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Learning, Education and Training

Learning Resource Overview

Supporting the development of your staff is an essential part of your role. It ensures your team members have the competence and confidence to provide the best possible service. This learning resource explores how to maximise the effectiveness of the KSF Personal Development Planning and Review process for your staff team.

How the Learning Resource works

The resource has 2 core elements and links to a wider learning pathway.

  • learnPro e-Learning Module (GGC:166 NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework) contains a range of information and resources to provide underpinning knowledge on the KSF Personal Development Planning and Review process and on good practice in developing your staff. It can be accessed on the learnPro platform and can be found under the CPD tab.
  • Virtual Sessions (1.5 hours) are also available for Reviewers and Managers with the focus on the application of learning around this, in particular to:
    • Give participants the opportunity to reflect on their role in developing their staff
    • Identify ways to make reviews more meaningful in practice
    • Identify key actions to progress KSF PDP&R in participants own area

Who is this Learning Resource aimed at?

Any Manager or KSF Reviewer in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde who has responsibility for managing or reviewing NHSGGC staff in their teams. This includes Managers and KSF Reviewers employed in integrated Health and Social Care Partnerships who are not directly employed by NHSGGC and require to support NHS staff with their KSF PDP&R.


For Reviewers/ Managers who are attending the Virtual Sessions within this resource, there are some pre-requisites prior to attending. They should:  

  • Complete the learnPro e-Learning Module (GGC 166 NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework) which provides underpinning knowledge and resources
  • Complete the Reflective Template (issued as part of the joining instructions). In order to get the most out of the time during the virtual session, staff are expected to have completed a brief template to capture their reflections/ experience of KSF PDP&R in practice.
  • Also all potential candidates should explore the People Management Guide.

Virtual Session

To book a place on the course, please use the eESS Login ( Learner Self-Service facility. From the Learner Home page, enter the course name in the box at the top of the page to see all available dates. You can also use keywords to search for courses. Remember to have your eESS user id and password available to access the system.

Tuesday 29th October 2024, 09:30am-11pm (MS Teams)

Wednesday 13th November 2024, 09:30am-11pm (MS Teams)

Thursday 12th December 2024, 1.30pm to 3.00pm (MS Teams)

You will receive detailed joining instructions on how to access the on-line session. Please be ready to log-in at least 5 minutes before the start time.

Please note booking for each session will close 1 week before the course date to allow time for joining instructions to be sent to delegates.

Guidance on how to search for Learning and Development on eESS can be found here:

Full access to all Standard Operating Procedures and e-learning videos is available via Login (

If you have any queries around the KSF PDP&R process, please contact the Learning and Education Support team on 0141 278 2700 option 3.

Last updated; 24/09/2024

The Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF) applies to all staff who are employed under Agenda for Change (AFC) terms and conditions. It is a broad framework which supports a fair and consistent approach to Personal Development Planning and Review (PDP&R).

The PDP&R process enables staff to discuss what matters to them in their role, be clear about what’s expected of them and receive feedback, as well as having the opportunity to review any learning, development and support required. TURAS Appraisal is the electronic tool used to support that process and record the outcomes from it.

The resources below are designed to assist staff and managers to have meaningful PDP&R conversations and to record the outcomes effectively on TURAS Appraisal.

PDP & Review – Guidance for Managers and Reviewers

An important part of the PDP&R process is the conversation between reviewer and reviewee. The annual review provides an opportunity to build on the regular conversations that you have with your team throughout the year.

The information below forms part of a Learning Pathway which details a range of resources to help you prepare for and conduct effective PDP & Review discussions with staff and ensure they are recorded on TURAS Appraisal.

Learning Resources


Aimed at managers and reviewers this 60 minute webinar will refresh the tools and techniques to create meaningful in-person or online PDP&R conversations that can support team members in their job role and with their wellbeing and career development. We will discuss:

  • Making the experience meaningful and effective
  • Building discussion around wellbeing and development
  • Practical ways to ensure that the conversation is captured and complete on the system
  • Sharing resources and support you can takeaway.

Further dates for the live Webinar are being finalised and will be bookable from this page soon.

Developing Your Staff – Meaningful Reviews (People Management Module)

Supporting the development of your staff is an essential part of your role. It ensures that your team members develop their competence and confidence in order to provide the best possible service. This learning resource explores underpinning values, tools and techniques to support continuing development.

Additional Information

PDP & Review – Guidance for Reviewees

An important part of the PDP&R process is the conversation between the reviewer and reviewee. The annual review provides an opportunity to build on the regular conversations about performance and development that you have had with your manager throughout the year.

There are a range of resources detailed within the Learning Pathway to help you prepare for and participate in effective PDP and review discussions with your reviewer and record these on TURAS Appraisal.

Additional Information

TURAS Appraisal System – Guidance

How can I access TURAS Appraisal?

Forgotten your TURAS Appraisal Password?

You can usually reset your password for TURAS Appraisal quickly and easily yourself, without any need to contact the Learning and Education support team.  

Simply follow the steps below:  

Click on the ‘Forgot your password?’ link.

Add email address and click ‘Send verification code’

A code will then be emailed to the address you gave.   Please leave the TURAS page opened until the code arrives, then copy and past it into the ‘Verification code’ section and click ‘Verify code’ and then ‘Continue’.

This then allows the password to be reset

To add or remove staff from Managers Page on TURAS Appraisal

To add staff to a Managers page on TURAS Appraisal, please complete the Turas Staff List Template and submit to the Learning and Education Support Team via the HR ServiceNow Portal. This should be done for new staff or when staff move to another department.

If the member of staff is leaving NHSGGC completely – no action is required. Once terminated from the Payroll system they will automatically be removed from manager’s list on TURAS Appraisal.

Need help with TURAS Appraisal?

TURAS Appraisal is the recording tool for the KSF Personal Development Planning and Review (PDP & R) process and is designed to be used throughout the year to support your ongoing development in line with your job role, service requirements and career aspirations.

Course overview

Supporting staff is a key part of the manager’s job and this module offers guidance and support on issues relating to harassment at work. The main aspects of addressing harassment concerns including roles and responsibilities, policy framework and sources of advice and support will be covered.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this module delegates will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the Bullying and Harassment policy, and more specifically Sexual Harassment.
  • Create a safe and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected.
  • Recognise responsibilities in line with organisational and NHS Scotland’s values to ensure everyone is treated with dignity and respect.
  • Be able to carry out the manager’s role to address harassment in the workplace at the earliest opportunity.
  • Awareness of the range of actions and support available.
  • Know how to access information resources, support and advice.
  • To describe best practice and ensure it happens.
  • To share knowledge of formal and informal approaches/interventions.

Who should attend?

Any manager in NHSGGC who has responsibility for managing NHSGGC staff in their teams. This includes managers employed in integrated Health and Social Care Partnerships who are not directly employed by NHSGGC.

KSF Links

  • C1 – Communication
  • C2 – Personal and People Development
  • C3 – Health, Safety and Security
  • C6 – Equality and Diversity
  • HWB1 – Promotion of Health and Wellbeing

Course Provider: Human Resources and Learning and Education
Duration: 1 hour Webinar via MS Teams

Pre-requisites and other supporting resources

All potential candidates should explore the followings:

If you need any information on specific course content, the venue or booking process, please do not hesitate to contact Learning and Education Support Team on 0141 278 2700 (Option 3).

Last updated; 01/08/2024

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get access to the TURAS Appraisal system?

If you have previously logged on to your account and have forgotten your password you can reset it using the “Forgotten your Password?” link on the sign in page.

This quick guide gives information on the process for new staff. If you are a new user and you don’t have a username or password, please speak to your line manager who will contact Learning and Education to get you added to their TURAS Appraisal managers page and request a username and password for you. This will be issued by Learning and Education, direct to you, by e-mail.

I don’t see TURAS Appraisal when I login to my TURAS Account – why not?

