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    ❄️ 🐧It's that time of year again🐧 ❄️ With summer behind us and temperatures beginning to drop, we're urging people to keep safe and healthy in cold and icy weather – and we’ve enlisted the p-p-p-perfect companion to help us. Petey the Penguin will be giving advice on preventing falls and slips, as well as general health and wellbeing tips throughout autumn and winter.Find out more about Petey, and keeping yourself safe and well, at: #PeteythePenguin #Winterhealth See MoreSee Less
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    Your media relations officers have extensive experience dealing with the media and must be the first point of contact for all media enquiries to NHSGGC. Please speak to the team before contacting the media and direct any media enquiries to the team should they contact you first.

    The team of five provide a 24-hour, seven-day-a-week media relations service which includes:

    • Briefing journalists and editorial contacts on key issues
    • Developing media strategies and action plans to support the delivery of key NHSGGC initiatives
    • Increasing ‘positive’ reporting of the organisation. 

    They produce media releases and prepare statements in response to any media enquiries. They are also responsible for media campaigns, new service launches, and preparing appropriate staff for media interviews. 

    Other skills include video reporting, video editing production, media analytics, crisis communications.  

    They’re always keen to share your good news stories, so please get in touch to see how they can help you and your department secure the positive media coverage you deserve.

    Browse or search all our Agendas, Papers and Minutes from our Interim Board meetings.

    If you are looking for the regular Board meeting documents, please go to NHSGGC Board Meeting Agendas, Papers & Minutes.

    Board Meeting Agendas, Papers & Minutes

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      Michelle Wailes

      Non-Executive Member

      Michelle Wailes is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, with over 18 years’ experience in the professional and financial services industries and the public sector.  

      She started her career with PricewaterhouseCoopers, working in the Government and Public Sector team.  During this time she was engaged on the delivery of statutory audit services, internal audit services and specialist advisory projects across a wide range of Public Sector Bodies in Scotland and the South East of England.  

      She then spent 10 years working at the Clydesdale and Yorkshire Bank Group where she gained extensive experience in internal audit, risk and corporate governance.  

      Michelle Wailes is currently a Board Member and Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee at Scottish Canals, and a member of the Police Investigations and Review Commissioner Audit and Accountability Committee.

      Other information

      Expenses claims

      No expense claims have been declared.


      No hospitality declared

      Register of interest

      Board Member, Scottish Canals

      Board Member and Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee, SQA

      Member of the Audit and Accountability Committee, Police Investigations and Review Commissioner

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      Charles Vincent

      Non-Executive Member


      Charles Vincent is appointed as a non-executive member from 1st February 2020 until 31st May 2025.

      Charles is a highly experienced corporate board member, working in highly regulated industries and their accompanying governance.

      He has also been a Children’s Hearing Scotland panel member for a number of years making complex decisions about the futures of vulnerable children in partnership with the various agencies involved in their lives.

      He brings to the board his vast experience of developing high performance cultures that are able to continuously improve through supportive self-analysis. This includes managing the complex disagreements that inevitably occur when there are conflicting priorities within an organisation.

      Charles Vincent has lived his whole life in Glasgow and is committed to ensuring that its residents get the very best healthcare possible.

      Other information

      Expenses claims

      No expense claims have been declared.


      No hospitality declared

      Register of interest

      Managing Director, Life Enhancing Automation Ltd

      Director, Young’s Hospitality Ltd

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      Dr Lesley Rousselet

      Non-Executive Member


      Dr Lesley Rousselet is appointed as a non-executive board member from 1st July 2021 until 30th June 2023.

      Lesley works as a community based, independent prescribing optometrist, having qualified in Optometry from Aston University in 1996, with a PhD in Vision Sciences in 2013.

      Within NHSGGC, she currently holds the position of Chair of the Area Clinical Forum.

      Dr Lesley Rousselet is joint Programme Director for Optometry in NHS Education for Scotland, and is driven by a passion for accessible and excellent patient care.

      Other information

      Expenses claims

      No expense claims have been declared.


