The NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Birth Register shows that its midwives have cared for 12,079 women giving birth between the 1st of January 2023 and 16th of November 2023.
A total of 178 of these were multiple births and the data also shows that the busiest month for births was July (1195 births). The average weight for babies born in Greater Glasgow and Clyde was seven pounds and two ounces, with the heaviest baby weighing in at over 11 pounds.
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde has released this data in line with the launch of its online registration for maternity services. Anyone in the Greater Glasgow and Clyde area that is expecting a baby is encouraged to jump online to www.nhsggc.scot/meetyourmidwife as soon as they can in their pregnancy to register for their first midwife appointment.
Previously women would need to call the Central Booking Office phone line to register. While this line will remain active, the option of being able to do so online, any time you wish, will further increase accessibility to the service.

Director of Midwifery for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Dr Mary Ross-Davie said:
“When expecting a baby, registering for your first midwife appointment should be one of the first things that a pregnant woman does. One of the best things you can do for you & your baby is to make sure you meet your midwife early – this helps us get you the right advice, support & care, including tests and scans at the right time. By going digital with our registration process, we’re becoming more easily accessible and hope to encourage more women to reach out to us as soon as they find out that they’re pregnant.”
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde maternity services are made up of six maternity hospitals and units, Princess Royal Maternity, Royal Alexandra Maternity, Queen Elizabeth Maternity, Inverclyde Community Maternity, Royal Alexandra Community Maternity and Vale of Leven Community Maternity, as well as our homebirth & community based midwifery services.