You can’t add TURAS Appraisal into an existing TURAS account yourself. If you contact the Learning and Education Support Team via NHS Service Now or call 0141 278 2700 option 3 they will provide login details for your TURAS Appraisal account. You can continue with separate login details for your different TURAS applications or L&E Support will advise how you can get the National Digital Team to merge your accounts so that you have the one login for all TURAS applications.

Not all the staff are listed on my managers page that should be. How do I add staff?

To add staff to your Turas Appraisal account please complete the Staff List Template and send this to Learning and Education Support Unit via NHS Service Now.

The form has to be completed by the manager/PA only, not the staff member. Only new or missing staff are to be added to the form, existing staff members should not be put on.

I need to allocate some of the staff on my managers page to other people in my team to carry out their review – how do I do this?

You can easily do this from your managers page.

See the user guide for instructions: How to Assign KSF Post Outlines and Reviewers to Staff

I need to allocate new/different post outlines to some of the staff on my managers page – how do I do this?

You can easily do this from your managers page. See the user guide for instructions: How to Assign KSF Post Outlines and Reviewers to Staff

I’ve Retired and Returned and my TURAS Appraisal has all changed – what do I do?

The information relating to your previous posts is still visible to you however if you had staff assigned to you this will need to be updated. This quick guide gives information on what you need to do.

How can I access my teams progress reports to check compliance?

TURAS Appraisal now has live Team Progress Dashboards. Both managers and reviewers will be able to view live information for the staff that they have assigned to them on TURAS Appraisal including the compliance percentage of signed off reviews, status of reviews, information on PDPs, objectives and also a to do list where there are outstanding actions. Users guides below:

Additional Information

User Guides
Managers and Reviewers – TURAS Appraisal Account

Keeping your TURAS Appraisal account up to date

To add staff to your TURAS Appraisal account:

  • Please complete the Staff List Template and forward this to the Learning and Education Support Team via the NHS Service Now Portal.
  • The form has to be completed by the manager/PA only, not the staff member
  • Only new or missing staff are to be added to the form, existing staff members should not be put on.

To remove staff from your TURAS Appraisal Account:

  • If the member of staff is leaving NHSGGC completely – No action is required. Once terminated from the Payroll system they will automatically be deleted from TURAS Appraisal
  • If the member of staff is moving to another department – contact the Learning and Education Support Team via NHS Service Now providing the name and payroll number of the member of staff to be removed

Assigning reviewer rights to members of staff that you want to review members of your team:

  • At this time only the Learning and Education Support Team can assign reviewer rights. To arrange this the manager of the person that reviewer rights is required for should contact the Learning and Education Support Team via NHS Service Now. Please provide name and payroll number of the person that reviewer rights is to be assigned to.

Assigning a reviewer and assigning/changing a KSF Post Outline for staff:


Reports are available from the Team Progress Dashboard on your TURAS Appraisal account. If you have manager or Reviewer access to the system and have staff assigned to your account you will automatically have access to the dashboard.

The Team Progress report will give you live information on compliance rate for your team with regards to reviews, PDPs and objectives. It also has a to do list to alert you if any actions are required.

KSF Post Outline Information

Approved KSF Outlines in NHSGGC

This link will provide you with information on all KSF post outlines for NHSGGC staff. You will be able to view the title, pay band, all dimensions and levels included in the KSF post outline.  

It does not included the level descriptions but you will find these in the documents below and also in the KSF handbook.

Occasionally there may be a KSF Post Outline on the spreadsheet that will not be on TURAS Appraisal. This is because on the day e-KSF was decommissioned the KSF Post Outline was not assigned to any members of staff, only KSF Post Outlines in use were migrated to TURAS Appraisal. 

Help and Support Contacts

Learning and Education Support Team

  • NHS Service Now Portal – Click on the L&E Icon and fill in the relevant fields. You will receive an acknowledgement which will include a ticket number for your query. How to raise a query through NHS Service Now Portal.
  • 0141 278 2700 (12700 internally) – choose option 3 for Learning and Education. Open 10.00am – 3.00pm, Monday to Friday

Please supply your GGC payroll number when you contact the team.  

