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HR Connect

Course overview

The course is to support the implementation of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s Bereavement Policy we are offering a series of short training sessions to promote an increased awareness and better understanding of death and bereavement, aimed at enabling better provision of bereavement care for patients, relatives and staff.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course you will:

  • Have reflected on your own grief journey
  • be able to recognize vulnerability and the need for support in the work place
  • be able to recognize some of the needs / fears of a dying patient
  • Be able to describe different models of grief
  • Be able to identify complicated and disenfranchised grief
  • Be better equipped to provide person centred bereavement care

Course provider; Bereavement Team

Who should attend?

Anyone who wishes to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding and coping with death and bereavement in order to provide better care and support to patients, relatives and staff.

Pre requisites; There are no prerequisites for this course

Duration; 2 1/2 hrs

KSF Links

  • C1 – Communication
  • C2 – Person and People Development
  • C4 – Service Improvement
  • C6 – Equality and Diversity

If you wish to organise a local training session for your service team or if require any further information as to the specific content of the course, and how it could be adapted to you local team needs please do not hesitate to contact:

Carol Campbell on 0141 314 9561 or by e-mail to  

e-Learning; An e-Learning option is not currently available for this topic via LearnPro

Course overview

This course is designed to help delegates to understand what assertiveness is, and when to use it. Assertiveness can improve performance and help with the management of difficult people and situations.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course delegates will be able to:

  • Recognise what assertiveness is
  • Identify how behaviour can be influenced
  • Describe why and when to use assertive behaviour
  • Explain how to use assertive behaviour when dealing with difficult people and situations

Course provider: Learning and Education Team

Who should attend; All staff are welcome to attend

Pre requisites; None

Duration; Guided learning time 45 minutes

KSF Links

  • C1 – Communication
  • C2 – Personal and People Development

e-Learning: An e-Learning option is available for this topic via LearnPro. You will find it under the CPD category.

Information and registration for LearnPro.

If you need any information on specific course content, the venue or booking process, please do not hesitate to contact the Learning and Education Support Team on 0141 278 2700 (Option 3).

Course overview

This 1 day course has been developed to support and identify the skills and knowledge required to undertake the role and function of a second worker, as part of the Adult Support and Protection 2007 Act. This course will consider the duties and expectations of the second worker in practice.

You should only apply for either the Multi Agency Awareness training or the Second Worker training and not both.

Learning Outcomes

The learning objectives will address the requirements of undertaking an Adult Support and Protection inquiry and investigation, covering the period of receipt of initial concern through to the Adult Support and Protection Case Conference. The course will underline best practice and the course programme adheres to the requirements of the Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007, the Code of Practice and Glasgow’s current procedures.

Course provider: Social Work Services

Who should attend?

All members of the Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership are welcome to apply after discussion and approval from their managers.

Health partners will be involved both in referral and in supporting the investigation process through the sharing of relevant medical information or undertaking a medical examination of the adult at risk. Whilst the lead investigating officer (council officer) for Glasgow City Council will be a registered and qualified social worker, in certain circumstances, it may be appropriate for a health professional to be involved along with the council officer in the course of an investigation. Therefore, this Second Worker training is recommended to support staff within this role.

Only health staff nominations can be accepted via eESS. All social work staff should apply through the Social Work Services.

Pre-requisites: None

KSF Links

  • C1 – Communication
  • C2 – Personal and People Development
  • C3 – Health, Safety and Security
  • C6 – Equality and Diversity


Duration: 7 Hours

  • Wednesday, 17th January 2024, 9.30am – 4.30pm
  • Wednesday, 21st February 2024, 9.30am – 4.30pm
  • Wednesday, 27th March 2024, 9.30am – 4.30pm
  • Thursday, 30th May 2024, 9.30am – 4.30pm

Venue: Room 5 and 6, Social Work Department, Learning and Development, 117 Brook Street, Bridgeton, Glasgow G40 3AP

To book a place on the course, please use the eESS Learner self-service facility. From the Learner Home page, enter the course name in the box at the top of the page to see all available dates. You can also use keywords to search for courses. Remember to have your eESS user id and password available to access the system.   

