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Getting Here

Getting Here

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Getting Here

Affective Disorder Clinic

Call: 0141 303 8800

Opening Hours: Every Tuesday, 9.20am until 11.00am (Appointment Only & Referred Patients Only)

Anxiety Management Group

Call: 0141 303 8820

Contact Title: Day Hospital Staff

Opening Hours: One session each week for 8 weeks (Referred Patients Only).

Carers Education Group

Call: 0141 303 8800

Contact Title: Nursing and Occupational Therapy

Opening Hours: One session each week for 4 weeks (Carers of current patients only).

Community Psychiatric Nurses

Call: 0141 303 8800

Contact Title: Community Psychiatric Nurses

Opening Hours:

  • Out of hours support service: Weekdays only until 9.00pm (Known Patients Only).
  • Saturday & Sunday support service: 9.00am until 5.00pm (Known Patients Only).
Carers Education Group

Call: 0141 303 8820

Contact Title: Day Hospital Staff

Opening Hours: One session each week for 8 weeks (Referred patients only).

Monday Outpatient Clinic

Call: 0141 303 8818

Opening Hours: Every Monday 1.00pm until 4.30pm (Appointment only and referred patients only).

Wednesday Outpatient Clinic

Call: 0141 303 8801

Opening Hours: Every Wednesday 1.30pm until 5.00pm (Appointment only and referred patients only).

Occupation and Memory Group

Call: 0141 303 8800

Opening Hours: To be arranged.

Outpatient Clinics

Call: 0141 303 8800

Opening Hours: Monday & Thursday (Appointment only & referred patients only.)

Psychology Clinic

Call: 0141 303 8800

Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, various times between 9.00am until 4.00pm (Appointment only & referred patients only).

Shettleston Day Hospital

Call: 0141 303 8820 (Referred patients only)

Tuesday Memory Clinic Clinic

Call: 0141 303 8818

Opening Hours: Twice each month, 1.00pm until 4.30pm (Appointment only and referred patients only).

Thursday Memory Clinic Clinic

Call: 0141 303 8801

Opening Hours: Once each month, 2.00pm until 5.00pm (Appointment only and referred patients only).

Getting Here

Getting Here

Getting Here

Adult Eating Disorder Service

Contact Information

Call: 0141 232 7055

Getting Here

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Getting Here

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Community Mental Health Team – Adult Services

Community Mental Health Teams, collocated with Social Work colleagues, providing care and treatment to adults aged 18 to 65 years who have severe and or enduring mental health problems who live in East Renfrewshire.

Teams consist of nurses psychiatrists, psychologists, occupational therapists, health care assistants, social workers and admin staff.

Treatment is agreed and planned in conjunction with service users and carers, with a recovery based approach.

Elderly Mental Health

The service is designed to specifically meet the needs of clients in the Eastwood area, requiring input from mental health services, we prioritise the needs of clients with severe and enduring mental illness and dementia, designing and implementing a framework of care in which the client and carer are central We also provide services to those with mild to moderate mental illness where appropriate.

We use a multi-disciplinary approach to support clients and their carers, liaise with other professional bodies and the voluntary sector, we aim to prevent hospital admissions through community home based care, and look to support clients through the discharge process from psychiatric hospital.

Our multi disciplinary team offers a flexible needs led service, which includes specialised therapeutic group/individual work on a sessional basis.

Getting Here

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Getting Here

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