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HR Connect

Requests for Clinical Attachments

Applications for Clinical Attachments/Observer can be made at NHS Scotland | Jobs | Search here for your perfect career

International recruitment enquires

Please direct your enquires to the Workforce Supply Unit at

Contact the Employability Team

  • Workforce Employability Officer – Mark Goldie
  • Workforce Employability Officer – Donna Lennie
  • Job Coach – Josh Thompson
  • Job Coach – John McAulay

All Career insights enquiries and requests should be submitted via email below

All Modern Apprentice enquiries and requests should be submitted via email below

Main workstreams

Further Information

Moving and Handling Education

All Moving and Handling training courses are available for booking on eEES.

Use link to access course information and dates Moving and Handling Training – NHSGGC

NHSGGC Policy and Staff Return to Work Assessment

Moving and Handling Policy 2024

Line Manager request form for manual handling assessment of a staff member returning to work following a period of absence.

Return to work referral form

Clinical Handling Competency Assessment

Clinical Handling Competency Assessment within NHSGGC

All Induction (Foundation) courses remain the same, however, rather than providing refresher training for everybody irrespective of need, a process of assessment is used to identify where additional support may be required.

An overview of the approach and how it relates to the Acute Services and for Partnerships is provided.

Clinical Handling Competency Assessment Documentation

Inanimate Load Handling Competency Assessment

Inanimate Load Handling Competency Assessment within NHSGGC

Competency assessments for staff that regularly move and handle inanimate loads as part of work tasks.

Competency Assessment Documentation

Competency Assessors online recording link (This link is only for staff who are not part of the Facilities Directorate. Facilities Training and Education managers will input information directly into eESS from the tracker)

Bariatric Guidance and Equipment


NHSGGC Moving and Handling Bariatric Guidelines contain guidance related to moving and handling plus sized (bariatric) patients. 

Bariatric beds

The bariatric beds on the Clinical Therapy Bed Contract, including advice on which one to order and ordering instructions are in the resource folder. In addition to the bariatric beds, other specialist beds are also available on this contract, including low level beds and spinal beds 

Arjo rental phone number to order bariatric or low-level beds 08457 342000.

User guides for the bariatric and low level beds on the contract

User guides for the bariatric mattresses for use with Citadel or Baros bed

Rental Information for other bariatric equipment e.g chairs

Please forward request to procurement for purchase order number prior to contacting company.


Moving and Handling Equipment Register

Please complete this register for all moving and handling aids kept within wards and departments.

Equipment Register

Hoist service and LOLER inspection schedules

NHSGGC’s patient hoists and standing aids are currently serviced every six months by contractors Drive DeVilbiss. When you go to use the hoist or standing aid, as well as your normal pre-use checks, if it does not have an up to date service sticker attached to it, please report this to your local Estates department.

NHSGGC’s patient hoists, standing aids and fabric slings are inspected as per the Lifting Operations & Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) every six months. Currently the inspections are undertaken by Allianz. When you go to use the hoist, standing aid, as well as your normal pre – use checks if it does not have an up to date inspection sticker attached to it, please take the equipment out of use and report this to your local Estates department.

Bed Maintenance Programme

NHSGGC’s patient beds are serviced annually and is currently undertaken by Drive DeVilbiss. When the bed has been serviced a label will be placed on the bed frame at the brake end.

Guidance on reporting faults to electric beds can be found here.

Equipment Information

A checklist for using hoists.

Hoist Sling Safety Action Notice 2024


Floor Recovery


PECOS Ordering – Slings and Sliding Sheets

Hoist Slings

Sliding Sheets

Guidance Documents and Links

Health and Safety Executive (HSE)

NHS Scotland

Professional Bodies

NHSGGC Guidance Documentation 

Therapy Handling Guidelines

Assisting with:

Safety Briefing Notes – NHSGGC 

These Notes are developed in response to incidents that have occurred or hazards that have been identified. They are designed to be used by Local Managers to communicate key safety messages to their staff, taking no more than two minutes. They can be presented in a number of ways including at handovers, safety briefings and staff meetings. Not all Notes will be relevant to all areas.

Course Handouts – NHSGGC

Moving and Handling Overview Video

Risk Assessment

The risk assessments are generic in that they will apply to a number of areas within NHSGGC. You can download them to be included in your ward / departments Health and Safety Management Manual. If you do so however, you must ensure that you have altered the generic principles of the risk assessment to your own specifc area, for example, you may have to take into account specifc risks associated with the environment you work in or the equipment you have access to.

Blank moving and handling risk assessment forms are available from the Health & Safety Policies, Guidance Documents and Forms pages.

