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Learning, Education and Training

Course overview

This course is designed to help delegates to understand what assertiveness is, and when to use it. Assertiveness can improve performance and help with the management of difficult people and situations.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course delegates will be able to:

  • Recognise what assertiveness is
  • Identify how behaviour can be influenced
  • Describe why and when to use assertive behaviour
  • Explain how to use assertive behaviour when dealing with difficult people and situations

Course provider: Learning and Education Team

Who should attend; All staff are welcome to attend

Pre requisites; None

Duration; Guided learning time 45 minutes

KSF Links

  • C1 – Communication
  • C2 – Personal and People Development

e-Learning: An e-Learning option is available for this topic via LearnPro. You will find it under the CPD category.

Information and registration for LearnPro.

If you need any information on specific course content, the venue or booking process, please do not hesitate to contact the Learning and Education Support Team on 0141 278 2700 (Option 3).

Course overview

This 1 day course has been developed to support and identify the skills and knowledge required to undertake the role and function of a second worker, as part of the Adult Support and Protection 2007 Act. This course will consider the duties and expectations of the second worker in practice.

You should only apply for either the Multi Agency Awareness training or the Second Worker training and not both.

Learning Outcomes

The learning objectives will address the requirements of undertaking an Adult Support and Protection inquiry and investigation, covering the period of receipt of initial concern through to the Adult Support and Protection Case Conference. The course will underline best practice and the course programme adheres to the requirements of the Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007, the Code of Practice and Glasgow’s current procedures.

Course provider: Social Work Services

Who should attend?

All members of the Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership are welcome to apply after discussion and approval from their managers.

Health partners will be involved both in referral and in supporting the investigation process through the sharing of relevant medical information or undertaking a medical examination of the adult at risk. Whilst the lead investigating officer (council officer) for Glasgow City Council will be a registered and qualified social worker, in certain circumstances, it may be appropriate for a health professional to be involved along with the council officer in the course of an investigation. Therefore, this Second Worker training is recommended to support staff within this role.

Only health staff nominations can be accepted via eESS. All social work staff should apply through the Social Work Services.

Pre-requisites: None

KSF Links

  • C1 – Communication
  • C2 – Personal and People Development
  • C3 – Health, Safety and Security
  • C6 – Equality and Diversity


Duration: 7 Hours

  • Wednesday, 17th January 2024, 9.30am – 4.30pm
  • Wednesday, 21st February 2024, 9.30am – 4.30pm
  • Wednesday, 27th March 2024, 9.30am – 4.30pm
  • Thursday, 30th May 2024, 9.30am – 4.30pm

Venue: Room 5 and 6, Social Work Department, Learning and Development, 117 Brook Street, Bridgeton, Glasgow G40 3AP

To book a place on the course, please use the eESS Learner self-service facility. From the Learner Home page, enter the course name in the box at the top of the page to see all available dates. You can also use keywords to search for courses. Remember to have your eESS user id and password available to access the system.   

Guidance on how to search for Learning and Development on eESS OLM can be found below.

Full access to all Standard Operating Procedures and e-learning videos is available via eESS.

If you need any information on specific course content, please contact Angela McGowan, Senior Learning and Development Officer on 0141 550 7700. Regarding the booking process, please do not hesitate to contact Learning and Education Support Team on 0141 278 2700 (Option 3).

Course overview

Supporting staff is a key part of the manager’s job and this module offers guidance and support on issues relating to promoting employee health and attendance. The main aspects of attendance management including roles and responsibilities, policy framework, reporting procedures and sources of advice and support will be covered.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this module delegates will to:

  • become more familiar with the Attendance Management Policy and good practice
  • understand how to use attendance data and its use to identify trigger points
  • develop understanding of reporting and recording requirements
  • share knowledge of formal and informal approaches/interventions
  • promote a clear understanding of roles and responsibilities in attendance management

Course Provider: Human Resources and Learning and Education

Who should attend?

Any manager in NHSGGC who has responsibility for managing NHSGGC staff in their teams. This includes managers employed in integrated Health and Social Care Partnerships who are not directly employed by NHSGGC.

KSF Links

  • C1 – Communication
  • C2 – Personal and People Development
  • C3 – Health, Safety and Security
  • C6 – Equality and Diversity
  • HWB1 – Promotion of Health and Wellbeing

Duration: 3 Hours


All potential candidates should explore the followings:

You can also contact the HR Support and Advice Unit directly.

To book a place on the course, please use the eESS Login ( Learner self-service facility. From the Learner Home page, enter the course name in the box at the top of the page to see all available dates. You can also use keywords to search for courses. Remember to have your eESS user id and password available to access the system.   

Guidance on how to search for Learning and Development on eESS OLM can be found here:

Full access to all Standard Operating Procedures and e-learning videos is available via eESS Login (

If you need any information on specific course content, the venue or booking process, please do not hesitate to contact Learning and Education Support Team on 0141 278 2700 (Option 3).

Last updated; 01/08/2024


To get the most out of the programme please be ready to discuss your current practice. You will be asked to reflect on recent experiences and to plan activities relating to one or more of the key themes.

With each of the four topic areas we will begin by introducing current models and ideas and then go on to explore how you can apply these in your day-to-day role.

Topics covered

Communicating and Influencing

Effective communication and the ability to influence are foundational to good management of individuals and teams. We will introduce and explore the communication cycle and help you to reflect on your current practice. This will include 1-to-1 and team communication.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the nature and importance of the communication process in workplace
  • Communication cycle and barriers to effective communication and how to remove barriers
  • Principles of effective communication, be able to assess your own effectiveness in communicating with others and influencing them
  • Be ready to use tools and techniques to support more effective communication
  • How to plan and assess a successful communication
  • Role of managers to deliver an effective communication cycle and employee voice
  • Know about NHSGGC organisational goals and values
Organising and Delegating

Effective use of your time, staff time and supporting staff development are priorities for you as a manager. This session will introduce tools and tips to help you delegate and organise your team.

Learning outcomes

  • Recognise the difference between leadership and management
  • Understand performance management and factors affecting performance in your team
  • How to measure and boost your team members’ performance
  • Time management and Principles of good time management
  • Key principles of delegation and how to delegate, monitor and review delegated activities
Managing Change

Change is essential part of a dynamic organisation like NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde providing health care in an ever changing world. This session will provide you with valuable guidance and models to support and take forward change initiatives.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the forces for change in an organisation and common barriers 
  • Recognise and know how to apply key principles of change management
  • Recognise and be ready to use a range of tools to support the management of change
Problem Solving and Decision Making

We will introduce and demonstrate a range of tools and techniques to help you work through day-to-day challenges as well as think about longer term improvement objectives.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the value of adopting a culture of improvement
  • Recognise a range of tools and techniques that support problem solving and decision making
  • Be ready to use a 6-step approach to problem solving.

Put learning into practice

Although there will be no assignment or project work it is still vital that you think about how you will make use of learning from the programme.

  • Identify personal and service objectives with your manager before booking a place
  • Be prepared to share examples and try out tools and techniques during the programme
  • You will be asked to support evaluation of the programme which will give you the opportunity to reflect and comment on how you have applied learning back in your workplace.

Specifically you should consider:

  • Key personal learning points
  • Any immediate impact of the programme (personally and/or on the service)
  • Action planning (proposed impact).

Interested in gaining accreditation for your learning?

  • An option to gain accreditation through an appropriate SVQ/PDA may be available to you.
  • For further information please contact the SVQ team.

Ready to book a place?

If you want to have a chat about any aspect of the programme please contact our L&E Support Team via NHS Service Now Portal.

Last updated; 01/08/2024

What are SVQs?

SVQs are national qualifications that recognise the workplace skills and experience staff have and provide the organisation with evidence which shows staff work to best practice National Occupational Standards. They are an assessment of competence not a training course, although training can be highlighted as a development need when assessing SVQs.

Who can do them?

NHSGGC has its own approved SVQ Centre which supports staff throughout the organisation to undertake vocational qualifications.

