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Working in a virtual environment, such as MS Teams, presents challenges and opportunities. If you are thinking about using a virtual environment for education and training (along with other methods) then these resources will help:

Where do I start with MS Teams?

There is no substitute to hands-on experience, so do your best to get familiar and confident with using MS Teams. Initially this will be in virtual meetings and individual chats. You will probably start to share documents on screen and share files, create teams and channels. 

  1. Your first resource is the ‘Help’ feature built in to MS Teams. It provides a range of short videos demonstrating the main features of the platform. This Microsoft support site also provides a wide range of videos detailing various Teams functions.
  2. NHSGGC e-Health run regular virtual training sessions.
  3. This ‘Getting started with Teams’ guide produced by NES introduces MS Teams in the context of Office 365 and signposts a range of very useful hints and tips around the general use of the platform.
  4. NES has also provided these guides and resources, focusing on the use of MS Teams for training purposes, which includes an introduction to MS Teams, a guide to transferring face to face training online as well as dates of facilitation training sessions.
Guidance on facilitating virtual events

The following resources provide valuable guidance, hints and tips on running virtual events:

  1. Online Engagement: A guide to creating and running virtual meetings and events (published by the National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement) offers succinct yet rich guidance.
  2. Guidance for delivering Virtual Events; detailed guide produced by Microsoft.
  3. Facilitating Virtually by Ken Blanchard provides a detailed and extensive guide to delivering a virtual session.

Guidance and instruction

In addition to the MS Teams introduction and the basic principles set out above the following provides detailed guidance and instruction on how to use some of the key functions of MS Teams. The key is preparation, practice and knowing what you want to do and why. Provide clear instructions to delegates and take time to practice so that you are comfortable with the process.

Please note:

  • MS Teams is updated regularly by Microsoft. This means that some functions may change over time.
  • Slightly different versions of MS Teams have been made available so people may not have straightforward access to some of the features outlined below.
Arranging a Session
  • The development of comprehensive joining instructions is essential to ensure meeting material is provided in good time and to encourage delegates to check that they will be able to access the platform. This should include information about recording of the session (if required).
  • This series of short instructional videos takes you through the basics of using teams including, an introduction to teams and channels, setting up a session (using a channel), working with files, starting chats and calls, managing meetings.
Etiquette and Housekeeping
  • Encourage delegates to call in at least five minutes before the session. You should be there at least 15 minutes before to check everything is in place and to welcome the delegates. If it is a large scale event, and you cannot personally welcome everyone, then sharing a welcome slide with some course information can reassure delegates that they have called in to the correct session.
  • This sample housekeeping document can be used (and amended) to reflect session-specific requirements and includes guidance on the using mute, hand raising and chat functions.
Sharing Your Screen
Using Polls and Questionnaires

Here is how to conduct a quick poll, useful for single questions and can be repeated during a session.

Using the Breakout Rooms in MS Teams

A breakout rooms feature has recently been added to MS Teams.

This is a live recording of an actual breakout room training session (around 55 mins). This means that you will experience the session just as the original delegates did and it contains a lot of valuable information. There is a section of silence (between 17 and 23 mins approx) as all the teams are in there breakout rooms. When the audio is picked up again further guidance and hints and tips are detailed.

Please note that this video will not play in Internet Explorer.

These shorter videos cover the same material but they merely introduce the feature and offer brief demonstrations. 

We strongly advise that before using breakout rooms you should test and rehearse your session so that you are comfortable using the feature. This will also ensure you have a clear purpose for using breakout rooms in your session.

Information Governance

MS Teams is now widely in use across the Board for meetings and communication between services and other users. It is important that all staff adhere to Information Governance and Data Protection obligations when using Teams.

If you have any Information Governance enquiries relating to Teams or any other data protection matters please email:

Recording Attendance

You can download a list of attendees, during and also after the session.

Web-based resources play a vital part in supporting learning and development. Key features include:

  • Provision of up-to-date information, although this has to be monitored and maintained
  • Tailored information e.g. specific staff groups, particular purpose, at set times
  • Variety of mechanisms e.g. video, audio, written, pictures, diagrams
  • Scope for some interactivity such as questionnaires and feedback but this is not usually ‘live’
  • Ability to access content on people’s own devices – particularly useful with increasing smartphone app development.