Musculoskeletal Disorder Guidance

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are problems affecting the muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves or other soft tissues and joints. The back, neck and upper limbs are particularly at risk. The aims of the NHSGGC Guidance for Managing Musculoskeletal Disorders  are to:

Information relating to treating minor musculoskeletal conditions can be found at

Moving and handling education within NHSGGC is divided into two parts. Induction courses for employees who are new to NHSGGC and do not have a Scottish Manual Handling Passport and update education.

The requirement for an update for staff undertaking higher risk manual handling activities, is identified through competency assessment. Induction courses remain the same, however rather than providing refresher training for all staff irrespective of need, a process of competency assessment is used to identify where additional support may be required.


Nominations for all NHSGGC Moving and Handling courses to be made through eESS.  

Information for delegates

Please ensure delegate is aware of dress code for Moving and Handling Training, appropriate clothing and footwear for practical work. Class register requires payroll number or eESS ID, bring copy of this to the training day.


Attendance will be recorded on eESS. In addition local managers should keep local training records and to assist with this if a delegate does not attend the nominating person will be contacted within 24 hours to inform them of the non-attendance. 


Moving and Handling Induction

Staff should have completed Manual Handling Theory on Learnpro prior to attending the practical course, staff should bring evidence of completing module to practical training.

Practical moving and handling training is now a one day course, dates and venues available to view on eESS.

Competency Assessors Course – Patient Handling

Staff who complete a one day competency assessor course will be able to carry out moving and handling assessments within ward / department.

Competency Assessors Update

Staff who have previously attended a one day competency assessors course can request onsite support, send email to M & H inbox and a member of the team will be in touch to arrange a session.

Load Handling Training – Induction and Competency Assessor

Please request by sending details to the M & H inbox & a member of the team will be in touch to arrange a session.

Onsite Coaching

Please request by sending details to the M & H inbox & a member of the team will be in touch to arrange a session.

For any further information email the Moving and Handling inbox

Please find all Safety Health and Wellbeing information for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde on our dedicated SharePoint site below.

eESS is a single, national NHS Scotland approach to HR systems providing a high quality, standardised HR function. 

All NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde staff will have an employee record on the system which interfaces with Payroll and the Scottish Standard Time System (SSTS) to provide real time workforce information and reports.  Key features of the system will include:

  • Employee Self Service – Employees can view their employment record, make changes to personal data (eg. address), and request training.
  • Manager Self Service – Managers can approve requests and process changes (such as change of hours) through to payroll and will also be able to use manager self-service for improved workforce record keeping and reporting.
  • Core HR – see below
  • Oracle Learning Management System (OLM) – see below

eESS Core is the control centre for HR Staff and Line Managers to capture workforce information in relation to employee personal records.

The Core Employee Record captures:

  • Changes to Contract
  • Eligibility to Work
  • Essential workers
  • Exit Interviews
  • Mentorship for AHP and NMC
  • Occupational Health Passport
  • Other non-NHS employment
  • Previous NHS employment
  • Qualifications and registrations
  • Supplementary roles
  • Terms and Conditions

HR users will have access to run and generate standard and non-standard reports to support workforce monitoring and planning.

By allowing staff eESS access, employees can view and update information, and ensure that HR and the Board holds accurate and the most up-to-date information.

Oracle Learning Management (OLM)

The Oracle Learning Management (OLM) component of eESS will enable improved access to and monitoring of all the activities associated with the learning and development of staff. This will include the administration of courses and the recording of learning undertaken by every employee, including e-Learning.

Courses can be linked to defined competencies, including national competence frameworks, so that current employee competencies and progress towards those competencies can be updated and monitored. 


Enables NHSGGC to manage all aspects of the delivery and maintenance of a learning service including the ability to access national courses which are centrally maintained.

OLM supports a blended approach to learning with NHSGGC able to offer a single point of access for all classroom courses and e-Learning across the Board through a unified catalogue.

Maintains information on:

  • Courses (any educational or development activity designed to enhance an employee’s competencies, qualifications or experience)
  • Classes (a single occurrence of a course on a particular date)

Resources (such as trainers, equipment or venues)

  • Employees can directly enrol to courses, subject to manager approval.

The LearnPro interface will automatically update learning records when an e-Learning course is completed.

Employee competencies can be associated with courses. Once a member of staff has completed the course, his or her employee record can be updated with the new competency automatically.

Monitoring of compliance with mandatory training. For example, a skill may require a refresher course every 12 months; OLM will enable you to report on those employees who are due for refresher learning.

A wide range of reports enables learning and development to be monitored at a local and national level.

Automatic system generated e-mail delivered to staff upon:

  • Enrolment (Joining Instructions)
  • Cancellation of Enrolment
  • Update of class details (e.g. time/date/venue).

Useful Information

Full access to all Standard Operating Procedures and e-Learning videos is available on the eESS National Team website.

Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE)

OBIEE is the integrated Reporting Tool that allows organisations to build and develop a range of reports and dashboards that meets statutory and local reporting requirements. It will support workforce planning and align to requirements for Staff Governance reporting and analysis.

Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2

eESS Team

The best way to contact the eESS Team is via the new HR Connect Self-Service Portal which launched on 6th June 2022 – Please ensure that you add the link to your Favourites for easy access.

If your enquiry is urgent or you would prefer to talk to a member of the eESS Team please contact us by telephone 0141 278 2700 option 5 – Press 1 for the eESS Support Team, Press 2 for the eESS Technical Team . The phone lines are open between 9.00am and 3.00pm, Monday to Friday

Please note when calling the eESS Team for the first time you may be required to provide some key details about who you are and where you work.

Your details will be stored in our system which means when you contact the eESS Team again these details will not need to be taken and a simple check will be done to ensure the details are still correct.

The Armed Forces Community

Within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC), we acknowledge the unique commitment demonstrated by the Armed Forces Community, which balances civilian roles within the organisation with military responsibilities or family ties. We value the unique skills and experience being part of this community brings to our organisation.

The Armed Forces Community encompasses both individuals who have served in the Armed Forces and individuals affiliated with the Armed Forces, including military family members and dependants. Therefore the Armed Forces Community includes Armed Forces regulars, Service leavers, Veterans, Armed Forces reservists, Cadets & Cadet Forces Adult Volunteers (CFAV) and Military spouses & dependants.

Therefore if you are a member of the Community in any way, we would ask you to register with the Board Contact: Diana Hudson, Staff Experience Adviser, This means, we can ensure you are kept up to date with the support that NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde can offer.

When registering, we ask that you complete a short form and submit this to the Board Contact. By completing these details, we’re able to securely hold your contact details and will be used for the purposes of Armed Forces communication within the Board. Please get in touch with the Board Contact for a registration form.

The Armed Forces Covenant

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) affirmed its commitment to supporting serving personnel, Reservists, veterans, and military families by signing the Armed Forces Covenant. By signing the Covenant, we pledge our commitment to supporting the Armed Forces Community, recognising the value they contribute and acknowledging that serving personnel and military families should be treated with fairness and respect.

To help NHSGGC staff understand the Covenant and its implementation, a LearnPro module has been created. This module is available under the Specialist Subjects dropdown in the LearnPro system or by searching, “Understanding the Armed Forces Covenant”. The LearnPro system can be found using this link: learnPro NHS – Login

Reserve Forces

The regular training that the Reserve Forces undertake brings essential skills into the workplace such as leadership, communication, team working and organisational ability, which ultimately lead to improved performance in the workplace.

The Reserve Forces Training Policy is an established National NHS Scotland policy within our suite of workforce policies and we hope that we can be confident that all NHS Scotland employers are treating their staff who are members of the Reserve Forces equally.

If you want to find out more about what our reservists do, please watch the RAF Medical Reserves Employer Engagement Video.

The Defence Employer Recognition Scheme

The Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS) encourages employers to support members of our workforce who are part of the Armed Forces Community.

NHSGGC’s dedication to ensuring that all members of its workforce feel valued is evident, with a particular emphasis on supporting those who are part of the Armed Forces Community. The organisation’s communications and activities are carefully designed to celebrate and encourage this community, and we are delighted to be recognised for this work through achieving the Gold level in the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme.

Staff Governance is a term which describes the framework for managing employees inside NHS Scotland. The commitments surrounding the framework, are in place to ensure all staff have a positive experience at work, where they feel motivated and engaged with their role, team and the Board.

If you have any queries please contact the Staff Experience team:

What does it mean?

Staff Governance is defined as: “a system of corporate accountability for the fair and effective management of all staff”.

It can be measured through assurance that the Standard commitments are being met, and this is assessed locally via the Staff Governance Committee of each Board.

Staff Governance Standard

The Staff Governance Standard sets out what each NHSScotland employer must achieve in order to continuously improve in relation to the fair and effective management of staff. Click on the links for more information.

There are 5 Staff Governance Standard commitments set out what staff can expect from their NHS Scotland Board, and they are that staff should be:

  • Well informed
  • Appropriately trained and developed
  • Involved in decisions
  • Treated fairly and consistently, with dignity and respect, in an environment where diversity is valued
  • Provided with a continuously improving and safe working environment, promoting the health and wellbeing of staff, patients and the wider community.

However, the Standard also sets out corresponding responsibilities for staff (at any level within the organisation). Staff should:

  • Keep themselves up to date with developments relevant to their job within the organisation
  • Commit to continuous personal and professional development
  • Adhere to the standards set by their regulatory bodies
  • Actively participate in discussions on issues that affect them either directly or via their trade union/professional organisation
  • Treat all staff, patients and service users with dignity and respect while valuing diversity
  • Ensure that their actions maintain and promote the health, safety and wellbeing of all staff, patients, service users and carers.

