This zone is intended to provide information, advice and education for all Health and Social Care professionals to support them in providing the best bladder and bowel care to their patients and service users.
SPHERE Ordering Paperwork for Incontinence Pads
PRF (Patient Requirement Form) – This form must be completed for any patient you complete a pad assessment or re-assessment for.
Statement of Case Form should be completed for a patient that there is a clinical requirement for a product which is not on the NHSGGC Adult Community Core Product List.
All completed paperwork should be submitted via email to
Tools to Support Assessment
- RCN Catheter Care 2021
- RCN Bowel Care 2019
- NICE Guideline on Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Men 2010
- SIGN 160 Management of Suspected Bacterial Lower Urinary Tract Infection in Adult Women 2020
- NICE Guidelines Urinary Incontinence and Pelvic Organ Prolapse in Women 2019
- NHSGGC Constipation Management 2023 Community Nursing
- NICE Guideline on Suspected Cancer – Recognition and Referral 2015
- NICE Guideline on Colorectal Cancer 2020
- Promoting Continence In Those Living With Dementia
- Promotion of continence and management of bowel dysfunction
Products & Formularies
Can’t find what you are looking for?
- Call: 0141 531 8612
- Email:
Regular training and education will be advertised here for all health and social care staff to join and access.
TEAM’s Community Continence Assessment for nurses with CNIS access
TEAM’s Incontinence Pad Training Dates