Priority will be given to requests from managers for staff to undertake SVQs when a service need has been identified as follows:

  1. Links to Service Needs, Redesign or Workforce Plans
  2. Identified at PDP Review
  3. Other e.g. (Role Development).
Why should staff do SVQs?
  • They provide staff with a recognised national qualification
  • They demonstrate that staff work to national standards
  • They can improve confidence and performance at work
  • They can provide a new insight to the job role
  • They are a useful developmental tool and can provide strong evidence at KSF Review meetings
  • They can provide staff with appropriate competences for future service delivery and for career progression.
What qualifications are on offer?

At present the SVQ Centre is approved to offer the following SVQs:

  • Business & Administration – Level 2 – 4
  • Healthcare Support (Clinical and Non Clinical) – Levels 2 – 3
  • Team Leading & Management Level 2 – 5
  • Learning & Development Level 3 – 4 (inc Assessor & Verifier awards)
  • Social Services and Healthcare – Level 2 – 3.
Are there any exams?

No. Staff are assessed at their workplace using a variety of methods e.g. observation, reflection, professional discussion, current work products and questioning to underpin knowledge and understanding. They will be assessed on the skills they use every day in their job.

Don’t worry if staff have never studied for anything before or have difficulty writing reports etc. We will help them gather the evidence they need in different ways and can discuss providing support prior to starting a vocational qualification, which can tackle lack of confidence and other concerns which staff and managers may identify.

Who assesses staff?

Staff will generally be assessed by either a peripatetic assessor attached to the SVQ central team, a workplace assessor linked to their local area, an assessor from another workplace or from an outside training provider. There may be development opportunities for staff to train as workplace assessors in some areas.

How long will it take?

Time to complete a qualification is flexible. Everyone works through SVQs at a different pace. However we would expect candidates to finish within 9 -12 months depending on the award and level of qualification being undertaken.

What support is available?

An assessor and internal verifier will both be available for support.

The SVQ Team can be contacted directly for information, advice or guidance in relation to SVQs.

In discussion with managers, staff require support with allocation of time to carry out SVQ assignments and assessments. Underpinning Knowledge and Understanding is an important part of any qualification and links will be made with the relevant education staff to offer support to candidates.

How much does it cost?

The NHSGGC SVQ Centre has limited capacity to assess a small number of qualifications annually which would be corporately funded. Other delivery options are available. Contact the Qualifications Team to discuss funding implications.

I’m interested, what do I do now?

As a manager

Contact us to discuss which SVQs may be appropriate for your staff and any funding implications. A service level agreement may require to be set up.

As a prospective candidate

Contact us for an application form and to discuss which SVQs may be appropriate for you. If undertaking the SVQ is not already highlighted on your PDP, please speak to your manager as you need their support before applying.

Want to know more?

For further information on any SVQ programme please contact:

The TURAS Learn platform has a range of resources available. These are designed as easy to use reference guides to KSF and the PDP & Review process.

Two key video resources from this are below. One is for staff on what to expect and how to prepare for annual review meeting and the other one for reviewers on how to prepare for and conduct a review meeting. 

PDPR Reviewer Video

PDPR Reviewee Video 

The KSF Personal Development Planning and Review Process is an integral part of the wide range of organisational and operational support mechanisms in place for staff throughout their career with NHSGGC.  


On commencing with NHSGGC, when changing roles or when returning from an extended period of absence, staff should receive an effective induction to support them in their role. This will enable a Personal Development Plan to be developed to support their initial learning and application in practice and it forms a foundation for the ongoing KSF Personal Development Planning and Review process. Induction Portal

Staff Support and Wellbeing

The KSF PDP & Review discussions can also link to the ongoing wellbeing discussions with staff. These well-being check-in’s often focus on how things are going (what is going well/what is been difficult and any supports required moving forward) and as such clearly fit in with the 3 key discussion questions that should frame the KSF PDP & Review. See the Staff Support and Wellbeing pages on HRConnect  for further info on staff supports. 

Career Development

The ongoing KSF PDP & Review discussions can also be an opportunity to discuss staffs wider career development and to include planning around this. The Career and Development Planning Framework pages are designed to offer a wide range of information to help plan development activities for staffs current post and prepare for future roles as part of a career pathway.

Learning, Education and Training Service

The Learning, Education and Training Service offers a range of development opportunities for all staff from entry into post and throughout the span of their career. From formal qualifications to learning pathways, we will provide you with practical solutions tailored to your needs. This might be by gaining a work based qualification, attending a classroom session (where appropriate) or via digital learning.  

The Learning, Education and Training Catalogue outlines information on the wide range of tutor led and e-Learning courses that are available. Access to digital learning is flexible and resources can be accessed from mobile devices, work or home PCs at any time. You can also get support for learning through the NHSGGC Staff Bursary Scheme.

Organisational Development

The Organisational Development Pages also provide information on a range of interventions tools and resources to support ongoing development and learning including leadership development.

Professional Development

Individual professions will also have a range of resources available to support staffs ongoing professional learning and development.

Core Skills Training gives NHSGGC staff the chance to brush up on core writing, reading, number and computing skills used every day. The service is free and confidential. You can get help one-to-one or in a group. You may be referred by your line manager.

Benefits of workplace learning; everyone benefits from more confident and capable staff!

  • Improves staff performance, morale, adjustment to change and redeployment
  • Everyone has access to a PDP. Staff are more motivated, confident, more capable 
  • The NHS is more productive, more efficient, less wasteful and safer due to more accurate communication, paperwork, calculations
  • Quality assurance and performance, improved client relations, staff retention
NHSGGC Core Skills Support – Numeracy and Literacy

Examples of skills staff have chosen to work on:


  • Notes, letters, forms, memos, emails, newspaper and magazine articles, books
  • Work instructions, policies, invoices and orders, job training information
  • Payslip, timesheets, rotas, charts, tables, directions and timetables

Spelling and Writing

  • Writing notes, letters, emails, spelling, punctuation, grammar, using tenses 
  • Taking phone messages, organising your ideas, proof reading, filling in forms, charts, rotas, timesheets
  • Accident reports, updating files & records, support workers competency portfolio

Numbers and Calculations

  • IV drug calculations, clinical and non-clinical calculations 
  • +  ÷  −  x   % decimal points, fractions
  • Understanding and checking your payslip
  • Using the 12 and 24 hour clocks, calculating time
  • Measuring, filling in charts and tables
  • Money; paying by cash and checking your change
  • Understanding and paying bills, writing cheques
  • Understanding timetables for public transport and planning journeys
  • Fluid balance charts, height and weight conversions
  • Unit conversions (g to mg)

Need more info or want to get started? Contact:

NHSGGC Core Skills Support – Digital Literacy

Computing and the Internet, The Basics

Apart from the bespoke sessions with staff, working on general writing, reading and number skills, Core Skills training supports staff who need help to complete NHS training and study programmes, staff who have been redeployed and staff who are struggling to cope with dyslexia. We have helped Support staff with the written work required for their competency portfolio, working with them to improve spelling and grammar, essay writing and basic computing skills. Core Skills tutors also work alongside clinical staff who run the IV Therapy Education Programme. We help nurses to feel confident about calculations and number work before they sit the formal IV calculations assessment.

We have successfully trained staff in the basics of using a computer and the Internet; skills which have given staff the confidence to go on and tackle other NHS study programmes and on a day-to-day basis have helped staff become more effective at work, at home and in the community.

Need more info or want to get started?


What are the HCSW Induction Standards and Code of Conduct

All new team members or internal staff transfers, working in a Healthcare Support Worker (HCSW) role, are expected to meet the NHS Scotland Healthcare Support Worker Mandatory Induction Standards and HCSW Code of Conduct after 3 months in post (or part-time equivalent up to a maximum of six months). 

Together, the induction standards and code of conduct focus on the promotion of patient safety and protection of the public with the aim of ensuring that all HCSWs know what is expected from them early in their employment and that they are able to deliver their role in a competent and professional manner. 

The standards reflect many of the areas which a new member of staff can be expected to learn about during an induction period, which will include both corporate and on-the-job induction. They cover vital aspects in both clinical and non-clinical healthcare support worker roles, in relation to protecting the public.

They focus on the basic knowledge and skills required for a new member of staff to work safely and contribute to the delivery of high-quality patient care and services. By working through the standards, new healthcare support workers will actively engage in learning and development in key areas, for example health and safety and confidentiality, which will continue through the NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework.

HCSW Induction Standards Workbook

The new HCSW Workbook offers you guidance on how to use your workbook and suggests examples of evidence that will show how you have met the required standards.

Where do I get the evidence to complete my HCSW Workbook?

If this is your first post with NHSGGC, your manager will have already received an email from us explaining the induction process and they will be supporting your through all the steps of the induction process. At this stage you will have covered some of the knowledge and tasks that will help you to complete your workbook and your manager will support you through each part of the workbook until you have completed it.

If you are an existing team member and you have recently been successful in gaining another post in the NHS (e.g. promotion/ transfer), the evidence for completing the HCSW Workbook will come from your previous experience and any training that you have undertaken. There may be some questions in the HCSW Workbook that may require you to update your knowledge. You can do this by either completing the appropriate e-module/training or by visiting Step 2 of the induction portal which will contain all the necessary resources/policies which you need to be aware of. Step 2 of the portal is constantly updated to include up to date information on key changes in the organisation.

How do I update and complete my HCSW workbook?

There is an electronic version of the workbook which will allow you to type directly into it and save it as an electronic file on your personal drive or you may use a paper version which can be printed out and completed on paper.   Which ever format you use you will refer to the evidence you have gathered and how this support the parts of the workbook.

The completed workbook must be signed off by your designated reviewer and kept on file.  The reviewer may be your line manager, KSF reviewer or another member of staff who has been delegated this task by your departmental manager. Once you have met all of the induction standards and committed to the Code of Conduct, your manager/reviewer will send email confirmation to the HCSW Project Officer. This part of your induction journey will then be complete.

Don’t forget, your workbook provides a great place to store all the activities you have undertaken in your first weeks in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. You may choose to come back to your workbook at a later date when you are preparing for your first annual personal development planning and review meeting. This meeting is with your manager/ reviewer and will reflect on your first year in post, identify what you have achieved in your role so far and plan for your next year looking at your objectives and personal development plan. The workbook may help you to look back at the initial tasks and training you undertook as your started out in your new role.

HCSW Code of Conduct

As a Health Care Support Worker, you know from your HCSW Induction Standards workbook that you play a vital role in:

  • Helping the NHS deliver its services
  • Protecting patients and the public from harm
  • Valuing all aspects of equality and diversity.

What you do has a big impact on the quality of healthcare for people who use our services. The NHS Scotland Health Care Support Worker Code of Conduct is necessary because the work you do as a member of the healthcare team is very important. The Code is a list of statements that set the standard for how you should work on a day-to-day basis.

The Code is here to help you, your employer and the patients and the public you work with. It is based on the basic principle of protecting the public, and mirrors what is required of all the ‘regulated’ healthcare professionals you may work alongside.

To sign up to the Code of Conduct, please complete the ELearning module GGC:057 on LearnPro. 

Once you have signed up to the Code your manager/reviewer will discuss this with you and check your understanding. This will form part of the completion of your workbook. 

If you do not have access to a computer , a hard copy can be downloaded. Click here to access the full version of the NHS Scotland Health Care Support Worker Code of Conduct.

Guidance and Information for managers/reviewers

A range of support material is available to support managers (reviewers) through the mandatory induction standards and in understanding and committing to the Code of Conduct. These have been developed by NHS Education for Scotland in partnership with all NHS boards. 

A summary of the key documents and a link are provided below:

The framework for learning and review

The Framework for Learning and Review has been developed to promote a consistent approach to supporting new healthcare support workers meet the standards. This framework document alongside the new HCSW Workbook and Reviewer Guidance are the core documents which should be used by reviewers and new healthcare support workers to guide and record achievement of meeting the Induction Standards. It provides an explanation of the criteria within each standard, outlines how staff demonstrate meeting the standard, where the required knowledge may come from and an indication of the evidence required.