These dual commitments are in place to ensure all staff have a positive experience at work, where they feel motivated and engaged with their role, team and the Board.

NHSGGC Staff Governance Committee assesses how well the Board is complying with these Standards.

Fair Work Framework

The Vision and Framework for Fair Work in Scotland, state that, by 2025, people in Scotland will have a world-leading working life where fair work drives success, wellbeing and prosperity for individuals, businesses, organisations and for society.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) is committed to the Fair Work principles in order to deliver Scottish Government ambitions of a Fair Work Nation.

As a large public sector organisation, we work in partnership to align the Fair Work principles through commitment to the Staff Governance Standard, as well as a range of other activities and plans across the organisation including, the Procurement Strategy, Workforce Equality plans, Learning and Education activity, the Staff Health Strategy, Safety and Wellbeing plans, flexible and family friendly HR policies, and our Workforce Plan. Additionally, NHSGGC are proud to be a Living Wage Accredited employer.

Staff Governance Committee

The Staff Governance Committee (SGC) is a standing committee of each NHS Board which, together with the Clinical Governance Committee and Audit Committee, forms the full governance framework for NHS Boards. 

The purpose of the Staff Governance Committee is to provide assurance to the Board that NHSGGC meets its obligations in relation to Staff Governance under the National Health Service Reform (Scotland) Act 2004 and the Staff Governance Standard. The Staff Governance Committee is a Standing Committee of the Board.

The Committee ensures that structures and policies are in place to provide assurance that all staff are:

  • Well informed
  • Appropriately trained and developed
  • Involved in decisions
  • Treated fairly and consistently, with dignity and respect, in an environment where diversity is valued
  • Provided with a continuously improving and safe working environment, promoting the health and wellbeing of staff, patients and the wider community.

Each Health and Social Care Partnership, Acute Services and Corporate Directorate have their own Staff Governance arrangements and structure.

The Staff Governance Committee meets four times per year to review and as part of each Committee meeting, speakers provide assurance that structures, actions and processes are in place to meet the Standard.

The NHSGGC Staff Governance Committee is co-chaired by Ketki Miles (Non-Executive Director) and Ann Cameron-Burns (Employee Director).

Approved minutes of Staff Governance Committee meetings can be accessed via the NHSGGC Board papers page or by emailing

Further Information

The Staff Experience Team runs a programme of Collaborative Conversations Staff Engagement Sessions to hear more from staff about their staff experience.

In 2023, and early 2024, we ran a programme of conversations with staff to test how we were using feedback from iMatter and Investors in People. At those Staff Engagement Sessions we asked staff for their input on what difference they’ve seen over the last year and what they think would make the biggest difference to their experience at work and the experience of colleagues.

The staff feedback was provided to the Investors in People (IiP) Cluster groups to inform their improvement plans and help create a better workplace in all our areas.

The team is now working with local services and teams to identify key themes from the 2024 iMatter survey to plan this year’s programme of Collaborative Conversations. Feedback from these will inform both Cluster IiP actions, local Directorate and Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) activity, and the NHSGGC Board action plan.

For our New Starts, we are always looking for ways to improve the onboarding experience – for this to happen, feedback from colleagues who have newly joined NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) is invaluable. Therefore we are running quarterly Collaborative Conversations which provide an opportunity for us to hear what went well during recruitment, onboarding and first few months in post. We are always keen to understand what went well and use feedback to identify any areas we can improve.

In addition, we have been running a series of Conversations to engage with staff about the Workforce Strategy, both to provide an overview of progress from the current Strategy, and to help inform the Strategy from 2025. This helps the team understand what staff feel is important to see included in the Strategy and help deliver a strategy that moves culture and leadership to where we want it to be.

If you have any queries please speak with your manager and you can also email

Staff experience takes account of a staff members full employment journey, from being a prospective candidate right up the point they leave an organisation.

As an employer, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) wants to ensure all staff have a positive experience at work, through:

  • Ensuring visibility of, and access to, the right people and the right information at the right times
  • Developing capability, inspire ownership, accountability and trust at all levels, and empowering the workforce
  • Ensuring equality, diversity and inclusion to continuously establish a fairer workplace for all
  • Creating and embedding two-way, feedback rich conversations throughout the organisation
  • Encouraging a culture of excellence, celebrate success, benchmark against world class standards.

The Staff Experience team work in a number of areas, to ensure NHSGGC staff to have the most positive experience. The key areas of work and contact details for the team are outlined below.

The Staff Experience Team 

Our Staff Experience team is committed to growing an inclusive organisation, where every employee is treated fairly and consistently, with dignity and respect. To get in touch, please email us at

The team consists of the following members and you can contact them via the buttons below:

Further Information