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HR Connect

Quick Guide to Internal Training and Meeting Facilities

The following information provides guidance to two internal routes for accessing training and meeting room facilities in NHSGGC:

NHSGGC Work Space Manager

This is an online self booking system which offers access to a wide range of rooms across NHSGGC with seating capacity from under 20 to a maximum of 120.

Work Space Manager (WSM) is the general booking system for the range of meeting and training rooms in NHSGGC. WSM provides the facility to search for venues using date, location and required resources.

When a user accesses Work Space Manager (WSM) for the first time, they will be required to login; the login will be their email address with a blank password. Once logged in, they are presented with the application set to the highest level of location hierarchy. The nature of the application allows for multiple levels of locations before ending in a floor plan where the resources may be found.

For any issues or additional information, email: or

Teaching and Learning Centre, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Campus

This is a purpose built teaching and learning centre with a 500 seat capacity lecture theatre plus a range of small (6-15 seats), medium (40 seats) and large (70 seats) teaching rooms.

An appendix is available at the end of this page to provide a quick guide to some of the sites across NHSGGC indicating small, medium or large venues.

The centre was developed jointly by NHSGGC and The University of Glasgow. It represents an investment of £27 million providing a state of the art learning and teaching environment for University of Glasgow undergraduate medical and nursing students as well as students studying on a variety of clinical science postgraduate programmes. It also provides postgraduate training facilities for medical staff and a large variety of NHS professionals thus ensuring we train the next generation of doctors, nurses, scientists, clinical academics and support staff to the highest standards.

Three floors of this purpose built centre are dedicated to teaching and learning. The fourth floor is a purpose built, £5M Clinical Innovation Zone which accommodates the Stratified Medicine Scotland-Innovation Centre, a University of Glasgow-led, Scotland wide collaboration with industry that is a leading initiative in the field of ‘precision medicine’, a National Centre of Excellence for the UK Precision Medicine Catapult, and incubator units for industry.

For any issues or additional information, please email:

Quick Reference Guide

The following list is a summary guide to sites in NHSGGC that offer venues currently available via Work Space Manager (WSM) and the Teaching and Learning Centre, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Campus. The search function on WSM offers the opportunity to narrow done the search to meet the specific requirements of the event.

This list is not exhaustive and there may be other venues located in NHSGGC that are not included in this sample of small, medium and large venues.

6 – 15 Seats
40 Seats
70 Seats
100 Seats
500 Seats

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde is a great organisation with a huge pool of terrific talent. We are committed to fairness and equality and take a zero tolerance approach to all forms of discrimination.

It is key that we are all committed to the core NHS values of: Care and Compassion, Dignity and Respect, Openness, Honesty, Responsibility, Quality and Teamwork and we use these values to guide us in all that we do.

We have access to some of the finest facilities and resources in the country, but it is the values and attitudes we demonstrate as individuals that make the biggest difference to our patients and their families.

These key messages are important for new colleagues joining our organisation, but I also believe it is important that we all remind ourselves of the opportunities we have to impact very positively on the lives of thousands of patients and their families no matter what job we do as part of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

Further Information

‘Digital learning has progressed rapidly to cover a wide range of formal course-based e-Learning packages and products together with a huge variety of complementary or alternative techniques, such as sharing knowledge or links to resources via social/interactive media sites and viewing / participating in online lectures, webinars, podcasts or blogs’ (CIPD, 2020) 

The following provides a guide to identifying and developing digital educational methods that complement or replace classroom-based training:

How do I get started?

Digital Learning can be a combination of methods including informal and self-directed activities (e.g. making use of web-based resources) and structured interventions using virtual environments (e.g. Cisco Webex, MS Teams) or eLearning. Whether it is newly commissioned training (perhaps resulting from a Training Needs Analysis) or a revision of current provision then following these basic principles will help to identify the most appropriate learning method(s) and preparation for a virtual session if that is required.

Purpose/Outcomes: A clear statement of why the training is necessary and what participants are expected to achieve e.g. specific knowledge, particular skills, transferable skills, better understanding, behaviour change.


  • Who they are and why they have been identified e.g. single discipline, multi-disciplinary team, self-selection, mandatory. An understanding of these factors will encourage buy-in from participants. 
  • Essential to identify potential barriers to access and mitigate as far as possible.
  • Digital literacy, vital to recognise that not all staff may have the skills or confidence to engage effectively with some aspects of Digital Learning.
  • Disabilities e.g. supporting a deaf colleague in a virtual environment such as MS Teams.
  • Important that delegates have line manager support as this will aid follow-up and application of learning.
  • IT access. Do staff have access to equipment and appropriate software? Some staff may use their own devices e.g. home PC, so you will need to ensure that they are provided with guidance to check for potential access issues.
  • Will there be an expectation that staff will use their own devices e.g. smart phones to access an app?
  • Also important to acknowledge the participant’s physical environment e.g. will they have distractions when accessing MS Teams.
  • Ensure that when planning the session you include opportunity for engagement and interaction where possible.

Evaluation, assessment and reporting requirements:

  • Evaluation can aid measurement of value/effectiveness. An assessment may be required to confirm achievement to an agreed standard.
  • The reporting on evidence of attainment may also be required and consideration given to the most appropriate mechanism e.g. eESS.

Planning for virtual environments (if required) e.g. MS Teams:

  • Promotion (or participant identification) and booking process.
  • Joining instructions – date, start time, duration, session link and any supplementary material.
  • Session planning (further guidance below).

You may also find this Digital Learning Planner useful to help you consider and plan a digital learning experience.

Digital Learning Options

This table sets out a range of common approaches to Digital Learning. These approaches are not mutually exclusive and can (and should) be used in combination.


Here are two great resources that you should check out:

  • NES provides guides and resources which include an introduction to MS Teams, a guide to transferring face to face training online as well as dates of facilitation training sessions.
  • The College Development Network has produced this really well structured, up to date site that you should not miss.

The following pages offer more specific guidance on the respective approaches. They can be used in combination and a ‘blended’ approach can produce better outcomes. 

