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Learning, Education and Training

The Staff Governance Standard for NHS Scotland requires all NHS organisations to prioritise the personal health and well being of staff and patients in the delivery of services. To ensure the provision of a continuously improving, safe and person centred working environment, all employees should undertake statutory and mandatory training appropriate to their role on entry to the organisation (Induction) and at regular intervals during their career.

What is defined as Statutory and Mandatory training?


Training that is prescribed or authorised by a statue of law and it is compulsory for all employees at Induction and at appropriate intervals during employment.


Training which NHSGGC has identified for all employees as a requirement to support the safe delivery of services and for the safety and well being of individual members of staff and patients. Mandatory training and education is deemed compulsory by the organisation and is commonly underpinned by statutory law, legislation, national guidance and recommendations. This training is delivered at induction and at appropriate intervals during employment.

Essential (Role Specific)

Any training or education that is required for an employee to undertake to support the services they deliver in their job role, speciality or location. Essential education requirements will be defined and monitored at a local level by senior managers/professional leads. As with statutory and mandatory topics, essential training once identified is compulsory and will be required at induction and at appropriate intervals during employment.

All NHSGGC Staff

All current employees of NHSGGC, regardless of their role or job location, must successfully complete specific training at regular intervals to ensure their compliance with the Statutory and Mandatory training requirements agreed for all Board staff. Your Line Manager will support you in achieving these requirements through activities agreed as part of your PDP discussion.

New Learn Pro accounts

  • This can be created by filling out the below form.
  • Please note it can take up to 5 working days to get log in details sent.

Mandatory LearnPro Modules

GGC001  Fire Safety

The modules contained in the course will provide you with the knowledge and understanding of how to prevent and manage fire within the NHSGGC workplace.

The modules are:

  1. Introduction and General Fire Safety
  2. Fire Prevention
  3. Fire Fighting Equipment
  4. Specialist Roles
  5. Fire Emergency within the Ward.
GGC002  Health and Safety, An Introduction

The purpose of this course is to examine the key Health and Safety related legal duties of employers and employees and have an understanding of the organisation’s approach to managing Health and Safety.

 By the end of the course delegates will be able to:

  • Explain how key legislative requirements are implemented in the organisation via policy, risk assessment, incident reporting and training
  • Describe potential hazards and associated risks in a range of healthcare settings
  • Understand their own individual responsibilities and what is expected of them in order to ensure they contribute to the safety of their workplace
  • Understand the importance of co-operation and communication on safety matters
  • Describe how to seek further advice and guidance in relation to health and safety concerns
  • Understand their own individual responsibilities to request support in relation to health and well being related issues.
GGC003  Reducing Risks of Violence and Aggression

The e-learning module constitutes a baseline of training in the management and reduction of V&A and is mandatory for all NHSGGC employees. Its content includes definitions of V&A, employer/employee rights and responsibilities, risk assessment and risk reduction strategies, the law with regards to use of force for self defence and post incident considerations and reporting.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course delegates will be able to:

  • Identify how key legislative requirements are implemented in the organisation via policy, risk assessment, incident reporting, education and training
  • Identify the potential causes of violence and aggression in a range of healthcare settings
  • Identify the signs that indicate that an individual’s behaviour may escalate to aggression or violence and assess the risks of the situation.
  • Identify the importance of staff’s self awareness and effective communication skills in potentially violent and aggressive situations
  • Identify a range of de-escalation skills and tactics that may be implemented
  • Identify the key concepts of ‘reasonable force’ and give examples of how they may apply in practice
  • State the actions required following an incident in relation to immediate action, reporting, recording, incident review, investigating and supporting individuals involved.
GGC004  Equality and Human Rights

The e-learning module introduces staff to equality legislation (Equality Act 2010 & Human Rights Act 1998) and contextualises within a health and social care setting using a range of video clips and practical exercises. 

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course delegates will be able to describe the equality legislation framework that applies to public sector bodies in Scotland and explain how it protects different groups of people from discrimination and unfair treatment.

GGC005  Manual Handling Theory

This module will provide underpinning knowledge necessary to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders caused by poor manual handling practice in the workplace.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course delegates will be able to:

  • Define the term “manual handling”
  • Outline how legislation applies to manual handling activities at work
  • Outline the management of manual handling within the organisation eg. policy, Scottish Manual Handling Passport, Organisation of education and support, access to Occupational Health, Incident Reporting
  • Describe the principles of ergonomics and risk assessment (formal and dynamic) in reducing the risk of manual handling injury
  • Identify the key areas and other related factors such as guideline weights to be considered when undertaking a manual handling risk assessment
  • Identify high risk activities/manoeuvres
  • Describe the potential impact on others of poor manual handling practice
  • Identify the risks involved in team handling
  • Describe importance of good communication in relation to manual handling
  • Describe the causes and effects of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)
  • State basic methods of promoting and managing their own musculoskeletal health both in and outside the workplace
  • Describe the principles of safer manual handling.
GGC006  Public Protection – (Adult Support & Protection and Child Protection)

There are two modules to be undertaken.

Adult Support and Protection

This module provides an introduction to Adult Protection, raises awareness of the content and implications of the Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007 and raises awareness of the existence of local Adult Protection guidelines and procedures.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course delegates will be able to:

  • Define the overarching principles of the Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007
  • Define the terms “adult at risk” and “harm”
  • Demonstrate an awareness of the duties to report, inquire and investigate, co-operate and discuss how these relate to your own role
  • List the three types of protection order
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the rights of the adult at risk and special circumstances which may impact on those rights
  • Demonstrate awareness that social inequalities and discrimination may heighten risk of harm adults may be/may have been exposed to.

Child Support and Protection

Child Protection Level 1: This module will provide basic signposting information for all staff regardless of role. It will give clarity to appropriate actions to be taken in the event there are concerns about a child.

GGC007  Standard Infection Control Precautions

This module describes the 10 basic infection control precautions that if applied correctly will greatly reduce the risk of infection in healthcare. Not all precautions will apply to all staff all of the time and therefore completing the module will allow you to determine which precautions apply to you in your specific role. 

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course delegates will be able to:

  • Understand why infection prevention and control matters to everyone
  • Describe what you can do to help to reduce infections occurring
  • Know who to contact for advice re optimising patient care
  • Know where to find further information and learning resources.
GGC008  Security and Threat 

NHSGGC is committed to providing a positive security culture throughout the organisation and to ensure personal safety at all times of patients, residents, staff and visitors. We have produced this short e-module in line with changes in legislation and to help ensure we embed security principles within our workforce.

By the end of the course delegates will be able to:

  • Understand the principles of the UK Counter Terrorism Strategy (CONTEST)
  • Keep secure door codes confidential so that they are only known by those that require them for regular discharge of their duties
  • Observe all personal safety and security rules at all times as described in the NHSGG&C Security and Threat Policy
  • Challenge those persons not wearing photographic identification badges unless to do so would place them at risk
  • Wear an up to date photographic identification badge at all time during work
  • Understand the process for reporting and recording Security incidents at a local level
  • Understand the vulnerability factors that can make individuals susceptible to radicalisation or a risk to others and can seek advice from if they have concerns about an individual who may be being groomed into terrorist activity
  • Ensure passwords and login details are kept secure at all times
  • Access the NHSGGC Security and Threat Policy for further information.
GGC009  Safe Information Handling (Information Governance)

This e-learning module explains the core concepts of safe and appropriate handling of personal and other information and describes the strategies and skills required to safely manage information.

Learning Outcomes

Following mandatory information governance training, staff should be able to:

  • Store, transport and transfer Board records and data (including health records, staff records and sensitive corporate information) securely and effectively
  • Understand the safe use of information and communication technology
  • Inform individuals about the use of their data
  • Understand the circumstances when consent should be sought prior to obtaining and using personal data
  • Verify recorded data using processes for positive patient identification
  • Record personal information accurately and consistently
  • Ensure that recorded information is relevant and not excessive
  • Use patient related data to support the delivery and management of healthcare
  • Understand the circumstances in which information may be used for healthcare support purposes such as clinical audit and service monitoring
  • Identify circumstances when personal data can, should and must be shared
  • Respond appropriately to requests for all recorded information held by the Board, demonstrating awareness of access to information legislation and local compliance requirements
  • Understand and apply rules for appropriate authorised access to personal and other sensitive data
  • Ensure that conversations in relation to sensitive or personal information, whether face to face or by telephone, take place in an appropriate area.

Additional Information

Review period

All staff must successfully complete the modules noted above every 3 years, with the exception of Fire Safety. All staff are now required to complete the General Awareness Fire Safety Training module annually. In addition to this, all Ward based staff must complete face to face evacuation training annually. 

Module access

You can access all of the above modules on our online learning platform, Learnpro. To do this, please log on to LearnPro using the following link: LearnPro login page.

If you need to create an account then this can be done on the learn pro page under create account

Forgotten passwords and Log in details reset Information

If someone has forgotten their password for the Learn Pro system and needs it reset, then they can do this quickly and easily themselves, without any need to contact the L&E support team.   Simply follow the steps below: 

  1. Click on the Forgotten password link

2- A box will appear below the password link for an email address to be added and send button clicked

3- A reset link will be emailed to email added above for the password to be reset


Once you have successfully completed a module you will be able to produce a certificate from Learnpro. You can save this as a document for upload to a learning portfolio to support professional requirements such as CPD or revalidation.


If you have any difficulty accessing Learnpro or a specific module, please contact LE Support on the Enquiry Portal :  HR Portal – NHS GGC HR ( or 0141 278 2700 (option 3) and a member of our team will be pleased to help you.

If you have forgotten your sign in details then please follow the forgotten login link to reset.

We have designed the modules to be easy and simple to use however if you would like some support to develop your computer skills to access these modules please contact Debbie Thompson, Core Skills Tutor.


Your compliance with the above modules will be monitored by the Board using a workforce information tool called MicroStratgey. 

Your Line Manager will be able to access reports for their area(s) of responsibility, highlighting what stage of compliance each member of their team is currently at. In order to ensure that the modules you have completed on Learnpro are included on compliance reports, you must check that your Identification Number on Learnpro is your current NHSGGC payroll number.  

As part of a proactive programme of empowering staff to keep track of their own statutory and mandatory training progress, a monthly notification email has been designed for all staff which provides an easy and quick way to view the status of your training and will go amber when you have 3 months or fewer remaining for each of the topics.

Additional training

In addition to completing the core statutory and mandatory training modules required for all staff in NHSGGC, you may also be required to undertake Role Specific topics depending on your role.

Your Line Manager will advise you of any additional training requirements you may need to complete.

The 2024-25 Staff Bursary is now open. The closing date for applications is 2nd May 2024 at 23:59 hrs. No late applications will be accepted.

