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Provides links and information to SPHERE assessment and product ordering documentation. As well as other useful information.

SPHERE Assessment and Ordering Paperwork

Care Home Monthly Resident and Stock Level Returns Forms, MUST be completed each month & submitted before your run number deadline to ensure you receive your pad order in time.

Assessment paperwork must be completed for any new resident who is deemed incontinent and requiring pads, or for any existing resident whose current products are no longer suitable and require re-assessment.  

Initial assessments must be completed by a trained nurse; this should be the care home nurse or the local community nurse if the care home has no trained nurse.  Care Home documents/ paperwork can be found below.

Statement of Case Forms should only be completed for a resident if you feel there is a clinical requirement for a product which is not on the NHSGGC Adult Community Core Formulary. In this instance, you are required to complete and submit all 4 parts of the standard assessment paperwork as well as the Statement of Case Form and the Aide Memoir.


Relevant Documents

Tools to Support Assessment
NHSGGC Product Formulary
Useful Information
Contact SPHERE Bladder and Bowel Service
Staff Training /Education

Face to face staff training can also be arranged with in your care home. Please contact SPHERE for further details.

TEAM’s Incontinence Pad Training Dates

Ontex Knowledge Hub Use password: UKhub1234 to access product information (please be aware not all products are available via the NHS) fitting guides and videos.