Update March 2022 

This resource is being redeveloped. More training will be added when it is confirmed new sessions are scheduled in 2022.

Communications training currently available can be accessed from the headings below:

Anticipatory Care Planning (ACP) Communication Skills Training

We have developed a training session to help staff reflect on the best way to incorporate ACP conversations into their everyday practice.

Provider: Macmillan ACP Programme Team

Duration: 2 hours

Bereavement Awareness Sessions for Staff

These brief sessions aim to increase your understanding, and help you feel better informed and more confident in communicating with and supporting grieving families.

Provider: Child Bereavement UK/NHSGGC Bereavement Service

Duration: 1 hour

Communication Skills – Foundation

This Workshop is licensed and is appropriate for all staff groups. The Sage and Thyme Workshop is based upon evidence relating to core communication skills, psychological assessment and support.

The three hour workshop, run by three facilitators, teaches up to 30 delegates on how to use a structured approach for getting in and out of a conversation with someone who is upset or distressed, while providing basic psychological support. The workshop uses a mix of small group work, lectures and interactive rehearsals based on participant’s scenarios to teach and demonstrate a structure approach to noticing distress, hearing concerns and responding helpfully.

NB. In addition to the calendar sessions this training can also be delivered on request to teams or groups.

Provider: Acute Palliative Care Practice Development Team

Duration: 3 hours

Communication Skills – Realistic Conversations: Skills To Support TEP Conversations

A Treatment Escalation Plan (TEP) is a communication tool which is helpful in hospital when a person with serious illness has the potential for acute deterioration or may be coming towards the end of their life. Sometimes doing everything possible may actually lead to harm – to more suffering and distress rather than less – and without any particular gain. What can be done and what should be done may not necessarily be the same thing. Treatment Escalation Plans should be discussed and made based on personalised realistic goals rather than ‘one size fits all’ treatment.

Provider: EC4H

Duration: 75 minutes

GGC 28: Anticipatory Care Planning

The aim of this module is to provide staff with a general understanding of the Anticipatory Care Planning process. The module is in 6 sections, each covering a different aspect:

  1. What do we mean by Anticipatory Care Planning?
  2. Who needs an Anticipatory Care Plan
  3. Why is Anticipatory Care Planning required?
  4. When should an Anticipatory Care Plan be discussed?
  5. How do we have good Anticipatory Care Planning conversations?
  6. Where can we store and access Anticipatory Care Planning information?

Provider: LearnPro

Duration: 1 hour


This course is designed to help delegates to understand what assertiveness is, and when to use it. Assertiveness can improve performance and help with the management of difficult people and situations.

Provider: LearnPro

Duration: 45 minutes

British Sign Language – Booking Interpreters

There are over 4000 Deaf people using British Sign Language (BSL) in the NHSGGC area. By law, we must provide an interpreter for our Deaf patients, both at health appointments and when they are in hospital. This new video has been produced to show staff how and when to book a British Sign Language Interpreter for patients. It explains why it is so essential to provide interpreting support for our Deaf patients and looks at additional methods of communication.

Provider: LearnPro – Equality and Human Rights Team (CIT)

Duration: 1-2 hours

Conflict and Challenging Behaviour

This course is suitable for staff who have minimal direct contact with patients or members of the public but may be exposed to occasional verbal abuse e.g. in reception areas where staff work behind desks or screens. This course focuses on risk assessment, self awareness, proactive service delivery and good communication skills. Access this training in the Specialist Subject section of LearnPro.

Provider: LearnPro

Duration: 1-2 hours

Conflict Management

In order to manage conflict you will need to learn about the causes of conflict and how you can minimise the effects or prevent conflict from occurring. It is also important to know what do if conflict does occur in order to support your team and deal with any adverse effects.

Provider: LearnPro

Duration: 1-2 hours

Giving and Receiving Feedback

This module will help you understand the value of giving feedback in the workplace, as well as knowing when and how to give it. It is also important that you are able to receive and deal with feedback in order to develop yourself and build constructive working relationships with your colleagues.

Provider: LearnPro

Duration: 1-2 hours

Managing Effective Meetings

An increasingly important communication skill for anyone involved in supervisory management is that of managing effective meetings. Whether the meetings are low key or of great significance, the principles and issues are the same when it comes to chairing them successfully and this module will guide delegates through the skills and tasks required to master. 

Provider: LearnPro

Duration: 1-2 hours

GC231: Carer Awareness Training Core Information

This module offers you the opportunity to explore the principles and practices of the NHSGGC Carers Pathway, how carers are identified, provided with relevant information and signposted to support. 

Provider: Health Improvement

Duration: 30 minutes

The Learning and Education service offers a range of development opportunities for all staff from entry into post and throughout the span of your career. From formal qualifications to learning pathways, we will provide you with practical solutions tailored to your needs. This may be by completing a work based qualification, attending a tutor led session or using online learning resources.  

Our Learning, Education and Training Catalogue outlines information on the wide range of tutor led and online courses that are available. Access to online learning is flexible and resources can be accessed from mobile devices, work or home PCs at any time.

Your learning and development should be discussed and reviewed with your line manager or supervisor throughout the year and at your annual Personal Development Planning and Review conversation. Your agreed learning will then be recorded electronically in your Personal Development Plan.

Support for learning is outlined in the section on our staff NHSGGC Bursary Fund.

Contact LE Support Unit

Please use the HR Self-Service Portal for your request and ensure that you add the link to your Favourites for easy access.

How to Raise a ServiceNow Ticket for L&E.mp4

If your enquiry is urgent or you would prefer to talk to one of the Learning and Education Assistants please contact us by telephone 0141 278 2700 option 3. The team are available at the following times:

  • Monday – 10.00am until 3.00pm
  • Tuesday – 10.00am until 3.00pm
  • Wednesday – 10.00am until 3.00pm
  • Thursday – 10.00am until 3.00pm
  • Friday – 10.00am until 3.00pm

User videos have also been created in order to provide a clear demonstration of how to log an enquiry or request for LE support . The video can made full screen by clicking on the ‘Fullscreen’ arrows at the bottom right of the video.