Guidance for reviewers

The Guidance for Reviewers document explains the background to the Mandatory Induction Standards and sets out the role of the reviewer in more detail. Reviewers play a vital role in making sure that new staff members know what is expected of them in the first three months of employment. Reviewers should introduce the Induction Standards as part the overall induction activity and explain how the evidence that the Standards have been met will fit into the KSF development review process.

Working in a virtual environment, such as MS Teams, presents challenges and opportunities. If you are thinking about using a virtual environment for education and training (along with other methods) then these resources will help:

Where do I start with MS Teams?

There is no substitute to hands-on experience, so do your best to get familiar and confident with using MS Teams. Initially this will be in virtual meetings and individual chats. You will probably start to share documents on screen and share files, create teams and channels. 

  1. Your first resource is the ‘Help’ feature built in to MS Teams. It provides a range of short videos demonstrating the main features of the platform. This Microsoft support site also provides a wide range of videos detailing various Teams functions.
  2. NHSGGC e-Health run regular virtual training sessions.
  3. This ‘Getting started with Teams’ guide produced by NES introduces MS Teams in the context of Office 365 and signposts a range of very useful hints and tips around the general use of the platform.
  4. NES has also provided these guides and resources, focusing on the use of MS Teams for training purposes, which includes an introduction to MS Teams, a guide to transferring face to face training online as well as dates of facilitation training sessions.
Guidance on facilitating virtual events

The following resources provide valuable guidance, hints and tips on running virtual events:

  1. Online Engagement: A guide to creating and running virtual meetings and events (published by the National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement) offers succinct yet rich guidance.
  2. Guidance for delivering Virtual Events; detailed guide produced by Microsoft.
  3. Facilitating Virtually by Ken Blanchard provides a detailed and extensive guide to delivering a virtual session.

Guidance and instruction

In addition to the MS Teams introduction and the basic principles set out above the following provides detailed guidance and instruction on how to use some of the key functions of MS Teams. The key is preparation, practice and knowing what you want to do and why. Provide clear instructions to delegates and take time to practice so that you are comfortable with the process.

Please note:

  • MS Teams is updated regularly by Microsoft. This means that some functions may change over time.
  • Slightly different versions of MS Teams have been made available so people may not have straightforward access to some of the features outlined below.
Arranging a Session
  • The development of comprehensive joining instructions is essential to ensure meeting material is provided in good time and to encourage delegates to check that they will be able to access the platform. This should include information about recording of the session (if required).
  • This series of short instructional videos takes you through the basics of using teams including, an introduction to teams and channels, setting up a session (using a channel), working with files, starting chats and calls, managing meetings.
Etiquette and Housekeeping
  • Encourage delegates to call in at least five minutes before the session. You should be there at least 15 minutes before to check everything is in place and to welcome the delegates. If it is a large scale event, and you cannot personally welcome everyone, then sharing a welcome slide with some course information can reassure delegates that they have called in to the correct session.
  • This sample housekeeping document can be used (and amended) to reflect session-specific requirements and includes guidance on the using mute, hand raising and chat functions.
Sharing Your Screen
Using Polls and Questionnaires

Here is how to conduct a quick poll, useful for single questions and can be repeated during a session.

Using the Breakout Rooms in MS Teams

A breakout rooms feature has recently been added to MS Teams.

This is a live recording of an actual breakout room training session (around 55 mins). This means that you will experience the session just as the original delegates did and it contains a lot of valuable information. There is a section of silence (between 17 and 23 mins approx) as all the teams are in there breakout rooms. When the audio is picked up again further guidance and hints and tips are detailed.

Please note that this video will not play in Internet Explorer.

These shorter videos cover the same material but they merely introduce the feature and offer brief demonstrations. 

We strongly advise that before using breakout rooms you should test and rehearse your session so that you are comfortable using the feature. This will also ensure you have a clear purpose for using breakout rooms in your session.

Information Governance

MS Teams is now widely in use across the Board for meetings and communication between services and other users. It is important that all staff adhere to Information Governance and Data Protection obligations when using Teams.

If you have any Information Governance enquiries relating to Teams or any other data protection matters please email:

Recording Attendance

You can download a list of attendees, during and also after the session.