Guidance on how to search for Learning and Development on eESS OLM can be found below.

Full access to all Standard Operating Procedures and e-learning videos is available via eESS.

If you need any information on specific course content, please contact Angela McGowan, Senior Learning and Development Officer on 0141 550 7700. Regarding the booking process, please do not hesitate to contact Learning and Education Support Team on 0141 278 2700 (Option 3).

Course overview

Supporting staff is a key part of the manager’s job and this module offers guidance and support on issues relating to promoting employee health and attendance. The main aspects of attendance management including roles and responsibilities, policy framework, reporting procedures and sources of advice and support will be covered.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this module delegates will to:

  • become more familiar with the Attendance Management Policy and good practice
  • understand how to use attendance data and its use to identify trigger points
  • develop understanding of reporting and recording requirements
  • share knowledge of formal and informal approaches/interventions
  • promote a clear understanding of roles and responsibilities in attendance management

Course Provider: Human Resources and Learning and Education

Who should attend?

Any manager in NHSGGC who has responsibility for managing NHSGGC staff in their teams. This includes managers employed in integrated Health and Social Care Partnerships who are not directly employed by NHSGGC.

KSF Links

  • C1 – Communication
  • C2 – Personal and People Development
  • C3 – Health, Safety and Security
  • C6 – Equality and Diversity
  • HWB1 – Promotion of Health and Wellbeing

Duration: 3 Hours


All potential candidates should explore the followings:

You can also contact the HR Support and Advice Unit directly.

To book a place on the course, please use the eESS Login ( Learner self-service facility. From the Learner Home page, enter the course name in the box at the top of the page to see all available dates. You can also use keywords to search for courses. Remember to have your eESS user id and password available to access the system.   

Guidance on how to search for Learning and Development on eESS OLM can be found here:

Full access to all Standard Operating Procedures and e-learning videos is available via eESS Login (

If you need any information on specific course content, the venue or booking process, please do not hesitate to contact Learning and Education Support Team on 0141 278 2700 (Option 3).

Last updated; 01/08/2024

As part of the our approach to supporting positive attendance at work, HRConnect has been updated to provide staff with a facility to easily access a range of self help guides, information and advice on common problems which have the potential to impact on staff wellbeing.

The new resource, accessed via a button on the front page of HR Connect headed ‘Self Help for Staff’ complements the Staff Health Strategy and utilises it’s recognised branding. The new resource is now available. The four topics covered are Money Advice, Carers Advice, Mental Health and Living Life to the Full.

Emotional wellbeing resources

In addition, NES have created a number of resources to help support emotional wellbeing which you may find useful during the pandemic and beyond.

There are resources for individuals and managers including e-modules and podcasts.

Additional Resources


To get the most out of the programme please be ready to discuss your current practice. You will be asked to reflect on recent experiences and to plan activities relating to one or more of the key themes.

With each of the four topic areas we will begin by introducing current models and ideas and then go on to explore how you can apply these in your day-to-day role.

Topics covered

Communicating and Influencing

Effective communication and the ability to influence are foundational to good management of individuals and teams. We will introduce and explore the communication cycle and help you to reflect on your current practice. This will include 1-to-1 and team communication.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the nature and importance of the communication process in workplace
  • Communication cycle and barriers to effective communication and how to remove barriers
  • Principles of effective communication, be able to assess your own effectiveness in communicating with others and influencing them
  • Be ready to use tools and techniques to support more effective communication
  • How to plan and assess a successful communication
  • Role of managers to deliver an effective communication cycle and employee voice
  • Know about NHSGGC organisational goals and values
Organising and Delegating

Effective use of your time, staff time and supporting staff development are priorities for you as a manager. This session will introduce tools and tips to help you delegate and organise your team.

