Click the image below to view / download a PDF of the site map, which also includes travel directions.
Wards and Visiting
Ward B1 – Head and Neck, Brain and Skin
Call: 0141 301 7585 or 0141 301 7581
Ward B2 – Urology, Gastrointestinal and Neuroendocrine
Call: 0141 301 7610 or 0141 301 7605
Ward B3 – Brachytherapy: Urology, Gynaecology, Neuroendocrine and Thyroid
Call: 0141 301 7618 or 0141 301 7623
Ward B4 – Breast, Lung, Lymphoma and Teenage Cancer Trust, Teratoma and Sarcoma
Call: 0141 301 7593 or 0141 301 7597
Ward B5 – Gynaecology
Call: 0141 301 7630 or 0141 301 7635
Ward B7 – Haemato-oncology
Call: 0141 301 7302 or 0141 301 7308
Ward B8 – Haematology Day Unit
Call: 0141 301 7273
Open Monday to Friday, 9.00am – 5.00pm
Ward B9 – Oncology Day Unit
Call: 0141 301 7136
Open Monday to Friday, 9.00am – 5.00pm
Services and Outpatients
Acute Oncology Assessment Unit (AOAU)
Call: 0141 301 7635
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, 8.00am – 8.00pm
Enhanced Care Unit (ECU)
Call: 0141 301 9920
Information and support
Call: 0141 301 7390
Open: Monday to Friday
For anyone coming to the hospital, whether as a patient or visitor, the Support and Information Service can help you understand and manage your condition.
The service provides:
up-to-date health information
support with understanding medical jargon
a person to talk to who understands the health service and health issues
practical support with issues like transport, money, literacy, and smoking
The Chaplain’s office is in Gartnavel General Hospital, adjacent to the Beatson.
The Sanctuary, on the 1st floor of the Beatson, near the main entrance, is open at all times and is available to patients, visitors and staff as a place of quiet reflection and prayer. Prayer mats and books of the major faiths are available alongside other resources.
The Chaplaincy Service delivers spiritual and religious care to all people. Spiritual care addresses the fundamental human need to have a sense of peace, security and hope particularly in the context of injury, illness or loss. Healthcare Chaplains do this by being attentive to the patient’s story, looking for sources of strength and resilience, and valuing the person and what is most important to them. Religious care can be a crucial aspect of this. Healthcare Chaplains work with other NHS staff to ensure that these needs are met and, where appropriate, in partnership with local faith and belief groups.
Click the image below to view / download a PDF of the site map, which also includes travel directions.
Wards and Visiting
Ward 1A – 23 Hour Unit
Call: 0141 452 4329
Location: Level 1 – follow signs to the lift. Take the lift/stairs to level 1. Turn left and walk along the corridor, then turn right. Ward 1A is straight ahead.
Location: Level 1 – follow signs to the lift. Take the lift/stairs to level 1. Walk along the corridor and turn right and right again. Ward 1D is located along the corridor on your left.
Location:Level 0 – go past the outpatients reception and turn left. Pass the stairs/lifts and turn right. You will find X-ray imaging located along the corridor on your left. Report to the reception desk.
Location:Level 1 – follow the signs to the atrium and take the lift/stair, exit lift A or B turn left. From lift C or D turn right following signs to X-ray/Imaging. Continue along the corridor to the end, and turn left. You will find X-ay/Imaging located on this corridor. Report to the reception desk.
Pass the Outpatients Reception and turn left. Pass the stairs/lifts and turn right. You will find X-ray imaging located along the corridor on your left. Report to the reception desk.
MRI Scanner 2 – 1st floor
Follow the signs into the Atrium and take the lift/stairs to Level 1. If exiting Lift A or B turn left and from left C or D you should turn right following the signs to X-ray/Imaging (1st floor). Continue along the corridor to the end, and turn left. You will find X-ray/Imaging located on this corridor at G core on your left. Report to the reception desk.
Pass the Outpatients Reception and turn left. Pass the stairs/lifts and turn right. You will find X-ray imaging located along the corridor on your left. Report to the reception desk.
Pass the Outpatients Reception and turn left. Pass the stairs/lifts and turn right. You will find X-ray imaging located along the corridor on your left. Report to the reception desk.
Pass the Outpatients Reception and turn left. Pass the stairs/lifts and turn right. You will find X-ray imaging located along the corridor on your left. Report to the reception desk.
Follow the signs to the Atrium and take the lift/stairs to Level 1. If exiting lift A or B turn left and from left C or D you should turn right following the signs to X-ray/Imaging (1st floor). Continue along the corridor to the end, and turn left. You will find X-ray/Imaging located on this corridor at G Core on your left. Report to the reception desk.
Location:Level 1 – follow the signs to Atrium. Take lift to Level 1. Exit lift at Level 1 and walk along the corridor and turn right. At the end of the corridor turn left. X-ray/Imaging is located along the corridor on your left.
Location:Level 3 – follow the signs for Atrium, take lift/stair to Level 3, exit and turn right, walk along the corridor and turn right. Cinema is on your left.
Paediatric Rheumatology provides care to young people with Rheumatic conditions such as Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA), Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), Vasculitis, Uveitis, Juvenile Dermatomyositis, Scleroderma and anto inflammatory conditions.
