This programme aims to develop the regional and national services currently offered by the Institute of Neurological Sciences (INS) situated on the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Campus in Glasgow.
As part of the programme some of the buildings will be refreshed or replaced to ensure that we continue to offer world leading person centred care.
What we are planning
We have published our Initial Agreement, which was approved in March 2023, outlining issues with the current service configuration and developed a long list of outline options.
Throughout 2023 and early 2024, the NHSGGC project team working on the INS redevelopment will develop the next stage of the business case to identify a preferred option.
To achieve this we will host workshops and meetings, engaging with a range of patients, service users and their families, staff and other professionals, Third sector groups, and other people across Scotland to:
- develop SMART objectives based on the high level Strategic Objectives outlined in the Initial Agreement
- Identify the preferred option for the redevelopment through an option appraisal process
- Provide regular progress updates
If you would like to be involved or find out more please go to our Contact Us page to complete our Contact Form.
Latest Updates
Initial Agreement Approved by Scottish Gov
Scottish Government has approved our Initial Agreement and confirmed support for the first phase of the Outline Business Case – identification of the preferred option.
Contact Us
Engaging with patients, staff and the public is a key priority for INS Redevelopment.
Throughout the project there will be many opportunities for patients, their family members, NHS staff and the general public to get involved.
To register your interest in becoming a member of a group, providing feedback on the project, or to join our email distribution list (to be kept up to date about latest news and opportunities to get involved), click the button below and complete the form.
Alternatively, you can email the Patient Experience and Public Involvement Team at
History of the INS
The Institute of Neurological Sciences (INS) was opened in 1974, and originally consisted of four services over three buildings:
- Neurology
- Neurosurgery
- Neurophysiology
- Neuro Critical Care
Since then, services have expanded and now include the Queen Elizabeth National Spinal Injuries Unit, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Neurorehabilitation, and treatments for a range of neurological conditions supported by the West of Scotland Short Stay and Day Treatment service.
From four services across three buildings, the INS now provides over 20 interlinked clinical services across seven buildings.
The specialist services provided by the Institute of Neurological Sciences support the local, regional and national populations of Scotland.
Local and Regional services cover 2.25 – 2.75 million people, with national services covering 5.5 million people.
Our services treat over 16,000 inpatient and day cases per year as well as providing over 50,000 outpatient appointments.
The INS is the largest Neurosciences centre in Scotland, providing two-thirds of NHS Scotland’s specialist neurosciences beds.
Project Background – Why the INS is changing
The services within the Institute of Neurological Sciences (INS) have undergone significant changes over recent years, with new and improved technologies and increased number of services.
The redevelopment of the INS will provide opportunities to:
- enable new ways of working
- implement advancing technology
- provide safer environments for patient care
- develop a sustainable estate that addresses the NHSGGC Board and Scottish Governments’ carbon reduction targets
- continue to attract and retain world-leading staff
- progress the development of an International Centre of Excellence for Neurological Sciences
Ensuring the Institute of Neurological Sciences continues to deliver world class services and treatments to the population of Scotland for years to come.
What we’ve done so far
Over the last few years NHSGGC has been working on the Initial Agreement which confirms the need for change for the Institute of Neurological Sciences (INS).
Through a series of workshops with patients, staff and Third sector organisations the project team has:
- Reviewed and benchmarked the existing facilities
- Produced a high level design statement which can be viewed in our design section
- Identified high level benefits and merits of the project
This resulted in the submission of the Initial Agreement to the Scottish Government Health Directorate Capital Investment Group which was approved in March 2023. The Initial Agreement can be found in our document library section.
NHSGGC has now begun working on outlining the preferred option for the redevelopment of the Institute of Neurological Sciences.
Project Team
The project team comprises a range of non clinical and clinical staff from NHSGGC including Service and Capital Planning representatives.

Arwel Williams
Senior Responsible Officer/Director of South Sector

Susan Walker
Project General Manager

Fiona Warnock-Greer
Senior Project Manager

Alastair Reid
Project Manager
With input from key stakeholders including patients, third sector, clinical and non-clinical staff, an initial design statement was developed in 2021 to support the redevelopment of the Institute of Neurological Sciences.
The design statement is a key briefing document used to enhance the design process and ensure project objectives are achieved.
The statement was supported by Architecture & Design Scotland and Health Facilities Scotland.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How long will it take to decide the preferred option?
The NHSGGC project team are working though the first phase of the programme will run throughout 2023 into early 2024 to establish which option should be taken forward for redevelopment.
How can I find out more information on the project?
You can get in touch with us by completing the contact form. Throughout the programme there will be opportunity to get involved in workshops and to be kept up to date with recent developments.