Getting Here
GDP NHS Dental Services (Dental Clinic)
Contact information
- Call: 01475 501474
- Fax: 01475 501468
Opening Hours
- Monday to Thursday, 9.00am until 12.30pm and from 1.00pm until 4.30pm
- Friday from 9.00am until 12.30pm and then from 1.00pm until 4.00pm
Inverclyde Community Learning Disability Team (CLDT)
Contact information
- Call: 01475 501460
- Fax: 01475 501468
Opening Hours
- Monday to Thursday, 9.00am until 5.00pm
- Friday, 9.00am until 4.30pm
This is a multi-disciplinary specialist health care service that provides advice and support to adults with a learning disability, their families and those who support them from health or social care services. We provide expert advice in relation to a variety of issues.
These include challenging behaviour, autistic spectrum disorders, mental health problems, epilepsy, sexual health, health promotion, mobility, communication and dementia.
Team members
- Team Co-ordinator
- Consultant Psychiatrist
- Clinical Psychologist
- Community Nursing
- Physiotherapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Speech & Language Therapy
- Counsellor
- Multi-disciplinary Support Worker
- Dietetics
- Chiropody
- Secretarial Support
Oral Health Educators
The role of the Oral Health Educators is to promote Oral Health amongst different age groups in a variety of settings ie. primary schools.
Opening Hours
- Monday to Thursday, 8.45am until 12.30pm and 1.30pm until 5.00pm
- Friday, 8.45am until 12.30pm and 1.30pm until 4.30pm
The Frail Elderly Team
- General Telephone: 01475 501307
Based at Greenock Health Centre from 2 May 2011 the Frail Elderly Team is a group of Allied Health Professionals working together to provide an assessment and rehabilitation service to frail elderly people in Inverclyde aged 65 years and over. We also work with Social Work and other agencies in order to support families and carers at home. We aim to reduce or prevent hospital admissions and maintain independence at home for as long as possible.
The Team
- Physiotherapist and Assistant
- Occupational Therapist and Assistant
- Chiropodist and Assistant
- Speech and Language Therapist
- Dietitian
- Secretary
The Rehabilitation Service in place across NHSGGC brings together:
- Supported Discharge (DART, IRIS, MATCH)
- Community Physical Disability Teams
- Community Older People’s Teams
Contact details and telephone numbers
Glasgow City
- North East Sector: 0141 201 5950
- North West Sector: 0141 201 7205
- South Sector: 0141 232 7174
Acute staff needing to access community rehabilitation services should contact the sector in which their hospital sits.
East Dunbartonshire
East Dunbartonshire have a locally based Community Rehabilitation Team. This service will include GPRR, early supported discharge, domiciliary physiotherapy, community older people’s team and community physical disability team.
The service can be accessed through a Single Point of Access.
- Telephone: 0141 232 8213
- Fax: 0141 232 8228
West Dunbartonshire
Community rehabilitation services to be accessed via:
- COPT telephone: 01389 811760
- CART telephone: 01389 817337
We operate a single point of access for referrals to all community rehabilitation services including the community rehabilitation team and Inverclyde Physical Disability Rehabilitation Team (PDRS). For further information or to make a referral please call 01475 714350.
We operate a Single Point of Access in Renfrewshire and all referrals previously made to Older Adults Community Mental Health Team (OACMHT), Multi Agency for Care at Home Team (M.A.T.C.H), Specialist Nursing Service, Domiciliary Physiotherapy, Adult Speech and Language and Community Physical Disability Service are made through this number 0141 207 7878.
East Renfrewshire
We operate a Single Point of Access in East Renfrewshire. All referrals previously made to the Community Older Person’s Team based in Clarkston or to Levern Valley Older People’s Team based in Barrhead should now be made using the contact details below.
Telephone: 0141 577 3777