We cover inpatient, outpatient and day care areas within the Royal Hospital for Children and Outpatients in the Panda unit in the Royal Alexandra Hospital.
Location:Level 1 – follow the signs to Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, upon arrival take Arran (lift/stair) to Level 1, exit Arran at Level 1, turn right, Restaurant is straight ahead on your left.
Open: Monday to Friday – 07.00am – 18.30pm and Saturday to Sunday – 08.00am – 17.00pm
Location: Follow the signs to Atrium, take lift/stair to Level 3, exit and turn right, walk along the corridor and turn right, Zone 12 is on your right.
It can be very stressful when your child is unwell. We know that there is a huge amount of information available at your fingertips, but finding something that provides clear and accurate information is not always easy!
Our parent and young people advice has been developed in partnership between our hospital medical staff and primary care colleagues and adapted with permission from the Healthier Together initiative. You’ll find information on common childhood illnesses, including advice on ‘red-flag’ warning signs to look out for, when and where to seek help and how to keep your child comfortable. Our information is regularly reviewed by our team to make sure we are giving you accurate and up-to-date advice.
Improving the quality of care for children and young people in Glasgow.
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, 8.45am until 5.00pm
The GP Walk-In Service is currently suspended due to Covid-19 (Coronavirus). If you are referred by your GP we will contact you to arrange an appointment.
Referrals to the lymphoedema service are accepted for patients who have diminished lymphatic drainage as a result of:
Under development of lymphatic drainage system.
Cancer and cancer treatments
Trauma – e.g. burns
Other medical conditions resulting in swelling of the legs.
Referral can be made through the patient’s GP or from other health care professionals involved in the patient’s care provided the GP has consented.
The first appointment will be for assessment and diagnosis. No treatment is given on this day but follow-up appointments will be arranged if treatment necessary. Treatment plan will be discussed with individual patients.
All nurses involved in patient care are trained and hold academic qualifications in specialist lymphoedema treatment.
Lymphoedema Scotland
This website is for patients, carers and healthcare professionals. There is information on lymphoedema self-care, who to contact to find about about lymphoedema care in your area and we provide links to other sources of information.
Lymphoedema is a condition where a part of the body, usually a limb, swells up because there is a problem with lymph drainage.
Occupational Health Nursing & Physician clinics, physiotherapy and counselling services.
Clinics are also provided on set days at the following locations:
Glasgow Royal Infirmary
Royal Alexandra Hospital
Inverclyde Royal Hospital
Vale of Leven Hospital.
Occupational Health Service (OHS) provides specialist advice to support you at work on all matters relating to your health and wellbeing.
We have a multidisciplinary team made up of Specialist Occupational Health Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurses, Physiotherapists, Consultants and Specialist Registrars in Occupational Medicine and Administration staff along with links to a wider range of specialists.
OHS actively supports the Health Improvement Agenda with a key focus on Healthy Working Lives (HWL) and the delivery of the Staff Health Action Plan. As a key stakeholder of the Board our focus on proactive health improvement will indirectly support the Board’s aspirations for the health and wellbeing of the wider community.
We operate under a strict code of confidentiality and your records are kept separate from all other NHS records.
How to access the service
Employees can be referred to the service by their manager or can self refer for advice, support or treatment should they wish to do so. The OHS can be contacted by telephone to arrange an appointment or direct your call to the appropriate person.
Occupational Health work closely with Human Resources, Infection Control, Health and Safety and local Management to ensure appropriate measures are in place to protect your health at work.
Our range of services
Occupational Health Nurse & Physician Services
Pre-employment health assessments
Occupational immunisation assessment
Advice about treatment following needlestick injury or other blood borne virus exposure.
Health surveillance
Workplace assessments
Reviews of health, work fitness and rehabilitation after absence
Health promotion in the workplace including Healthy Working Lives.
Physiotherapy Services
We can offer treatment and advice on:
Musculoskeletal condition
Workplace assessments
Review of health, work fitness and rehabilitation after illness
Back Care.
Counselling Services
Qualified counsellors are available via self referral or by referral via an Occupational Health Clinician.
Opening hours: All day for parent and 2.00pm – 8.00pm for all other visitors
Scottish Centre for Autism
Call: 0141 201 9232
Location: Caledonia House, WGACH
The Centre works with children and young people age 0-18 years who may have Autistic Spectrum Disorder. The team provides a specialist service in 2 parts. A National second opinion assessment and diagnostic service for children and young people, which includes a consultation only service for professionals on request, and an intensive parent-based early intervention programme for children up to the age of 4 years focussing on the core areas of social interaction, communication, imagination and flexibility. Therapy is on an individual basis and involves the child’s parents.
Referral Information
Professionals such as GP’s, Paediatricians, Psychologist and Psychiatrists can refer for a second opinion. Referrals will only be accepted when an initial assessment has been given in the child’s local area. Where a child has a clear diagnosis of Autism or is about to receive a diagnosis, a referral may be made specifically to consider whether the child would benefit from the early intervention programme.
General Medicine / Lomond Ward – 2nd Floor Maternity Block
Call: 01389 817321or01389 817365
Haematology Day Ward
Call: 01389 817206
Medical Assessment Unit/Ward
Call: 01389 817325
The unit is staffed by doctors and nurses at all times of the day and night, 24 hours a day / 7 days a week and assesses and treats most medical emergencies in adults aged 16 years and above.
