Accurate, effective and accessible information is essential for the provision of high quality services and care. It lies at the centre of successful person-centred healthcare, helping people manage their health and wellbeing, and make fully informed decisions on the healthcare they receive.
People’s ability to understand information can change in different situations and environments. Age, disability, language barriers, cultural differences, low literacy levels and emotional distress can all affect understanding. The Patient Rights (Scotland) Act places a legal obligation on us to ensure that patients are informed and supported to be involved in decisions about their care and treatment.
This guide has been developed to support individuals in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde to create simple, clear and concise information that allows us to meet our legislative requirements and the needs of our patients. In this context, patient information refers to written information such as leaflets, flyers and posters, as well as video and audio recordings.
The production of patient information is governed by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s:
Let’s get started
Please check all existing resources before creating any new patient information. It may be that someone has already developed information on the same or a similar subject, or there may a suitable online resource.
Public Health Resource Directory – an extensive range of booklets, leaflets and posters available to order via our Public Health Resources Directory
Print On The Web – patient information developed by Medical Illustration Services (this resources can only be accessed by NHSGGC staff)
NHS Inform – Scotland’s national health information service
You should be able to evidence:
- the need for a new resource. How has that need been identified?
- engagement with patients, families and carers. How will they would find the information useful?
- funding for the resource. Do you have agreement from a service manager that a resource is required?
- clinical governance input. Have you discussed the new resource with your local group?
- collaborating with colleagues in other localities, sectors or Health Boards
Can the resource can be used GGC-wide, regionally or nationally?
Consider your content carefully, and be clear about the information you want to convey to your target audience. Be sure to explain any instructions in detail, and include facts about risks, side effects and benefits. If you are using any third-party information, make sure you have the correct permissions for use; for example, any text or illustrations used from another source.
It is important that your content is fit for purpose. You should engage with your target audience for feedback; they will be able to tell if what you have written is helpful, clear and answers their questions. Ask your peer group to do the same.
You should review your content against the Patient Information Checklist (pdf). When you are satisfied with your content, and have final agreement from all stakeholders, please complete this form and send this to: with a copy of the information leaflet?
The NHGGGC Web Team provide the following guidance on copyright issues:
Copyright is universal policy which states that anyone who has written or created original material owns it. It cannot be reused in whole or part without written permission from the owner. Copyright applies to text (digital and hard copy), images, audio and video, even if it is in the public domain.
To publish material in part or in full that is not copyright owned by NHSGGC then you must check with the copyright owner. Be cautious when publishing conference presentations or posters and get written consent from the authors to publish such material on any websites.
To use any content taken from online resources for purposes other than non-commercial research, study and teaching, you should read the terms and conditions associated with the use of the digital resource. If there is no information available you should assume that you cannot reuse the resources. (This includes search results from a Google images search for example.)
To find out more about copyright and the training available please contact library staff via
It is essential that patient information produced within NHSGGC meets the quality standards outlined in the Patient Information Management Policy. All patient information will be quality assured with regards Clear to All principles prior to progressing to production.
Clear Language
If you need support or guidance on writing information for patients, please contact the Clear to All team by emailing
Clear Design
Medical Illustration Services provide a free service for the design of all patient information. They can also advise on the most appropriate and cost-effective method of distribution.
Contact: 0141 211 8580 or email
Translation and Accessible Formats
We have a legal obligation to ensure that all patients are communicated with in a way they understand and that best meets their needs, including the use of accessible formats. Consider your target audience to ensure that the needs of equality groups have been taken into consideration.
The Equality and Human Rights Team (EHRT) hold the central budget for translations and other accessible formats. To request information in an alternative format, please download and complete the form and submit for approval (
Urgent requests, such as appointment letters, clinical instructions or health records for a patient in active care, should be emailed directly to the EHRT ( This form does not need to be completed for urgent requests.
If your translation is needed within the next 4 days please send direct to (you will be redirected if Nuzhat is out of the office)
We only translate information that has been produced by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. If you need a translated version of a charity or Public Health Scotland publication, please indicate this on the form.
Insert Statement
A statement has been produced that should be placed in all leaflets. It states the following in English plus the ‘top six’ community languages (currently Polish, Mandarin, Romanian, Arabic, Urdu and Farsi).
‘If you require this information in an accessible format, such as large print or braille, or in a community language, please use the contact details on your patient information leaflet or letter.’
Ordering as an insert
This insert should be included with appointment letters and pre-attendance information posted to the patient, and can be given to patients on attendance at clinics or on admission. It is supported by posters displayed within hospitals and GP surgeries and is also offered on Solus Screens.
The leaflet is available from stock in packs of 100 and can be ordered via the PECOS system or by any method used to order goods from stock (e.g. paper indent). It is available in 2 formats to suit varying distribution methods – as a single sided A5 sheet or as a one-third A4 sheet (compliments slip format) suitable for DL type envelopes.
Order codes are as follows:
- 97106 – Size 1/3 A4 (compliments slip format)
- 97107 – Size A5
Printing the statement within a publication
If you would like to include the statement in your document (as opposed to using an insert), you can use image 1 (portrait) or image 2 (landscape) and adjust to size.
Other formats
This statement is also available in other formats, including words and pictures, audio and British Sign Language.

Please note, interpreters should be used to communicate information which is normally given verbally to English speaking patients; translated materials are for written materials only.
You can get advice on translation and accessible formats from the NHSGGC Equalities and Human Rights Team (0141 201 4560) or email:
Review existing patient information
The NHSGGC Patient Information Policy states that patient information should be reviewed at least every three years. It is the responsibility of both the service and the document owner to ensure that information made available to patients, families and carers within any healthcare setting is accurate and current.
If your information is due for review, you should re-assess its need.
- Is there any new and more relevant information available elsewhere?
- Have you consulted your target audience about the usefulness of the resource?
Changes should only be made to content if they:
- Reflect changes in practice or evidence
- Correct factual inaccuracies
- Improve or enhance the users understanding
- Reflect feedback from users
Remember to check that all addresses, phone numbers and external web links are correct.
When you are satisfied with your content, and have final agreement from all stakeholders, please complete this form and send this to: with a copy of the existing document.
Your amendments will be quality assured in relation to Clear to All Principles before progressing to production.
Document and Resources
Contact Us
If you need support or guidance on writing information for patients, please contact the Clear to All team at: