Statement from John Brown, Chairman, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
On behalf of the Board, I offer condolences to the families who have lost a child. We are very sorry that in these tragic circumstances our failure to fully respond to their concerns has added to their distress.
I also want to apologise to all the families receiving care or being monitored by our clinicians in the Paediatric Haemato-Oncology Service for the anxiety caused by the move from the Royal Hospital Children to Ward 6A in the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital.
We fully accept that we must improve the flow of information and our engagement with parents and ensure families are fully supported when a patient suffers an infection.
At a time when parents most require to have faith and trust in the NHS, we have lost the confidence of families and we deeply regret that.
We are fully committed to do all we can to re-build that confidence.
We will do this by working with the Oversight Board to introduce the new arrangements described in the Cabinet Secretary’s statement to the Parliament.
This will help us address the issues affecting the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and the Royal Hospital for Children in a more open and transparent manner.
(Content first published in January 2020)
Jane Grant, Chief Executive
Statement from Jane Grant, Chief Executive, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
We know that some families have concerns about protecting their children from infection while at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and the Royal Hospital for Children. I am truly sorry that parents remain concerned and I am absolutely committed to ensuring families are provided with the information they need and deserve.
Bringing together information and background to the issues is part of this determination which is underpinned by our NHS Values, particularly ‘openness, honesty and responsibility’.
The Chairman and I have recently met some of the families affected. This was really helpful in terms of understanding what we need to do to address their concerns and what we need to think about for the future. The families told us they found it really helpful too so I would encourage any parent who remains concerned about the quality of care their child has received to contact me directly to arrange a meeting.
To continue to improve how we engage with families we are working with Professor Craig White who has been appointed by the Cabinet Secretary as point of liaison with families.
The Cabinet Secretary for Health, Jeanne Freeman MSP, has appointed an Oversight Board, chaired by Professor Fiona McQueen, Chief Nursing Officer, to ensure appropriate governance is in place to increase public confidence in infection control and in our engagement with families.
We welcome the additional support offered and are committed to working closely with the Scottish Government to implement any recommended additional changes and enhancements across infection control and associated engagement.
Since the move to Ward 6A and 4B in September 2018, infection rates have been similar to other Scottish paediatric units. This unit is the only one in Scotland that carries out allergenic bone marrow transplants for children that are so sick they need a whole bone marrow transplant. Our dedicated colleagues on Ward 6A offer exceptional care that is always patient-centred and they have been entirely committed throughout this difficult period to ensuring the safety and quality of care of the children.
To support them to continue to offer this care we have fully tested the water supply and ward surfaces in Ward 6A and also reviewed individual infections and found no links between individual infections and no source of infections in the ward.
Families should be reassured that infection rates at present are within expected levels and the hospital is safe.
I am confident that the improvements we have already started, both to the building and to our processes, will help to reassure our communities that the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and Royal Hospital for Children are safe, and that NHSGGC staff are determined to provide the best care possible, both for our children and for anyone who needs our services.
On behalf of myself, the Board and the Chairman I would like to acknowledge our thanks to all staff who have worked so hard throughout this difficult time and have continued to provide excellent care to children and families.
Closed Ward 6A Facebook Group
We have created a closed Facebook group for Ward 6A, intended to create a space for information to be shared by parents, families and staff.
This is a new approach to engaging with parents and families and we welcome your feedback and any suggestions for how we make this work for you.
We look forward to working together to enhance communications and information sharing.
HAI Reports
NHSGGC fully complies with the national guidance for managing HAIs (Healthcare Associated Infections) which includes a structured and transparent approach for reporting incidents including:
All Red and Amber incidents are reported to HPS asap using the mandatory HIIORT template, which is updated following each IMT meeting and submitted to Health Protection Scotland (HPS).
All outbreaks and incidents scoring amber or red are as appropriate either reported or discussed with Directors, the Infection Prevention and Control Committees, the sector/directorate leads at the Acute Clinical Governance meeting.
All incidents and outbreaks that are assessed as red or amber are reported verbally by the Board Medial Director at the NHS Board Meeting. Details of these incidents and outbreaks are also reported in the HAIRT. This report is published before the meeting of the Board on the NHSGGC website. In addition a report of the business of the Board meeting is published following each meeting.
Go to the HAI reports using the following link: HAI Report
Letters and update briefings to Parents
The NHSGGC Chairman and Chief Executive have already met with a number of families and they were told that this direct engagement was extremely valuable.
