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Getting Here

Getting Here

Longer Stay Assessment

Contact Information

  • Call: 0141 595 4748

Getting Here

Getting Here

Getting Here

Getting Here

Area Learning Disability Team – South

Contact Information

  • Call: 0141 276 3200
  • Manager Name: Raymond Hattie

Getting Here

Ward – G5

Opening hours

Visiting times

We understand the importance of encouraging and supporting people to stay connected to the people that matter most in their lives whilst they are in hospital.

In line with this Person Centred Visiting has been introduced in this ward. This means:

  • We have no set visiting times
  • Please discuss with the person you are visiting and staff when it would be good for you to be here
  • We will always welcome and encourage your involvement and support
  • Sometimes we may need to ask you to leave the ward temporarily, to ensure privacy, safety, space and rest for patients
  • If you have any questions please just ask.


Approximate mealtimes are:

  • 7.30am – 8.30am for breakfast
  • 12.00pm – 1.00pm for lunch
  • 5.00pm – 6.00pm for the evening meal

Family, friends and carers can play an important role in encouraging patients with small appetites to eat a little bit more. It is important that you discuss with staff if you can help with mealtimes on wards.


Getting Here


Area Learning Disability Team – South West

Contact Information

Getting Here


Common Knowledge

Contact Information

Getting Here