Learning outcomes

  • Recognise the difference between leadership and management
  • Understand performance management and factors affecting performance in your team
  • How to measure and boost your team members’ performance
  • Time management and Principles of good time management
  • Key principles of delegation and how to delegate, monitor and review delegated activities
Managing Change

Change is essential part of a dynamic organisation like NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde providing health care in an ever changing world. This session will provide you with valuable guidance and models to support and take forward change initiatives.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the forces for change in an organisation and common barriers 
  • Recognise and know how to apply key principles of change management
  • Recognise and be ready to use a range of tools to support the management of change
Problem Solving and Decision Making

We will introduce and demonstrate a range of tools and techniques to help you work through day-to-day challenges as well as think about longer term improvement objectives.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the value of adopting a culture of improvement
  • Recognise a range of tools and techniques that support problem solving and decision making
  • Be ready to use a 6-step approach to problem solving.

Put learning into practice

Although there will be no assignment or project work it is still vital that you think about how you will make use of learning from the programme.

  • Identify personal and service objectives with your manager before booking a place
  • Be prepared to share examples and try out tools and techniques during the programme
  • You will be asked to support evaluation of the programme which will give you the opportunity to reflect and comment on how you have applied learning back in your workplace.

Specifically you should consider:

  • Key personal learning points
  • Any immediate impact of the programme (personally and/or on the service)
  • Action planning (proposed impact).

Interested in gaining accreditation for your learning?

  • An option to gain accreditation through an appropriate SVQ/PDA may be available to you.
  • For further information please contact the SVQ team.

Ready to book a place?

If you want to have a chat about any aspect of the programme please contact our L&E Support Team via NHS Service Now Portal.

Last updated; 01/08/2024

We have three Staff Forums and Network for BME, Disabled and LGBTQ+ staff members and their allies. These are staff led groups of employees, established to support colleagues in having their voices heard in respect of experiences working for NHSGGC.

Each Forum/Network has an appointed Chair and a growing membership of around 300 to 350 people.

The invitation to join a Forum/Network is open to everyone – please click the relevant tile below to find out more about joining and becoming a member.

We are committed to supporting our staff equality groups and have named Human Resource contacts to provide consistent support, information and advice to the Chair and members, with HR specific enquires and concerns.

If you require printed copies of the Staff Forums/Network poster, please email

The Power of the Staff Forums And Network

Our Staff Forums and Network are inclusive, engaging and passionate, offering support, access and opportunity. Members are invited to share lived experiences if they choose, and exchange ideas and recommendations for continuous improvement. The Forums/Network enable constructive conversations and are a powerful source of influence.

  • People – Supporting Individuals 
  • Ownership – Inspiring Ownership
  • Workforce – Connecting Colleagues
  • Experiences – Sharing Experiences
  • Representation & Respect – Person Centred

Our commitment is to provide a safe, inclusive and diverse workplace.

Our staff’s wellbeing sits at the centre of all that we do. We all have a part to play in making sure that we provide an inclusive environment. An environment free from discrimination, bullying and harassment, enables everyone to achieve their full potential at work.

We will address any form of discrimination, bullying or harassment, intended or accidental, through our Once For Scotland Policies.

Additional to our organisational commitment, every employee has an equal responsibility for their own actions. Your responsibility is to ensure that you act in a safe and responsible manner.

If you feel that you are being harassed, bullied or discriminated against in any way, or if you are aware of harassment, bullying, discrimination affecting others, you are supported and encouraged to raise the matter through the appropriate channels quickly, to ensure the correct action is taken.

Thank you for your continued support in ‘Growing our Great Community’.

The Black And Minority Ethnic (BME) Staff Network was established in 2018. This followed a consultation with key stakeholders about their lived experience. The Network is working closely with the Workforce Equality Group to continuously improve the workplace experience of BME staff.

If you would like to join the Network, please contact: If you wish to join the Network’s mailing list, please be assured that your personal details will not be disclosed. You can be part of the Network anonymously. Emails sent will always be blind copied. 

You can join our Facebook NHSGGC – BAME Staff Network by contacting us, or by clicking the button below. There are some details required to verify that requests are from NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) employees. Please remember that this Network is private, and confidentiality is expected from each member – this is a safe, trust-based space.