Chest pain, Heart attacks
Asthma and ANY breathing problems
Collapses, epilepsy
Diabetes related problems
Allergic reactions
Some patients may require transfer to another hospital if their clinical need requires it.
Ward 14 – Older People Services
Call: 01389 817214
Opening hours:
Approximate mealtimes are 7.30 – 8.30am for breakfast, 12.00 – 1.00pm for lunch, and 5.00 – 6.00pm for the evening meal.
We try to make sure that patients are not disturbed while having their meals and staff may ask visitors to leave during meal times. However, if you wish to help your relative or friend during meal times, please discuss this with the ward staff.
Ward 15 – Older People Services
Call: 01389 817215
Renal Dialysis Unit/Ward
Call: 01389 817289
The Renal Unit at The Vale of Leven Hospital provides an outpatient haemodialysis service and nephrology clinics to patients in the surrounding areas.
It is now an offence for anyone to smoke within 15 metres of an NHS hospital building. This applies to everyone, including staff, patients and visitors to our hospital sites.
The new law applies to all NHS hospital buildings in Scotland and includes all awnings, canopies, or other overhanging structures connected to an NHS hospital building (even if they extend further than 15 metres from an NHS hospital building).
The addiction liaison outpatient service is a service open to all patients who attend the outpatient clinic settings. All staff can make referrals either via a referral form or telephone once consent has been agreed by the patient. Our service offers advice and support to individuals experiencing drug and/or alcohol issues.
We offer harm reduction advice and relapse management planning to help patients achieve and maintain change in their lifestyle. In addition, we can help patients look at their motivation to change and will help them to access ongoing community support. We will also provide health advice around dependency and risky behaviour and their current and future health.
Directions The Unit has its own dedicated entrance, From Balornock Road, turn first right immediately before roundabout, From Belmont Road, take third exit at roundabout and first left, From Springburn Road, take first left after roundabout.
It is now an offence for anyone to smoke within 15 metres of an NHS hospital building. This applies to everyone, including staff, patients and visitors to our hospital sites.
The new law applies to all NHS hospital buildings in Scotland and includes all awnings, canopies, or other overhanging structures connected to an NHS hospital building (even if they extend further than 15 metres from an NHS hospital building).
Please speak to staff about visiting arrangements should these times not be convenient. As our patients are critically unwell visiting can be flexible depending on the individual patient.
Neonatal Unit/Ward
Call: 0141 314 7035
Parents are welcome on the unit at any time. We want you to be involved as partners in care, and to provide as much of your baby’s care as possible.
Baby’s brothers and sisters are welcome any time also. Other children of primary school age or younger will not be able to visit the unit.
Relatives and friends can come to the unit if accompanied by a parent.
For any more information speak to one of the nursing staff on the unit.
We’ve partnered with Quality Radio FM 107.5 to launch the Royal Alexandra Hospital Radio Show.
Tune into your local radio station every Wednesday from 12:00pm to 1:00pm to listen live.
We’ll play your favourite songs and give shout outs to your loved ones staying or working in hospital. The show will feature news and information, keeping you up to date about the hospital and NHSGGC.
Submit music requests and messages to your friends and family staying or working in hospital by emailing
It is now an offence for anyone to smoke within 15 metres of an NHS hospital building. This applies to everyone, including staff, patients and visitors to our hospital sites.
The new law applies to all NHS hospital buildings in Scotland and includes all awnings, canopies, or other overhanging structures connected to an NHS hospital building (even if they extend further than 15 metres from an NHS hospital building).
If you are attending as an outpatient you can check in using the letter we sent you when you arrive – just like at the airport. Scan in your hospital letter at one of the scanning check-in points, confirm your details and you’ll be shown where to go next. It’s a really easy system to use but, if you prefer, one of our friendly volunteers will be happy to help. When you arrive at your outpatient waiting room, keep an eye on the screen – it will call you to your clinic room.
It is now an offence for anyone to smoke within 15 metres of an NHS hospital building. This applies to everyone, including staff, patients and visitors to our hospital sites.
The new law applies to all NHS hospital buildings in Scotland and includes all awnings, canopies, or other overhanging structures connected to an NHS hospital building (even if they extend further than 15 metres from an NHS hospital building).
This is an Emergency Department. We prioritise people who have a serious injury or accident or who have a sudden serious illness or medical condition. It may be more appropriate and you may be seen more quickly by your GP or another health care professional rather than waiting for treatment here.
If you think that someone’s life is at risk you should call 999 right away.
Due to the current risks posed by COVID-19, unless there is an immediate need for care, your GP Out of Hours service will NOT see you if you turn up unexpectedly.
If you feel unwell outwith normal surgery hours, call NHS 24 on 111. You will be given advice depending on your symptoms.
This could include:
How to manage symptoms at home
Advice on visiting your local pharmacy
You may need to see an on-call doctor or other health professional. If you need to see a doctor immediately NHS 24 will arrange this for you.
It is now an offence for anyone to smoke within 15 metres of an NHS hospital building. This applies to everyone, including staff, patients and visitors to our hospital sites.
The new law applies to all NHS hospital buildings in Scotland and includes all awnings, canopies, or other overhanging structures connected to an NHS hospital building (even if they extend further than 15 metres from an NHS hospital building).