Forgotten Passwords and Log in details reset (LearnPro and TURAS)


  1. Click on the Forgotten password link

2- A box will appear below the forgotten password link for an email address to be added and send button clicked

  • A rest link will be emailed to email added above for the password to be reset

TURAS Appraisal

1 – Click on the ‘Forgot your password?’ link.

2 – Add email address and click ‘Send verification code’

3 – A code will then be emailed to the address you gave.   Please leave the TURAS page opened until the code arrives, then copy and past it into the ‘Verification code’ section and click ‘Verify code’ and then ‘Continue’.

4 – This then allows the password to be reset

In House Training and Meeting Room Facilities

If you are planning an event in NHSGGC you should consider delivering this online using MS Teams. If it is essential to use a physical space for your event and require a room(s), there are two internal contacts that you may find helpful in locating the room that best suits your requirements.

Please note that currently all venues are subject to physical distancing guidelines and you should check facilities at time of booking.


Further Information

When your lead employer is NHSGGC and you are on placement within the West Region the following payroll and expense forms will apply.


Your payslips are electronic through the NHSGGC ePayroll system. Once your details are uploaded on the payroll system you will receive a secured envelope detailing your user name and password.  

Below you will find User Guide and Frequently Asked Questions.

When your Lead Employer is NHSGGC and you are on placement within the West Region the following policies, procedures and guidelines below will apply.

For copies of placement board policies please contact your placement board. If you are on placement in Greater Glasgow and Clyde please refer to HR Connect. 

If you are on placement within the West Region and are a GPST, Occupational Health, Public Health, or National Programme Trainee you should refer to the NES HR Policies & Procedures

Policy, Proceedures and Guidelines

  1. Attendance Policy: NHS Scotland Workforce Policy 
  2. Grievance Policy: NHS Scotland Workforce Policy
  3. Relocation and Removal Policy: NHSGGC
  4. Management of Doctors in Difficulty (Capability): NHS Education for Scotland*
  5. Recruitment and Selection: Scottish Medical Training
  6. Locum Appointments for Training (LAT) Policy: National Policy – Scotland Deanery
  7. Bullying and Harassment Policy: NHS Scotland Workforce Policy
  8. Conduct Policy: NHS Scotland Workforce Policy
  9. Alcohol & Substance Policy: NHSGGC
  10. Fixed Term Contracts Policy: NHSGGC
  11. Junior Doctors Banding Appeals Process: National Guidance
  12. Work Life Balance Policies and Guidance: NHSGGC*
  13. Maternity Leave Policy: NHSGGC*
  14. Adoption & Fostering Leave Policy

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Lead Employer

NHS Scotland has 4 lead employers for doctors and dentists in training:

  1. NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde: West Region
  2. NHS Lothian: East Region
  3. NHS Grampian: North Region
  4. NHS Education for Scotland: GP Training and National Programmes. 

NES is the Lead Employer for all GP and National Programme trainees with the 3 other Lead Employers covering the other specialties and foundation trainees on a regional basis. 

The other Boards continue to host trainees on placement as part of the training programme, they are  known as ‘Placement Boards’. Whilst the Employing Boards have employment responsibilities, the Placement Boards continue to have clinical governance responsibility and operational management for those engaged in providing clinical care to Placement Board patients. The Lead Employer model has been developed in partnership with the British Medical Association.

To support this work the Turas platform has been extended to include Turas People, an application that now assists medical staffing/ HR colleagues in employment related workflows, facilitating the provision of information between trainees, Placement Boards and Employing Boards, reducing duplication across systems and assisting in ensuring that the trainees get paid accurately.

We hope these changes have improved the Doctors and Dentists in Training employment journey as follows:

  • Less employment related administration and duplication of information provided
  • A single contract of employment for the duration of a programme
  • Reduced tax issues
  • Continuous service with one employer making it easier for you to access employee benefits
  • Clearer employment arrangements for money lenders (e.g. mortgages, cars and credit rating).

Dental Trainees

In December 2021 all Dentists in Specialty Training transferred to NHS Education for Scotland (NES) employment. This move seeks to align the contract of employment to a National Board, provide consistency in business processes, and as a result improve the dental trainee employment journey. 

This transfer has been agreed in partnership and consultation taken place with current Employing Boards and the British Dental Association.

Terms and Conditions

For terms and conditions for resident doctors and dentists please visit the MSG Website.

Standing Operating Procedures

Placement Boards deliver employment related activity on behalf of the Employing Boards, these can be found in the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).

Contact Us

Your placement will determine which Board you should contact if you have a query. Please see list of Placement Boards below. 

Placement Board: Placement Board NHSGGC

General HR Enquiries 

Doctors and Dentists Recruitment

Payroll and Expenses 

  • Your payroll contact will be on your payslip.

Medical Education

Occupational Health

Greater Glasgow and Clyde Policies 


Contact Lynne Sutherland, Senior Monitoring Officer:

For the following areas:

  • Emergency Care North, South and Clyde
  • Medical Services North and South
  • Geriatric Medicine North and South
  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  • Sandyford
  • South Stroke
  • North & South Adult Cardiology.

Contact Andy Trench, Monitoring Officer: Andy.Trench@NHS.Scot

For the following areas:

  • General Surgery North and South inc Surgical Specialities
  • Anaesthetics North, South & Clyde
  • Neonatology
  • RHC & RAH Paediatric Medicine.
  • LTFT Applications Administrator
  • WordPress Editor – HR Connect Web Content

Contact Albert Chilambwe, Monitoring Officer:

For the following areas:

  • Clyde palliative medicine
  • Diagnostics
  • Regional inc INS
  • Oral Health
  • Paediatric Services for Emergency Medicine, Surgery, Orthopaedics, Cardiology, PICU, Haematology, Oncology & Anaesthetics.

