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Non-Executive Member

Councillor Robert Moran is appointed as a non-executive member of the Board from 22nd July 2024 until 30th April 2027. He is a former Provost of Inverclyde and current Inverclyde Council elected member representing Ward 2 Inverclyde East Central and is the Chair of the Inverclyde Integrated Joint Board (IJB) – the organisation that oversees local health and social care functions delegated to it by the Inverclyde Council and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde health board and delivered by Inverclyde Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP). He is also chair of the General Purposes Board, the Council’s civic licensing regulatory board.

Robert was first elected as a councillor in 1994 and served for two years. He was re-elected in 2003 and has served continuously since then. He was Provost of Inverclyde from 2012 until 2017.

Robert is a former Convener of Health and Social Care and was a Children’s Panel member for a number of years, also serving as Inverclyde’s representative on the Area Support Team, which provides support to the Panel. He also previously served as Convener of the Council’s Safe, Sustainable Communities Committee, served on the Strathclyde Police and Fire boards for eight years, was a member of COSLA Executive Committees for nine years, and was also the council’s Health Champion.

Prior to entering politics, Robert worked as a fabricator and steelwork supervisor on oil rigs and in shipyards.

Other information

Expenses claims

Information to be added.


Information to be added.

Register of interest

Trustee, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Endowment Fund

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Non-Executive Member

Karen Turner became a member of the Board on 1st July 2024.

Karen has over 40 years’ experience working in health, including as Director of Mental Health for NHS England (2015 – 2018) where she oversaw a new plan and funding for the expansion of mental health services in England.

Karen has had different roles in the NHS, in the prevention of poor health and in health policy, and particularly enjoys working with patient partners, with staff, local councils and research academics to deliver effective and compassionate care to patients.

Karen is a lay trustee and Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. She is Chair of Strength and Learning through Horses, which offers equine therapy and education to young people facing disadvantage.

Other information

Expenses claims

No expense claims have been declared.


No hospitality declared

Register of interest

No interests declared.

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Non-Executive Member

Libby Cairns became a member of the Board on 1st July 2024.

Libby has 30 years’ career experience dedicated to working in the public and third sectors. She is a former Chief Executive of a not-for-profit organisation.

Libby has extensive experience in governance, leadership, financial strategy, formulating and implementing strategic plans and priorities, delivering a people focused service and working collaboratively within a multi-agency environment.

Libby is a qualified CIPFA accountant and a LLB Strathclyde University graduate. She has a BA in Business Economics and a post graduate qualification in Mediation and Conflict Resolution.

Other information

Expenses claims

No expense claims have been declared.


No hospitality declared

Register of interest

Trustee – NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Endowments Fund

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Non-Executive Member

Lesley-Ann McDonald became a member of the Board on 1st July 2024.

Lesley-Ann graduated from Glasgow University in 1989 and worked in private practice in Glasgow before moving to the public sector as a solicitor for the then Comhairle nan Eilean in 1993. During her career in the Western Isles, she acquired further skills in governance, corporate policy and community planning and was involved in the establishment of health and social care partnerships.

Since retiring in 2018 Lesley-Ann has volunteered with Clydesdale Foodbank and has been a Board member of Clydesdale Housing Association since 2022. In these roles she has gained insight to the difficulties faced by the most vulnerable in society as well as the impact of positive interventions such as the provision of good quality affordable housing.

Other information

Expenses claims

No expense claims have been declared.


No hospitality declared

Register of interest

Non Executive Board Member, NHS Lanarkshire

Chair, South Lanarkshire IJB

Member, East Dunbartonshire IJB

Member, West Dunbartonshire IJB

Trustee, NHS Greater Glasgow and  Clyde Endowment Fund

Management Committee Member, Clydesdale Housing Association

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Non-Executive Board Member

Cath Cooney is appointed as a non-executive board member from 1st July 2024 until 30th June 2028.

Cath brings many years of experience from senior programme and policy leadership roles across the public sector, public health, inequalities-sensitive practice, health and social care, as well as the voluntary sector in Scotland and the UK. 

From her first role as an NHS Medical Laboratory Scientist, she has since held leadership positions across the NHS, and community and third sectors with a particular focus on working in partnership to address the causes and consequences of inequalities, fostering community and stakeholder engagement, and strengthening the voice of lived experience. 

She recently completed her term as a member of the Advisory Board for Safer Gambling of Great Britain with a focus on public health and lived experience-informed approaches to addressing gambling harms.