We continue to offer this opportunity to all 400 families involved with Ward 6A.
We want to work with parents to improve how we communicate with them and we are being supported in this by Professor Craig White who has been appointed by the Cabinet Secretary as point of liaison with families.
The information published below sets out the letters and briefings that have been provided to the families as part of our ongoing communications with them.
26-11-2021 – Statement in response to remarks in Parliament and in the media
We are sure that you will be aware of recent claims in Parliament and negative stories in the media, and we know that this is bound to be distressing and worrying for you, as it is for our staff.
However, despite the inflammatory claims that have been made, we would like to reassure you that our priority is the safety, care and wellbeing of our young patients and their families.
All our wards offer a safe clinical environment, where your child continues to receive the very best care from highly skilled, experienced and dedicated staff.
As you would expect, our focus is on providing your child with the best possible care, and we are constantly reviewing our care, treatment, processes and procedures with a view to continually improving the environment in which our young patients are cared for.
You can have confidence that we will never waver from that commitment to your child.
We will keep you updated if this issue develops further but, as ever, if you have any questions, about your child’s care or any other issues which might concern you, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Patient confidentiality comes under Data Protection and Privacy laws and regulations which comply with the Data Protection Act 2018 along with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). You can find out more about how we use and protect our patients’ data on our Data Protection and Privacy page.
The report provides reassurance for the many families and the public who will have had concerns about the safety of the unit.
The purpose of the Health Protection Scotland report was to independently assess rates of infection in the Haemato-Oncology Unit of the RHC over a number of years to help inform NHSGGC investigations into recent infections at the hospital and potential links between these infections and the ward.
The report considered six years of laboratory data during which period the unit has seen more than a thousand patients with 2,894 admissions.
The report’s findings are fully in keeping with our own Incident Management Team investigations that concluded the unit is safe.
We have fully tested the water supply and ward surfaces in Ward 6A and also reviewed individual infections and found no links between individual infections and no source of infections in the ward.
On the basis of the IMT investigation’s findings and the results from the Health Protection Scotland review, the ward has re-opened to new patient admissions.
These pages are a resource for parents and carers and will continue to be updated and enhanced through ongoing engagement with parents and carers.
If you have any questions or if you have suggestions regarding further content to be included on these pages, please contact us using the following email:
(Content first published in January 2020)
The Haemato-Oncology Team provide expert care and specialist treatment to babies, children and young people with a range of serious conditions related to blood disorders and cancer. Patients are cared for in an inpatient, day care and outpatient setting.
Inpatient and day care services are currently being delivered in Wards 6A and 4B in the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital (QEUH). The team will relocate back to Wards 2A & 2B in the adjacent Royal Hospital for Children (RHC) when the ongoing refurbishment programme is complete.
Outpatient care continues to be delivered in the main outpatient department within the RHC and there has been no change to this.
As a team, they aim to provide not only excellent standards of clinical treatment for every patient and their family but also that vital level of care and support that is so valuable to patients and families as they work through the physical, emotional and psychological challenges of what may be one of the most difficult periods in their lives.
Our team is made up of many different groups of people including; Nurses, Doctors, Pharmacists, Psychologists, Dietitians, Physiotherapists and Play Specialists, all working towards the common goal of supporting patients and families.
Our Estates and Facilities colleagues provide excellent support in ensuring our wards are cleaned and maintained to a high standard. Our dedicated catering support work hard at ensuring a range of nutritional options for children of all ages and will respond to individual requests where possible, recognising that appetites may come and go whilst children are unwell and undergoing treatments.
About the wards
Ward 4B
Ward 4B is a 24 bedded inpatient ward in the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital. The ward is used by the national adult stem cell transplant service and has the appropriate ventilation and other infection control functions for such a specialist client group of patients.
The transfer of paediatric haematology oncology services from RHC to the QEUH included the national paediatric stem cell service. These patients could not have had their treatment in Ward 6A, so agreement was reached for 4 cubicles in Ward 4B to be used for duration of transfer for this type of patient.
This arrangement has allowed the paediatric stem cell transplant service to continue treating their patients under the terms of its commissioning agreement. Noting this was going to be paediatric activity ongoing in an adult clinical setting, special arrangements were put in place including the 4 cubicles being clustered together.
The nursing care for these patients is provided from the paediatric haematology oncology group based in Ward 6a. Nurses working in Ward 4B are managed day to day by the SCN / nurse in charge based in Ward 6A.