Further Information


The following examples demonstrate a variety of ways in which resources can be presented on-line.

Create your own

This essential NHSGGC Training and Guide offers, how you can get started with creating your own web pages or YouTube videos.

 You can also contact the Learning and Education Service for initial advice and guidance.

Remember, if you are thinking about creating resources, you will need to consider:

  • What is their purpose?
  • How will they fit with other interventions?
Existing Resources

A huge amount of really valuable material already exists and it is always worth doing a little research before thinking about developing new resources. Here are a few that you should know about:

The Learning and e-Support team supports, develops and delivers relevant on line and computer based learning opportunities for all staff employed in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

Our purpose is to widen access to learning content for staff either through signposting staff to current on line content on our digital learning management system, LearnPro, or by working with internal subject matter experts to create customised courses which will support work based learning.

Online learning topic areas include Statutory and Mandatory courses, Personal and Management Development courses and courses which provide support for the Core KSF Dimensions, Induction and ECDL training and testing. 

Contact Information
  • Please use the HR Self-Service Portal for your request and ensure that you add the link to your Favourites for easy access.
  • Telephone: 0141 278 2700 Option 3
Forgotten passwords and log in details reset

If someone has forgotten their password for TURAS Appraisal or Learn Pro and need it reset, then they can do this quickly and easily themselves, without any need to contact the L&E support team, simply follow the steps below:  


  1. Click on the Forgotten password link

2- A box will appear below the forgotton password link for an email address to be added and send button clicked

3- A reset link will be emailed to email added above for the password to be reset

TURAS Appraisal

  1. Click on the ‘Forgot your password?’ link.

2- Add email address and click ‘Send verification code’

3- A code will then be emailed to the address you gave.   Please leave the TURAS page opened until the code arrives, then copy and past it into the ‘Verification code’ section and click ‘Verify code’ and then ‘Continue’.

4- This then allows the password to be reset

Another route which includes work experience are programmes that will support the development of pathways into employment for 16-24 year old. These programmes are in partnership with NHSGGC services and external stakeholders, with provision for under represented groups with specific barriers to employment.

The format of these programmes are a combination of classroom based sessions and work placements which together with tutor support aim to provide young people with the confidence and basic skills and knowledge to make successful applications for entry level posts in NHSGGC.

Access to Initiatives

Entry to these programmes are made through partner agencies and not directly through NHSGGC.

Further information regarding the next scheduled session will appear on this webpage.

NHSGGC recognises that there is a lack of awareness of the range of jobs and careers available within the organisation, and of the pathways into these. 

Up to date, accurate careers information is essential in supporting young people to make informed choices about what kind of career path is best suited to them, which college and university programmes will support their transition into employment and to highlight other pathways into successful NHS careers.

The Employability Service works with a range of partners to highlight the opportunities available. This includes schools, colleges, universities, training providers, community organisations, Jobcentre Plus and many more.

Current activity in this area

  • Programme of schools engagement
  • Attendance at careers event
  • Provision of on line resources via NHSGGC website and linking with key partner agencies
  • Ongoing management and development of the schools work experience programme.

 You can also find information on the wide range of NHS Careers at the NHS Scotland Careers Website

Why does the NHS recruit apprentices?

NHSGGC are keen to ensure that we have an appropriately skilled workforce to meet current and future service demands, and one that represents the patient population we serve. Apprenticeships provide a mechanism for us to recruit, train and retain new employees aged 16-24 years.

We recruit apprentices with the intention of moving them into permanent employment on successful completion of their apprenticeship. 

While apprentices develop their knowledge and skills on the job, and gain nationally recognised qualifications, we hope that the apprenticeship is just the start of a much longer term career within the NHS.

Why choose an NHSGGC Modern Apprenticeship?

Modern Apprenticeships (MA) offer the opportunity to work and learn at the same time. By the end of the apprenticeship period apprentices have demonstrated that they have the knowledge and skills required for the job role and are competent and experienced workers. 

This approach of working and learning at the same time is enhanced by a formal Modern Apprenticeship Framework which ensures apprentices gain national recognition of their knowledge and skills.

Our trainees start on a minimum salary of the Scottish Living Wage (£9.50 per hour as of 2021) and have access to all the benefits available to NHS Staff. This includes 27 days paid annual leave, 8 paid public holidays per year and enrolment in the NHS Pension Scheme.

