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Maternity Hospitals And Units

If you’re pregnant and seeking information and advice or need to make arrangements to meet your midwife visit our meet your midwife page.

You can also visit our Maternity Services page to find out more about the services provided across NHSGGC.

Maternity Hospitals

Alongside Midwifery Units

Tel: 0141 211 5400

16 Alexandra Parade
Glasgow, G31 2ER

Tel: 0141 314 7294

(Level 1) Corsebar Road,
Paisley, PA2 9PN

Tel: 0141 202 1100

1345 Govan Rd,
Glasgow G51 4TF

Community Maternity Units

Glasgow Home Birth Team

For lots of families, choosing to birth their baby at home comes with a wide range of benefits and can be the safest place to give birth. There are also circumstances, where birthing within the hospital is advisable due to additional risk factors affecting you, your pregnancy or your baby.

Visit the Glasgow Home Birth Team page to find out more about the team and the service.

Outpatient Maternity Care

West Glasgow Ambulatory Care Hospital – Outpatient Maternity Care

Poplar Community Midwives

  • Call: 0141 201 0141
  • Address: West Glasgow ACH – maternity care centre, Dalnair Street, Yorkhill, G3 8SJ
  • Services provided: scheduled antenatal care, parenthood education and glucose tolerance tests.

New Victoria Hospital

  • Call: 0141 201 6000
  • Address: 55 Grange Road, Glasgow, G42 9LL
  • Services provided: routine antenatal care, parenthood education, and glucose tolerance tests.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I give birth in the CMU if it is my first baby?

If you have a healthy, single pregnancy with no medical or obstetric complications, you can choose to have your baby in the CMU.

Yes. Options for place of birth will be discussed with you at booking and during your pregnancy.

Why may I not be able to give birth at the CMU

The midwives at the CMU consider your and your babies’ health to be of paramount importance and therefore any medical or pregnancy related conditions have to be considered in deciding the best place to have your baby.

What if a complication happens during labour?

Because you have experienced a fit, healthy pregnancy, you are less likely to experience complications, however should the need arise, the highly skilled midwives will manage the situation appropriately and will accompany you to the consultant led unit.

What management strategies can I use during labour?

Midwives find that support offered by them and your birthing partner, in a warm, friendly environment enables you to maintain control of your labour and reduces the need for intervention and drugs.

Who can be with me in the CMU?

Bring with you the one or two people you choose to offer you support at this time.

What pain relief can I have in labour?

There is also a wide range of pain relief.

Midwives find that support offered by them and your birthing partner, in a warm, friendly environment enables you to maintain control of your labour and reduces the need for strong pain relief.