Click the image below to view / download a PDF of the site map, which also includes travel directions.
Wards and Visiting
Ward 1 – Rehabilitation, Care of the Elderly
Call: 0141 347 8448
We try to make sure that patients are not disturbed while having their meals and staff may ask visitors to leave during meal times. However, if you wish to help your relative or friend during meal times, please discuss this with the ward staff.
Mealtimes are currently:
Breakfast: 7.30am – 8.30am
Lunch: 12.00pm – 1.00pm
Evening meal: 5.00pm – 6.00pm.
Providing support
Sometimes patients would like a family member with them to provide support. We can accommodate a family member or carer to stay overnight, where necessary. Please speak to the nurse in charge to make arrangements.
Ward 2 – Rehabilitation, Care of the Elderly
Call: 0141 347 8444
We try to make sure that patients are not disturbed while having their meals and staff may ask visitors to leave during meal times. However, if you wish to help your relative or friend during meal times, please discuss this with the ward staff.
Mealtimes are currently:
Breakfast: 7.30am – 8.30am
Lunch: 12.00pm – 1.00pm
Evening meal: 5.00pm – 6.00pm.
Providing support
Sometimes patients would like a family member with them to provide support. We can accommodate a family member or carer to stay overnight, where necessary. Please speak to the nurse in charge to make arrangements.
Opening hours: Please check with ward staff about current opening hours.
The department provides a dedicated Cardiac Rehabilitation outpatient service for residents of south west Glasgow.
The multidisciplinary team of health professionals provide a programme of assessment, behavioural change, education, exercise, supervised group training and psychological support.
Services include:
Cardiac Rehabilitation Multidisciplinary Clinics (Nurse and physiotherapist Dietician clinics)
Cardiac Rehabilitation Psychology Clinics
Gym Exercise Sessions
Fitness tests
Educational Sessions
Nurse home visit service
Basic Life Support Sessions for relatives/friends.
The Minor Injuries Unit is re-open from Monday the 13th of July, from 9.00am to 9.00pm 7 days a week.
When you arrive you will be spoken to by one of the nursing staff. This process is also taking place at the Emergency Department of QEUH. They will assess whether this is the most appropriate place for your care to take place. If you attend with a condition not related to a minor injury, you will be sign-posted to another service.
Staff may advise you to attend a local pharmacy, optometrist, your GP, or the Emergency Department at Queen Elizabeth University Hospital. Patients arriving after 8.00pm may be advised to return the following morning.
This is a Minor Injuries Unit, not an Emergency Department. Please see this page for further information on who and what an MIU will treat, and who and what they can’t treat.
Find your nearest and opening times – use this link to enter a postcode and age of patient to locate the Minor Injury Unit you should attend.
We have 3 dedicated Minor Injury Units. They treat cuts that need stitches, broken bones in your lower arm or leg, sprains and minor burns. You are likely to get the fastest treatment for these injuries here. You will not have to wait for people with more serious injuries and conditions to be treated first.
Our MIUs are open every day of the year, but each has their own opening hours so please check before attending using our Find My Nearest. At other times, or for sudden serious illness, attend your nearest hospital Emergency Department.
To self refer and make an appointment call our Podiatry Appointment Hotline on 0141 347 8909 (Monday – Friday 8.00am – 8.00pm, Saturday 9.00am – 1.00pm) or email
It is now an offence for anyone to smoke within 15 metres of an NHS hospital building. This applies to everyone, including staff, patients and visitors to our hospital sites.
The new law applies to all NHS hospital buildings in Scotland and includes all awnings, canopies, or other overhanging structures connected to an NHS hospital building (even if they extend further than 15 metres from an NHS hospital building).
There is a Safe Access Zone in place at this hospital where abortion services are provided.
Within a Safe Access Zone, it’s illegal to try to influence, harass, or prevent anyone from accessing or providing abortion services.
Gartnavel General
“I attended the Endoscopy Clinic for a Colonoscopy at Gartnavel General Hospital. In the course of my visit I was attended to by a considerable number of staff all of whom were extremely focused on taking an interest in their patient and could not be more pleasant or caring. They represented a magnificent example of how to treat patients. My thanks goes to them and those who are responsible for staff training.”
Gartnavel General Hospital
“I gave birth to my son at the Vale of Leven CMU. I had a very pleasant experience. The midwives were fantastic and very helpful. I thought it was a very clean and relaxed environment.”
Vale of Leven Hospital
“Outstanding staff, spectacular care. Our son (33) has autism & sustained 3 spinal fractures. Your team was wonderful. Specific praise to Roxanne, Kate and the young student nurse from Cork… But everyone else was incredible, too.”
Royal Alexandra Hospital
“Outstanding treatment and care from everyone in and connected with Ward 32. A thank you will never be enough to express my gratitude for the NHS and its people. I didn’t catch everyone’s names but I would particularly like to mention Mike (hospital porter) and (Audrey – HCA) who along with everyone else were wonderful beyond words. “
Royal Alexandra Hospital
“I was taken to the Queen Elizabeth hospital for planned surgery on Friday 1st July. I just want to thank all the staff in Renal Ward 4C for the excellent care received and would also like to thank the surgeon and the amazing theatre staff for the care and attention received.”
