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Kirkintilloch Health and Care Centre

Getting Here


Children and Families

Community Nursing Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30am until 4.30pm (Excluding Public Holidays)

Health Visiting and School Nursing services to children and young people aged 0-19 and their families who are registered with a GP in East Dunbartonshire.

The team consists of Health Visitors/Public Health Nurses, Community Staff Nurses, School Nurses, Nursery Nurses and Health Support Workers.

Community Addiction Team

Call: 0141 232 8211

Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, 9.00am until 5.00pm (Appointments are available in the evening by arrangement)

This is a joint health and social care service for people with addiction problems, primarily focusing on people with alcohol or opiate dependency.

The service offers community detoxification, substitute prescribing from CAT team and in partnership with GPs, assistance with the effects of substance misuse on a wide range of life issues and one to one support. Series of group work programmes such as relapse prevention are also offered. Service is available for young people or children affected by parental substance misuse.

Community Mental Health Team

Call: 0141 232 8200

Opening Hours:

  • Monday to Friday, 9.00am until 8.00pm
  • Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays, 9.00am until 5.00pm

This multidisciplinary team provides a range of skilled community mental health services to the adult population, age 18 – 65 years living in the area. In conjunction with other agencies, the team will play a major role in reducing the need for psychiatric hospital admissions and minimising lengths of stay in psychiatric wards.

Community Midwifery

Provide a range of antenatal services within the centre
We have a telephone number for women to make an appointment with a midwife as soon as they know they are pregnant.

The number to call is 0141 347 8422.

We urge all mums-to-be, even those with children already, to book into your local maternity services by week 12 of your pregnancy.

Community Occupational Therapy

Opening Hours

  • Duty Service available Monday to Friday, 9.00am until 12.30pm to accept referrals.

The main purpose of the service is to provide assessments that focus on enabling the person to remain as safe and independent as possible in their own home. The assessment takes account of the service user’s needs and aspirations and the carer’s ability to care for them.

This may include advice and information; suggestions for managing in a different way; redirection to other services or arranging for equipment and minor or major adaptations.

Whilst the service mostly supports adults with physical disabilities, it also has a brief to assist children, adults with learning impairments and mental health problems who are experiencing difficulties because of an environmental barrier.

Community Older People’s Team

General Telephone: 0141 232 8213

Fax: 0141 232 8223

The Rehabilitation Service in place across NHSGGC brings together:

  • Supported Discharge (DART, IRIS, MATCH)
  • Community Physical Disability Teams
  • Community Older People’s Teams

Contact details / telephone numbers for each area:

Glasgow City

  • North East Sector: 0141 201 5950
  • North West Sector: 0141 201 7205
  • South Sector: 0141 232 7174

Acute staff needing to access community rehabilitation services should contact the sector in which their hospital sits.

East Dunbartonshire

East Dunbartonshire have a locally based Community Rehabilitation Team. This service will include GPRR, early supported discharge, domiciliary physiotherapy, community older people’s team and community physical disability team.
The service can be accessed through a Single Point of Access

  • Telephone: 0141 232 8213
  • Fax: 0141 232 8228

West Dunbartonshire

Community rehabilitation services to be accessed via:

  • COPT telephone: 01389 811760
  • CART telephone: 01389 817337


We operate a single point of access for referrals to all community rehabilitation services including the community rehabilitation team and Inverclyde Physical Disability Rehabilitation Team (PDRS). For further information or to make a referral please call 01475 714350.


We operate a Single Point of Access in Renfrewshire and all referrals previously made to Older Adults Community Mental Health Team (OACMHT), Multi Agency for Care at Home Team (M.A.T.C.H), Specialist Nursing Service, Domiciliary Physiotherapy, Adult Speech and Language and Community Physical Disability Service are made through this number 0141 207 7878.

East Renfrewshire

We operate a Single Point of Access in East Renfrewshire. All referrals previously made to the Community Older Person’s Team based in Clarkston or to Levern Valley Older People’s Team based in Barrhead should now be made using the contact details below.

Telephone: 0141 577 3777


Community Rehabilitation Team

Contact information

  • Call: 0141 232 8213
Community Treatment and Care

Telephone Number

  • Call: 0141 304 7408

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday, 8.30am until 4.30pm

Crisis Team

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday, 9.00am until 5.00pm (Appointments are available in the evening by arrangement)

The service provides short-term intensive community based care for people who are experiencing a mental health crisis.