All trainees who successfully complete the NHSGGC Modern Apprenticeship Programme will be offered permanent employment within the organisation.   

We have established career pathways and development programmes within the organisation which support ongoing career development and  support employees to work towards higher level qualifications, to develop their skills and progress within the NHS in Scotland.

If for some reason trainees chose not to remain with us on completion of training then they leave us with recognised qualifications and training, work experience and references, and a real advantage over other applicants in an increasingly competitive graduate job market.

What are the qualifications and training offered ?

Some of the apprenticeships require apprentices to attend college. Engineers spend their first year of the programme in full-time college education and then go on to attend college one day per week in Years 2 & 3. Some other apprenticeships may require attendance one day per week to complete an academic qualification e.g. HNC (Life Sciences apprenticeships). There are also some apprenticeships that do not require any formal attendance at college e.g. Business Administration, although we often ask our training providers to deliver some additional training sessions if we think this is necessary.  

Current Activity

NHSGGC established a pilot apprenticeship programme in 2009 (14 apprentices) and since 2013 we have recruited more than 200 apprentices to work across a broad range of job roles using a variety of different apprenticeship frameworks.


If you would like to know more about  Apprenticeship Recruitment and the Frameworks available or are considering appointing an apprentice to your team please contact:

Recognition of Service Support

The high standard of talent and achievement in our young apprentices is recognised each year at the Unison/Unite NHSGGC Modern Apprentice of the Year.

Induction is the process we use to welcome all new colleagues to NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. It can also be used when our team members transfer to a different role within our organisation or return after an extended period of absence such as maternity leave or secondment. An effective induction process should provide a variety of benefits and support our aim of delivering high quality patient care and the efficient delivery of services.  

We are encouraging new employees to complete core statutory and mandatory training prior to commencement. Managers have a vital role in supporting compliance by completing this LearnPro Account Creation Form at the same time as you submit the proforma template issued by recruitment, which triggers the offer letter. 

Duration of induction process

An induction process that supports colleagues must be completed by 3 months after the start date of a new role or up to a maximum of 6 months, if working part time.

NHSGGC Induction Model

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde has developed a six step model to support the induction process. Each step is outlined in the boxes below and provides information and resources to plan progression through a positive induction journey. 

The NHSGGC Induction Checklist can be used electronically or in a paper format and will support the conversation between you and your new start as you work together to plan their personal induction journey.

All steps, with the exception of Step 4, apply to all new staff regardless of their role in our organisation.

If your new team member requires literacy/numeracy support to complete their induction programme, please click here to access additional support.

As a manager it is your responsibility to sign off on your new start’s induction. If you require an extension to the induction period, please contact the team on

Manager support

As an additional support to the resources outlined within the Induction Portal, a tutor led course is offered to managers and supervisors who are responsible for leading induction locally and supporting new colleagues, particularly those colleagues in a HCSW role. Details are noted here – Induction Training.

Dealing with press enquiries

The Corporate Communications team have developed a microsite giving advice and guidance to managers regarding media enquiries.  

Induction steps

Step 1 – Organisational welcome

Welcome to NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. It is key that we are all committed to the core NHS values of: Care and Compassion – Dignity and Respect – Openness, Honesty, Responsibility, Quality and Teamwork – and we use these values to guide us in all that we do.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde is a great organisation with a huge pool of terrific talent. We are committed to equality and diversity – to a zero tolerance toward racism, sexism and homophobia.

We have access to some of the finest facilities and resources in the country but it is the values and attitudes we demonstrate as individuals that make the biggest difference to patients and their families.

These key messages are important for new colleagues joining our organisation – but I also believe it is important that we all remind ourselves of the opportunities we have to impact very positively on the lives of thousands of patients and their families no matter what job we do as part of NHSGGC.

Click here to watch our organisational welcome video and join me as I show you our achievements and how you can support us in taking forward patient care.

Jane Grant, Chief Executive, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Our organisational purpose (Mission Statement)

To deliver effective and high quality health services, to act to improve the health of our population and to do everything we can to address the wider social detriments of health which cause health inequalities. 

Below are some of the frequently asked “big facts” about NHSGGC

  • We are the largest Health Board in the UK covering a geographical area stretching from East Dunbartonshire to Inverclyde
  • We deliver services in 25 hospitals, 10 specialist units, 60 health centres and clinics 
  • We cover a core population of approx 1.2million and provide specialist services to more than half the country’s population
  • We have a total annual budget of £2.6 billion
  • We employ 44,000 staff
  • We are investing more than £1billion to build four new hospitals.