Contact Claire Mortimer, Monitoring Officer:

For the following areas:

  • Clyde General Surgery
  • Clyde General/Geriatric Medicine
  • Clyde Orthopaedics & Urology
  • Mental Health North & South
  • Public Health
  • Occupational Health
  • General Practice FY2s.
Placement Board: NHS Ayrshire & Arran

General HR Enquiries

01563 825738 or 01563 825719

Doctors and Dentists Recruitment 

Amie Sloan, Recruitment Co-ordinator for Medical Workforce:


Medical Education

Audrey Gallacher, Postgraduate/Foundation Administrator: or 01292 614610

Vicky McCourt, Postgraduate Medical Education and Foundation Administrator: or 01563 826105.

Occupational Health

  • 0800 085 0929/Ext 27306


Ross McGuiness, DRS Project Lead/ Monitoring and Systems Officer:

Placement Board: NHS Dumfries & Galloway

General HR Enquiries 

Alice Walker, Medical Staffing Manager –

Doctors & Dentists Recruitment 

Nicola Martin –

Sarah Crosbie –

Payroll & Expenses 

Joanne Inglis, Payroll Manager:

Medical Education 

Peter Armstrong, Consultant Accident and Emergency: 

Occupational Health 

Heather Aitchison, Specialist Practitioner in Occupational Health:

Placement Board Policies 

Alice Walker, Medical Staffing Manager –


Nicola Martin –

Sarah Crosbie –

Placement Board: NHS Forth Valley

General HR Enquiries 

Doctors & Dentists Recruitment

Payroll & Expenses 

  • Your payroll contact will be on your payslip.

Medical Education 

Jacqueline McMenemy:

Occupational Health 


Russell Morrison, Medical Workforce Analyst:

Placement Board NHS Golden Jubilee

General HR Enquiries 

Pamela Young, Senior HR Advisor:

Doctors and Dentists Recruitment 

Pamela Young, Senior HR Advisor:

Payroll & Expenses 

Medical Education 

Alan Kirk, Director of Medical Education or 0141 951 5251

Occupational Health 

Sharon Docherty, Occupational Health Specialist Advisor or Bernadene Thomson, Administrative Coordinator: or 0141 951 5435

Placement Board Policies 

Pamela Young, Senior HR Advisor:


Pamela Young, Senior HR Advisor:

Placement Board NHS Lanarkshire

Doctors and Dentists Recruitment

Monklands Trainees

Gill Swinburne, HR Advisor or 01698 754352.

Wishaw Trainees 

Iain Crosby, HR Assistant

Hairmyres and Psychiatry Trainees

Isabel Rankin, HR Assistant

Payroll & Expenses

Assistant Team Managers
Kiran Noor –
Margaret McGeechan –

Payroll Officers
Lorna Cameron –
Shirley Terras –
Aileen Kelly –
Elaine Cuthew –

Payroll Team Manager
Graham Hall –

Medical Education


Bernadette Kennedy, Training Co-Ordinator:

University Hospital Monklands 

Alison Ross, Postgraduate Administrator:

University Hospital Wishaw

Sheona Everett, Postgraduate Administrator:

University Hospital Hairmyres 

Siobhan McKenzie, Postgraduate Administrator:

Occupational Health 

  • University Hospital Monklands: 01236 752292, 752296 or 752297
  • University Hospital Wishaw: 01698 366770
  • University Hospital Hairmyres: 01355 585360.

Placement Board Policies 

Monklands Trainees

Gill Swinburne, HR Advisor: 

Wishaw Trainees 

Iain Crosby, HR Assistant:

Hairmyres and Psychiatry Trainees

Isabel Rankin, HR Assistant:


Danielle Kerr, HR Assistant, New Deal/EWTD for Resident Doctors:

Lead Employer Boards

NHS Education for Scotland

NHS Grampian


  • Email:
  • Faye Henry, DDiT Lead: 0141 278 2590 or 07989310680 –
  • Jane McMahon, Senior DDiT Advisor – 0141 2782634
  • Niall Ward, DDiT Advisor – 0141 2782657

NHS Lothian

Further Information

General Information
  • Responsible Officer: Dr Scott Davidson, Medical Director
  • Deputy Responsible Officer (Secondary Care): Professor Colin McKay
  • Appraisal Lead (Secondary Care): Dr Veronica Leach
  • Deputy Appraisal Lead: (Secondary Care): TBC
  • Deputy Responsible Officer (Primary Care): Dr Kerri Neylon, Clinical Director, Glasgow City HSCP (North West Locality)

These Medical Revalidation and Appraisal pages provide information for non-training career grade doctors in secondary care who have a substantive, locum or honorary contract with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. This includes non-training Clinical Fellows who do not hold a National Training Number (NTN).  It does not include doctors in training (including Foundation Year trainees, Specialty Registrars, Core Trainees and those who hold Locum Appointment for Training posts), for whom NHS Education for Scotland (NES) is the body responsible for revalidation.  

Please note: General Practitioners (GPs) who carry out the majority of their clinical work within Secondary Care should undertake a single appraisal within Secondary Care, which also covers their Primary Care practice. All GPs are required to work an average of fifty sessions per year to demonstrate that they are maintaining their clinical skills.

Please use the titles below to navigate to the required information and guidance.

If you have a specific query or question regarding Medical Revalidation or Appraisal please email and a member of the Medical Staffing Team will get back to you.

Doctors in training with queries regarding revalidation should contact NES for clarification:

Introduction to Medical Revalidation and Appraisal


All Consultants, SAS doctors and Career Grade doctors employed by NHSGGC must undertake an appraisal once during the period 1st April to 31st March in any given year.  Annual appraisal is a contractual obligation for all Consultants and SAS doctors employed by NHS Boards in Scotland.  It is also a statutory responsibility for all Consultants, SAS doctors and Career Grade doctors, who wish to retain a Licence to Practise, to regularly undertake appraisals in accordance with The General Medical Council (Licence to Practise and Revalidation) Regulations Order of Council 2012.