For Bursary enquiries please contact

*Please note, we are experiencing a high volume of emails.  Your email is very important to us and we will respond as soon as it is possible.

Should I discuss my application with my manager?

Yes you must do this. There are several reasons for doing so which are detailed below:

  • Your application must have the support of your line manager – they need to complete
    a separate form that will be emailed to them directly. If these details are not all completed/ they do not support it, then your application cannot be considered.
    You must ensure that your Manager’s email address is entered correctly in your Application.
  • It is anticipated that the courses of study will be identified through the Personal Development Planning process.
  • You may need support with Study Leave.
  • The questions require you to outline the links between the learning and its application in practice and also its evaluation. As such you need to discuss these aspects with your manager in advance of making your application.
I have not been accepted on the course yet, should I still apply?

Yes – but you must inform us of progress.

I made a successful application last year and received 60%. Can I apply for the remaining 40% this year?

We cannot consider retrospective applications – all courses must commence between August 2024 and July 2025. You can only receive one award per element, module or identified year of a continuing programme, you can submit an application for subsequent modules or years though.

Can I apply for more than one course?

In order to ensure that as many people as possible can access funds, only one application per person will be accepted. Some courses are modular in design therefore an application for more than one module would be considered. You should check with the Bursary Administrator for specific guidance.

I’m planning to undertake a course over the next three years. Will I get ongoing support? Will I get the same amount each year?
  • The Bursary Scheme is available on a year-to-year basis, depending on the availability of funds. If your course is over one year, there is no guarantee of continued financial support for the duration of the course of study and you should make provision for this. 
  • Continued support for any follow-up years will require a separate application. Subsequent applications should not just be a copy of the original or previous applications. Each application should reflect your developing knowledge and experience of the course of study and its relevance to the workplace.
Can I submit a joint application with work colleagues?

No – Bursary applications can only be submitted from individual members of staff and should reflect that person’s individual development needs.

I have a temporary contract – am I still eligible?

The principles outlined in Section 6 of the Information Pack would still apply. You should contact the Bursary Administrator for a more detailed discussion of the nature of the temporary contract.

I might be applying for a post with another NHS Board. Can I still apply for a Bursary?

You can still submit a Bursary application but you must inform the Bursary Administrator if your job application is successful. An award will not be made if you leave NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde before commencing the course. If monies have been paid to you or to the education provider they will be reclaimed.

Are there any strings attached?

You must confirm that you have explored the alternative funding sources and that these are either unavailable or do not cover the full course fees, prior to accepting any bursary offer made to you.

 The applicant will be required to remain in employment with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde for two years following the date of the awarding of the qualification.  However, when an employee leaves NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, but remains within the NHS then the benefit of shared learning across the wider organisation is acknowledged and monies will not be reclaimed.

The application form asks if I have sourced alternative funding – Do you know of any alternative sources of funding or supports with learning?

All applicants must have sought alternative funding prior to making their bursary application. Some of the main funding routes are:-

  •  Local Service Budgets

Applicants should speak to their line manager to discuss funding availability or contribution to funding.

  •  SAAS – Student Award Agency for Scotland

Please follow this link to find out about funding available for students studying part time.

  •  Individual Training Account – Skills Development Scotland

These Individual Training Accounts used to be called ILA’s and can offer up to £200 depending on eligibility.

  •  Profession-Specific Support

If you are a member of a professional body you may find that grants or scholarships are available.

  • NHSGGC and University of West of Scotland Service Level Agreement

There is a Service Level Agreement (SLA) between NHSGGC and University of the West of Scotland to help nurses and midwives in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde access accredited programmes / modules at the University of the West of Scotland (UWS). Further information available through the following StaffNet link:

  •  Other Organisational Financial Supports

Different opportunities for assistance across the organisation may be available at various times of the year to support developments and practice – check with your line manager to discuss further.

  •  NES

NHS Education for Scotland offers a wide ranged education and training support for both clinical and non-clinical staff in Scotland. This can include some financial support. See the website for further details.

 Other supports

  • Adult Learners

HR Connect –  Adult Learners  The information in this linked page has been developed with the help of NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde staff who have taken a step back into learning, looking to adapt to workplace changes and to apply new knowledge, skills and approaches in their job. It contains links to a range of supports for staff.

What if I don’t know the outcome of my application/ request for alternative funding?

You need to indicate this in the relevant section of the application form.   If you are successful in receiving a Bursary Award, you will be asked to confirm that you have sought and either not been successful in securing alternative funding or that the level of funding does not cover all the course fees.

When will I know if my application has been successful?

All staff and their line manager will be contacted by email to advise of the outcome of their application. Due to the nature of the disbursement process, outcomes will be advised by end of July 2024.

Can I submit a previous application?

You must submit a new application each year personal to you.  Your application should reflect the current year’s study, the associated learning outcomes and your current year PDP.

When completing my application, can I save and continue later?

No. The system does not support save and continue later.  We advise that you type your responses into a Word document and paste your response into the application.​

I work for the Local Authority in a Health & Social Care Partnership. Can I apply for the NHSGGC Bursary?

No.  As the Bursary is funded by NHSGGC Endowments Funds, the Bursary can only support Staff employed directly by NHSGGC. You must have an NHSGGC pay number starting with either G or C.

Application Pack

Please read the information pack fully before completing your application –  

To apply, please click on the link to the Online Application Form.