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital
“I attended RHCG A&E pm Saturday night with my toddler. We received excellent care from everyone. We were seen quickly, efficiently and compassionately. Thank you team excellent job.”
Royal Hospital for Children
“Yet again outstanding help from a doctor at A&E… unfortunately can’t remember his name. I went up with sore wrist which was very painful and gave help and advice and a diagnosis very quickly. Out within an hour. Hats off to Inverclyde Royal Hospital NHS”.
Inverclyde Royal Hospital
“I attended Clinic K @ The New Victoria Hospital on several occasions over the past two months. The staff have been really attentive, comforting as well as being reassuring. I can’t thank all the staff enough at this clinic.”
New Victoria Hospital
“Staff from Clinic K gynaecological care at ambulatory care Victoria infirmary. The most empathetic, caring and respectful staff I have come across in the NHS. Nothing was a bother, respected your privacy, gave time and LISTENED to me,the patient. LesleyAnn, Iga and Hayley were exemplary.”
New Victoria Hospital
“I attended the Day Surgery Unit today and can I just thank all staff who made my visit to Urology less stressful. I was treated with kindness and respect from the minute I entered the hospital please pass on my thanks my care could not have been bettered.”
Royal Alexandra Hospital
Last night my husband had to call an ambulance for me as I took unwell. The ambulance came within ten minutes, the crew were fantastic- so caring and professional. On arrival to QEUH I was taken in straight away and seen by a nurse who did bloods, ECG and other investigations. I didn’t wait too long to see a Dr who was also thorough and reassuring. All staff were obviously busy but were caring and approachable. I just wanted to tell you my experience as I know there is a lot of negative press but I can honestly say I received top service.”
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital
Gart Gen
“Many thanks to all the doctors’ nurses and staff of Ward 4a at Gartnavel Hospital during my recent stay. Nothing was a bother to them during my surgical appointment and they are a credit to their profession.”
Gartnavel General Hospital
“Just some words of praise for the staff of ward 8a at the QEUH. My mother had a two-week stay. Excellent care from the domestic, catering, health care assistants, physio & OTs and of course the nurses. A special mention to the senior charge nurse Lauren, who is a credit to the professional. Well done and thank you very much!”
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow
“I attend the Urogynaecology clinic twice a year, Clinic K. The staff, Karen, Audrey and LesleyAnn are top class in their care and practice. “
New Victoria Hospital, Glasgow
“I’d like to thank the staff on ward 1a for their excellent care for my daughter who attended for surgery on her ear. They took time with her to answer any questions she had, helped her cope with pre-surgery procedures and ensured she wasn’t in pain throughout her stay. . I can’t thank them enough for their care for her.
Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow
“Last night my husband came to A&E with a suspected DVT. We eventually got seen by a fabulous doctor called Damian . He had a fabulous bedside manner, was well Informed and just a great guy.”
Royal Alexandra Hospital, Paisley
Greenock HC
“I would like to heap as much praise as possible on Dr Hogan (of Dr’s Hogan, Allen & Quinn) at Greenock Health Centre. I haven’t seen her for many months, if not years, but what a refreshing change to visit the department and speak to someone so positive, happy, bright and cheerful.”
Greenock Health Centre, Inverclyde
Ren Comm Adult MH
“Thank you for my CPN session this morning. The lady was superbly knowledgeable and kind. I felt a huge burden being lifted with every passing minute. What a professional! What perception! What rare empathy! Thank you Charleston Centre! “
Renfrewshire Community Adult Mental Health
Community Dental
“I recently received treatment from the Alderman Road Dental Practice. So impressed. The dentist and dental nurse put me at my ease, were very professional and did an outstanding job. The same goes for the guys in Reception. Well done to all concerned.”
Community Dental Service
“My son who is 7 and has autism recently attended day surgery at area 1b and ward 1a his care from the staff from start to finish was amazing it was a true example of the NHS at its best. The nurses in ward 1a were just wonderful. A very stressful and scary time for our wee boy turned out to be relaxed and problem free thanks to the wonderful staff. Dr Alison Cairns was his consultant.”
Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow
“Thank you to all staff at Inverclyde Royal Hospital, they all went the extra mile for my husband and I. We truly appreciate the care and attention we received. Committed caring team.”
Inverclyde Royal Hospital. Greenock
“Attended Endoscopy at GRI today and was very nervous. However every one of the staff were all so professional and so lovely and put me very much at ease before and after my procedures and I couldn’t have felt more cared for.”
Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Glasgow
” Last night my husband came to A&E with a suspected DVT. We eventually got seen by a fabulous doctor called Damian . He had a fabulous bedside manner, was well Informed and just a great guy.”
Royal Alexandra Hospital, Paisley
“My mum’s end of life care was amazing, kind and compassionate helping us all deal with a difficult time. Could not have had better care and support.”
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow
“Thank you, The Royal Infirmary staff at A&E who provided a professional service which was so reassuring. Yes, there were wait times, however, I could gauge the sincerity of the nursery, doctors, admin personnel and porters in wanting to give a great service. Thank you ❤️”
Glasgow Royal Infirmary
“My husband attended an MRI scan at 5.55pm today. He was nervous but the nurses & all staff put him at his ease and explained everything. I would like to thank them very much he is coming on Wednesday for an injection of prostate thanks again.”