The aims are to provide an alternative to hospital admission where possible, support early discharge from hospital if required and to offer assessment, interventions and support for people in a mental health crisis.


Contact information

  • Torrance: 01360 620526
  • Milngavie: 0141 232 4800

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday, 9.00am until 5.00pm

Specialised Diabetic care and education to all diabetic patients registered with an East Dunbartonshire GP.

Glasgow and Clyde Weight Management Service

A comprehensive service spanning prevention of overweight to pharmacological and surgical treatment of severe and complex obesity. Access appropriate levels through BMI criteria. Specialist clinical services requires GP referral for those with BMI > 35 or > 30 with co morbidities.

Health Improvement

The planning and health improvement team aim to improve health and address inequality.

The team deliver programmes and services on oral health, youth health, tobacco, public health pharmacy, smoking cessation and community nutrition. Other areas of work include joint planning, support for the HSCP’s Public Partnership Forum and leadership for Healthy Working Lives.

Contact information

  • Youth Health and Ourspace: 0141 355 2378
  • Public Partnership Forum: 0141 355 2391
  • Smoking Cessation: 0141 355 2327
  • Food Co-op: 0141 355 2400

Smokefree Services are responsible for a wide range of tobacco projects aimed at reducing the damage from tobacco to people in and around Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

Hearing Aid Battery Replacement Service
Joint Community Learning Disability Team

Contact information

Call: 0141 304 7450

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday, 9.00am until 5.00pm (Out of hours ‘Standby’ for social work service and out of hours services for health are in operation).

This is a joint service between Social Work and Health. It includes a range of health professionals and social worker. The aim of the service is to assist people with a learning disability to live as independently as possible within the community either with their families or in accommodation of their own with whatever support they need.

Park GP Practice

Contact information

  • Contact Telephone: 0141 776 2468
  • General Telephone (Prescriptions): 0141 355 2310
  • Fax: 0141 355 2320
Physical Disability and Sensory Impairment Team

This team provides a service which assesses the needs of young adults (16-65yrs) with a physical disability and offers to assess the needs of their carers. In addition it also provides a service to all young adults and older people with a sensory impairment, and provides the appropriate equipment and services to meet their needs.

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday, 9.00am until 5.00pm (Out of hours ‘Standby’ for social work service and out of hours services for health are in operation).

SI Duty System: Five half days per week i.e. Monday, Wednesday & Fridays – duty phone calls Tuesday and Thursdays – duty home visits. An out-of-hours social work service is available from Glasgow City Council’s Standby Team out of office hours and public holidays


Call: 0141 304 7424

Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9.00am until 4.30pm

Services including

  • Assessment and management of patients with musculoskeletal conditions e.g. back pain, shoulder problems, knee arthritis.
  • Domiciliary physiotherapy for adult housebound patients
  • Specialist physiotherapy for women with continence problems.

Call: 0141 347 8909

To self refer and make an appointment call our Podiatry Appointment Hotline on 0141 347 8909 (Monday – Friday 8.00am – 8.00pm, Saturday 9.00am – 1.00pm) or email

Primary Care Mental Health Team

Call: 0141 232 8203

Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, 9.00am until 5.00pm

The Primary Care Mental Health Team (PCMHT) provides brief evidence based therapeutic and counselling services, to clients who present with mild to moderate mental health problems.

Sandyford Sexual Health Services

Sandyford is the specialist sexual health service for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. All our clinics are appointment only. Find out what services are available at Sandyford and how to use them.

To find out more about our Young Person’s Service.

Sandyford has clinics and venues throughout Glasgow and Clyde.

If you have had unprotected sex and require emergency contraception or PEP, please phone 0141 211 8130.

SPHERE Bladder and Bowel Service

Contact information

  • General Telephone: 0141 232 8203
  • Physio (Lynn Moffat): 0141 304 7424


Opening Hours: Assessments by appointment (Monday to Friday, 8.30am until 4.30pm 0141 304 7400)

Specialised bladder and bowel care advice and assessment of continence garments to people within East Dunbartonshire.

The SPHERE Bladder and Bowel Service provides a professional, caring, confidential and supportive approach to people with bladder or/and bowel symptoms.

The aim of the team is to promote continence by empowering the individual to self manage their symptoms by teaching behavioural and lifestyle changes that can promote bladder and bowel health. To support the individual, the service has two specially trained teams across the city.

These teams include specialist nurses and physiotherapists who can advise and support the individual on improving their bladder or/and bowel symptoms or prevent any deterioration by facilitating and providing rehabilitative treatments.