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Video – Helping you live well with pain
Pain Service Physiotherapy

Often when people suffer from chronic pain they find it difficult to be as active as they had been previously. Over time, reduced activity can lead to joint stiffness, muscle weakness and general deconditioning. Often this means that people find it difficult to complete normal daily activities, engage in social situations and participate in hobbies.

Our physiotherapy team can help you to find a level of activity which feels comfortable for you. We will work alongside you to help you feel confident to do more of the things in life which are important and meaningful to you.

Useful Resources
Lorimer Moseley – Tame The Beast
Understanding Pain in less than 5 minutes, and what to do about it!
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Bringing it Together

Exercise Videos
Tai Chi
Let’s Move – Session 1

Patient Feedback

We really value patient feedback to help us continue to improve and develop the physiotherapy service. If you have recently attended pain management physiotherapy then please consider completing this short survey. The information gathered is confidential and helps our team to evaluate the service and address areas for improvement. Thank you.

Feedback Survey: Survey Powered by Webropol (

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Staff Training
AHP Pain Education Session

The AHP Pain Team have seen an increase in requests for in-service training from other services as staff look to increase their knowledge and confidence in managing individuals with chronic pain.  In order to meet those needs in a sustainable way we have developed an AHP Pain Education Programme which offers a number of sessions throughout the year.  Please see attached programme.

Booking for our AHP Pain Education Sessions via MS Teams is now open.

14.15An Overview of The Pain Service
15.00Explaining Chronic Pain to Patients
15.45Occupational Therapy in The Pain Service
SESSION 2 – 30 AUGUST 2023  
14.15What is a pain management programme?
15.00Managing activity in chronic pain.
15.45Managing expectations and the role of pain medication
SESSION 3 – 16 November 2023  
14.15Is it all in my head? – demystifying pain psychology
15.00Personal outcomes and good conversations
15.45Exploring fears of movement