As a footnote, when Ward 6A had restrictions on new admissions and certain type of inpatient chemotherapy treatment, Ward 4B was used to reduce the number of patients who were transferred to other units.
To allow for this, the number of cubicles allocated to the paediatric haematology oncology service in this ward was extended. This was on a needs basis and under criteria that neither the adult or paediatric stem cell services were compromised.
Ward 6A has had no admission restrictions since 21st November 2019 and from then the use of Ward 4B has reverted back to 4 cubicles solely used by the national paediatric transplant stem cell service.
Ward 6A
In the RHC paediatric haematology oncology services are delivered from Wards 2A and 2B. Ward 2A is a 26 bed inpatient area while ward 2B is an 12 space day care facility.
While these wards are predominantly used by children and young people with cancer, there will also be patients treated with immunology or benign haematology conditions.
In September 2019 all services from these two Wards were temporarily transferred to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital.
The remaining services were transferred to Ward 6A which has 26 cubicle spaces.
16 of these cubicle spaces are used for inpatient stays while 10 are used for ongoing day care treatment. There is flexibility for either to go up and down depending on workload.
Day care provision is mainly provided Monday to Friday although is available at the weekends for pre selected patients.
During the recent infection incident this ward was closed to new admissions and certain inpatient chemotherapy treatments. This was precautionary while Estates work and infection control testing was completed and rooms were closed. These restrictions were removed in November 2019.
The ward is staffed by nursing team from Wards 2A and 2B. It is supported by paediatric AHPs and other paediatric clinical teams including hospital at night. There are no adults treated in this ward.
The medical team arrangements are no different to what was provided in Wards 2A and 2B.
Recently a parent room and play area for patients has been introduced to the ward.
The ward staff continue to actively progress various interactive staff patient engagement initiatives in the Ward (and extended to parents located in Ward 4B) prior to services being relocated to Wards 2A and 2B in the summer of 2020.
A few patients may be admitted to PICU or other areas in RHC. Normally this will be because they require specialist intensive or surgical care. Infectious patients (chicken pox for example) will also be managed in appropriate accommodation in RHC. These arrangements are no different to what was in place when services delivered from RHC.
About the team
The Haemato-Oncology team at the Royal Hospital for Children provide expert care and specialist treatment to some of the countries sickest babies, children and young people.
To deliver such high quality care takes truly special qualities including kindness, patience, professionalism, empathy, technical knowledge, expertise, dynamism and resilience.
This amazing team have those qualities in abundance and will always aim to bring some joy to their young patients each and every day.
The Haemato-Oncology team at the Royal Hospital for Children were recognised for their excellence at the recent NHSGGC Celebrating Success Staff Awards Event.
At the event the team received the prestigious Chairman’s Special Awards of Excellence.
News from the wards
Katie Knew She Wanted To Be A Nurse – While Having A Transplant Ward 6A
Nursing, they say is a vocation, but most people enter the profession not really knowing what to expect.
That can’t be said for 18-year-old Katie Watson from Maybole, who has just begun studying paediatric nursing at Glasgow Caledonian University.
Her career inspiration came from her own personal experience after she was diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia, aged just 14. In 2019, after two years of oral chemotherapy she underwent a bone marrow transplant. Katie received the majority of her care and her transplant at the Royal Hospital for Children in Glasgow.
Katie said: “I had wanted to be a nurse before my treatment, but going through that experience made my mind up. The whole team were amazing, quite inspiring.
“Once the nurses knew that’s what I wanted to be, they would talk me through and explain what they were doing. They would for example show me how to take my own blood pressure; they fed me with knowledge!
“I also think, being through what I have such as my transplant, will help to make me a good nurse. I know how the person in that bed feels, so when my time comes to nurse I will have that insight.”
Katie was treated in a number of wards on the Queen Elizabeth site, including the paediatric oncology ward 6A.
Senior charge nurse Emma Somerville remembers Katie well. She said: “The team and I are delighted to hear how well Katie is doing and has started university!
“She always has a very positive attitude and this had a positive effect on other young people in the ward. She took every day as it came and I think that really helped get her through her treatment.
“We are also so proud her experience inspired her to become a children’s nurse. It’s a real boost for us and we are delighted for her that this is coming true.
“This type of feedback from patients makes all the hard work worthwhile. Good luck Katie!”
Katie is living in Glasgow and making the most of student life.