We can only accept an application form submitted via the new online process.  Please do not print out, scan and send or convert to PDF.  If you require help with the application, or require the application in another format, please contact or LE Support 0141 278 2700 (option 3).

It would be preferred that you use your NHSGGC email, however personal email address may be used. There has been previous issues with some external email providers.  Your Line Managers NHSGGC email must be used.

For general Bursary queries, please contact or LE Support 0141 278 2700 (option 3).
The closing date for applications is 23:59hrs on Thursday 2nd May 2024. No late applications will be accepted.

Guide to the Bursary Application Form

The Bursary Scheme is a competitive process and funding decisions are based on the information within the application form. It is therefore essential that staff consider carefully the content of their application and discuss it fully with their line manager to secure their support prior to submitting the application form. All applications are considered and scored by a number of reviewers, independently of each other and referred to a disbursement committee as appropriate. Whether or not a Bursary award is made and the amount of money a successful applicant receives depends on the criteria being met and overall score.

Bursary Online Application Form Guide

The Staff Bursary Scheme is a competitive process and a large number of applications are received each year.  It is therefore essential that you read the Information Pack before applying and ensure that you comply with all aspects of the Application Checklist before submitting your application.

Guide to the Application Questions

Each question is scored separately (with the exception of questions 1 and 6 which are scored together) and the information below gives guidance on how to approach the questions.

The Bursary Scheme is a competitive process and funding decisions are based on the information within the application form.  Its therefore essential that you:-

  • Discuss your application fully with your manager prior to completing it,
  • Reflect on how the learning can relate to your job role/future development. It’s about the difference it will make.
  • Ensure that you have answered all of the questions.
  • Answer all parts of the question fully – this is not about writing more for each question, but ensuring that you respond specifically to what is being asked.

The following notes provide guidance as to the expected responses. Actual responses should reflect your experiences, expectations and hopes in relation to the course of study. These should be illustrated with recent examples.

Why have you chose this particular course of study? Please provide professional as well as personal reasons.

Responses will generally focus on the purpose and importance of the course of study and the consequent development of knowledge and skills. This may also include a brief comment on the potential impact on patients, colleagues or team. This will be the focus for your response to Questions 3 and 4.

Responses could also include reference to building on previous learning experiences and the identification of personal learning styles and preferences.

Comments on personal interest in learning or commitment to the particular course of study or contribution to the fulfilment of personal and career aspirations would also be appropriate. Please note that question 6 provides the opportunity to offer more general comments on personal aims, expectations and motivation.

How does this course of study link to your most recent Development Review or Appraisal and your current PDP – Personal Development Plan (or your own objectives if no recent PDP)? Please provide specific examples, outlining why they are important.

It is expected that responses will:

  • Offer reflections on most recent review or appraisal and PDP and why aspects are important.
  • Identify specific KSF dimensions, key result areas, objectives, CPD outcomes and competencies as appropriate.
  • Explain how the course will link to and support these.
How will you apply your learning to support appropriate NHSGG&C work objectives (e.g. local team/ department or corporate service objectives)?

Prior to answering this question, you need to discuss the application of your learning with your line manager.

Responses should detail not just how the learning will be applied but also what the local/service/organisational objectives are and how this learning will specifically support these.

Examples could include the application of e.g.:

  • clinical skills
  • management competencies
  • communication skills
  • research, training
  • and the relationship to e.g.:
    • local or corporate objectives/themes
    • national guidelines (SIGN, QIS)
    • professional policies, procedures or standards
What positive changes would patients/customers in NHSGG&C see as a result of you undertaking this learning? Please provide examples.

Responses should identify actual developments and changes (or proposed) changes to practice. These could include development or expansion of services, support for other team members, service users or patients, improved effectiveness and efficiency of a service. Again, discussion with your manager is key regarding this.

How will you evaluate the learning from the course of study (including evaluation of the course of study as well as evaluation of the impact on the service as appropriate)?

Evaluation of the course of study could include written assessments, supervised activities, group work, tutor feedback, personal reflection. Evaluation of the impact of learning on the service could include feedback from managers, colleagues, patients, formal audit, peer review, personal reflection.
*Please answer in relation to both the course of study and its impact on services

Please provide any additional information in support of your application.

Use this question to provide additional information or expand on responses in question 1.

E.g. career path, wider impact of the course of study (national or international), management support, potential further learning, personal challenge, financial incentive provided by the Bursary Scheme.

Guidance for Managers 

The Staff Bursary Scheme is available to all directly employed staff who currently work within NHSGG&C – from any service area, discipline or grade. It’s just one of a range of resources to support the development of staff and their ongoing learning.

I’ve just heard about this – what next?

The Bursary Scheme is generally available in the spring of each year, if funding is secured. Make sure that staff know about this opportunity – discuss it at team meetings and with members of your team – promote it as another route to support their individual development in line with service objectives.

A member of staff is interested in submitting an application – what should I do?

When the scheme is open, it’s essential that you discuss their application with them.  The application must be supported by staff’s line manager for it to be considered.   Key things to discuss include:

  • How does it link to their PDP/Learning needs?
  • What outcomes are they hoping to achieve?
  • How could they apply the learning within their work and how does this link to work objectives (at team/service/organisational level)?
  • How would the learning and impact of it be evaluated?

These are all areas covered in the application form – your support in discussing these can greatly assist in taking their application forward as an integral part of the PDP and Review process.