This induction portal is an essential part of your journey as a new colleague, ensuring that you are well informed and provided with the necessary information you need to carry out your role within NHSGGC.

As you progress through the portal, you will be guided through your induction journey by your line manager.

Step 2 – Departmental orientation

Joining a new organisation, or department, can raise a lot of questions for you. Some questions will relate to the domestic arrangements of your role and others will link to the policies and procedures that you will be expected to follow in your new role. This section provides support to work through the range of information that you will be presented with in your initial weeks with us. 

The NHSGGC Induction Checklist  can be used electronically or in a paper format and will support the conversation between you and your manager as you work together to plan your personal induction journey.

Employee Voice –  Speak Up!

We support our staff to speak up and feel that their voice can be heard. There are a number of ways any staff member can do this including through your line manager, human resources or through Confidential Contacts. You can find a list of all the different Speak Up services and support on our Intranet.

In particular, if you identify any issues that relate to patient safety, you can raise this with your line manager. If you would rather do this confidentially, you can use our Whistleblowing service. If you raise an issue via Whistleblowing, this will be kept entirely confidential. You can access advice on Whistleblowing via our Confidential Contacts who offer a safe space for colleagues to discuss their concerns confidentially and be signposted to the appropriate next steps for help if required.  The new National Whistleblowing Standards for the NHS in Scotland came into force in 2021 and apply to anyone working to deliver NHS services. It’s important that you know what options you have to raise a concern in confidence and in a protected way.

We work in partnership with a number of Trade Unions and professional organisations who represent employees and will support you if you want to raise issues or make a formal complaint. You can find a list of those organisations on our intranet. You can also join one of our staff led equalities groups, who advocate on behalf of staff with disabilities, BME staff and LGBTQ+ Staff. You can find contact details and more information about them on HR Connect.

Supplementary information to guide your discussion together can be found below and your manager will guide you to the appropriate information for your role.

The Staff Health Strategy Mental Health and Wellbeing Group are very keen to highlight and support the messages contained in this ‘Going Home Checklist’.

At this difficult time when we are so focussed on the wellbeing of our patients, it is also important to support and look after each other. 

Please take a moment or two to consider these messages and pass this on to all colleagues.

Step 3 – Statutory and Mandatory training

At this step of the Induction process, your manager will direct you to the Statutory and Mandatory training modules that all colleagues in NHSGGC must complete. 

These modules are:

  • GGC001  Fire Safety                              
  • GGC002  Health and Safety, An Introduction        
  • GGC003  Reducing Risks of Violence & Aggression                        
  • GGC004  Equality and Human Rights
  • GGC005  Manual Handling Theory
  • GGC006  Public Protection – (Adult Support & Protection and Child Protection)
  • GGC007  Standard Infection Control Precautions
  • GGC008  Security and Threat
  • GGC009  Safe Information Handling (Information Governance).

Review period 

All staff must successfully complete the modules noted above every 3 years, with the exception of Fire Safety. All staff are now required to complete the General Awareness Fire Safety Training module annually. In addition to this, all Ward based staff must complete face to face evacuation training annually. 

You will find the full supporting information on Statutory and Mandatory training at the following link which may be helpful to discuss with your line manager: All NHSGGC Staff.

Access to Learning

Our Statutory and Mandatory training modules for new and existing NHSGGC staff are available on our online learning platform, Learnpro. This can be accessed via LearnPro.

As a new member of staff you should have received a LearnPro log-in request prior to commencement (via the email address you provided to Recruitment Services). This will have allowed you to complete core statutory and mandatory training prior to commencement. 

You may need to periodically update your account and to help with this you can read our guide on how to maintain and update your LearnPro account

Role Specific Training

In addition to the training identified above that is for all NHSGGC staff, you may also be required to complete additional mandatory training for your role. This could be training agreed locally in your area and may be a blend of online and classroom training. Your manager or supervisor may discuss this with you at Step 6, if this is relevant to your role.

If you are a new people manager, supervisor or team leader, please discuss your people management responsibilities with your manager and ask for help and support. Also, you have to complete the New People Managers and Supervisors Induction Pathway within Step 6 – Professional and Role Specific Induction.