She said: “I’m enjoying living in halls in Glasgow. I’ve always been quite independent and enjoy being out and about in Glasgow. The course is going great and I’m looking forward to starting placements soon.
“I’m really excited about learning more about being a paediatric nurse and being able to give something back. I want to make children feel better – just like they did for me.”
New music therapy for children and young adults at the QEUH
Calum, music therapist and Yasmine
Children and young people facing cancer treatment at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital now have access to new music therapy to improve their wellbeing.
Music therapy is offered on a one-to-one basis for any interested patient at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital’s ward 6A.
The ward is currently being used to care for haemato-oncology patients while there is continued improvement work at the Royal Hospital Children.
The sessions are provided by Team Jak Foundation in partnership with the Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity. It is available once a week and open to all interested patients on the ward.
Patients can sing songs, play instruments, listen to music or make up new songs or stories. No prior music knowledge or ability is required.
Calum Muir is a music therapist and hosts the sessions.
He said: “We’re here to create a relaxed space so there isn’t any pressure to perform or sing. Children here are facing unique challenges so each session is a wee bit different. Sometimes we’ll sing, write songs or if someone is feeling too tired, we’ll just talk and hangout. It’s all about creating time where they can have some fun, outside of medicine.”
Feedback from the first few sessions has been positive, with some repeat customers already.
Fiona Wijetunga’s daughter, Yasmine, took part in the music therapy sessions.
She said: “Music is such an important part of Yasmine’s life but she’s been missing out on this lately. It was just amazing to see her pick up a guitar with Calum. Before you knew it, they were both playing together and it brought a tear to my eye.
It’s an amazing service.”
Sarah-Jane McMillan, Senior Staff Nurse, Ward 6a QEUH, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde said: “We’re pleased to offer music therapy to our patients. Some of our teenage patients in the ward said they had missed music classes from school while in hospital. Many have now had guitar practice with Calum and we’ve had great feedback from patients, families and staff alike.”
A recent report from Children’s Health Scotland found the Royal Hospital for Children was above the national average for many education and play indicators.
This includes: designated facilities for young people, which was found in 82% of the wards compared to the national average of 56%, and a dedicated playroom on the ward which was found in 100% of the wards. It also found dedicated classroom facilities in 64%, well above the national average of 38%.
Kirsty – the new face on Wards 6A & 4B
Kirsty Mackenzie
Welcome to Kirsty Mackenzie, a new face on Ward 6A and 4B!
Kirsty Mackenzie has been a Health Play Assistant at RHC for the last six years. Kirsty has worked in a variety of wards and departments and brings a wealth of enthusiasm, knowledge and ability with her to Ward 6A and 4B inpatients.
Kirsty said: “I am really excited about my new role in 6A and 4B and developing my knowledge regarding how best to help children with conditions I have no previous experience of. I’m very much looking forward to meeting all of the babies, children and young people on the ward.
“I like being challenged by children and young people to invent something new, like a game or a craft. I’m also happy to challenge anyone to a game of UNO!
Kirsty has been welcomed by Alison Dun who has been part of the Schiehallion Day Care team for more than three years and thoroughly enjoys her day to day engagement with all of the children who regularly attend for treatment.
Alison Dun
Alison works closely with the clinical multi-disciplinary team to ensure she can tailor play to be available to all children and young people at a time they need it.
Alison said: “The best bit about my job is getting to know all the children and families who come through the doors. I am always up for playing board games but crafting is my favourite, so please come and find me and we can learn lots of new skills together.”
Alison’s favourite activity is teaching children new board games, but admits to not being the most creative in terms of Arts and Crafts, so if any children or young people want to teach her new skills, she very much welcomes this.
New report recognises cleanliness and safety progress at QEUH
The Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and the Royal Hospital for Children have been positively recognised for progress in cleanliness and compliance with infection control measures following an unannounced visit from Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS).
The visit, which took place in November 2019, saw a group of external inspectors audit a number of areas and wards within the hospitals, and follows a previous visit in January 2019 which made a number of recommendations.
The report published on 20th February 2020, demonstrates that key recommendations from the January 2019 visit have now been implemented.
Read the full details through our press release via the following link.
We would like to give you an update on work to return patients to Wards 2A and 2B at the Royal Hospital for Children (RHC).
This has been an incredibly difficult period for patients, families and staff. We appreciate the challenges that being out of a purpose-built ward have created and we want to reiterate how sorry we are for any distress caused.