The appraisal should focus in the main on information gathered during the preceding year using the GMC’s Good Medical Practice Framework as its focus.  If this is a doctor’s first appraisal as a newly qualified Consultant/SAS Grade/Career Grade they should bring along a copy of their Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT), their Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) and any evidence of patient/colleague feedback gathered in the previous 5 years.  If a doctor has been previously employed as a Consultant/SAS Grade/Career Grade and has undertaken a valid appraisal for the preceding year they should bring along a copy of their signed Form 4 to their first Appraisal meeting.

Appraisals should be completed online using the Scottish Online Appraisal Resource (SOAR). This will assist greatly in record keeping and ensure that through audit the process can be quality assured.  To register with SOAR please access the website

Your Chief of Medicine / Appraisal Lead is formally responsible for appointing your appraiser. It is not permissible for an appraisee to self-select an appraiser. Where possible, doctors should be appraised by 2 separate appraisers during the 5 year revalidation cycle


Revalidation is the process by which doctors are required to demonstrate on a regular basis that they are up to date and fit to practice.  Doctors will revalidate, usually every five years, based on a recommendation made to the GMC by the Board Medical Director, as Responsible Officer (RO).  The RO will base their recommendation on a doctor’s appraisals over a five year period (i.e. the revalidation cycle), together with information drawn from the local clinical governance systems.  The RO will be required to make a revalidation recommendation in accordance with the doctor’s due date which has been prescribed by the GMC.  Each doctor will be notified directly of their revalidation due date by the GMC.

The RO can make one of three recommendations:

  • Recommendation to revalidate
  • Recommendation to defer
  • Recommendation of non-engagement.

On the basis of the RO’s recommendation, the GMC will decide whether the doctor’s licence to practise should continue to be revalidated for a further 5 years.  For further information on revalidation please access the the following GMC website:

Should you have any queries in relation to the above please email:

Appraisal Year and Phasing

The appraisal year & appraisal process for Secondary Care

The appraisal year

The appraisal year is aligned to the financial year, running from 1st April to 31st March.  The appraisal year aligned to an appraisal is predicated by when the appraisal meeting takes place.  For example, if the appraisal meeting takes place in June 2022, the appraisal will fall under the appraisal year 2022/2023 (1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023).  An Appraisal meeting taking place in April 2023 will fall within the appraisal year 2023/2024 (1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024).

The information to be reviewed at the appraisal meeting should cover all supporting information gathered since the previous appraisal to being the doctor up to date.     

Supporting information for annual appraisal must include evidence of Continuing Professional Development, Quality Improvement Activity, Significant Events Analysis, a review of complaints and compliments and also evidence of Colleague MSF and Patient Feedback, which are GMC requirements for revalidation (in conjunction with at least one appraisal in every 5 year revalidation cycle).

The phased appraisal process for Secondary Care

Within Secondary Care appraisees (other than non training Clinical Fellows) should be appraised in accordance with a rolling structured timetable. Each appraisee will be required to complete an appraisal during a four month period as determined by their GMC revalidation due date (in particular the month). The appraisal phasing system operates as follows:

  • Phase 2:  Doctors who have revalidation months falling during  August, September, October or November, have an appraisal completion window of April – July
  • Phase 3:  Doctors who have revalidation months falling during  December, January, February or March, have an appraisal completion window of August – November
  • Phase 1:  Doctors who have revalidation months falling during April, May, June or July, have an appraisal completion window of December – March
  • Phase 0: If a doctor commences employment within the Board on or after the 1st November in any given appraisal year, and they are not due to revalidate during that appraisal year, they will not be expected to complete an appraisal for that appraisal year, and will fall into their phasing window for the following appraisal year.

Appraisal timings for Non Training Clinical Fellows

The appraisal completion deadline for Clinical Fellows is dependent on their contract end date.  Clinical Fellows with contracts ending in February should complete their appraisal by the end of January, and those with contracts ending in August, should complete their appraisal between April – July.          

Specialty Doctors and Associate Specialists Appraisal Process

Appraisal process guidance for Specialty Doctors and Associate Specialists and their appraisers can be accessed by clicking on the following links:

Non Training Clinical Fellows Appraisal Process

The appraisal process for Clinical Fellows who do not have a training number within NHSGGC is similar to that of numbered trainees, and requires the doctor’s appraisal to be taken forward by their allocated Educational Supervisor, which should make reference to the ePortfolio that the Clinical Fellow is completing, and should be recorded on the SOAR system.      

Appraisal process guidance for Clinical Fellows working at Foundation Level, ST1+ Level and their Educational Supervisors can be accessed by clicking on the following links.

Please click on following link below to access FAQ’s for non Training Clinical Fellows

Scottish Online Appraisal Resource (SOAR)

All doctors employed by NHSGGC must register with the Scottish Online Appraisal Resource (SOAR).  This will assist greatly in record keeping and ensure that through audit, the Appraisal process can be quality assured.  To register with SOAR please access the following website:

SOAR is mandatory for the recording all appraisal information for medical staff employed by NHSGGC.  If you require guidance on how to get started on SOAR, you can access this via the following link:

Patient Feedback Exercise

To support revalidation, doctors are required to gather patient feedback.  Accordingly, it is asked that all doctors with patient contact attempt the patient feedback exercise at least once in every 5 year cycle.  Any exemptions must be discussed and agreed at the Board Wide Revalidation Group (BWRG) which is chaired by the RO.

The Board recommends the use of the NHSGGC Patient Feedback Questionnaire (a version of CARE) or one of two variations of this questionnaire for use by Radiologists and Child Health Specialists. NHS GGC patient questionnaires are also available in the following languages:- Arabic, Polish, Punjabi, Simplified Chinese and Urdu.  Doctors are welcome to use an alternative questionnaire as long as it meets GMC requirements and has the approval of the RO.

To manage the high volume of patient questionnaires, the Board has purchased an electronic scanner which has been specifically set up to read the NHSGGC Patient Feedback Questionnaire plus the two variations above. At this stage the Board is unable to process any other types of questionnaires.  If, therefore, a doctor chooses to use an alternative questionnaire they will be required to make their own administration arrangements.