Staff must also explore all alternative funding sources prior to applying.  Any awards made are on the condition that staff have done so and that alternative funding is either not available or does not cover the full course fees. After your member of staff has submitted an application, you will receive an auto-generated email with links to an online form to demonstrate your support. If you do not complete this form, the application will be withdrawn and the member of staff notified.

What alternative sources of funding are there?

There are a range of potential funding sources – see the ‘Other Resources and Support’ page for further details.

How will we know if the application has been successful?

All staff who submit an application will be contacted by the Bursary Administrator to confirm receipt of their application. If they don’t receive confirmation within 24 hours of submitting it, they should contact the Bursary Administrator direct. All staff will then be contacted by email to advise of the outcome of their application, and the manager will be copied into the email.

If Bursary Funding is awarded, does it cover every aspect of a course?

It only covers course fees – any additional costs such as travel, books and examination or accreditation fees are not included.

Applications must come from individual members of staff, reflecting their own development needs. If the course of study it essential to service development, then alternative funding must be sought.

If a member of staff’s application is successful, will the funding cover the cost of all the course fees?

If a Bursary Award is made, it is on the condition that the member of staff has first explored/applied to all alternative funding sources and that these have either been unsuccessful or if secured, they do not cover the full cost of the course fees.

The amount of funding awarded depends on the score given to the application, the number of applications received and overall level of funding available. The total funding available to an individual is capped.  As such, any Award made, may not cover the full course fees. The Bursary Scheme is also available on a year by year basis subject to the availability of funding.  As such, if a course lasts more than one year, there is no guarantee of continued financial support and employees are advised to make provisions for this when applying.

What other supports do we need to think about?

This will vary depending on the nature of the course – e.g. how long is it, is it during the member of staffs normal working hours etc., how can this be supported/ accommodated. Any study leave will be at the managers’ discretion, however managers must not discriminate between full and part time staff.

It is also important to regularly discuss progress and the application of learning – just as you would with any other learning or training opportunity, as part of the PDP process. An annual evaluation of the Scheme will take place in the autumn. This will focus on applicants’ progress with study and future study plans as well as the impact on personal, clinical and organisational objectives. In order to gather the relevant data applicants and managers will be contacted annually to participate in a survey.

Other Resources and Support

There are a range of resources and support open to staff both within and out with NHSGGC – some of these are outlined below:-

Local Service Budgets

  • Applicants should speak to their line manager to discuss funding availability or contribution to funding.

SAAS – Student Award Agency for Scotland

Individual Training Account – Skills Development Scotland

Profession-Specific Support

If you are a member of a professional body you may find that grants or scholarships are available.

NHSGGC and University of West of Scotland Service Level Agreement

There is a Service Level Agreement (SLA) between NHSGGC and University of the West of Scotland to help nurses and midwives in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde access accredited programmes / modules at the University of the West of Scotland (UWS). Further information can be found on the Specialist Nursing Pages on StaffNet.

Other Organisational Financial Supports

 Different opportunities for assistance across the organisation may be available at various times of the year to support developments and practice – check with your line manager to discuss further.

NES (NHS Education for Scotland)

NHS Education for Scotland | NES offer a wide ranged education and training support for both clinical and non-clinical staff in Scotland. This can include some financial support. See the website for further details.

Other support

Adult Learners

Adult Learners – NHSGGC The information in this linked page has been developed with the help of NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde staff who have taken a step back into learning, looking to adapt to workplace changes and to apply new knowledge, skills and approaches in their job.  It contains links to a range of supports for staff.

Other Learning & Development Information can be found as follows:-

Accepting Your Award

Accepting Your Award – Confirmation of Acceptance 2023-2024

Congratulations on your Bursary Award. Please follow the process below to ensure that your Provider is paid promptly.

1. You should receive an email from the Staff Bursary Team advising you of your award.

2. When you have secured a place on your chosen course, and have a starting date, please fill out the Confirmation of Acceptance form on this page.

3. To complete the Confirmation of Acceptance, you must ensure that each section is fully complete. Please ensure that you include your Providers email and full postal address.

4. When you have completed your Confirmation of Acceptance, please email this back to remembering to include your proof of course fees for the Bursary year. This can be an email from your Provider, a screenshot from your Provider’s website etc..

Please click on this link to access the Confirmation of Acceptance Form (COA).

If your Confirmation of Acceptance Form is incorrectly completed, is incomplete or if you have not attached your proof of course fees, the form will be returned and could result in either late or non-payment of your course fees.

In all cases, your Confirmation of Acceptance and Proof of Course Fees must be received by the Staff Bursary Team by 8th July 2024. Any invoices received after Friday 19th July 2024 could result in non-payment of your Staff Bursary.

If you have any questions about the process or want to discuss your individual circumstances, please email or phone the LE Support Line on 0141 278 2700 (option 3).

This area is relevant to staff who supervise or manage staff or services in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde including Service Managers in integrated roles working in our Health and Social Care Partnerships who are not employed by NHSGGC, but they manage NHSGGC staff in their teams.

You will find links to advice and guidance, information about development opportunities and access to the booking process for programmes offered by NHSGGC.

Current Programmes

Essential Skills for Managers (An Introduction)

This 1½ day programme will support you in developing key day-to-day skills and confidence required to manage people and resources. We will focus on four interrelated themes:

  • Communicating and Influencing
  • Organising and Delegating including Performance and Time Management
  • Managing Change
  • Problem Solving and Decision Making

This programme complements, the New People Managers and Supervisors Induction Pathway and the People Management Programme (policies and managing people) with essential, but sometimes taken for granted, management skills.