If you have any difficulty in accessing our online learning modules please contact colleagues at LE Support or by calling 0141 278 2700, option 3.

Step 4 – Health Care Support Worker induction standards and code of conduct

Are you a Health Care Support Worker (HCSW)?

Statutory regulation means professional registration with one of the recognised regulatory bodies within the National Health Service. These are:

  • General Medical Council
  • Nursing and Midwifery Council
  • Health and Care Professions Council
  • General Dental Council
  • General Pharmaceutical Council,
  • General Optical Council,
  • General Osteopathic Council.

If you do belong to one of the above professional regulatory bodies, you are not defined as as a HCSW and you can now progress to Step 5 in your induction journey. 

You do not need to take any action outlined in this section. This is because you will have already agreed to a Code of Conduct set out by the regulatory body you belong to and this will govern the behaviours that the regulatory body expects you to display within your role. You may also have to participate in regular CPD and/ or revalidation activity which will ask you to produce evidence against competencies set by the regulatory body.

Is there anyone else excluded from the HCSW process?

In addition to registered healthcare professionals, the HCSW Workbook and Code of Conduct do not apply to unpaid volunteers, staff working under certain specific contractual arrangements or to staff who have a pay banding 8B or above. However these colleagues will still have to complete an induction journey based on the previous steps in the Induction Portal and worked with their manager to sign off their induction programme.

I don’t belong to any of these groups – what do I need to do?

If your role is not currently regulated by any of the professional bodies or other categories above, then you are identified as a Health Care Support Worker. 

The term “Healthcare Support Worker” or HCSW can be misleading as most people believe it to only apply to people who work within a clinical environment. The term HCSW covers a very wide range of roles, both clinical and non-clinical. 

As a HCSW, you will need to complete the HCSW Workbook and also sign up to the HCSW Code of Conduct. The HCSW Workbook contains a series of questions which you must answer. These questions are based on a set of mandatory induction standards which have been set out by the Scottish Government. The HCSW Code of Conduct contains a set of behaviours, competencies which you should demonstrate on a day to day basis in your role. Both these elements need to be completed as part of your induction.

Quality Assurance

To ensure consistency and to improve compliance we may ask to see completed workbook(s). These will be chosen at random.

Step 5 – Induction sign off

To ensure that your induction journey is complete you should meet with your manager or supervisor and check that the following parts of the process are now signed off and achieved:

  1. Make sure you have completed all sections of the Induction check-list, including dates of achievement and you have ticked the box for each section. 
  2. If you are a Health Care Support Worker, ensure that your HCSW workbook is completed, reviewed and signed off and you have read and understood the HCSW Code of Conduct
  3. Your manager or supervisor will complete the new online form to tell us that your induction has been completed. 

When you meet with your manager or supervisor to complete your induction journey, remember that this is an opportunity to discuss any areas of your role that you may be unsure of and to cover your personal development plan that will support your ongoing development in NHSGGC.

If you require any professional or role specific training, your manager may now direct you to Step 6.

Step 6 – Professional & role specific induction

Administration Induction

Registered Nurses – Acute Services

Registered Nurses – Partnerships

Health Care Support Worker Acute Services

Health Care Support Worker – Partnerships

More information on GG&C Partnerships

More information on City Partnerships

Facilities Staff

This workbook has been designed for all new staff working in Soft Facilities Services and enables employees to demonstrate and evidence the skills required to achieve the Healthcare Support Worker (HCSW) Induction Standards.

The staff groups who will be using this work book are from the Domestic, Catering, Security, Linen, Portering and Transport Services and the Estates areas. It can also cover other roles such as sewing room, warehousing, gardeners etc. For these job roles, it is expected that the Post-holder completes all core Dimensions and the Reviewer/Line Manager selects applicable Performance Criteria in addition.

Staff working in Soft Facilities Management (FM) roles are defined as HCSW’s because they are either:

• responsible for maintaining premises or equipment used by patients;

• involved in the preparation and delivery of goods or services to service users.

This evidence based workbook contains a record of progress and provides testimonial evidence which can be used as part of employees Personal Development Review.

Junior Doctors

For more information contact Kenny Tracey:

New Manager Pathway

Pharmacy & Prescribing Support Unit

Prison Healthcare

Public Health/Health Improvement

For more information and resources go to the Public Health Workforce Development Hub SharePoint site and submit an access request.

