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Hospital based money advice services

Patients accessing our hospitals can access impartial and confidential help and support from one of our dedicated money advice partnership services.

As a result of the cost of living crisis more people are now finding it harder to make ends meet. Furthermore, a change in personal circumstances such as a change in health status, bereavement, birth of a new child, relationship breakdown or loss of employment can lead to money worries for a person or a household.

Our staff can refer patients, or patients may self-refer to one of the ‘Money Advice and Financial Inclusion’ partnership services listed below. Please note the referral form can be used for all sites listed, apart from the Royal Children’s Hospital. Dedicated assistance on a range of issues can also be obtained from our hospital Support and Information Services.

List of services

Money Advice and Financial Inclusion Services

The list below shows which services are available for our different hospital sites. The services are fully confidential and can assist with a wide range of issues including social security benefits, charitable support and grants, debts and various other elements of financial wellbeing.

Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre – Working 4U West Dunbartonshire


Glasgow Royal Infirmary – GEMAP Money Advice Service


Glasgow Royal Infirmary – Homeless Hospital Outreach Service


Inverclyde Royal Hospital – Inverclyde Advice First


New Stobhill Hospital – Citizens Advice Hospital Partnership Service


New Stobhill Hospital – Homeless Hospital Outreach Service


New Victoria Hospital – Citizens Advice Hospital Partnership Service


Queen Elizabeth University Hospital – GEMAP Money Advice Service


Queen Elizabeth University Hospital – Homeless Hospital Outreach Service


Royal Alexandra Hospital – Renfrewshire Advice Works


Royal Hospital for Children


Vale of Leven District General Hospital – Citizens Advice Partnership


DWP Hospital Helpline

Working Age Patients (18-67) from GGC Hospitals who wish to contact the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) now have the option of direct access to advice and support. This will enable immediate access to an Advisor, without waiting in the call queue for the national helpline. It will also enable much quicker resolutions for clients.

The helpline can be used to discuss benefits, appointments, appointees or any other DWP related enquiries.

Please note the Helpline Advisors are unable to take new benefit claims and cannot answer queries on Personal Independent Payment or any Scottish Government Benefits. Please contact staff from the DWP between the hours: 10.00am and 2.00pm Monday to Friday

On any of the following numbers:

Jacky Kean: 07920812160

Laura Ferguson: 07388852348

Gordon Wallace: 07788708753

Social Security Scotland Hospital Service

People diagnosed with a new health condition, or parents with a child who needs to attend hospital as an inpatient or outpatient, may be newly entitled to certain benefits.

At present the benefits system in Scotland is administered by both the Department of Work and Pensions and Social Security Scotland.

NHSGGC have a partnership with Social Security Scotland to support patients in New Stobhill and the Queen Elizabeth University Hospitals. The service can assist with applications for Adult Disability Payment, or any benefits administered by Social Security Scotland. For more information, please contact the hospital Support and Information Services.

Information on Child Disability Payment, Scottish Child Payment and Best Start Grant and Foods and a range of carer’s benefits can be found on the Social Security Scotland website: SSS – Benefits.

Help with Hospital Costs

Help with hospital travel costs

Help with travel and subsistence costs for visiting a young person in hospital: Young Patients Family Fund –

  1. The Hospital Travel Costs scheme is for hospital only appointments and is for people with a low income or on certain benefits including Universal Credit. There are criteria for the type of transport reimbursed. The claimant must pay first then can get a refund from the cash office in the hospital. For more information on hospital transport, travel and parking, please visit: Transport, Travel and Parking – Information for Patients and Visitors – NHSGGC.
  2. Young Patients Family Fund covers travel and subsistence costs for those who have family members who are in-patients in hospitals.
  3. Patient Transport Service for patients who have a medical condition or mobility need that requires ambulance transport to get to their healthcare appointment. The service is available to take patients to and from pre-arranged hospital appointments, or for admission and discharge to hospital.
  4. There is a National Entitlement Card for people with disabilities who are entitled to have a companion travel with them on the same journey. Companion travel is charged at a reduced rate. To apply call SPT on 0141 333 3211 or Concessions | SPT | Strathclyde Partnership for Transport.
  5. The MyBus scheme provides a drop off and pick up service for those accessing health appointments – MyBus | SPT | Strathclyde Partnership for Transport. Please note that there is currently a reduced and restricted service.
  6. There is the National Young Persons’ Free Bus Travel scheme, support may be required to access this, it’s for all children and young people aged 5-22 in Scotland.

    For children aged 5-10 years application can be made at parentsportal
    For applications aged 11-21 years applications can be made at
    Libraries can help with the application and verification of evidence, they can also advise on those already with/eligible for a Young Scot card. There is support available through schools also.