This programme also replaces the ILM programme which covered similar topics.

The programme is open to new, current and future operational managers.

Looking for support with your people management responsibilities? (People Management Programme)
Useful Resources for Managers or Supervisors

There are numerous management resources available, but it can be difficult find what is right for you. Here are a few that that we have found useful.

The Knowledge Network 

This is a national knowledge management platform for health and social care in Scotland. It is developed and maintained by the Knowledge Services group at NHS Education for Scotland. The Leadership and Management section will be of particular interest.

The Good Practice pages (also accessible from The Knowledge Network) offer a wide range of ‘bite-size’ learning opportunities (often less than 10 mins). Typically they provide hints and tips, templates and models you can use. To access you will need to follow the Good Practice link (may require an Athens account).

Examples include:

  • Learning and Development – Top tips for coaching (4 mins)
  • HR – 5 things managers can do right now (3 mins)
  • Leadership and Strategy – How to answer questions about change (5 mins)
  • Managing People – Delivering feedback (10 mins), How to delegate (6 mins)
  • Personal skills – Building self confidence (3 mins)      
  • Projects and Operations – Introduction to continuous improvement (5 mins)

Leadership and Management Zone

A recently developed (and growing) Leadership and Management Zone can be found on Turas Learn. The site plans to offer a range of helpful resources whether you are an experienced manager or thinking about pursuing a management/supervisory role.

Open University

Free Open University courses can be downloaded for use on tablets, kindle etc. Each course has a guide to the number of hours study. For example, ‘Managing and Leading People, takes 8 hrs and is at level 3 Advanced.


The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) is nationally recognised service which also provides valuable guidance and supporting resources. Here are some further top tips from the website.

Last updated; 01/08/2024

You can now book a place on the course using the eESS Login ( Learner self-service facility. Guidance on how to search for Learning and Development on eESS OLM can be found here:

Full access to all Standard Operating Procedures and e-learning videos is available on eESS Login (

A – Z Learning, Education and Training Catalogue

Adult Learners

As an organisation supporting a diverse range of learning and education opportunities we have designed this page to support the needs of adult learners. Our content has been developed with the help of NHSGGC staff who have taken a step back into learning, looking to adapt to workplace changes and to apply new knowledge, skills and approaches in their job.

By highlighting routes for guidance and support and celebrating the achievements of learners we hope to encourage people of all backgrounds or ages, to be inspired to give learning a go.

“In NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde we believe learning is for everyone regardless of age or stage of career. Learning can help us prepare for new roles in our constantly changing organisation. Effective learning is a partnership between the learner and NHSGGC. The aim of these pages is to help you access the kind of learning that suits you. We want every member of our staff to have equal access to learning, education and development which is relevant to their needs.” 

Lyndsay Lauder, Head of Workforce Planning & Development

Quick Guide to Internal Training and Meeting Facilities

The following information provides guidance to two internal routes for accessing training and meeting room facilities in NHSGGC:

NHSGGC Work Space Manager

This is an online self booking system which offers access to a wide range of rooms across NHSGGC with seating capacity from under 20 to a maximum of 120.

Work Space Manager (WSM) is the general booking system for the range of meeting and training rooms in NHSGGC. WSM provides the facility to search for venues using date, location and required resources.

When a user accesses Work Space Manager (WSM) for the first time, they will be required to login; the login will be their email address with a blank password. Once logged in, they are presented with the application set to the highest level of location hierarchy. The nature of the application allows for multiple levels of locations before ending in a floor plan where the resources may be found.

For any issues or additional information, email: or

Teaching and Learning Centre, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Campus

This is a purpose built teaching and learning centre with a 500 seat capacity lecture theatre plus a range of small (6-15 seats), medium (40 seats) and large (70 seats) teaching rooms.

An appendix is available at the end of this page to provide a quick guide to some of the sites across NHSGGC indicating small, medium or large venues.

The centre was developed jointly by NHSGGC and The University of Glasgow. It represents an investment of £27 million providing a state of the art learning and teaching environment for University of Glasgow undergraduate medical and nursing students as well as students studying on a variety of clinical science postgraduate programmes. It also provides postgraduate training facilities for medical staff and a large variety of NHS professionals thus ensuring we train the next generation of doctors, nurses, scientists, clinical academics and support staff to the highest standards.

Three floors of this purpose built centre are dedicated to teaching and learning. The fourth floor is a purpose built, £5M Clinical Innovation Zone which accommodates the Stratified Medicine Scotland-Innovation Centre, a University of Glasgow-led, Scotland wide collaboration with industry that is a leading initiative in the field of ‘precision medicine’, a National Centre of Excellence for the UK Precision Medicine Catapult, and incubator units for industry.

For any issues or additional information, please email:

Quick Reference Guide

The following list is a summary guide to sites in NHSGGC that offer venues currently available via Work Space Manager (WSM) and the Teaching and Learning Centre, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Campus. The search function on WSM offers the opportunity to narrow done the search to meet the specific requirements of the event.

This list is not exhaustive and there may be other venues located in NHSGGC that are not included in this sample of small, medium and large venues.

6 – 15 Seats
40 Seats
70 Seats
100 Seats
500 Seats

Our induction film welcomes you with the aim of highlighting our values and ambitions and to outline the ethos of patient centred care in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

It is key that we are all committed to the core NHS values of: Care and Compassion, Dignity and Respect, Openness, Honesty, Responsibility, Quality and Teamwork and we use these values to guide us in all that we do.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde is a great organisation with a huge pool of terrific talent. We are committed to fairness and equality and take a zero tolerance approach to all forms of discrimination.