Attendance Management

Supporting staff is a key part of the manager’s job and this module offers guidance and support on issues relating to promoting employee health and attendance. The main aspects of attendance management including roles and responsibilities, policy framework, reporting procedures and sources of advice and support will be covered.

Managing Employee Conduct, Grievances and Capability

Supporting staff is a key part of the manager’s job and this module offers guidance and support on issues relating to conduct and behaviours at work. The main aspects of addressing conduct/behaviour concerns including roles and responsibilities, policy framework and sources of advice and support will be covered.

Recruitment and Selection

This module is designed to provide a practical guide to help all NHSGGC Managers to recruit fairly, lawfully and effectively, by gaining an understanding of the key stages in the recruitment and selection process, offer best practice, guidance and outline the interactions necessary with the NHS Scotland Recruitment System (Job Train).

Managing Difficult Conversations

As a manager you sometimes need to address issues with staff and peers. These conversations can be challenging. This module will help you plan and prepare for these difficult conversations.

Developing Your Staff (Meaningful Reviews)

Supporting the development of your staff is an essential part of your role. It ensures that your team members develop their competence and confidence in order to provide the best possible service. This module explores underpinning values and tools and techniques to support continuing development.

Mental Health and Stress Awareness

Supporting staff is a key part of the manager’s job, and this module offers guidance and support on issues relating to promoting employee health and attendance. This module has a particular focus on supporting staff with mental health and/or stress issues including use of the Stress Risk Assessment Tool.

Sexual Harassment

Supporting staff is a key part of the manager’s job, and this module offers guidance and support on issues relating to harassment at work. The main aspects of addressing harassment concerns including roles and responsibilities, policy framework and sources of advice and support will be covered.

Coming soon…

  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion – Leadership and Confidence

Last updated; 01/08/2024

Our purpose is to provide direction and focus for the development of qualification and vocational training frameworks across Greater Glasgow and Clyde. As you might expect in an organisation as large as NHSGGC a wide range of learning and education opportunities are available.

It is our job to:

  • Identify and manage the qualification activity within Greater Glasgow and Clyde ensuring that appropriate linkages are made across disciplines and functions
  • Work with internal and external partners to develop and provide individual qualification pathways which will address service learning needs and create new opportunities for groups of employees and individuals
  • Develop knowledge and expertise in the principles and applications of national frameworks such as the KSF, SCQF and the NHS Career Framework ensuring that Greater Glasgow and Clyde is able to exploit the full potential of such developments
  • To lead and manage the provision of Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQs) in Greater Glasgow and Clyde ensuring robust processes are in place to successfully offer a wide range of vocational qualifications to our employees.

Explanation of Levels

SVQs are offered across 5 levels:

The Scottish Credit Qualifications Framework (SCQF) has been developed to help Employers and Learners understand how qualifications relate to each other and to other forms of learning. SQA has developed an interactive framework to visualise this. A full explanation of all qualifications are shown on the SCQF Framework.

Level 2 (SCQF Level 5/6)

For a level 2 SVQ, candidates have to be able to show that they are competent in a range of varied activities, in a variety of contexts.

Some of the activities will be complex, and the person will have some individual responsibility or autonomy. The job may also involve collaboration with others, perhaps through membership of a work group or team.

Level 3 (SCQF Level 7)

At this level, candidates have to perform a broad range of activities in a variety of contexts, most of which are complex and non-routine.

They will usually be working with considerable responsibility and autonomy, and may have control or guidance of others.

Level 4 (SCQF Level 9)

Level 4 SVQs involve a broad range of complex, technical or professional work activities. They will be performed in a wide variety of contexts and with a substantial degree of personal responsibility and autonomy. People doing these SVQs will often be responsible for the work of others and for allocating resources.

How the SVQ Process Works

The decision to apply for a vocational learning programme may be identified for staff either by the individual or by Service Managers.


This may be as a result of one or more of the following criteria:

  1. Links to Service Needs, Redesign or Workforce Plans
  2. Identified at PDP Review
  3. Other e.g. (Role Development).

In all cases PDPs should indicate the required learning need.