Supporting Patients With A Dual-sensory Loss 

An awareness event for NHS staff – delivered by Deafblind Scotland

This discussion and learning event is designed to give an understanding of deafblindness and of the communication and support needs of deafblind people. The session will give focus to the experiences of patients using healthcare services and how to reduce barriers within NHS appointments.

The event also offers the opportunity to learn about the communication needs of deafblind people and to practice some basic deafblind manual communication skills.

The session will be facilitated by a trainer from Deafblind Scotland who has learned experience as a person with dual sensory loss.

This is an online event which lasts 90 mins.

Sessions will be on the following dates:

  • Thursday 26th October 2023 from 12.30pm – 2:00pm

Awareness Event by Deafblind Scotland Mon 26 Oct 2023

  • Monday 11th December 2023 from 12:30pm – 2:00pm

Awareness Event by Deafblind Scotland Mon 11 Dec 2023     

  • Monday 19th February 2024 from 12:30pm – 2:00pm

Awareness Event by Deafblind Scotland Mon 19 Feb 2024

Click on the link to book a place for your preferred date.

Arranging face-to-face training 

As an alternative, there are a limited number of face-to face sessions available. 

If you would like to arrange a tailored session within your workplace or for your team, then contact Martin Patterson from the Equality and Human Rights Team for more information and to discuss any requirements you might have for this training.

A wide range of information and resources are available for staff and managers on the Menopause including

  • What to expect,
  • Available treatments,
  • Where to get support and help,
  • Coping with the Menopause at work.   

Our managers are at the core of helping us deliver our objectives, to uphold our NHS values and their skills in managing people are vital for the function of all departments and the wider organisation. They organise the care or services delivered by each team and they work to ensure that all staff can not only operate at their best, but also experience NHSGGC as a great place to work and develop. This pathway is designed to provide clear guidance for managers joining NHSGGC and signposting next steps in development for their career journey.

The Induction pathway for new people managers is based on the following which have been developed using feedback from iMatter and Investors in People to ensure that our staff have the best experience of being managed:

  1. People Management Guide: Being a Manager of People in NHSGGC – Responsibilities and Guidance
  2. Equality Law: A Manager’s Guide to Getting it Right in NHSGGC
  3. People Manager Self-Assessment Questionnaire
  4. Systems and Processes

If there is any other information you need to support you in your new role please discuss with your line manager or contact the Learning and Education Team through our HR Portal.

1. The People Management Guide: Being a Manager of People in NHSGGC-Responsibilities and Guidance

This guide covers the following eleven main people management responsibilities. It is designed to set out in one place a summary of what is expected of you as a people manager in NHSGGC irrespective of your band or profession, and also to provide help and support for your development:

  1. Staff Health, Safety and Wellbeing (ShaW)
  2. Staff Engagement
  3. Individual PDP&R
  4. Service Performance, Team Meetings and Communications
  5. Team Development and i-Matter
  6. General HR Policy Awareness and Application
  7. Equalities
  8. Partnership Working and Managing Change
  9. Attendance Management and SSTS
  10. Recruitment and Retention
  11. Leadership Skills

2. Equality Law – A Manager’s Guide to Getting It Right in NHSGGC

This guide has been produced for operational managers by NHSGGC’s Equality and Human Rights Team with the support of the Workforce Equality Group to highlight the key areas of the Equality Act 2010 which have specific relevance for operational managers in the management of teams and delivery of services.

3. People Management Self Assessment Questionnaire

The Self-Assessment Questionnaire accompanies the People Management Guide. This is developed to support you to identify where you think they are on the development journey as a manager. For many managers, this list of people management responsibilities will be a given, but there may be some activities listed in the guide that require additional advice or support.

As a new people manager, you are encouraged to complete the questionnaire and discuss this with your line manager to direct and support you through your induction period. The questionnaire should be completed within the first 3 months following appointment to your role in NHSGGC. A copy of the questionnaire results will be emailed to you to use for the basis of personal development conversations.