The events of the past few years, and the issues behind them, are still being examined.
Though the COVID pandemic has impacted on the programme, the upgrade is progressing well, and it is anticipated that the wards will be handed back by the contractor to NHSGGC by September. We will then carry out final checks and specialist commissioning before patients, staff and services move from the QEUH back into the wards.
When finished the wards will provide the highest-quality environment that is fully suited to the needs of our young patients and their families. They will be formally renamed ‘Schiehallion’, officially bringing back a much-loved name from the former children’s hospital, Yorkhill.
The project has entailed a replacement of the ventilation system costing more than £8 million, with new air-handling units ensuring the facility meets all current ventilation standards.
In addition, a highly specialised unit providing radiation therapy for treating rare cancers is being brought into use. The MIBG therapy was previously only available in England, so this new national service will further transform care for children across Scotland.
We would like to give special thanks for the tremendous efforts of former patients Molly Cuddihy and Sara Millar, whose £250,000 fund-raising campaign enabled the creation of a new, purpose-built chill-out area for children aged 8-12 years, to go alongside spaces for younger children and teenagers.
Throughout its planning and creation, Molly and Sara have played a central role in ensuring we provide a comfortable, relaxing environment for patients. Their input and ideas have been essential, and they all deserve huge credit for the work they have done.
As we prepare to return to Wards 2A and 2B, children and young people have also played an important role in making sure that the offering on TVs and iPads is what they need. Our play team recently surveyed more than 70 young people to gauge their opinion on the service we provide, and the results will help shape our TV and digital service throughout the RHC.
We are constantly reviewing the facilities that will be available in the new wards, and we will continue to engage with patients and families as we strive to provide the very best environment in which to look after our young patients.
These pages are a resource for parents and carers and will continue to be updated and enhanced through ongoing engagement with parents and carers.
If you have any questions or if you have suggestions regarding further content to be included on these pages, please contact us using this email address:
(Content first published in January 2020)
If you’re pregnant and seeking information and advice or need to make arrangements to meet your midwife visit our meet your midwife page.
You can also visit our Maternity Services page to find out more about the services provided across NHSGGC.
For lots of families, choosing to birth their baby at home comes with a wide range of benefits and can be the safest place to give birth. There are also circumstances, where birthing within the hospital is advisable due to additional risk factors affecting you, your pregnancy or your baby.
Can I give birth in the CMU if it is my first baby?
If you have a healthy, single pregnancy with no medical or obstetric complications, you can choose to have your baby in the CMU.
Yes. Options for place of birth will be discussed with you at booking and during your pregnancy.
Why may I not be able to give birth at the CMU
The midwives at the CMU consider your and your babies’ health to be of paramount importance and therefore any medical or pregnancy related conditions have to be considered in deciding the best place to have your baby.
What if a complication happens during labour?
Because you have experienced a fit, healthy pregnancy, you are less likely to experience complications, however should the need arise, the highly skilled midwives will manage the situation appropriately and will accompany you to the consultant led unit.
What management strategies can I use during labour?
Midwives find that support offered by them and your birthing partner, in a warm, friendly environment enables you to maintain control of your labour and reduces the need for intervention and drugs.
Who can be with me in the CMU?
Bring with you the one or two people you choose to offer you support at this time.
What pain relief can I have in labour?
There is also a wide range of pain relief.
Midwives find that support offered by them and your birthing partner, in a warm, friendly environment enables you to maintain control of your labour and reduces the need for strong pain relief.
Click the image below to view / download a PDF of the site map, which also includes travel directions.
Wards and Visiting
Ward B1 – Head and Neck, Brain and Skin
Call: 0141 301 7585 or 0141 301 7581
Ward B2 – Urology, Gastrointestinal and Neuroendocrine
Call: 0141 301 7610 or 0141 301 7605
Ward B3 – Brachytherapy: Urology, Gynaecology, Neuroendocrine and Thyroid
Call: 0141 301 7618 or 0141 301 7623
Ward B4 – Breast, Lung, Lymphoma and Teenage Cancer Trust, Teratoma and Sarcoma
Call: 0141 301 7593 or 0141 301 7597
Ward B5 – Gynaecology
Call: 0141 301 7630 or 0141 301 7635
Ward B7 – Haemato-oncology
Call: 0141 301 7302 or 0141 301 7308
Ward B8 – Haematology Day Unit
Call: 0141 301 7273
Open Monday to Friday, 9.00am – 5.00pm
Ward B9 – Oncology Day Unit
Call: 0141 301 7136
Open Monday to Friday, 9.00am – 5.00pm
Services and Outpatients
Acute Oncology Assessment Unit (AOAU)
Call: 0141 301 7635
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, 8.00am – 8.00pm
Enhanced Care Unit (ECU)
Call: 0141 301 9920
Information and support
Call: 0141 301 7390
Open: Monday to Friday
For anyone coming to the hospital, whether as a patient or visitor, the Support and Information Service can help you understand and manage your condition.
