NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) is committed to continually maintaining a fair, inclusive and safe workplace where all staff feel respected and valued.
As part of this, we are pleased to confirm that we are now working towards Equally Safe at Work accreditation.
Equally Safe at Work is a programme developed by Close The Gap that supports employers to advance gender equality and prevent violence against women.
It also encourages employers to take into account women’s different experiences in the workplace.
We know that gender equality is essential for a positive and productive workplace culture and we want everyone employed by NHSGGC to feel empowered to reach their full potential.
Through Equally Safe at Work, we are aiming to tackle sexual harassment, address inequalities and advance gender equality, and prevent gender based violence.
This approach follows the launch of our Cut It Out programme earlier this year.
Cut It Out makes clear our zero tolerance approach to sexual harassment and encourages those who’ve experienced or witnessed it to recognise and report it.
Both programmes reaffirm our commitment to our core values of care and compassion and dignity and respect, and build on our existing policies on Gender Based Violence and Equality, Diversity and Human Rights.
For more information about Equally Safe at Work, please visit www.equallysafeatwork.scot
Supported by:
Jane Grant, Chief Executive and Anne MacPherson, Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development