We have access to some of the finest facilities and resources in the country, but it is the values and attitudes we demonstrate as individuals that make the biggest difference to our patients and their families.

These key messages are important for new colleagues joining our organisation, but I also believe it is important that we all remind ourselves of the opportunities we have to impact very positively on the lives of thousands of patients and their families no matter what job we do as part of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

Further Information

‘Digital learning has progressed rapidly to cover a wide range of formal course-based e-Learning packages and products together with a huge variety of complementary or alternative techniques, such as sharing knowledge or links to resources via social/interactive media sites and viewing / participating in online lectures, webinars, podcasts or blogs’ (CIPD, 2020) 

The following provides a guide to identifying and developing digital educational methods that complement or replace classroom-based training:

How do I get started?

Digital Learning can be a combination of methods including informal and self-directed activities (e.g. making use of web-based resources) and structured interventions using virtual environments (e.g. Cisco Webex, MS Teams) or eLearning. Whether it is newly commissioned training (perhaps resulting from a Training Needs Analysis) or a revision of current provision then following these basic principles will help to identify the most appropriate learning method(s) and preparation for a virtual session if that is required.

Purpose/Outcomes: A clear statement of why the training is necessary and what participants are expected to achieve e.g. specific knowledge, particular skills, transferable skills, better understanding, behaviour change.


  • Who they are and why they have been identified e.g. single discipline, multi-disciplinary team, self-selection, mandatory. An understanding of these factors will encourage buy-in from participants. 
  • Essential to identify potential barriers to access and mitigate as far as possible.
  • Digital literacy, vital to recognise that not all staff may have the skills or confidence to engage effectively with some aspects of Digital Learning.
  • Disabilities e.g. supporting a deaf colleague in a virtual environment such as MS Teams.
  • Important that delegates have line manager support as this will aid follow-up and application of learning.
  • IT access. Do staff have access to equipment and appropriate software? Some staff may use their own devices e.g. home PC, so you will need to ensure that they are provided with guidance to check for potential access issues.
  • Will there be an expectation that staff will use their own devices e.g. smart phones to access an app?
  • Also important to acknowledge the participant’s physical environment e.g. will they have distractions when accessing MS Teams.
  • Ensure that when planning the session you include opportunity for engagement and interaction where possible.

Evaluation, assessment and reporting requirements:

  • Evaluation can aid measurement of value/effectiveness. An assessment may be required to confirm achievement to an agreed standard.
  • The reporting on evidence of attainment may also be required and consideration given to the most appropriate mechanism e.g. eESS.

Planning for virtual environments (if required) e.g. MS Teams:

  • Promotion (or participant identification) and booking process.
  • Joining instructions – date, start time, duration, session link and any supplementary material.
  • Session planning (further guidance below).

You may also find this Digital Learning Planner useful to help you consider and plan a digital learning experience.

Digital Learning Options

This table sets out a range of common approaches to Digital Learning. These approaches are not mutually exclusive and can (and should) be used in combination.


Here are two great resources that you should check out:

  • NES provides guides and resources which include an introduction to MS Teams, a guide to transferring face to face training online as well as dates of facilitation training sessions.
  • The College Development Network has produced this really well structured, up to date site that you should not miss.

The following pages offer more specific guidance on the respective approaches. They can be used in combination and a ‘blended’ approach can produce better outcomes. 

Update March 2022 

This resource is being redeveloped. More training will be added when it is confirmed new sessions are scheduled in 2022.

Communications training currently available can be accessed from the headings below:

Anticipatory Care Planning (ACP) Communication Skills Training

We have developed a training session to help staff reflect on the best way to incorporate ACP conversations into their everyday practice.

Provider: Macmillan ACP Programme Team

Duration: 2 hours

Bereavement Awareness Sessions for Staff

These brief sessions aim to increase your understanding, and help you feel better informed and more confident in communicating with and supporting grieving families.

Provider: Child Bereavement UK/NHSGGC Bereavement Service

Duration: 1 hour

Communication Skills – Foundation

This Workshop is licensed and is appropriate for all staff groups. The Sage and Thyme Workshop is based upon evidence relating to core communication skills, psychological assessment and support.

The three hour workshop, run by three facilitators, teaches up to 30 delegates on how to use a structured approach for getting in and out of a conversation with someone who is upset or distressed, while providing basic psychological support. The workshop uses a mix of small group work, lectures and interactive rehearsals based on participant’s scenarios to teach and demonstrate a structure approach to noticing distress, hearing concerns and responding helpfully.

NB. In addition to the calendar sessions this training can also be delivered on request to teams or groups.

Provider: Acute Palliative Care Practice Development Team

Duration: 3 hours

Communication Skills – Realistic Conversations: Skills To Support TEP Conversations

A Treatment Escalation Plan (TEP) is a communication tool which is helpful in hospital when a person with serious illness has the potential for acute deterioration or may be coming towards the end of their life. Sometimes doing everything possible may actually lead to harm – to more suffering and distress rather than less – and without any particular gain. What can be done and what should be done may not necessarily be the same thing. Treatment Escalation Plans should be discussed and made based on personalised realistic goals rather than ‘one size fits all’ treatment.