The service provides:
up-to-date health information
support with understanding medical jargon
a person to talk to who understands the health service and health issues
practical support with issues like transport, money, literacy, and smoking
The Chaplain’s office is in Gartnavel General Hospital, adjacent to the Beatson.
The Sanctuary, on the 1st floor of the Beatson, near the main entrance, is open at all times and is available to patients, visitors and staff as a place of quiet reflection and prayer. Prayer mats and books of the major faiths are available alongside other resources.
The Chaplaincy Service delivers spiritual and religious care to all people. Spiritual care addresses the fundamental human need to have a sense of peace, security and hope particularly in the context of injury, illness or loss. Healthcare Chaplains do this by being attentive to the patient’s story, looking for sources of strength and resilience, and valuing the person and what is most important to them. Religious care can be a crucial aspect of this. Healthcare Chaplains work with other NHS staff to ensure that these needs are met and, where appropriate, in partnership with local faith and belief groups.
Click the image below to view / download a PDF of the site map, which also includes travel directions.
Wards and Visiting
Ward 1A – 23 Hour Unit
Call: 0141 452 4329
Location: Level 1 – follow signs to the lift. Take the lift/stairs to level 1. Turn left and walk along the corridor, then turn right. Ward 1A is straight ahead.
Location: Level 1 – follow signs to the lift. Take the lift/stairs to level 1. Walk along the corridor and turn right and right again. Ward 1D is located along the corridor on your left.
Location:Level 0 – go past the outpatients reception and turn left. Pass the stairs/lifts and turn right. You will find X-ray imaging located along the corridor on your left. Report to the reception desk.
Location:Level 1 – follow the signs to the atrium and take the lift/stair, exit lift A or B turn left. From lift C or D turn right following signs to X-ray/Imaging. Continue along the corridor to the end, and turn left. You will find X-ay/Imaging located on this corridor. Report to the reception desk.
Pass the Outpatients Reception and turn left. Pass the stairs/lifts and turn right. You will find X-ray imaging located along the corridor on your left. Report to the reception desk.
MRI Scanner 2 – 1st floor
Follow the signs into the Atrium and take the lift/stairs to Level 1. If exiting Lift A or B turn left and from left C or D you should turn right following the signs to X-ray/Imaging (1st floor). Continue along the corridor to the end, and turn left. You will find X-ray/Imaging located on this corridor at G core on your left. Report to the reception desk.
Pass the Outpatients Reception and turn left. Pass the stairs/lifts and turn right. You will find X-ray imaging located along the corridor on your left. Report to the reception desk.
Pass the Outpatients Reception and turn left. Pass the stairs/lifts and turn right. You will find X-ray imaging located along the corridor on your left. Report to the reception desk.
Pass the Outpatients Reception and turn left. Pass the stairs/lifts and turn right. You will find X-ray imaging located along the corridor on your left. Report to the reception desk.
Follow the signs to the Atrium and take the lift/stairs to Level 1. If exiting lift A or B turn left and from left C or D you should turn right following the signs to X-ray/Imaging (1st floor). Continue along the corridor to the end, and turn left. You will find X-ray/Imaging located on this corridor at G Core on your left. Report to the reception desk.
Location:Level 1 – follow the signs to Atrium. Take lift to Level 1. Exit lift at Level 1 and walk along the corridor and turn right. At the end of the corridor turn left. X-ray/Imaging is located along the corridor on your left.
Location:Level 3 – follow the signs for Atrium, take lift/stair to Level 3, exit and turn right, walk along the corridor and turn right. Cinema is on your left.
Paediatric Rheumatology provides care to young people with Rheumatic conditions such as Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA), Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), Vasculitis, Uveitis, Juvenile Dermatomyositis, Scleroderma and anto inflammatory conditions.
We cover inpatient, outpatient and day care areas within the Royal Hospital for Children and Outpatients in the Panda unit in the Royal Alexandra Hospital.