We would recommend that, where possible, doctors aim to undertake the patient feedback exercise during the first 3 years of the revalidation cycle.  This is a precautionary measure in case it is necessary to repeat the exercise, perhaps due to low return rates, or the doctor in discussion with his/her Appraiser wishes to repeat the exercise.  The patient feedback exercise must be completed prior to the revalidation due date.

Doctors will be required to distribute 25 patient questionnaires across the whole of their practice and where possible should capture both inpatients and outpatients.  It is accepted that some questionnaires may not be returned.  The questionnaire should be distributed randomly and without influence from the doctor to patients who are competent and well enough to complete the proforma.  It is also possible for parents or carers to complete the questionnaire  instead of the patient.  

Please follow the guidance below to obtain your NHSGGC Patient Feedback Questionnaire:

  1. Request the patient questionnaire by e-mailing at least 2 weeks prior to when you wish to commence the exercise;
  2. Indicate in your e-mail if you wish the NHSGGC Patient Feedback questionnaire, the adapted Radiology or Child Health Care Questionnaire.  Please also advise if you require these questionnaires in any of following languages:- Arabic, Polish, Punjabi, Simplified Chinese and Urdu
  3. On receipt of your email, the Medical Staffing team will post out 25 patient questionnaires with instructions for distribution by a third party.  Please note that it is a GMC requirement that the patient questionnaire be distributed independently of the doctor, i.e. by a third party;
  4. Once the questionnaires have been returned, Medical Staffing will scan the completed returns and generate a summary report.  To obtain this report, please contact Medical Staffing by e-mailing at least 2 weeks prior to your appraisal meeting;
  5. We would recommend commencing the patient feedback exercise at least 2 months prior to your appraisal meeting, to allow time for the patient questionnaires to be distributed, completed and returned and report produced.

Please note: requests for the NHSGGC Patient Feedback Questionnaire must be made through medical staffing.  This enables the team to administer the process and produce the required summary reports.  The electronic scanner can only read the copies of the questionnaires issued by the Medical Staffing team, so please do not photocopy, scan or downloaded copies from another website.  

For any queries in relation to Patient Feedback Questionnaires please telephone 0141 201 0780

Colleague Multi-Source Feedback (MSF)

To support revalidation, doctors are required to gather colleague feedback.  This is also referred to as Multi-Source Feedback (MSF).  All doctors are requested to complete the colleague feedback exercise at least once in every 5 year cycle.  Any exemptions must be discussed and agreed at the Board Wide Revalidation Group (BWRG) which is chaired by the RO.

The colleague feedback exercise should be used formatively:

  • as a learning and development tool to identify strengths and areas for improvement in a doctor’s practice, to inform continuing professional development; and
  • as one of several pieces of information which, when considered together, will inform the decision as to whether a doctor should be recommended for revalidation.

The Scottish Government Health Department commissioned NES to develop a colleague questionnaire that would be suitable for all General Practitioners and career grade doctors in Scotland. This questionnaire is available as a web resource and is free to use for doctors registered with SOAR.

Please click the following link to access the colleague questionnaire:

It is recommended that the doctor seeking feedback invites 15 colleagues to complete the short questionnaire, selected from across the whole of their practice.  For example, colleagues from other specialties, junior doctors, nurses, allied healthcare professionals, management and clerical staff.  Doctors are also encouraged to score themselves as this helps to facilitate a more meaningful discussion in terms of how the doctor views themselves compared to their colleagues.  The results are then collated and a summary report is provided to the doctor (the NES MSF tool does this electronically).  Doctors should aim to complete the colleague feedback exercise in the 4 weeks leading up to their appraisal meeting, to ensure that they have the necessary feedback to form part of their appraisal discussion.

Review of Complaints and Compliments

Information on Complaints Certificates

Feedback is often provided by patients and others by way of complaints and compliments, which should also be reviewed as part of the Appraisal process.   The GMC definition of a complaint is “a formal expression of dissatisfaction or grievance.  It can be about an individual doctor, the team or about the care of patients where a doctor could be expected to have had influence or responsibility”.  The doctor may also choose to bring any compliments they have received to their Appraisal meeting.

Doctors should discuss any change in their practice that has been made as a result of any complaints or compliments received since the last Appraisal, either individually or across the team.

The Board is able to provide doctors with a Complaints Certificate, which confirms the number of complaints a doctor has been involved in within the previous year (this data is extracted from the Datix System).  The reports are run three times a year in keeping with the ‘phased’ Appraisal timetable:

  • doctors due to be appraised between 1st April and 31st July will be issued with a complaints certificate covering the period 1st April to 31st March;
  • doctors due to be appraised between 1st August  and 30th November will be issued with a complaints certificate covering the period 1st August to 31st July; and
  • doctors due to be appraised between 1st December and 31st March will be issued with a complaints certificate covering the period 1st December to 30th November.

Please follow the guidance below to obtain a copy of your Complaints Certificate:

  1. request a Complaints Certificate at least two weeks before your Appraisal meeting by emailing; and
  2. on receipt of your e-mail you will be e-mailed one of two certificates stating either:
  • there have been no complaints in the previous year; or
  • you have been involved in “x” complaints and the outcome of each complaint e.g. upheld, partially upheld, not upheld and so on.

For any queries in relation to complaints certificates please telephone 0141 201 0780

Significant Clinical Incidents

To support revalidation doctors are required to discuss any Serious Clinical Incidents (SCIs) at their Appraisal, with a particular emphasis on those that have led to a specific change in practice or demonstrate learning.  The Appraiser will be interested in any actions that the doctor has taken or any changes which have been implemented to prevent such events or incidents happening again.  

Areas for further learning and development should be reflected in the doctor’s personal development plan and CPD.  Doctors should bring along their own log of any SCIs recorded in the preceding year up to the date of the Appraisal meeting.  

If you require further information regarding an SCI or SCI’s that you have been involved in, please contact your Clinical Director.      

