Thursday, July 8, 2021
A young mum from Dumbarton has told how glad she is to be breastfeeding her daughter, despite a rocky start when she was born.
Nancy Laird (25) gave birth to her first baby, Sadie, in the Royal Alexandra Hospital on 23 April, but all did not go exactly to plan.
Nancy said: “In the end, because of complications, I had Sadie by emergency C section. Also, when she was a couple of days old, she was transferred to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at the Royal Hospital for Children in Glasgow.
“It was a difficult time, with lots going on. Throughout my pregnancy I had known that I wanted to try breastfeeding, for both me and the baby really. With her being ill – she was anaemic – this was more difficult as I wasn’t with her all the time.
“I expressed my milk and she was able to get some of that through her drip feed. We combined that with formula until she recovered.”
Sadie is now 11 weeks, exclusively breastfed and thriving at home with mum and dad Colin.
“Once we were re-united properly breastfeeding became easier and we got it all figured out. She’s doing so well and we get such a thrill when she gains weight.
“I was a bit shy about feeding her at first but I’m now able to feed her in front of friends and stuff. I’m not quite there yet when out in public, but I’m sure I will get there. We are both getting more confident!”
West Dunbartonshire HSCP introduced a new role of Breastfeeding Support Worker to provide early support to breastfeeding women. The Breastfeeding Support Worker Louise Naing provides support in addition to midwives and Health Visitors.
Louise said: “It’s my job to support mums who choose to breastfeed their baby. Like any new thing, it can be tricky, especially in the first few days, but many say it’s so worth it when established.”