New Victoria Hospital, Glasgow
“From the moment I arrived today (3.45pm 3rd Nov 2021) the staff were outstanding. The security staff were friendly and the staff guiding you to depts were so helpful and polite. I was attending for an ultrasound scan and both staff members were exceptional. They put me at ease and were kind and thoughtful throughput the procedure. Didn’t get full names but one was called Wendy. Really impressed!”
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow
“I underwent a colonoscopy exam this morning and the treatment I received from reception to the staff who performed my procedure was truly marvellous. All the staff who looked after me were professional, caring and very understanding. They helped me through an anxious experience this morning. Very many thanks to a superb team of professionals!”
Inverclyde Royal Hospital. Greenock
“I would like to thank all staff who helped me during my stay in the Acute Receiving Ward. I was treated professionally but also with kindness and compassion. I feel lucky to live in a country that offers such a health service.”
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow
“I felt very well looked after within the ward (2). Robbie was a terrific staff nurse and the ward sister was also really nice but Robbie was certainly very kind and attentive.”
Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Glasgow
“I was recently admitted to the GYN ward. Being new to Glasgow having relocated from London it was an anxious time, but all the staff on ward 56A were lovely and so kind and compassionate. I am a nurse myself and it really made the world of difference when I suddenly had to take on the patient role. Thank you.”
Princess Royal Maternity, Glasgow Royal Infirmary
“Have been attending the hospital for 10 years after minor breast surgery. The staff in mammography, imaging and the consultants involved in my care have been absolutely outstanding in terms of their clinical care and professionalism. These members of staff represent everything that is good about our NHS. Sincere thanks from a very grateful patient.”
New Victoria Hospital, Glasgow
“My mother was so well looked after in Ward 4. I would like to thank Staff Nurse Lindsay and her team for the wonderful work they did by getting her home to her family. Thank you very much.”
Lightburn Hospital, Glasgow
“Eye Clinic – I was seen last Friday regarding a sports injury to my eye. Excellent treatment and diagnosis by staff. Referred to Gartnavel for further treatment that evening. Seen the following day and back at RAH for further check-up. I cannot praise the nursing and medical staff highly enough. They are truly dedicated to their profession .”
Royal Alexandra Hospital, Paisley
“I ‘d like to congratulate and thank all involved im my treatment when I attended Emergency at IRH after a fall. The service was great, from reception doctor consultant, X-ray, nurses and porters. All in all I was in and out with broken ankle diagnosed big boot fitted and pain meds administered within 3 hours. Everything explained. Staff were so helpful and professional. Well done!
Inverclyde Royal Hospital. Greenock
“I received a chest X-ray from a lady called Kerry who was exceptional this morning. She made me feel relaxed and talked me through every part of the process. She was fantastic.thank you. Can this be fed back to her please.”
Vale of Leven Hospital
“My husband is elated after having surgery on his spine and says that he has experienced the very best of the NHS. Thank you to all .”
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow
“My son who is 7 and has autism recently attended day surgery at area 1b and ward 1a his care from the staff from start to finish was amazing it was a true example of the NHS at its best. The nurses in ward 1a were just wonderful. A very stressful and scary time for our wee boy turned out to be relaxed and problem free thanks to the wonderful staff. Dr Alison Cairns was his consultant.”
Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow
Gartnavel G
“Endoscopy – I would like to pay tribute to all the amazing staff in this department. From the receptionist to the consultant all were kind, professional and courteous. Given that it was a sensitive procedure I feel staff were fully aware of this and treated me with dignity always. Truly 10/10.” 👏👏👏👏👏
Gartnavel General Hospital, Glasgow
“I would like to thank all staff in MDBU ward, they were all so polite and helpful. Ms Jazair Saghir was exellent at explaining the procedure and was very kind. Also the ward sister (I am affraid I have forgotten her name) for looking after me and helping me down to the car. Iam very grateful to all the nurses In the ward. Please thank the all so much.”
Vale of Leven Hospital, West Dunbartonshire
“I would just like to praise the staff working in the imaging department. A very slick operation, from the receptionists booking in patients; to the radiographers and support staff who demonstrate genuine care and empathy. Many Thanks.”
New Stobhill Hospital, Glasgow
“Just wanted to say a big thank you. This was my first visit to the Royal Alexandra Hospital Paisley. I was very in impressed with the professional friendly and courteous service from all staff. From the person at the entrance to the reception, nursing and medical practitioner. The ENT doctor was thorough and explained everything perfectly. Please convey my gratitude to all staff. They are all a credit to the hospital and NHS..”
Royal Alexandra Hospital, Paisley
“Hi, my baby was ill and I went to the Children’s A&E at Royal Hospital for Children. Hospital setting was pristine, service was really quick for A&E. I appreciated that the staff, both doctors and nurses kept checking in on us, reassuring us and we’re so helpful along the way. I cannot remember the female A&E doctor’s name but nurse Emma at A&E, Doctor Peter and Nurse Liz at the Daycare ward for children were fantastic. I left the hospital knowing my child was well treated and if she became unwell, I know I could always go back.”
Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow
Gartnavel G
“Just to express my extreme delight at the whole experience from visiting my GP at Barclay Maryhill to my breast screening and follow up at the breast clinic. All completed within 10 days of seeing my GP. Staff were wonderful and so professional and kind. Thank you so much for a fabulous service. I send my support and admiration to all health service workers. Couldn’t be bettered! “
Gartnavel General Hospital, Glasgow
“Dear A&E team. My 84 year old mum attended yesterday , 2nd December, at approx 4pm with chest pain. She has had recent valve replacement and stent insertion. The whole team were so kind, caring and professional. Mum was looked after very well and informed of the treatment plan every step of the way. Despite the pressure you are all under we would have never known. We cannot thank you enough. Well done A/E RAH.”
Royal Alexandra Hospital, Paisley
“My mum was admitted to ward 68 via A&E last month. My mum received excellent care and attention both in A&E and in the ward from all staff including housekeeping staff, HCAs, nurses, AHPs and doctors. As a family we are so grateful for our NHS and for everything our NHS staff do specially in these exceptionally difficult circumstances.
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow
“I just wanted to say how much I appreciated the care I received yesterday when I attended A&E / X-ray dept and the Fracture Clinic. Every member of staff were not only professional and caring, but also seemed “upbeat” and incredibly enthusiastic about what they do for those of us who occasionally rely upon the hospital. Great sense of humour too! Thank you all so much.”
Vale of Leven Hospital
“Hi – I was in Ward 10B from 26/10 to 3/11 for a broken ankle. I would like to thank everyone who helped me during that time – especially the ward staff and nurses who were very helpful each day and responsive to my needs.”
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow
“My son was directed to attend A&E by his GP. Every member of staff, clerical and clinical, were warm, friendly and polite. The purpose of every examination was explained clearly, waiting times were short and we were kept informed as to what we were waiting for. Every place we visited was clean and in good repair. “
Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow
“I had fantastic treatment and care from the staff at the Victoria Infirmary Minor Injuries Unit. I fell and sustained an injury to my leg that needed stitches. Everyone was so patient and kind and the ENP that carried out the stitches was quick, efficient and I have a very neat scar. Thank you NHS, you are doing a great job and I appreciate you! “
New Victoria Hospital, Glasgow
“My father-in-law had been an in-patient for the past 6 months. He has had care in the Vale, RAH and QEUH Hospital. He and his family have received kind, compassionate and professional care from all staff members. His end of life care at Vale was first class.”
Location: Based in the Queen Elizabeth Building. Enter from Wishart Street. (Go down the hill, enter by the second door – near the Ambulance Bay). Take the 1st lift to the 2nd floor.
Location: Based in the Queen Elizabeth Building. Enter from Wishart Street. (Go down the hill, enter by the second door – near the Ambulance Bay). Take the 1st lift to the 1st floor.
Location:Based in Centre Block. Entrance off Castle Street (via iron gates). Turn left, and go to the middle entrance. Located on the ground floor.
Ward 02 – Respiratory Medicine
Call: 0141 451 5100
Location: Based in Centre Block. Entrance off Castle Street (via iron gates). Turn left and go to the middle entrance. Located on the 1st floor, turn left.
Ward 03 – Diabetes
Call: 0141 451 5105 or 0141 451 5106
Location: Based in Medical Block. Enter from Castle Street (via iron gate). The first entrance is on the right. Go to the 1st floor.
Ward 04 – General Medicine, Diabetes
Call: 0141 451 5110 or 0141 451 5111
Location: Based in Medical Block. Enter from Castle Street (via iron gate). The first entrance is on the right. Go to the 2nd floor, turn right.
Ward 05 – General Medicine, Diabetes
Call: 0141 451 5119 or 0141 451 5120
Location: Based in Medical Block. Entrance off Castle Street (via iron gate). Turn right to the building entrance. Go to the 2nd floor, turn left.
Ward 06 – Respiratory Medicine
Call: 0141 451 5125 or 0141 451 5126
Location: Based in Medical Block. Entrance off Castle Street (via iron gates). Turn right to the building entrance. Go to the 3rd floor, turn right.
Ward 07 – Respiratory Medicine
Call: 0141 451 5129 or 0141 451 5130
Location: Based in Medical Block. Entrance off Castle Street (via iron gates). Turn right to the building entrance. Go to the 3rd floor and turn left.
Ward 08 – Medicine, Gastroenterology
Call: 0141 451 5134 or 0141 451 5135
Location: Based in Medical Block. Entrance off Castle Street (via iron gates). Turn right to the building entrance. Go to the 4th floor and turn right.
Ward 09 – Medicine, Gastroenterology
Call: 0141 451 5139 or 0141 451 5140
Location:Based in Medical Block. Enter off Castle Street (via iron gates). Turn right to the building entrance. Go to the 4th floor and turn left.
Ward 10 – Medicine
Call: 0141 451 5144,0141 451 5145 or 0141 451 5510
Location:Based in Medical Block. Entrance off Castle Street (via iron gates). Turn right to the building entrance. Go to the 5th floor and turn right.
Ward 11 – Medicine
Call: 0141 451 5511,0141 451 5149 or 0141 451 5150
Location: Based in Medical Block. Entrance off Castle Street (via iron gates). Turn right to the building entrance. Go to the 4th floor and turn left.
Ward 12 – Older People’s Services
Call: 0141 451 5512 or 0141 451 5175
Location: Based in Centre Block. Entrance off Castle Street (via iron gates). Enter the building through the middle entrance. Go to the 1st floor.