      No hospitality declared

      Register of interest

      Programme Director Optometry, NHS Education for Scotland

      Locum Support, Locum Optometry Supply

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      Ketki Miles

      Non-Executive Member


      Ketki Miles is appointed as a non-executive board member from 1st June 2020 until 31st May 2024.

      Ketki has 32 years’ experience working for a global financial services organisation.

      She has worked in a wide range of senior leadership roles in the UK, Europe, Asia and the US, with experience in working with diverse and dispersed teams.

      Ketki brings strengths in operational leadership, strategy, and change management.

      She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science.

      Ketki Miles has an appreciation of the challenges the NHS faces nationally and in Greater Glasgow and Clyde and is looking forward to making a contribution.

      Other information

      Expenses claims

      No expense claims have been declared.


      No hospitality declared

      Register of interest

      No interests declared.

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      Professor Iain McInnes

      Non-Executive Member


      Professor Iain McInnes is appointed as a non-executive board member from 1st April 2021 until 31st March 2025.

      Iain is Vice Principal and Head of the College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, Muirhead Chair of Medicine and Versus Arthritis Professor of Rheumatology at the University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom. He is also Director of the Versus Arthritis Centre of Excellence for Inflammatory Arthritis, led from Glasgow and including Universities of Oxford, Newcastle, and Birmingham.

      He is immediate past chairman of the FOREUM (Foundation for European Rheumatology Research) Scientific Committee, leads the European Roadmap programme that is defining the research agenda for European rheumatology for the next decade, and is currently President of EULAR (European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology), the leading trans-national society for rheumatology across Europe. Under these auspices, he is creating the first pan-European Rheumatology Research Centre, launching in 2021.

      Over two decades, he has led numerous clinical trials and pathogenesis investigation programmes in inflammatory arthritis at an international level. His work is focused on understanding the pathogenesis of immune mediated inflammatory diseases and encompasses basic discovery immunology through phase 1 and proof of concept experimental medicine clinical trials to leadership of pivotal phase 3 trials in immune biology. His original discovery work has led to the therapeutic targeting of several inflammatory cytokines. More recently, he has focused on the biology of myeloid cells in the pathogenesis of a number of immune diseases. He has published >400 peer-reviewed original and review articles with an h-index >100.

      Professor Iain McInnes is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the Academy of Medical Sciences. He is the recipient of several prestigious prizes in recognition of his work, including the Sir James Black Medal of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 2017, the Heberden Medal of the British Society for Rheumatology in 2018, and the Carol-Nachman Prize for Rheumatology, Germany (the highest international award in rheumatology) in 2019. He was awarded a CBE for services to medicine by Her Majesty the Queen in 2019.

      Other information

      Expenses claims

      No expense claims have been declared.


      No hospitality declared

      Register of interest

      No interests declared.

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      Margaret Kerr

      Non-Executive Member


      Margaret Kerr was appointed as a non-executive board member from 1st April 2019.

      Margaret brings significant financial expertise to the Board having accumulated more than 20 years’ experience from auditing and advising private companies, listed corporates and large public sector organisations. As a qualified Chartered Accountant (ICAS), Margaret has extensive financial reporting, internal control and corporate governance experience and has worked with a wide range of stakeholders including clinicians, academics, senior management and non-executives to develop and improve governance.

      Margaret Kerr is also a Chartered Member of the Institute of Internal Auditors (CMIIA) and has performed the Head of Internal Audit role for a number of public sector organisations, including NHS Boards.

      Other information

      Expenses claims

      No expense claims have been declared.


      No hospitality declared

      Register of interest

      Renfrewshire Integration Joint Board
      Position held:

      Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS)
      Position held:

      Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors
      Position held:

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      Temporary placeholder image of person

      Non-Executive Member


      Councillor Jacqueline Cameron is appointed as a non-executive board member from 21st June 2022 until 30th April 2027.

      Other information

      Expenses claims

      No expenses claimed.


      No hospitality declared

      Register of interest

      Elected Member, Renfrewshire Council

      Member, Renfrewshire HSCP Integration Joint Board

      Non-Executive Director, Public Health Scotland

      Trustee, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Endowment Fund

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