BME Staff Network Co-Chairs

Mara Sese is an Operating Department Practitioner in Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Theatres Department and has worked with NHGGGC since 2013. Mara is an active member of Migrants Voice and attends the annual Scottish Women’s Convention to discuss women’s health. Mara has a strong vision to grow the Network as well as mentoring and supporting new members to actively participate. One of Mara’s key ambitions is for the Network to help support new international recruits, as they settle into their new workplaces and a new country.

Dr Adnan Tariq is a senior consultant Endocrinologist/Diabetologist working in QEUH. Dr Tariq is passionate about reducing communication gaps, increasing mutual cultural understanding and integration for BME staff. He aims to help develop effective policy to support induction and action pathways to reduce racism and develop BME staff into management roles and decision making within NHSGGC. Dr Tariq aims to make the experience of BME staff working in NHSGGC positive and productive for both staff and the Health Board, with this leading to improved patient care and increased staff retention.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us at   

If you would like to join the BME Network, please email for more information. The network is for both BME members of staff and for allies.

  • Provide a safe, supportive and confidential forum for sharing experiences.
  •  Network and discuss identified issues that affect members of staff from BME groups.
  •  Act as a platform for consultation and influence on issues impacting on the health, wellbeing and work of BME staff.
  •  Facilitate opportunities for feedback on staff governance issues in relation to the experience of BME staff.
Terms of Reference
Meeting Dates 2024

Please contact for details on how to join.

  • Wednesday 27 November from 12.00pm to 2.00pm
Developing Leadership Skills Programme 2023/24

Applications for the Year 2 Leadership Skills Programme for employees from black and minority ethnic communities in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde are now closed. If you would like to register your interest for future programmes, please email

NHSGGC BME Leadership Stories

NHSGGC continues on our journey to maximise inclusion and diversity within our workforce.

We complimented our existing portfolio of management and leadership development provision with our ‘Developing Leadership Skills’ programme specifically for Black and Minority Ethnic employees in NHSGGC.

The first programme was delivered online via MS Teams from October 2022 to March 2023. Feedback from our staff participating is detailed below. Details of our next programme feature in the ‘Developing Leadership Skills Programme 2023/24’ section above.

David Ejim

“Since completing the training, I have taken up a promotion at the NHSGGC Care Home Collaborative as a Quality Improvement Advisor, which I credit in no small part to the Programme. In addition to building my confidence to go for this post, the training helped me develop skills which I use daily in my current role. I know the BME Leadership Development Programme has enriched my practice and therefore strongly recommend it.”

Kamaljit Khalsa

“I am Dr Kamaljit Khalsa, a Consultant Medical Microbiology based at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital. I have just completed the BME Leadership Development Programme run by NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde. The programme highlighted the value of diversity and equality within team settings. By networking and engaging with people from across the whole organisation it was useful to hear about some of the struggles and challenges faced including unconscious bias. Going forward we built on some common goals, ideas and aspirations. The small accountability groups enabled us to engage and gain support from one another. I would highly recommend this programme and feel it has improved my confidence, leadership skills and realised the importance of looking oneself.”

Dr Esther Azi

“I am Esther Azi, a Specialty Doctor with the West of Scotland Sexual Assault Response Co-ordination Services (SARCS). I was privileged to be part of the pioneer cohort that underwent the BME Leadership Development Programme.

I must say it was a rich and well packaged programme. From the brilliant facilitator Gillian Neish, the amazing colleagues from NHSGGC, I met and interacted with over six months from all disciplines and cadres, to the guest speakers with lived experiences and huge wealth of knowledge.

The programmed spanned six months, it was well spaced out and the virtual component allowed for flexibility. The break out sessions made it quite engaging and stimulating and the blend of reflective writing, oral presentations and life hacks from guest speakers made it possible for me to leave the programme with a lot of skills and confidence in approaching CV writing, interviews, leading teams and being assertive in the face of bullying or discrimination.

