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Nuclear Medicine - Gartnavel Sector

Department Overview

Nuclear Medicine tests are used to make a diagnosis or monitor the progress of treatment and this involves the use of radiation. We make sure that the benefits from making the right diagnosis or providing the correct treatment outweigh the low risk involved with small exposures to radiation.

If you have been referred for a PET-CT (Positron Emission Tomography) scan at the Beatson Cancer Centre or a Molecular Radiotherapy procedure at Gartnavel please click the relevant link in the “Other Useful Links” section at the bottom of this page.

Patients attending Nuclear Medicine at Gartnavel

If you have been referred for a Nuclear Medicine scan or investigation, we will post you an appointment letter, patient information leaflet (also found below) and directions to the department. These should provide all the necessary information regarding:

  • Where and when to attend
  • What preparation is required
  • And answer many other questions you may have.

If you have any further queries regarding your scan or investigation, please call the department on the telephone number provided on your appointment letter and staff will be happy to help.

Opening Times

  • Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 5.00pm
  • (Closed Public Holidays and weekends)


  • Main department number – 0141 301 7900

Change / Cancel Appointment

If for any reason you are unable to attend your appointment, please inform us by telephoning 0141 301 7900 as soon as possible during office hours. We will make you another appointment and this will allow someone else to use the one you cannot.


The Nuclear Medicine Department is located on the upper ground floor of Gartnavel General Hospital. Enter via the main entrance and head through the foyer, to take the lift (signposted “Lifts to all floors”) to the upper ground level, passing admissions on your left, and Deco Coffee on your right. From the lift bay on the upper ground floor proceed towards the kitchen area where you will see a sign directing you down the first corridor on the right. Nuclear Medicine is located at the end of this corridor.

Service Overview

The Molecular Radiotherapy (MRT) service offers a range of radionuclide therapies at Gartnavel General Hospital (GGH) and The Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre (BWoSCC) and is staffed by a friendly and professional multi-disciplinary team. The team includes medical doctors, technicians, nurses, physicists, healthcare support workers and clerical staff. Therapies take place in either Beatson main out patients, ward B3 or Nuclear medicine GGH.

Opening Times

Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 4.00pm (Closed Public Holidays & weekends)

Change / Cancel Appointment

If for any reason you are unable to attend your appointment, please inform us by telephoning 0141 301 7621 as soon as possible during office hours to contact your nurse specialist. We will make every effort to adjust your appointment.


Therapies take place across multiple sites on the Gartnavel campus. Please see your patient info leaflet, which will come with your appointment, for location details.

Contact Details

  • Main nuclear medicine department number – 0141 301 7900
  • Ward B3 number – 0141 301 7623
  • Clinical Nurse Specialist – 0141 301 7621

Additional Information

Service Overview

The Beatson West of Scotland PET centre is located on the Gartnavel Hospital Campus. If you have been referred for a PET-CT scan, we will post you an appointment letter, patient information leaflet and directions to the PET Centre. These should provide all the necessary information regarding where and when to attend, what preparation is required and answer many other questions you may have. However, should you have any further queries regarding your PET-CT scan, please call the department on 0141 301 7800 and staff will be happy to help.

Below is a video of what to expect when attending the department for a PET scan. Subtitles can be enabled in the settings menu at the bottom right of the video.

Additional Information


The West of Scotland PET Centre is on the Gartnavel Hospital Campus in the Tom Wheldon building of the Beatson Cancer Centre;

1053 Great Western Road, Glasgow, G12 0YN

Scottish Ambulance Service

The Scottish Ambulance Service has a central booking service which allows you to book ambulance transport. If you require this service, please phone 0300 123 1236 at least 3 days before your appointment but no sooner than 30 days in advance. Lines are open from 8.00am to 8.00pm Monday to Saturday.

Voluntary Hospital Transport Service

There are several options available if you require Hospital Transport Services to attend your appointment. Please see contacts below:

  • East Dumbarton Voluntary Drivers – 0141 280 9527
  • Lanarkshire Voluntary Drivers – 01698 355 137
  • Ayrshire Voluntary Drivers – 0156 353 8008

Department Contact Details

  • Call: 0141 301 7800