Cath currently works independently in supporting leadership development and strengthening capabilities in systems change. 

Other information

Expenses claims

No expense claims have been declared.


No hospitality declared

Register of interest

Interim Head of Strategic Planning, Sustainable Shipping Innovation

Board Member, Advisory Board for Safer Gambling, Gambling Commission

Managing Director and Founder, Cath Cooney Consulting

Director, Scottish Leadership Foundation

Associate Director, The Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland

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Non-Executive Member

Brian Auld became a member of the Board on 1st July 2024.

Brian is a Chartered Environmental Health Officer and registered safety professional, and is currently Head of Health, Safety and Sustainability at Scottish Canals. He brings over 20 years’ regulatory, enforcement, and assurance experience gained within the public and third sectors across different industries in Scotland.

Brian was one of the first Inspectors appointed during the creation of the Healthcare Environment Inspectorate (HEI) and was responsible for the inspection of NHS services and the regulation of private healthcare. He is the former Director of Professional Development with the Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland (REHIS) and Head of Safety, Risk and Compliance with the Church of Scotland General Trustees.

Brian is passionate about continuous improvement, organisational governance and risk management and looks forward to bringing his experience to Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board as the Whistleblowing Champion member.

Other information

Expenses claims

No expense claims have been declared.


No hospitality declared

Register of interest

Head of Health, Safety and Sustainability, Scottish Canals

Trustee and Council Member, The Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland (REHIS)

Trustee, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Endowment Fund

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Non-Executive Member

Martin Cawley became a member of the Board on 1st July 2024.

Martin has worked in the health and social care sector for around 40 years. A learning disability nurse by profession, Martin worked in the NHS for the earlier part of his career before joining the third sector.

Martin has held senior positions in the voluntary sector as Director of Services with Quarriers and spent eight years as CEO of Turning Point Scotland. He also spent three years as Director for Scotland at the National Lottery Community Fund.

In his most recent role, Martin was CEO of Beatson Cancer Charity for five years. During his career he has held a number of non-executive roles and been involved in various national working groups and umbrella organisations.

Other information

Expenses claims

No expense claims have been declared.


No hospitality declared

Register of interest

No interests declared.

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The NHSGGC Watch Your Waste campaign aims to help raise awareness of following the correct waste procedures to both staff and patients on our sites across NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

Watch Your Waste Facts and Aims

  • It costs over 3 times more to dispose of orange waste than general waste.
  • Reducing contamination of orange waste by just 10 percent would be equivalent to planting almost 1,700 trees.
  • Up to 50% of the contents of the average orange bag is not clinical waste.
  • Promote correct waste segregation to reduce our carbon footprint and associated financial costs.

If we act on the above and put hospital waste in the correct bin we will help save money and the planet.

Waste Types and Segregation

One of the main aims of this campaign is to ensure staff and patients know what bins they should be using depending on the types of waste that they are disposing.

Orange Bins – Clinical Waste

Examples of what can go in orange bins

  • Contaminated PPE
  • Potentially infectious waste
  • Dressings
  • Swabs
  • Any residual liquids that are gelled

Examples of what can’t go in orange bins

  • Sharps or metals
  • Uncontaminated paper towels
  • Linen
  • Packaging and recyclates

Orange Bin Waste Segregation Diagram

Black Bins – Residual Waste

Examples of what can go in black bins

  • Coffee cups
  • Uncontaminated paper towels
  • Empty packaging for drinks, crisps and polystyrene
  • Uncleaned containers and food waste

Examples of what can’t go in black bins

  • Sharps
  • Potentially infectious waste
  • Glass or recyclates
  • Linen

Black Bin Waste Segregation Diagram

Clear Bins – Recycling Waste

Examples of what can go in clear recycling bins

  • Metal
  • Plastic
  • Paper
  • Cardboard

Examples of what can’t go in clear recycling bins

  • Glass
  • Food
  • Black bin/waste products
  • Orange Bin/waste products
  • Linen waste products

Recycling Waste Segregation Diagram

Watch Your Waste Awareness Posters

Click the below posters to view and download for printing and use on NHSGGC sites.

Further Waste Resources for Staff

NHSGGC’s innovative approach

NHSGGC is committed to taking an innovative approach to driving out waste, delivering year-on-year reductions in cost and volumes.

NHSGGC delivers healthcare services across a wide portfolio of settings, resulting in the production of a correspondingly broad range of wastes.

We are responsible for adhering to the waste hierarchy as far as is reasonably practicable, enacting a waste minimisation strategy and implementing circular economy principles.