Location:Level 1 – follow the signs to Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, upon arrival take Arran (lift/stair) to Level 1, exit Arran at Level 1, turn right, Restaurant is straight ahead on your left.
Open: Monday to Friday – 07.00am – 18.30pm and Saturday to Sunday – 08.00am – 17.00pm
Location: Follow the signs to Atrium, take lift/stair to Level 3, exit and turn right, walk along the corridor and turn right, Zone 12 is on your right.
It can be very stressful when your child is unwell. We know that there is a huge amount of information available at your fingertips, but finding something that provides clear and accurate information is not always easy!
Our parent and young people advice has been developed in partnership between our hospital medical staff and primary care colleagues and adapted with permission from the Healthier Together initiative. You’ll find information on common childhood illnesses, including advice on ‘red-flag’ warning signs to look out for, when and where to seek help and how to keep your child comfortable. Our information is regularly reviewed by our team to make sure we are giving you accurate and up-to-date advice.
Improving the quality of care for children and young people in Glasgow.
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, 8.45am until 5.00pm
The GP Walk-In Service is currently suspended due to Covid-19 (Coronavirus). If you are referred by your GP we will contact you to arrange an appointment.
Referrals to the lymphoedema service are accepted for patients who have diminished lymphatic drainage as a result of:
Under development of lymphatic drainage system.
Cancer and cancer treatments
Trauma – e.g. burns
Other medical conditions resulting in swelling of the legs.
Referral can be made through the patient’s GP or from other health care professionals involved in the patient’s care provided the GP has consented.
The first appointment will be for assessment and diagnosis. No treatment is given on this day but follow-up appointments will be arranged if treatment necessary. Treatment plan will be discussed with individual patients.
All nurses involved in patient care are trained and hold academic qualifications in specialist lymphoedema treatment.
Lymphoedema Scotland
This website is for patients, carers and healthcare professionals. There is information on lymphoedema self-care, who to contact to find about about lymphoedema care in your area and we provide links to other sources of information.
Lymphoedema is a condition where a part of the body, usually a limb, swells up because there is a problem with lymph drainage.
Occupational Health Nursing & Physician clinics, physiotherapy and counselling services.
Clinics are also provided on set days at the following locations:
Glasgow Royal Infirmary
Royal Alexandra Hospital
Inverclyde Royal Hospital
Vale of Leven Hospital.
Occupational Health Service (OHS) provides specialist advice to support you at work on all matters relating to your health and wellbeing.
We have a multidisciplinary team made up of Specialist Occupational Health Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurses, Physiotherapists, Consultants and Specialist Registrars in Occupational Medicine and Administration staff along with links to a wider range of specialists.
OHS actively supports the Health Improvement Agenda with a key focus on Healthy Working Lives (HWL) and the delivery of the Staff Health Action Plan. As a key stakeholder of the Board our focus on proactive health improvement will indirectly support the Board’s aspirations for the health and wellbeing of the wider community.
We operate under a strict code of confidentiality and your records are kept separate from all other NHS records.
How to access the service
Employees can be referred to the service by their manager or can self refer for advice, support or treatment should they wish to do so. The OHS can be contacted by telephone to arrange an appointment or direct your call to the appropriate person.
Occupational Health work closely with Human Resources, Infection Control, Health and Safety and local Management to ensure appropriate measures are in place to protect your health at work.
Our range of services
Occupational Health Nurse & Physician Services
Pre-employment health assessments
Occupational immunisation assessment
Advice about treatment following needlestick injury or other blood borne virus exposure.
Health surveillance
Workplace assessments
Reviews of health, work fitness and rehabilitation after absence
Health promotion in the workplace including Healthy Working Lives.
Physiotherapy Services
We can offer treatment and advice on:
Musculoskeletal condition
Workplace assessments
Review of health, work fitness and rehabilitation after illness
Back Care.
Counselling Services
Qualified counsellors are available via self referral or by referral via an Occupational Health Clinician.
Opening hours: All day for parent and 2.00pm – 8.00pm for all other visitors
Scottish Centre for Autism
Call: 0141 201 9232
Location: Caledonia House, WGACH
The Centre works with children and young people age 0-18 years who may have Autistic Spectrum Disorder. The team provides a specialist service in 2 parts. A National second opinion assessment and diagnostic service for children and young people, which includes a consultation only service for professionals on request, and an intensive parent-based early intervention programme for children up to the age of 4 years focussing on the core areas of social interaction, communication, imagination and flexibility. Therapy is on an individual basis and involves the child’s parents.
