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Healthcare Quality Strategy 2019-2023

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  • Create Date 31/03/2023
  • Last Updated 31/03/2023

Healthcare Quality Strategy 2019-2023

The Pursuit of Healthcare Excellence - NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Healthcare Quality Strategy 2019/2023.

This Healthcare Quality Strategy is a framework which outlines how we intend to continuously improve the quality of care to our patients, carers and communities over the next five years.


  1. Introduction
    1. What is Meant by Healthcare Quality?
    2. Building on Success
  2. Developing the Healthcare Quality Ambitions
    1. Person Centred Care
    2. Effective Care
    3. Safe Care
  3. Working with Our People
  4. Providing Assurance and Governance on Healthcare Quality
    1. Clinical and Care Governance
    2. Monitoring and Assuring Healthcare Quality – Current Arrangements
    3. Monitoring and Assuring Healthcare Quality – Future Arrangements
    4. Delivering the Quality Framework
  5. How NHSGGC will Deliver the Healthcare Quality Strategy
    1. Person Centred Care
    2. Effective Care
    3. Safe Care
    4. Our People
    5. Assurance and Governance
  6. Appendices
    1. Appendix One – High Level Strategic Intentions
    2. Appendix Two – Healthcare Quality Framework
    3. Appendix Three – Healthcare Quality Strategy Roles and Responsibilities
    4. Appendix Four – HIS Proposed Quality of Care Domains
    5. Appendix Five – References

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