You will have the opportunity to discuss your personal learning needs at 121s and through your personal development planning and review meetings. Your line manager should provide time for development and be available to support discussion around specific areas of guidance and support.

Furthermore, the following resources and training opportunities can support you as a new manager with your people management responsibilities:

4. People Management Systems

In the development of the pathway we identified people management systems that may be used by managers depending on their role and responsibilities. Information is added below and includes guidance on access to username, passwords and training resources:

Scottish Standard Time System (SSTS)

SSTS is an electronic duty sheet which must be completed by department managers with details of the shifts worked by staff and any absences ( AL, Sickness, etc).

User Guide and Training


LearnPro is NHSGGC e-Learning Platform. To access the LearnPro user guide click here.

TURAS Appraisal

TURAS Appraisal is the application for recording the appraisal information (KSF PDP&R Conversations) of Health and Care staff across Scotland.

User Guide and Training


JobTrain is the NHSScotland National Recruitment System to manage the key recruitment and selection activities and processes during the core stages of the recruitment process. To access JobTrain user guide click here.

eEmployee Support System (eESS)

eESS is a single, national NHS Scotland approach to HR systems providing a high quality, standardised HR functions including; Employee Self Service, Manager Self Service, Core HR and Oracle Learning Management System (OLM).

User Guide and Training

Safety Health and Wellbeing (SHaW) Task Calendar

The Task Calendar is a platform being used to provide a structured approach to support departments to complete a range of activities that are within their Health and Safety Manuals. To access the user guide click here.


Datix is the software used by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde for clinical and non-clinical incident reporting and forms part of the boards Risk Management Strategy. It is also used for Risk Register, Legal Claims, Complaints and FOI Module.

User Guide and Training


i-Matter is the NHS Scotland Staff Experience continuous improvement tool, developed and designed nationally to help individuals, teams, Directorates, HSCPs and Boards to understand and improve staff experience, engagement, motivation and productivity. To access the user guide click here.

ServiceNow Portal

Service Now is a portal for HR, eESS and L&E related enquires and support.

User Guide and Training


MicroStrategy is a web based platform where most of the Workforce Analytics and monthly reports such as personnel, recruitment and training information can be obtained there. To access the MicroStrategy Web Help click here.


PECOS (Professional Electronic Commerce Online System) is the online eProcurement system used by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde for ordering and receiving all goods and services. To access the user guide click here.

Induction Checklist

Please download a copy of the appropriate induction checklist for your role and work through this with your Line Manager.

Our Organisational Purpose

To deliver effective and high quality health services, to act to improve the health of our population and to do everything we can to address the wider social detriments of health which cause health inequalities.  
Below are some of the frequently asked “big facts” about NHSGGC 

  • We are the largest Health Board in the UK covering a geographical area stretching from East Dunbartonshire to Inverclyde 
  • We deliver services in 25 hospitals, 10 specialist units, 60 health centres and clinics  
  • We cover a core population of approx 1.2million and provide specialist services to more than half the country’s population 
  • We have a total annual budget of £2.6 billion 
  • We employ 44,000 staff 
  • We are investing more than £1billion to build four new hospitals. 

This induction portal is an essential part of your journey as a new colleague, ensuring that you are well informed and provided with the necessary information you need to carry out your role within NHSGGC. 

As you progress through the portal, you will be guided through your induction journey by your line manager. 

Patient Confidentiality
Statutory and Mandatory Learnpro Modules
NHSGGC Role Specific Mandatory Learnpro Modules
NHS Scotland National Policies Website 

Developed nationally in partnership with NHS Scotland employers, trade unions and the Scottish Government, these policies and associated supporting documents set the standard for employment practice for all NHS Scotland Boards to follow.  

The Once for Scotland Workforce policies are person-centred and will be applied using the NHS Scotland values:  

  • care and compassion 
  • dignity and respect 
  • openness, honesty and responsibility 
  • quality and teamwork.  

