Getting Here
Dental Practice
Contact Information
- Call: 0141 634 2333
Opening Hours
- Monday to Friday, 8.45am – 5.30pm
GP Services
General Practitioner (Family Doctor) Services.
When your GP surgery is closed call NHS 24 free on 111 if you are ill and it can’t wait until your regular NHS service reopens.
Hearing Aid Battery Replacement Service
Contact Information
- Call: 0141 347 8909
- Email: AHP.Appointments@ggc.scot.nhs.uk
SPHERE Bladder and Bowel Service
The SPHERE Bladder and Bowel Service provides a professional, caring, confidential and supportive approach to people with bladder or/and bowel symptoms. The aim of the team is to promote continence by empowering the individual to self manage their symptoms by teaching behavioural and lifestyle changes that can promote bladder and bowel health. To support the individual, the service has two specially trained teams across the city.
These teams include specialist nurses and physiotherapists who can advise and support the individual on improving their bladder or/and bowel symptoms or prevent any deterioration by facilitating and providing rehabilitative treatments.
Contact Information
- Contact Telephone: 0141 531 8569
- General Telephone: 0141 531 8612
- Fax: 0141 531 8523
- Email: NHSGGC.SphereBBService@ggc.scot.nhs.uk
Contact Name
- Carolyn MacInnes
Manager Name
- Rona Agnew