NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde has officially signed up more than 650 newly qualified nurses and midwives as part of this year’s intake.
The vast majority come from universities across the West of Scotland and have studied Adult Nursing, Children’s Nursing, as well as Mental Health and Learning Disability Nursing. Smaller numbers come from further afield in Scotland and from England.
The nurses will be working across all NHSGGC hospitals, and in the community across all six HSCP areas.
Dr Margaret McGuire, Director of Nursing for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, said: “Given the extra demands of this year, many of our newly qualified nurses have already been working with us as healthcare assistants and I would like to thank them for that.
“This new cohort of nurses and midwives marks a significant and unique recruitment of graduates and just like last year, reflects one of the most important periods in our history. They bring a wealth of additional experience gained during a very testing time in the NHS.
“Their skills and experience will be invaluable in supporting us in our response to COVID-19 as we move into a second winter. They have joined us at a time like no other and their experience will stand them in great stead in their careers as they move into their chosen specialisms within healthcare.”
The newly qualified graduates will strengthen the existing 13,082 qualified nurses and midwives to deliver high quality person-centred care to more than one million people across Greater Glasgow and Clyde.
One of the new nurses is Manpreet Kaur Singh who is 32 years old and from Cumbernauld. Known as Manny, she is in her second week as a Band 5 nurse in Glasgow Royal Infirmary’s Ward 65.
A graduate of Glasgow Caledonian University, this is Manny’s second venture into a nursing career.
She said: ”I left school at 16 and had always wanted to be a nurse, but probably lacked the confidence at that time. After doing a computer course I did start nursing training for a while, but dropped out after a negative experience.
“But the urge to be a nurse never left me and for years my family and friends were on at me to go back to it. I did an entry course then studied at Caledonian and never looked back.
“My first day in the ‘blue uniform’ was a bit daunting. I realised then I was no longer a student but a fully qualified nurse.”
Manny has since settled into her role and is greatly enjoying her time on Ward 65, a surgical ward.
She said: “It’s an amazing team. I spent my second last placement there and was so happy when I found out that’s where I will be based. There’s no such thing as a stupid question and everyone is so supportive. The Royal is such a great hospital; our patients get great care.”
One part of the job she knows she will find tough is when her patient doesn’t make it. As a student nurse Manny experienced this and she learned a lot from it.
“As a student you get more time to spend with patients and get to know them well. The most important thing is to be supportive for the family and remain professional, but I know it’s ok to go and have a wee cry in a cupboard too. We are only human after all.
“I am so excited about being a nurse and seeing what my career holds. It’s definitely the job for me and I can’t be prouder. I can’t believe I am actually here; it’s so exciting. I am looking forward to seeing how I grow as a nurse.”
Dr McGuire added: ““I want to thank all our nurses and midwives for their professionalism, dedication and kindness to the people they care for and would remind them to look after themselves and their colleagues as well.”