  • Create Date 29/12/2022
  • Last Updated 29/12/2022

Endowment Funds - Operating Instructions


  1. Purpose and definition of endowments
  2. Governance
    1. Setting up a new fund
    2. Fundholders and signatories
    3. Reporting requirements
    4. Reserves policy
    5. Ceasing to be a fundholder
    6. Changes to a fund
    7. Minimum balance
    8. Closure or amalgamation of funds
  3. Income
    1. General
    2. Tax position
    3. Income generation
    4. Research
    5. Other gifts
  4. Expenditure
    1. General
    2. Procurement
    3. Tax relief on goods ordered
    4. Programme grants (including salary allocations)
    5. Salaries and expenses (in exceptional circumstances only)
    6. Travel, subsistence and accommodation
    7. Employee welfare and development
    8. Hospitality
    9. Patient welfare and amenities
    10. Gifts and presents
    11. Research expenditure
    12. Subscriptions
    13. Conference expenses
    14. Equipment
    15. Building works/refurbishment
    16. Education and training
    17. Community engagement activities
    18. General office expenditure
  5. Application for Funding
  6. Investment of Funds

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