The first phase of implementation includes the following policies:  

  • Attendance 
  • Bullying and Harassment 
  • Capability 
  • Conduct 
  • Grievance 
  • Workforce Policies Investigation Process

The policies promote the use of early resolution, all parties establishing and encouraging open and honest communication and adopting a supportive approach by proactively communicating with and offering support to employees who are involved in any process as part of a workforce policy. 


Staff are paid on a monthly basis. Your salary will be paid into your bank account on the last Thursday of every month. Your pay slip can be accessed on SSTS. You choose option for “ePayroll” and can view your pay history and previous documents.  Should you have any queries regarding your pay, you must in the first instance, seek advice from your Line Manager, before contacting the Payroll Department.  

Any overtime worked should be submitted to your Line Manager on a weekly basis. Overtime is paid one month behind e.g. if you work overtime in April, this will be paid in your salary at the end of May. Any queries regarding overtime must be highlighted to your Line Manager as soon as possible. 


Holidays run from 01 April until 31 March the following year. Full-time staff will receive holidays as follows:  

  • 0-5 years service 27 days annual leave per year  
  • 5-10 years service 29 days annual leave per year  
  • 10 or more years service 33 days annual leave per year  

Any requests for annual leave must be filled out on your annual leave card and authorised by your Line Manager with adequate notice given to allow cover to be organised. Part-time staff will have their annual leave and Public Holiday entitlement calculated pro-rata and provided in hours due. 

Changes to personal details  

As an employee you can view and maintain core information held by your organisation, update your personal details (such as address, marital status, registration), view job related information, and add professional memberships and qualifications. You should do this on eESS.

Annual Leave Standard Operating Procedure 
Staff Partnership

All staff are entitled to join a Trade Union and there are a number of these across the organisation. Should you wish to join a Trade Union, please ask your Line Manager for contact details of Trade Union representatives.  

Trade Union Meetings – Whilst every effort is made to allow staff to attend Trade Union meetings held during working hours, it should be noted that essential cover must be provided. Permission to attend Trade Union meetings during working hours must be granted by your Line Manager. 

Staff Benefits

Staff have access to a wide range of benefits including travel; cycle to work scheme, annual bus ticket loans, and shuttle buses between sites.  

Staff also have access to credit union and discounted gym membership.   

Other deals can be accessed here Exclusive deals for NHS staff at NHS Staff Benefits – NHS Staff Benefits  

Absence from work

The Employee:  

  • has a contractual obligation under their contract of employment to attend work;  
  • must comply at all times with the documented sickness absence reporting procedures;  
  • on returning to work after an absence, is required to attend a Return to Work Discussion with their Line Manager;  
  • will be requested to attend a management meeting to discuss sickness absence and must, if unable to attend for an acceptable reason, inform their Line Manager prior to the date/time of that meeting and if acceptable a further meeting may be convened at an alternative location/date;  
  • When on sick leave is required to maintain a level of contact/communication with their manager, appropriate to their medical condition. All employees are responsible for making every effort to communicate with their Line Manager whilst on sick leave. If you are going to be absent from work for any reason, you must ensure that you follow the correct reporting procedures as follows: employees who are unable to attend work, must tell their Line Manager at the earliest opportunity before their starting time and no later than within one hour after their scheduled starting time. Where the Line Manager is out of the office, notification to a suitable alternative manager is required in accordance with local procedures;  
  • It is the employee’s responsibility to make contact personally with their Line Manager. Only in exceptional circumstances, where the employee is unable to phone personally, a relative or friend may phone on their behalf, but the responsibility remains with the employee;  
  • Where the Line Manager is not available, it is essential that contact is made with an alternative senior staff member who will be responsible for taking the information and passing it to the Line Manager. Messages should not be left on voice mail, with the hospital switchboard or with other wards or departments. Mobile phone text messages are also not acceptable and will result in the employee having an unauthorised absence.  

Failure to make contact in time may lead to:  

  • the absence being treated as unauthorised;  
  •  an appropriate deduction being made from the employee’s pay;  
  • Action under the Disciplinary Policy.  