NES Appraiser Training

If you wish to apply to be an Appraiser, you need to complete the application form and equal opportunities form, which can be found along with appraiser training dates on the NES website:

The completed forms must be sent to NES by email:  A copy of the forms should also be forwarded to the Medical Staffing Team to ensure that a central record of applications is maintained:

Please note: your application must be authorised by your Medical Manager before submission to NES.

Click on the following link to access the Scottish Medical Appraiser Handbook:

Making a Recommendation

There are 5 steps to support the Responsible Officer (RO) in making a revalidation recommendation:

  1. The Appraiser and Appraisee should ensure that the Form 4 is completed online using the SOAR system, which allows the RO to review/access the Form 4(s) when it comes to making a revalidation recommendation to the GMC;
  2. The Chiefs of Medicine (COMs) are advised by the Revalidation Team which doctors are due to revalidate within their Directorate/Sector in the coming month and are asked if they know of any reasons which may preclude a doctor from being revalidated.  For example, there may be ongoing HR processes, which need to be finalised before a recommendation can be made.  Another extenuating circumstance, which could prevent a recommendation being made, is if an individual has not completed an appraisal;
  3. The Deputy Responsible Officer quality reviews the Form 4s submitted to ensure that all the information required has been included, for example CPD, MSF/Patient Questionnaire.  If the Form 4 is incomplete the DRO will make contact with both the Appraisee and Appraiser to advise.  If the Form 4 needs to be edited, arrangements are made by the the Revalidation Team to have SOAR unlock the Form 4;
  4. The RO meets the Deputy Responsible Officer, Board Appraisal Lead and Revalidation Team on a monthly basis to review and sign off the Form 4s for those Appraisees who are due to revalidate in the proceeding month.  The RO will make one of three disposals: Recommendation to Revalidate; Deferral; or Non-Engagement.
  5. Further to the monthly meeting, the Revalidation Team notifies the GMC of the recommendations that have been made.  Once the GMC has received the RO recommendation they will make a decision about your recommendation and will write to let you know.
Awareness Raising and Newsletters
GMC Guidance

These policies and procedures only relate to medical and/or dental staff members.

Recent Updates

Please email if have any questions regarding the above information.

More Information

Job Planning

Job Planning is a contractual obligation for all Career Grade Medical Staff, i.e. Consultants, Associate Specialists and Specialty Doctors/Dentists.

Job Planning is required to be undertaken annually, is a prospective process and should determine new ways of working rather than reinforcing existing working practices. The Job Plan should set out the doctor’s duties, responsibilities and objectives for the coming year.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Job Planning Policy provides information for both doctors and managers to assist with the Job Planning process.

E-Job Plan

Doctors within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde have access to E-Job Plan (EJP) – an electronic Job Planning system which records all types of activity along with the frequency the activity is undertaken and calculates the number of PAs within the weekly plan. 

The system is web-based and you can access it from wherever you have an internet connection.  Doctors are provided with a log-in which gives them access to a Job Plan “Wizard”.  The Wizard consists of 8 pages similar to the paper Job Plan documentation, and once completed, the Job Plan can be printed or exported to “Word” to allow upload to SOAR.  The system also allows the Job Plan to be signed-off electronically by both the doctor and the Medical Manager. Guidance designed to assist the doctor with logging in, setting preferences and populating/ signing off their job plan can be found by following the below button.

To access EJP open a new browser window and navigate to

If you have not received a username and password to access EJP please contact

Medical Revalidation and Appraisal
Discretionary Points

Consultant Discretionary Points

What are Discretionary Points?

Discretionary Points are a financial award paid at the discretion of the employer to reward excellence. To warrant payment of a discretionary point, consultants will be expected to demonstrate an above average contribution in respect of service to patients, teaching, research and the management and development of the service.

The employer, in determining the award of discretionary points, will follow the guidance in NHS Circular PCS(DD)1995/6 and the SEHD Guidance of 12 January 2000 ‘Discretionary Points for Consultants’.

Who is eligible to apply for Discretionary Points?

The application process is open to all Consultants who:-

  • Are employed on a substantive contract or Clinical Academic with an Honorary Contract
  • Are on the new contract, and have reached pay point 5 of the salary scale, (or its equivalent, for those consultants on the transitional salary scales), by 1 April of the fiscal year
    • OR
  • Are on the old consultant contract and have reached the maximum of the salary scale by 1st April of the fiscal year
  • Consultants who are in receipt of a Distinction Award or 8 Discretionary Points are not eligible for payment of Discretionary Points
  • Locum Consultants are not eligible for payment of Discretionary Points
  • Part-time consultants receiving an award will be paid pro-rata to the full value of the award
  • Clinical Academics receiving an award will be paid pro-rata according to the average time per week for which they engage in clinical or public health medicine as per NHS Circular PCS(DD)1995/6
  • Consultants who deliver services between two or more Board areas will be considered on their overall contribution.  It will be the responsibility of the ‘lead’ employer to implement the nomination process, to liaise with the other employers and to consider applications from these medical staff

How many points can be awarded?

Employers have discretion on the numbers to be granted in any individual case in any particular year, and on the total number of points to be granted in any year subject to the minimum requirement of 0.35 points per eligible Consultant.

Notwithstanding this principle only in exceptional circumstances will more than two discretionary points be awarded to an individual in any single year.

How do I apply for Discretionary Points?

All eligible consultants will be contacted by email and invited to submit an application. If you think you are eligible based on the above criteria and you have not received an email please check your junk folder first before emailing the Discretionary Points mail box:

Applicants will be given six weeks from the date of the invite letter to return their completed application form. Please note that the application form is now a web based document. Eligible Consultants will receive an email which will contain a private link to the application form. This year when an applicant clicks on the link the Webropol System will prepopulate your application form with the following information:

  • Payroll Number
  • Sector/Directorate
  • Job Title
  • Date of Last Award
  • Unique Identifying Number

Please note that each eligible Consultant will receive their own private link thus links are not transferable. If you have not received an email inviting you to apply please contact the Discretionary Points mailbox –

The invite email you will receive will contain the above information apart from your payroll number. Please note that applicants will not see the above information when they click on the link as this data will remain ‘hidden’ within the form. This information will though be included in the application form received by the panel. If you think any of the information in your invite email is wrong please contact the Discretionary Points mailbox.

