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GP Out of Hours services public engagement

  • 2 min read
Image of Doctor checking patient’s blood pressure.

Since moving to business continuity in 2020, there has been several exercises to capture feedback from those using GP Out of Hours services. These exercises resulted in over 1,700 people providing feedback on their care and experience of the service. Over 1,100 of these were provided in 2023-2024 ahead of formal public engagement with feedback highlighting that 87% of respondents rated the care they experienced positively, with 93% stating they felt their needs had been met.

The formal two-month engagement, to inform considerations and decisions in relation to a permanent model, commenced in October 2023. This work resulted in positive levels of participation with over 1,000 people directly engaged through 40 engagement activities undertaken across all Health and Social Care Partnerships. Over 2,900 responses were received to the survey seeking views in this process resulting in one of the highest response rates in NHS Scotland. This engagement was presented to NHSGGC’s Board to support its considerations in April 2024, which resulted in the approval of a proposed model. You can view the report here.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland supported this process throughout and confirmed the engagement was in line with national guidance and had met all their recommendations. This piece of work also provided a valuable opportunity for NHSGGC to help Healthcare Improvement Scotland test their new approach to supporting Boards through non-major service change.