It is important that the employee communicates all relevant details when making contact, including: 

  • the reason for absence;  
  • an indication of when the employee expects to be fit to return to work;  
  • Details of any appointments with the employee’s GP.  

Sickness Certification  

  • If you are absent from work you must submit the appropriate medical certificates for your absence.  
  • 1-3 days No certification required  
  • 4-7 days Self certificate required  
  • Over 7 days Medical certificate from GP required  
  • It is the employee’s responsibility to keep their Line Manager informed of progress and, in particular, should the employee be unable to return when anticipated. If the employee is absent immediately before leave days or days off, they must tell their Line Manager when they will be fit to come back to work. If the employee is going to be absent for an extended period of time, any subsequent certificates should be submitted as quickly as possible, ensuring all days in the absence period are covered. Failure to submit a certificate may result in pay being withheld.  

Return to Work  

After any period of absence an employee’s return to work will be acknowledged through a documented Return to Work Discussion. In many cases, this may involve little more than a courteous enquiry as to whether the employee is now well. In other cases, e.g. where a pattern of short term absence is developing, or following a period of longer term absence the meeting will explore this more fully:  

  • the reasons for absence;  
  • the employee’s fitness for work;  
  • If the cause of the absence may recur and whether a referral to Occupational Health/GP report is necessary.  

At this meeting the employee will be given the opportunity to raise any issues they have about their absence and to get help from the organisation. More than 4 episodes of sickness in a rolling year or more than 8 days of short term absence in a rolling year can lead to disciplinary action. 

Complaints Handling  

The NHSGGC Complaints procedure seeks to ensure, in accordance with NHS guidelines, that complaints are handled thoroughly without delay, with the aim of satisfying the complainant whilst being fair and open with all those involved. 

Training is available to staff who may be involved via Learnpro module NES: Complaints and Feedback 2017. 

Login to Learnpro the module can be found under CPD section (You will require your Learnpro username and password) 

This programme has 5 modules:

  • The value of feedback  
  • Encouraging Effective feedback and using it  
  • NHS Complaints & Feedback Process  
  • The value of an apology  
  • Difficult behaviour 
Datix Reporter

Please complete the Datix reporter training on Learnpro to ensure correct completion of Datix form.

If you need to contact the Datix administrator, send email to 


iMatter is the NHS Scotland Staff Experience continuous improvement tool which is designed to help individuals, teams and Health Boards understand and improve staff experience. This is a term used to describe the extent to which employees feel motivated, supported and cared for at work.   

Understanding staff experience at work is the first step to putting in place measures that will help to maintain and improve it. This will benefit you as an employee, and the patients/service users that you support and their families.  

The process is based on a staff engagement questionnaire which all staff are asked to respond to, which then generates a Team Report containing the results. The Line Manager discusses the report with the team and agree what the teams’ main strength is, along with up to 3 improvement actions, which are specific for the team in the months ahead. This improvement plan is captured on a team ‘Storyboard’ which the team then uses to monitor progress prior to the next iMatter run. The process is then completed annually.  

iMatter Stories Page iMatter Manager Manual 

iMatter Manager Manual 

National Staff Governance   

eESS Overview

All employees will have access to Employee Self Service and will be responsible for keeping their own personal details up to date.   Below is a list of actions employees can view/action: 

Employee Self Service 

  • Change address – Always use “Type” Primary Home Country address 
  • Includes self employed, ad hoc work and contracted work 

Applying for Adoption, Maternity or Paternity Leave

 Full access to all Employee Self Service Standard Operating Procedures and eLearning video’s is available via eESS. 

CHI 24

The CHI number is the main patient identifier used to process or access patient information from PMS (Trakcare). 

The CHI (Community Health Index) is a database linking all of the Health Boards across Scotland electronically via the CHI 24 system.  

Patients registered on this system are allocated a CHI number which acts as their UPI (Unique Patient Identifier) for their journey through the NHS, from ‘the cradle to the grave’. 

 CHI numbers consist of 10 digits; the first 6 being the patient’s date of birth in DDMMYY format – i.e. 160181. The last 4 digits are allocated randomly by the CHI system that generates the CHI Number; however the 9th digit is indicative of gender – even numbers for female, odd numbers for male. 