In the workplace, a large variety of wastes are produced; these can be classified broadly into the following six ‘core’ waste streams:

  1. Healthcare (including clinical) waste – waste produced as a direct result of healthcare activities which may pose a risk of infection and/or is medicinally contaminated;
  2. Other (non-healthcare) special wastes – waste with hazardous characteristics produced from support (non-healthcare) activities, such as paints, batteries, and waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE);
  3. Source-segregated Recyclates – glass, paper, card, plastics, metals, and other metals suitable for recycling;
  4. Construction waste – Minor Estates and capital projects works;
  5. Food waste – unwanted food from patients, staff, and visitors of the site;
  6. Residual waste – the fraction of waste that remains once all special waste, recyclates and food have been removed at source. This is typically described as ‘black bag’, ‘domestic’ or municipal waste.
Waste Segregation – LearnPro module

NHSGGC is committed to implementing best practice when it comes to waste segregation. Every waste type produced within a healthcare facility will require a different disposal method with different costs and GHG emissions.

The new module on Waste Segregation is now available to staff on the LearnPro platform. This covers the different waste streams, colour-code segregation system, legal compliance and best practices and helps ensure the safety of all staff involved in waste disposal procedures.

The Waste Segregation Module can be accessed by going to LearnPro and searching for GGC: 310 Waste Segregation under Specialist Subjects or simply by clicking on the link below. 

Global Recycling Day

On the 18th of March we celebrated Global Recycling Day to raise a global awareness of recycling and reducing waste in our environment. Recycling means that there is less waste buried on our landfill and it ensures the protection of wildlife and ecosystem.

Reasons you should recycle more

  1. Reduces the likelihood of environmental harm
  2. Saves energy
  3. Prevents pollution
  4. Reduces landfill disposal
  5. Creates economic benefits
  6. Saves natural resources

By improving our recycling we can keep our environment clean and protect our health.

Guidance Material and Posters

The Waste Team is continuing to invest in the development of visual material (e.g., toolbox talks, guidance posters, bin lid stickers) to help staff, patients and visitors to make the best decision when it comes to segregating waste correctly.

The materials displayed below are available for staff and can be ordered via Medical Illustration by providing the mi code located in the lower right corner. We recommend you contact the Waste Team before ordering any material in case it is already available for you.

Waste Campaign Posters

Waste Segregation Policy 2023



Dr Lesley Thomson KC joined NHSGGC from NHS Lanarkshire where she served on the Board for 5 years as a Non-Executive Director and Vice Chair.

Lesley had a long career in Law and was the Solicitor General for Scotland from 2011 to 2016. Prior to that, she worked as a Procurator Fiscal in many locations across Scotland including serving as Area Procurator Fiscal in Glasgow. In 2016 she was awarded an honorary Doctor of Law by the University of Glasgow.

Lesley’s previous Non-Executive career includes sport on the Board at Scottish Rugby and Education as a Lay Governor at Glasgow Caledonian University.

Her other former roles include Commissioner of the Northern Lighthouse Board and member of the BBC audience council.

Lesley has wide ranging experience of strategy development, leadership and collaborative working with partners across the public and third sectors. She is committed to putting people at the heart of the NHS and contributing to improving lives in the Greater Glasgow and Clyde area.

Other information

Expenses claims

No expenses claimed.


No hospitality declared.

Register of interest

Organisation: Scotland Committee EHRC
Position held: Member

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Portrait image of Dr Becky Metcalfe, Non-Executive Board Member
Portrait image of Dr Becky Metcalfe, Non-Executive Board Member

Non-Executive Member


Dr Becky Metcalfe is a Consultant in Sexual Health & HIV Medicine and has worked for NHS GGC since 2007, bringing a wealth of frontline clinical experience to the Board.

Becky is passionate about improving health inequalities and is an expert in HIV prevention and management in women, people who inject drugs and those who experience homelessness. She has experience in leading service redesign to improve the quality of clinical services delivered across NHSGGC and will continue to champion this in her new role.

Becky also has medical management experience and is enthusiastic about upholding the Board corporate objectives including, ‘Better Workplace’. She was elected to a trustee role on the British HIV Association (BHIVA) Executive Committee in 2020.

Other information

Expenses claims

No expense claims have been declared.


No hospitality declared

Register of interest

Consultant in Sexual Health and HIV Medicine, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Director, PEM Propert Ltd

Director, RR Metcalfe Ltd

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