Applicants will thus only complete Sections 1-5 of the application form. An example of the application form is in Appendix 1.

Please note that as each eligible Consultant will receive their own private link thus links are not transferable. If you have not received an email inviting you to apply and you think you meet the eligibility criteria please contact the Discretionary Points team using the email address above.

Please note applications will not be accepted if they are received after the closing date, 5pm on Friday 19 July 2024. The normal four week deadline for receipt of applications has been extended by two weeks to take account of the school holiday period.

Consultants should not apply for discretionary points in the year following the receipt of an award apart from in exceptional circumstances. Where a consultant believes that ‘exceptional circumstances’ apply, then they should complete Section 2 of the application form.

Details on how to complete, save and submit the new form can be found in the Guidance Note on Completion of Application Form.

The Statement of Case is in Section 5 of the new form and each scoring box now has a character limit depending on the number of points available for that section. The number of characters available for each box is indicated under the bottom right hand corner of the box.

Please note that there is also a box in Section 5 to list any publications or research etc.


Please ensure that your application is anonymised (including any list of publications, research etc.). Failure to comply with this will result in your application being disqualified.

Applications that are not completed in accordance to the guidance specification will be disqualified. As it is an applicant’s responsibility to ensure that their application meets the guidance specification you are advised to double check your form prior to submission. All applications received by the closing date will be submitted to the decision making panels who will decide if an application meets the guidance specification prior to the scoring process. If an application does not meet the guidance specification applicants will be notified in writing of their disqualification from the process.

To apply you will need to read and follow the Guidance Note on Completion of Application Form and complete and submit your Application Form and the Equality Monitoring Form by 5pm on Friday 19 July 2024. To submit your completed application click submit on the final page of the application form. On submission of your application form you will automatically receive an email from the Discretionary Points mail box confirming the receipt of your form. If you do not receive an acknowledgment email please contact the Discretionary Points Mail box before the closing date stated above. Applicants are advised to use the ‘save and continue’ option, to save their form prior to submitting their completed form. 

After you have submitted your application you will then have the option to either convert and save your form into a PDF document or email your form to an email address of your choosing. Please click finish to exit the form.

Equality Monitoring Form

Completion of the Equality Monitoring Form is a mandatory requirement of the application process. Please note that the Equality Monitoring Form will not be sent to the Panel. You will receive an email which will contain a private link to the Equality Monitoring Form

When you click on your private link, Webropol will pre-populate your Equality Monitoring Form with your unique identifying number. This unique identifying number will enable Webropol to analyse the success rate of all applicants including those from protected groups. From this analysis the Board will then will be able to identify if there is any bias within the current Discretionary Points process.

How will my application be considered

All applications are anonymised and scored independently by members of the Sector/Directorate Discretionary Points Committee comprised of the following individuals:-

  • Sector/Directorate Director
  • Chief of Medicine
  • Clinical Director
  • Service General Manager
  • Eligible and non-Eligible Consultants nominated by MSA
  • Head of People & Change (Non-Scoring)
  • Local Negotiating Committee Observer (Non-Scoring)

The committee composition has equal numbers of management to MSA Representatives

  • The scores are discussed at a meeting of the Discretionary Points Committee and the award of points is discussed and agreed
  • The deliberations of the Discretionary Points Committee is confidential (subject to the terms of the Appeals Process)
  • All applicants are informed of the outcome of their application by letter to their home address. If the application is successful the payment of award will be made in their January 2025 salary at the latest.
  • A list of those individuals who have been awarded points in the current year are posted on HR Connect

Will I be able to appeal the outcome of my application?

Consultants are advised to discuss their application with the relevant Chief of Medicine before deciding on whether to proceed with a formal appeal.

In the event that a consultant believes that the process of awarding discretionary points has been unfair i.e. they believe they have been disadvantaged by the assessment or in regard to how many points they have been awarded, there is the right of appeal. 

The purpose of the appeal hearing is for an independent panel to review the consultant’s original application and the scores awarded by the Discretionary Points Committee, to assess whether the process of awarding points has been carried out fairly.  It is not an opportunity for the consultant to present new information.

Appeals must be made in writing to Liz Sinclair, HR Manager, Medical Staffing at within one month of the candidate receiving their outcome letter. The grounds of appeal must be clearly stated by the applicant in their letter of appeal.

On receipt of an appeal the Medical Staffing Unit will arrange an appeal hearing, within two calendar months of the completion of all the Discretionary Points Committee meetings. The appeals panel comprises of the following individuals:-

  • Board Medical Director
  • Deputy Director of Human Resources & Organisational Development
  • Two individuals nominated by the Local Negotiating Committee

Following the appeal, the appellant will be informed in writing within three working days of the decision.

The decision of the Appeals Panel will be final.

List of Consultants awarded Discretionary Points:


Where can I find further information regarding the Discretionary Points process?

Business Travel Policy

Please note:-  Staff should make themselves aware of the changes to the Business Travel Policy which comes into effect from 1st July 2019. Staff will no longer be able to arrange their own travel when the costs exceeds £50, (excluding bus & taxi journeys). All travel will need to go through the purchasing department travel team and must be booked electronically, paper copies will no longer be accepted. You will no longer have an option to claim back expenses for travel exceeding £50.

Managing Conduct and Competence for Medical and Dental Staff
NHSGGC Relocation and Removal Policies
Guidance on Annual Leave and Public Holiday Entitlement for Consultant & Specialty Doctors/Associate Specialists
Clinical Placements
Consultant Sabbatical Leave Policy
Waiting Time Initiative Payments for Medical Staff
Junior Doctors in Training – Cover for Scheduled and Unscheduled Leave
Fee Paying Work
Resident On-Call Policy
Pay and Arrangements for Medical Staff Working Additional Hours
Medical & Dental Staff Study and Professional Leave Management Guidelines
Medical Private Practice Policy