Referral Information
Professionals such as GP’s, Paediatricians, Psychologist and Psychiatrists can refer for a second opinion. Referrals will only be accepted when an initial assessment has been given in the child’s local area. Where a child has a clear diagnosis of Autism or is about to receive a diagnosis, a referral may be made specifically to consider whether the child would benefit from the early intervention programme.
General Medicine / Lomond Ward – 2nd Floor Maternity Block
Call: 01389 817321or01389 817365
Haematology Day Ward
Call: 01389 817206
Medical Assessment Unit/Ward
Call: 01389 817325
The unit is staffed by doctors and nurses at all times of the day and night, 24 hours a day / 7 days a week and assesses and treats most medical emergencies in adults aged 16 years and above.
Chest pain, Heart attacks
Asthma and ANY breathing problems
Collapses, epilepsy
Diabetes related problems
Allergic reactions
Some patients may require transfer to another hospital if their clinical need requires it.
Ward 14 – Older People Services
Call: 01389 817214
Opening hours:
Approximate mealtimes are 7.30 – 8.30am for breakfast, 12.00 – 1.00pm for lunch, and 5.00 – 6.00pm for the evening meal.
We try to make sure that patients are not disturbed while having their meals and staff may ask visitors to leave during meal times. However, if you wish to help your relative or friend during meal times, please discuss this with the ward staff.
Ward 15 – Older People Services
Call: 01389 817215
Renal Dialysis Unit/Ward
Call: 01389 817289
The Renal Unit at The Vale of Leven Hospital provides an outpatient haemodialysis service and nephrology clinics to patients in the surrounding areas.
It is now an offence for anyone to smoke within 15 metres of an NHS hospital building. This applies to everyone, including staff, patients and visitors to our hospital sites.
The new law applies to all NHS hospital buildings in Scotland and includes all awnings, canopies, or other overhanging structures connected to an NHS hospital building (even if they extend further than 15 metres from an NHS hospital building).
The addiction liaison outpatient service is a service open to all patients who attend the outpatient clinic settings. All staff can make referrals either via a referral form or telephone once consent has been agreed by the patient. Our service offers advice and support to individuals experiencing drug and/or alcohol issues.
We offer harm reduction advice and relapse management planning to help patients achieve and maintain change in their lifestyle. In addition, we can help patients look at their motivation to change and will help them to access ongoing community support. We will also provide health advice around dependency and risky behaviour and their current and future health.
Directions The Unit has its own dedicated entrance, From Balornock Road, turn first right immediately before roundabout, From Belmont Road, take third exit at roundabout and first left, From Springburn Road, take first left after roundabout.
It is now an offence for anyone to smoke within 15 metres of an NHS hospital building. This applies to everyone, including staff, patients and visitors to our hospital sites.
The new law applies to all NHS hospital buildings in Scotland and includes all awnings, canopies, or other overhanging structures connected to an NHS hospital building (even if they extend further than 15 metres from an NHS hospital building).
Please speak to staff about visiting arrangements should these times not be convenient. As our patients are critically unwell visiting can be flexible depending on the individual patient.
Neonatal Unit/Ward
Call: 0141 314 7035
Parents are welcome on the unit at any time. We want you to be involved as partners in care, and to provide as much of your baby’s care as possible.
Baby’s brothers and sisters are welcome any time also. Other children of primary school age or younger will not be able to visit the unit.
Relatives and friends can come to the unit if accompanied by a parent.
For any more information speak to one of the nursing staff on the unit.
We’ve partnered with Quality Radio FM 107.5 to launch the Royal Alexandra Hospital Radio Show.
Tune into your local radio station every Wednesday from 12:00pm to 1:00pm to listen live.
We’ll play your favourite songs and give shout outs to your loved ones staying or working in hospital. The show will feature news and information, keeping you up to date about the hospital and NHSGGC.
Submit music requests and messages to your friends and family staying or working in hospital by emailing
It is now an offence for anyone to smoke within 15 metres of an NHS hospital building. This applies to everyone, including staff, patients and visitors to our hospital sites.
The new law applies to all NHS hospital buildings in Scotland and includes all awnings, canopies, or other overhanging structures connected to an NHS hospital building (even if they extend further than 15 metres from an NHS hospital building).