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Recruitment and Attraction Plan 2022-2025

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  • Create Date 31/01/2023
  • Last Updated 31/01/2023

Recruitment and Attraction Plan 2022-2025

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) is an organisation which is renowned for modern high-quality patient care and progressive medicine. It is therefore vital that we continue aspire to a single vision as we Grow our Great Community.

The vision for the Recruitment and Attraction Plan is to establish ourselves as a great employer and seen as an Employer of Choice.

To help us achieve this vision, we have three ambitions:

  1. Attract, retain and value the most skilled, diverse and talented people from our local communities and around the world, proving we are a world-class public sector organisation.
  2. Empower our Human Resources and Organisational Development workforce to deliver a digitally-enabled world-class recruitment and onboarding service for our future talent that is inclusive and person-centred. Ensure
  3. Ensure use of high-quality data to drive forward workforce planning and recruitment initiatives as we strive to be a world-class public service.

Our Recruitment and Attraction Plan sets out how we will achieve these ambitions, ensures recruitment and selection is inclusive and attracts candidates from diverse backgrounds, and develops NHSGGC under our corporate objective of ‘Better Workplace’.

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