Dykebar Hospital is located on the outskirts of Paisley. It is the main inpatient facility for treatment for mental health within Renfrewshire and also has another Adult Mental health based Ward in Leverndale hospital, Ward 3B.
The hospital provides acute and continuing care in-patient services for adults aged 16-65 years of age who suffer mental health problems. It also provides similar inpatient services for the elderly mentally ill.
In addition there are outpatient clinics for psychiatry and psychology. There is a day service provision for alcohol problems. The hospital site provides various corporate services.
Further in-patient services for mental health are located within the Royal Alexandra Hospital for both adult and elderly including a day hospital facility for the elderly.
The Adult Community Mental Health Teams are currently located within the Charleston Centre in Paisley and Mile End Mill in Paisley. The Elderly community team is located within Ward 38 Royal Alexandra Hospital.
Getting Here
To maintain the safety of patients, visitors and staff, visiting still needs to be carefully managed. You can find current information and guidance on the Patients, Hospital Appointments and Visiting page or contact the ward or unit directly to discuss visiting arrangements.
Further Information
Adult Mental Health Acute Services
Contact Information
- South Ward: 0141 314 4070
- Ward 3B Leverndale: 0141 211 6586
Adult Mental Health Continuing Care
Contact Information
- Arran and Bute Ward: 0141 314 4066
Alcohol Problems Clinic
Contact Information
- Call: 0141 314 4106
Community Mental Health Team
Contact Information
- Call: 0141 618 5600
- Based in the Charleston Centre, Neilston Road, Paisley
Community Mental Health Team – West Renfrewshire
Contact Information
- Call: 0141 849 2200
Continuing Care for Elderly Mentally III
Contact Information
- North Ward: 0141 314 4050
- East Ward: 0141 314 4060
Outpatient Departments
Contact Information
- Call reception: 0141 314 4281
Contact Information
- Call: 0141 314 5058
Quit Your Way
Contact Information
- Call: 0141 211 6564
Spiritual Care – Chaplaincy
Contact Information
- Call: 0141 314 7365 or 0141 452 3220
- Email: chaplains@ggc.scot.nhs.uk