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Home > Hospitals And Services > Services A to Z > Musculoskeletal (MSK) Physiotherapy > Waiting Times Update

Waiting Times Update

 It is difficult to give exact waiting time, but we know from your feedback that a ‘rough guide’ would be helpful.

The exact time you will wait may vary from this guide and will be affected by holidays, staff sickness, maternity leave, vacancies, the Covid backlog and the ongoing demand for our Physiotherapy service.

We do our very best to keep this wait as short as possible, while still delivering the highest quality service.  

This month, the average waiting time for a routine MSK Physiotherapy appointment is approximately 14 weeks.  

This guide is updated monthly and we respectfully ask you not to attend in person at local departments to inquire about it.

Once you reach the top of the waiting list, we will send a letter asking you to contact our booking centre to arrange an appointment should you still require Physiotherapy.  

In the meantime, you can get  advice and information to help your muscle, back or joint problems from our own MSK Physiotherapy Website or NHS inform : Muscle, bone and joint injuries / problems | NHS inform