Determining the correct SVQ award and level

Informal discussions may be required to determine the correct SVQ award & level. Application forms are then completed and forwarded to the SVQ Centre. Further discussions may be required with Managers regarding delivery options and possible funding implications/cost. Assessment is generally provided internally (using assessors from within the organisation) or in some cases externally (using assessors contracted to an FE college or external provider). The NHSGGC SVQ Centre has a limited resource and can offer a number of SVQ programmes annually which will be funded corporately, assessed and quality assured directly from the Centre. Intakes will take place around September and March of each year. Priority will be given to the applications depending on the need for staff to undertake a vocational qualification.

The SVQ Centre manages the Vocational Learning provision for NHSGGC, including quality assurance, any relevant internal verification and appropriate administration.

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

A Service Level Agreement (SLA) may require to be drawn up between the service area and the SVQ Centre. This agreement will confirm how the required underpinning Knowledge and Understanding for candidates will be met.

Sessions, workshops and tutorials

Introductory workshops/planning sessions for candidates will be arranged. This will include training on the e-portfolio system ‘Proof Positive’ if necessary.

These sessions will be followed by individual tutorials arranged with the candidate and the assessor.

Assessments and certificates
  • Assessor judges and assesses candidate competence against the standards and advises on how to cover gaps
  • Assessor accredits SVQ units individually until full SVQ achieved
  • Certificate is then issued by awarding body.

What NHSGGC can offer

NHSGGC SVQ Centre has approval to offer various S/NVQs across these areas:

  • HealthCare Support
  • Business and Administration
  • Learning and Development
  • Social Services and Healthcare Management.

Update to Management SVQs

Due to operational reasons the SVQ Team have taken the decision to temporarily withdraw the Management SVQs from our portfolio of Qualifications. As soon as we are in a position to deliver this qualification we will update this site. If you have any question regarding this, please contact Brian Keogh, Senior Learning and Education Advisor either by email ( or call 07834 228 569.

Applying for an SVQ

Complete section one of the application form. All questions must be completed. Once you reach the end of this section you should click the save and continue later button. This will now ask you to enter an email address, enter your line managers email address. This will email your completed application directly to your line manager. 

Please inform your line manager that they must complete all of section two on the application form and click the submit button. Once both sections are fully completed your application will be held on our waiting list and once an assessor becomes available they will contact you directly to arrange an induction workshop. If you have an queries regarding your application please contact: L&E Support and Advice: 0141 278 2700 (Ext. 12700) or email:

Further guidance for Managers

Managers have an important part to play in the NHSGGC SVQ Programme. As a manager, the following information should give you a brief insight into your role in helping to make the scheme a success for candidates and the organisation as well as being a useful tool for yourself.

If you have identified that SVQs may be useful as a development tool within your area please contact the SVQ Centre on 0141 278 2700 and choose option 3 for guidance as to how to proceed.

Why are Managers important in the SVQ process?

The manager is responsible for individual PDPs and their unit or departmental training plan. It is the manager who prioritises learning and education activity in line with organisational and individual needs. Managers are responsible for the budget for learning, education and training including possible funding associated with SVQs. Managers require to support candidates with regards to allocating and agreeing time for the candidate to prepare for assessment visits/activities.

Staff will see you as a leader

You can:

  • Positively support the development of staff in line with service requirements and workforce planning 
  • Authorise and support their applications
  • Help them achieve their awards by giving ongoing training, encouragement and support
  • Provide opportunities to gather evidence
  • Give everyone fair and equal access to the programme.

You can also help in the evaluation of the SVQ programme by giving feedback on how the scheme helped you / your workplace and how it could be improved.

What can you do to support candidates?

You can:

  • Provide them with witness testimonies or statements about the work they do and the way they do it
  • Provide them with development opportunities, which fit in with their SVQ
  • Show an interest in their progress
  • Carry out observations of them at work and provide witness testimonies of this – also very useful at appraisal times
  •  Identify and agree underpinning Knowledge and Understanding training needs in line with the national standards requirements
  • Introduce yourself to the candidate’s assessor and consider attending their initial workshop if you feel it would be helpful in understanding the process
  • Accommodate candidate’s requests for preparation time for assessor appointments
  • Familiarise yourself with the SVQ your candidate is doing by talking to them and their assessor about it or looking at the standards themselves
  • Consider undertaking a management or related vocational qualification yourself
  • You may also wish to consider facilitating a member of staff in becoming a workplace assessor and thereby supporting colleagues through the SVQ process.
What can you expect from the candidate?