The purpose of the CHI number is to provide a universal, multi-system and cross-discipline ID number for patients, so that regardless of where they are being treated within Scotland, and for whatever complaint, the patient’s CHI number will be a constant. This, in turn, will enable a complete clinical picture of the patient to be compiled. 

Some of the benefits of CHI are:  

  • reduce risk of errors in identifying patients;   
  • reduce risk of errors in delivering care to patients, due to inaccurate or missing clinical information;  
  • help protect the patient’s privacy and confidentiality;    
  • reduce risk of patient information being shared inappropriately;  
  • construct a single, complete, accurate and up-to-date clinical picture of a patient’s health care;   
  • Reduce the need to ask patients the same questions many times during their journey through the NHS. 

OneSign (also known as Single Sign-On/SSO) is the user-switching and password management tool available at all acute hospital sites across NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. 

OneSign eliminates the need to repeatedly type usernames and passwords and streamlines clinical workflows and enables NHSGGC staff to quickly and securely access IT applications. 

OneSign brings a range of services to users including:  

  • Application Password Management  
  • Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) 
  • Fast user-switching and fast logon  

Digital technology is now at the centre of our professional lives through TrakCare, Clinical Portal, Emisweb, PACS, Winscribe and Microsoft applications (e.g. office 365 and teams) and in our personal lives through social media, online shopping and digital banking. Each day sees continuous or intermittent use of end-point technology – i.e. workstations, laptops, tablets and mobile phones. From the end-point you access applications which may be directly managed by NHSGGC, hosted for NHSGGC on the internet, or your personal applications.  

eHealth works with many technology partners who provide updates that counter the threats that occur every minute of every day. Resisting such attacks requires a combination of technology and good human cyber-behaviour.  

eHealth uses the Fairwarning monitoring system to detect & highlight potentially unauthorised or suspicious activity on systems that hold patient information (more information on this here).  

eHealth promotes good cyber-behaviour and Cybersafe (search on StaffNet for Be Cyber Safe) will provide:  

A list of all Information Governance policies (View the Acceptable Use Policy to which every user should be aware of and comply with) 

  • Cybersecurity best practice for the individual; provided by public sector bodies like the Scottish government, police Scotland, technology vendors and by our own staff  
  • Newsletters which will highlight major themes and outline what you can do to help stay safe 

The majority of what you need to do in your professional life applies also to your personal life. How you need to do it may be different. 

Microsoft 365 Training Modules

Microsoft Teams 

Microsoft 365 Outlook  

Microsoft Planner

Microsoft OneNote

Microsoft OneDrive

Microsoft To Do

PDPR Guides
Mental health and stress awareness 

 Course overview 

Supporting staff is a key part of the manager’s job and this module offers guidance and support on issues relating to promoting employee health and attendance. 

This module has a particular focus on supporting staff with mental health and/ or stress issues including use of the Stress Risk Assessment tool. 

Learning Outcomes 

By the end of the session you will: 

  • Understand the purpose of the NHSGGC Staff Health Strategy and of legislation relating to mental health in the workplace 
  • Be ready to assess the risks caused by personal stress or work related stress (Stress Risk Assessment Tool) 
  • Understand the importance of monitoring and review after the risk assessment is completed 
  • Be aware of the range of resources available to support you and your staff 

Book using eESS login.

Learning Passports

DI18 GRI ST Virology

21.30 KB 649 Downloads

DI16 QEUH ST Chemical Pathology

21.10 KB 1039 Downloads

DI15 GRI ST Chemical Pathology

21.65 KB 1346 Downloads

PCS2023(DD)01 Payscales 2023

647.57 KB 845 Downloads

DL(2019)10 Fixed Annual Leave

141.36 KB 957 Downloads

DL202304 Carry Forward of Annual Leave

104.42 KB 1182 Downloads

PCS2016(DD)02 Monitoring Guidance

172.00 KB 1245 Downloads