Ward 13 – Renal Day Case Services, Dialysis
Call: 0141 451 5513 or 0141 451 5180
Location: Based in Centre Block. Entrance off Castle Street (via iron gates). Turn left towards the middle entrance. Go to the 1st floor.
Location: Based in Centre Block. Entrance off Castle Street (via iron gates). Turn left towards the middle entrance. Go to the 2nd floor. Exit lift, turn left and left again.
Ward 16 – Respiratory Medicine
Call: 0141 451 5516 or 0141 451 5195
Location:Medical Block. Entrance Castle Street (via iron gates). Enter 1st right. Go to the 3rd floor and turn left.
Ward 18 – Older People’s Services
Call: 0141 451 5518
Location:Surgical Block. Enter from Castle Street (via iron gates). Building entrance furthest left. Located on the 4th floor.
Ward 20 – Acute Medicine, Rheumatology
Call: 0141 451 5520 or 0141 451 5315
Location: Based in Centre Block. Entrance off Castle Street (via iron gates). Go to the 5th floor. Exit lift for wards 20 and 21.
Ward 21 – Acute Medicine, Rheumatology
Call: 0141 451 5315 or 0141 451 5521
Location:Based in Centre Block. Entrance off Castle Street (via iron gates). Go to the 5th floor. Exit lift for wards 20 and 21.
Ward 23 – Older People’s Services
Call: 0141 451 5523 or 0141 201 3095
Location:Surgical Block. Enter from Castle Street (via iron gates). Building entrance far left. Located on the ground floor.
Ward 24 – General Medicine, Rheumatology
Call: 0141 451 5524 or 0141 201 3093
Location:Surgical Block. Enter from Castle Street (via iron gates). Building entrance far left. Located on the ground floor.
Ward 25 – Renal Day Case Services, Dialysis
Call: 0141 451 3087 or 0141 201 3089
Location:Surgical Block. Enter from Castle Street (via iron gates). Entrance to building far left. We are on the 1st floor. Alternatively, you can go through ward 13.
Ward 26 – Orthopaedics
Call:0141 451 5526 or 0141 201 1193
Location:Surgical Block. Enter from Castle Street (via iron gates). Building entrance far left. Located on 1st floor – straight ahead.
Ward 27 – Orthopaedics
Call: 0141 451 5527 or 0141 201 1193
Location:Surgical Block. Enter from Castle Street (via iron gates). Building entrance far left. Located on 1st floor, left.
Ward 28 – Rheumatology
Call: 0141 451 5528 or 0141 201 3085
Location:Based in Centre Block. Entrance off Castle Street (via iron gates). Go to the 2nd floor. Exit lift and turn right.
Ward 29 – Older People’s Services
Call: 0141 451 5529 or 0141 201 3080
Location: Surgical Block. Enter off Castle Street (via iron gates). The building entrance is far left. Go to the 2nd floor.
Ward 30 – Older People’s Services
Call: 0141 451 5530 or 0141 201 3075
Location: Surgical Block (Old), Enter off Castle Street (via iron gates). The building entrance is far left. Go to the 2nd floor.
Ward 31 – Older People’s and Stroke Services
Call: 0141 451 5531 or 0141 451 5302
Location:Surgical Block (Old), Enter off Castle Street (via iron gates). The building entrance is far left. Go to the 3rd floor.
Ward 32 – Older People’s Services
Call: 0141 451 5532 or 0141 201 3800
Location:Surgical Block. Enter off Castle Street (via iron gates). The building entrance is far left. Go to the 3rd floor.
Ward 33 – Older People’s Services
Call: 0141 451 5533 or 0141 201 3806
Location:Surgical Block. Enter off Castle Street (via iron gates). The building entrance is far left. Go to the 3rd floor.
Ward 35 – Older People’s Services
Call: 0141 451 5535 or 0141 201 3782
Location:Surgical Block. Enter off Castle Street (via iron gates). The building entrance is far left. Go to the 4th floor.
Princess Royal Maternity, adjacent to Glasgow Royal Infirmary on Alexandra Parade, provides maternity and special care baby unit/ITU facilities for neonates. Click the button below for more information.
This is an Emergency Department. We prioritise people who have a serious injury or accident or who have a sudden serious illness or medical condition. It may be more appropriate and you may be seen more quickly by your GP or another health care professional rather than waiting for treatment here.
If you think that someone’s life is at risk you should call 999 right away.
You can attend your local Minor Injury Unit (MIU) to get urgent care for a minor injury including sprains, burns and simple fractures. MIUs are run by highly experienced Emergency Nurse Practitioners who will assess and either treat a minor injury or, if they find a more serious problem, arrange for you to be transferred elsewhere.
Centre for Infectious and Communicable Diseases, Travel Clinic: 0141 201 8722
General Telephone for out-of-hours clinical advice: 0141 211 4000
Location:New Lister Building.
Smokefree Zones and Information
It is now an offence for anyone to smoke within 15 metres of an NHS hospital building. This applies to everyone, including staff, patients and visitors to our hospital sites.
The new law applies to all NHS hospital buildings in Scotland and includes all awnings, canopies, or other overhanging structures connected to an NHS hospital building (even if they extend further than 15 metres from an NHS hospital building).