Provider: EC4H

Duration: 75 minutes

GGC 28: Anticipatory Care Planning

The aim of this module is to provide staff with a general understanding of the Anticipatory Care Planning process. The module is in 6 sections, each covering a different aspect:

  1. What do we mean by Anticipatory Care Planning?
  2. Who needs an Anticipatory Care Plan
  3. Why is Anticipatory Care Planning required?
  4. When should an Anticipatory Care Plan be discussed?
  5. How do we have good Anticipatory Care Planning conversations?
  6. Where can we store and access Anticipatory Care Planning information?

Provider: LearnPro

Duration: 1 hour


This course is designed to help delegates to understand what assertiveness is, and when to use it. Assertiveness can improve performance and help with the management of difficult people and situations.

Provider: LearnPro

Duration: 45 minutes

British Sign Language – Booking Interpreters

There are over 4000 Deaf people using British Sign Language (BSL) in the NHSGGC area. By law, we must provide an interpreter for our Deaf patients, both at health appointments and when they are in hospital. This new video has been produced to show staff how and when to book a British Sign Language Interpreter for patients. It explains why it is so essential to provide interpreting support for our Deaf patients and looks at additional methods of communication.

Provider: LearnPro – Equality and Human Rights Team (CIT)

Duration: 1-2 hours

Conflict and Challenging Behaviour

This course is suitable for staff who have minimal direct contact with patients or members of the public but may be exposed to occasional verbal abuse e.g. in reception areas where staff work behind desks or screens. This course focuses on risk assessment, self awareness, proactive service delivery and good communication skills. Access this training in the Specialist Subject section of LearnPro.

Provider: LearnPro

Duration: 1-2 hours

Conflict Management

In order to manage conflict you will need to learn about the causes of conflict and how you can minimise the effects or prevent conflict from occurring. It is also important to know what do if conflict does occur in order to support your team and deal with any adverse effects.

Provider: LearnPro

Duration: 1-2 hours

Giving and Receiving Feedback

This module will help you understand the value of giving feedback in the workplace, as well as knowing when and how to give it. It is also important that you are able to receive and deal with feedback in order to develop yourself and build constructive working relationships with your colleagues.

Provider: LearnPro

Duration: 1-2 hours

Managing Effective Meetings

An increasingly important communication skill for anyone involved in supervisory management is that of managing effective meetings. Whether the meetings are low key or of great significance, the principles and issues are the same when it comes to chairing them successfully and this module will guide delegates through the skills and tasks required to master. 

Provider: LearnPro

Duration: 1-2 hours

GC231: Carer Awareness Training Core Information

This module offers you the opportunity to explore the principles and practices of the NHSGGC Carers Pathway, how carers are identified, provided with relevant information and signposted to support. 

Provider: Health Improvement

Duration: 30 minutes

The Learning and Education service offers a range of development opportunities for all staff from entry into post and throughout the span of your career. From formal qualifications to learning pathways, we will provide you with practical solutions tailored to your needs. This may be by completing a work based qualification, attending a tutor led session or using online learning resources.  

Our Learning, Education and Training Catalogue outlines information on the wide range of tutor led and online courses that are available. Access to online learning is flexible and resources can be accessed from mobile devices, work or home PCs at any time.

Your learning and development should be discussed and reviewed with your line manager or supervisor throughout the year and at your annual Personal Development Planning and Review conversation. Your agreed learning will then be recorded electronically in your Personal Development Plan.

Support for learning is outlined in the section on our staff NHSGGC Bursary Fund.

Contact LE Support Unit

Please use the HR Self-Service Portal for your request and ensure that you add the link to your Favourites for easy access.

How to Raise a ServiceNow Ticket for L&E.mp4

If your enquiry is urgent or you would prefer to talk to one of the Learning and Education Assistants please contact us by telephone 0141 278 2700 option 3. The team are available at the following times:

  • Monday – 10.00am until 3.00pm
  • Tuesday – 10.00am until 3.00pm
  • Wednesday – 10.00am until 3.00pm
  • Thursday – 10.00am until 3.00pm
  • Friday – 10.00am until 3.00pm

User videos have also been created in order to provide a clear demonstration of how to log an enquiry or request for LE support . The video can made full screen by clicking on the ‘Fullscreen’ arrows at the bottom right of the video.

Forgotten Passwords and Log in details reset (LearnPro and TURAS)


  1. Click on the Forgotten password link

2- A box will appear below the forgotten password link for an email address to be added and send button clicked

  • A rest link will be emailed to email added above for the password to be reset

TURAS Appraisal

1 – Click on the ‘Forgot your password?’ link.

2 – Add email address and click ‘Send verification code’

3 – A code will then be emailed to the address you gave.   Please leave the TURAS page opened until the code arrives, then copy and past it into the ‘Verification code’ section and click ‘Verify code’ and then ‘Continue’.

4 – This then allows the password to be reset

In House Training and Meeting Room Facilities

If you are planning an event in NHSGGC you should consider delivering this online using MS Teams. If it is essential to use a physical space for your event and require a room(s), there are two internal contacts that you may find helpful in locating the room that best suits your requirements.

Please note that currently all venues are subject to physical distancing guidelines and you should check facilities at time of booking.


Further Information

When your lead employer is NHSGGC and you are on placement within the West Region the following payroll and expense forms will apply.


Your payslips are electronic through the NHSGGC ePayroll system. Once your details are uploaded on the payroll system you will receive a secured envelope detailing your user name and password.  

Below you will find User Guide and Frequently Asked Questions.