I particularly enjoyed the mindfulness and wellbeing moments we observed during each session, reminding us to take care of ourselves so we could give our best to our patients, the team, and the organisation at large. Joining the BME Network during the programme also meant I had on-going support after the course, as we were constantly reminded ‘support networks are their weight in gold’.

Since the programme, I have taken the initiative to lead on a project, which has made me more confident in putting forward ideas, working across different teams and be solution driven.

In all, I would highly recommend this programme for future cohorts. This would entail full participation to get the full range of tangible and intangible benefits.

Black History Month 2023

In October 2023, the BME Network celebrated Black History Month with a series of events and providing resources that support staff and are there to improve the staff experience. We look forward to working on plans for Black History Month 2024.

Black History Month – Staff Profiles

Harrison S. Salifu

“I work at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley, as a General Medicine Band 5 Staff Nurse.

“My favourite thing about my job is meeting people from different parts of the world, from different cultures, at their lowest moment. This humbled me to love everyone no matter the circumstance, and provide the best of care to them. I get true life advice, especially from the older patients, on how to have a better life in Scotland.

“Good and better access to healthcare is the number one solution to current mental health issues in our society. Anything that prevents people from having access leads to serious mental health issues which also affect productivity.”

Tracyanne Grandison

“I am a respiratory clinical research nurse within the Glasgow Clinical Research Facility (GCRF). I am mainly based at Gartnavel General Hospital, but my job role can take me to any NHSGGC site as required.

“The best thing about my role is when a drug or procedure is licensed or approved for a therapeutic area, and patients comment on how much it has helped them. I am extremely proud to have been a part of the team that worked hard to gather the required data necessary for this to be possible.

“Access to healthcare matters because it empowers everyone to advocate for themselves, regardless of socio-economic status. It will be easier to engage with the more vulnerable individuals in the community, and they are more likely to access the necessary healthcare required in a timely manner.

“This can create a strong sense of community and responsibility of our health, better health outcomes, better treatment compliance and reduced healthcare costs associated with non-compliance.”

South Asian Heritage Month 2023

In August 2024, the BME Network held an event to celebrate South Asian Heritage Month. Details of this event, with photographs, can be viewed by clicking this link.

National NHS Minority Ethnic Network

NHSGGC Board and BME Staff Network are committed to supporting to the National NHS Minority Ethnic Network, established in 2021. The key work streams are:


Recruitment – Selection – Development – Career Progression

Workplace Culture

Race Conversations – Lived Experiences – Recognising Barriers – Clear Messages – Race Equality

Mental Health

Practical Advice – Signposting – Clinical Support – Targeted Communications – Governance

Accurate employee equality data enables us to make the right provisions for our staff. Monitoring diversity at all stages of the employee journey is an important means of growing and nurturing an inclusive workplace. It enables us to ensure our staff population is a direct representation of the patient population we serve.

We collect, analyse and publish employee equality data on our staff regularly, which helps us identify gaps and improvement opportunities. Understanding the demographics of our staff, we can better support everyone.

NHSGGC collect data on ethnicity, religion, age, marital status, disability, sex, sexual orientation and gender reassignment. These are all protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010. As an organisation committed to equality of opportunity, it is important that we hold accurate data demonstrating our diverse staff group. We adhere to GDPR, confidentiality and data protection at all times.

We use employee information anonymously to generate data. This data helps us to ensure equality of opportunity in all areas of the employee journey. It enables us to develop policies and implement initiatives which ensure progress as an equal and inclusive employer.

All Personal Sensitive Information is held securely within eESS. Any updates or changes to this type of information is held in confidence, and will not be notified to your manager, HR or anyone else using the system.

We ask and encourage you to update and maintain your personal employee equality data on eESS you can do so by following Change Personal Information – NHS Scotland eESS. This enables us to continuously improve as an equal opportunities employer. It ensure the right resources, facilities and support are available for you.

If you would like to discuss employee data and how this can benefit you and the organisation, please contact