The candidate should:

  • Tell you about their SVQ and discuss their progress with you
  • Consult with you regarding assessment preparation time to gather evidence for their next assessor visit
  • By undertaking SVQs, show increased understanding and confidence in their ability to do their job.
What can you expect from the assessor?

The assessor will be one of the following:

  • A qualified member of the SVQ Centre team, trained workplace assessor from within your own service area or another service area (subject to negotiation with the appropriate manager in that area)
  • An external assessor from an outside training provider.

The assessor should:

  • Contact candidates regularly (usually monthly visits are arranged)
  • Provide progress reports and update you on your candidate’s progress
  • Provide you with a contact phone number / email address and give you all the help and advice they can when and if you need it
  • Give advice on any agreements in place with regards to SVQs.
So what’s in it for you?
  • You can use SVQs as an excellent staff development tool e.g. for PDP’s / KSF Reviews to help the candidate at appraisal time
  • Your staff may learn new skills and be interested in having work delegated to them
  • Your staff will be more motivated and will be looking for opportunities to achieve their award
  • You can use SVQs to ensure that your staff have the competences necessary for current and future service delivery.

Additional Information

Social Services and Health Care

This qualification is suitable for employees who are involved in direct patient support/care, the qualification consists of eight units, four of which are mandatory and must be completed with four more units being chosen to show competency in specific areas of practice at level 2 this is reduced by 1 optional unit. The candidate would be expected to complete this award over a twelve month period. This qualification is available at level 2 and 3, SCQF levels 6-7.

Health Care Support (clinical)

Again this qualification is open to employees who are involved in direct patient support/care but with the main emphasis being on tasks that are carried out within the clinical environment. At level 3 this qualification consists of eight units 3 of which are mandatory and must be completed with five more being chosen to show competency in specific areas of practice at level 2 this is reduced by 1 optional unit. The candidate would be expected to complete the award over a twelve month period. This qualification is available at levels 2 and 3, SCQF levels 6-7.

Healthcare Support (non clinical)

This qualification is suitable for employees who are involved in support services within the NHS that do not routinely involve direct patient support/care i.e. those who are employed within the facilities dept of the NHS. At level 3 this qualification consists of 8 units, 3 of which are mandatory and must be completed with five more being chosen to show competency in specific areas of practice at level 2 this is reduced by 2 optional units. This qualification is available at levels 2 and 3, SCQF levels 6-7.

Business Administration

This qualification is suitable for employees who provide administration services, for example, business administrators, secretaries and receptionists. At levels 2 and 3 this qualification consists of 8 units, 3 of which are mandatory and must be completed with five more being chosen to show competency in specific areas of practice. This qualification is available at levels 2 and 3, SCQF 5-6.

Learning and Development 

This qualification is suitable for employees who are working in a training role or Learning and Development role. Workplace PDAs are available to those who wish to assess or verify candidate competency in the workplace. The SVQ in Learning and Development is also available at levels 3 and 4 SCQF levels 8 and 9. At level 3 this qualification consists of 6 units, 3 of which are mandatory and must be completed with 3 more being chosen to show competency in specific areas of practice. At level 4 this qualification consists of 8 units, 3 of which are mandatory and must be completed with 5 more being chosen to show competency in specific areas of practice.

Team Leading

This qualification is suitable for employees who have responsibility for providing support and supervision to others. At level 2 this qualification is available to those who are considered to be Team Leaders and the optional units you chose will reflect this. At level 2 this qualification consists of 6 units, four of which are mandatory and must be completed with two more being chosen to show competency in specific areas of practice. This qualification is available at level 2 (SCQF level 6).

PDAs in Management

NHSGGC offer PDAs in Management at different levels, where staff can opt to undertake a smaller award linked specifically to their role. The benefit they offer is that staff with limited time available can start with an easily manageable award but may then choose to go on and complete the full qualification later. The PDA in Management is available at SCQF Level 6.

Management SVQs

Due to operational reasons the SVQ Team have taken the decision to temporarily withdraw the Management SVQs from our portfolio of Qualifications. As soon as we are in a position to deliver this qualification we will update this site. If you have any question regarding this, please contact Brian Keogh, Senior Learning and Education Advisor either by email ( or call 07834 228 569

Further Information