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Staff & Recruitment

The Clinical Immunology Service provides assessment of patients with suspected immunodeficiency diseases and further management of primary immunodeficiency patients.

For information on our laboratory services, please see our home page.


  • Consultant Clinical Immunologist – Dr Moira Thomas
  • Clinical Nurse Specialists – Mary Brownlie, Hazel Millar
  • Clinical Immunology secretary – post unfilled
  • Telephone – 0141 451 6091

Location of the clinical activities

  1. Office and laboratory base – Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, 1st Floor Laboratories and Facilities Management Building, Govan Road, G51 4TF, Glasgow
  2. Immunology Clinic (Tuesday morning) – Clinic C, West Glasgow Ambulatory Care Hospital, Dalnair Street, G3 8SJ, Glasgow
  3. Immunology day case activities (Wednesday morning)- ward 7A, Gartnavel General Hospital, 1053 Great Western Road, G12 0YN, Glasgow
  4. Joint adolescent immunology clinic – Royal Hospital for Children,  Govan Road, G51 4TF, Glasgow

The Immunology and Neuroimmunology Department is committed to providing a quality diagnostic service (see Quality Policy) for the patients of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, NHS Scotland and external users where appropriate.

Patients and their clinicians can find information on our Clinical Immunology service on our dedicated page.

Information on all tests performed in the laboratory can be found in our handbook. For our current allergen testing, please see our specific IgE list. For data on variation in reported values, please see our uncertainty of measurement information. 

For all urgent laboratory enquiries, please call the Duty Immunologist on 0141 347 (6) 8872.

Routine laboratory enquiries may be emailed to the team:

***** Newsflash *****

Request Forms

Please use electronic test requesting where available. Where this facility is not available, please complete a paper request form:

The laboratory services are accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS), laboratory number 9713.  A full list of tests in scope can be found on our schedule of accreditation. Tests not on this list are not accredited; please contact the laboratory for further information if required.

Further details on our Clinical Immunology and Neuroimmunology services can be found on their respective webpages, see links below. Upon sending samples to the laboratory, please refer to our Terms and Conditions.

 Our latest user survey results are now available.

Further Information

As a GP in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, there are several different ways that you can work, and you can work in more than one way.

Golden Hello Payments

If a doctor is taking up a post (Salaried or GP Partner) within a practice that is ranked in the top 40% deprived practices in Scotland, they may be entitled to claim a Golden Hello payment.

This is something that the doctor should discuss with the practice they intend to join. Please be aware that there are set criteria which apply to this payment, as set out in the Statement of Financial Entitlements that doctors are required to fulfil to be eligible to claim the payment.

GP Principal

Please note that all GPs wishing to work within NHS Scotland are required to be included in the performers list of the Health Board they are currently providing services.

Taking up a Partner post within NHSGGC

  1. This is normally instigated by the practice appointing the new partner.
  2. The practice should notify NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (Primary Care Support) of the new partner’s name, GMC number, start date and number of sessions. To allow the required processes to be undertaken timeously, as much notice as possible should be given to the Board. This notification should be sent to the FHS Team at
  3. Once in receipt of this information, the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (Primary Care Support) will provide the new partner with the appropriate paperwork to complete. Once the completed paperwork has been returned, the doctor will be attached to the practice and the required processes undertaken.

As well as notifying the Board of new appointments, the practices should also notify the Board of any retirals and resignations.

Salaried GP

Please note that all GPs wishing to work within NHS Scotland are required to be included in the performers list of the Health Board they are currently providing services.

Taking up a salaried GP post within NHSGGC

Notification of a new Salaried GP within a practice requires the same process as a new partner within the practice, and although a Salaried GP is an employee of the contractor the Board still requires notification of the post.

The practice should notify NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s of the salaried GP’s name, GMC number, start date number of sessions, and duration of contract. To allow the required processes to be undertaken timeously, as much notice as possible should be given to the Board. This notification should be sent to the FHS Team at

As well as notifying the Board of new appointments, the practices should also notify the Board of any retirals and resignations.

Sessional GP

Please note that all GPs wishing to work within NHS Scotland are required to be included in the performers list of the Health Board they are currently providing services.

Sessional GP within NHSGGC

To provide general medical services, all GPs are required to be included in a Performers List where they provide the majority of their services (Host Board).  It is now a single point of entry to the Performers List and once included in their Host Board Performers List, a doctor can be added to all Performers List in Scotland simultaneously. 

 To be included in the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Performers List, you should contact the FHS Team at for an application pack and /or advice regarding this process.

Locum GP Induction and Practice Packs: Guidance

Each practice you work in should have a locum pack and procedures, containing information you will need, and also information they will need from you. Below we have placed a document containing what we think the pack should contain.

Applying for an NHS Mail Account

All GPs, including Sessional GPs, are entitled to an NHSmail account. Sessional GPs, hosted by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, and working across a number of practices, should phone DAISY, the IT Company NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde use to support their IT systems, on 0344 863 1244 and log a call.

The operator will take you through a series of questions; take contact details, and then your account will be set up

Useful Contacts

Performers List Admin / Support

GP Appraisal Team

  • GP Appraisal Team
  • Telephone: 0141 232 2115 or 0141 211 3803
  • Email:

Glasgow LMC

Glasgow Locum Group

Practitioner Services Division

NHS National Services Scotland
Practitioner Services
4th Floor Delta House, 50 West Nile Street, Glasgow G1 2NP

Out of Hours Service

Derek Johnston, Rota Administrator
Telephone: 0141 616 6215

NHS Scotland Vacancies

GP Retainer Scheme

Please note that all GPs wishing to work within NHS Scotland are required to be included in the performers list of the Health Board they are currently providing services.

GP Role – GP Retainer :

The GP Retainer Scheme in Scotland (

A doctor wishing to join the GP Retainer Scheme within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde should, in the first instance contact Dr Lesley McAuley, GP Associate Advisor Retainer, Returner and Enhanced Induction 

Retainer Scheme) for more information.

Dr McAuley’s contact details are as undernoted:-

  • Email:

Scotland Deanery Retainer Leadlet or GP Induction and Returner Programmes | Scotland Deanery

GP Returner / Enhanced Induction

GP Returner/Enhanced Induction Scheme within NHSGGC

If a doctor has never worked in the UK before or has been out of general practice for more than two years, it is possible that they may require to be referred to the GP Enhanced Induction/Returner Scheme in the first instance.

The Board would not be in a position to confirm this until such times as the doctors submit a completed Performers List application and supporting documentation to the Board for consideration and the Board has completed all the necessary checks.

For further information about the scheme please see the flyers below:

Out of Hours Service

Please note that all GPs wishing to work within NHS Scotland are required to be included in the performers list of the Health Board they are currently providing services.

NHSGGC Out of Hours Service continues to provide a very high standard of care to patients when GP practices are not available.

This is only possible due to the dedication and professionalism of all staff, clinical and non-clinical, who work in the service.

Such a high quality service is only sustainable if we continue to staff our service to an appropriate level.

It is well publicised that GPs are busier than ever by day and the thought of doing an out of hours session may be further from your mind.

However, your patients need first class care out of hours as they deserve it. You too need the Out of Hours Service to be able to offer first class care and be able to resolve issues which present during the out of hours period and thus avoid such issues becoming an in-hours problem.

GPs have always been supportive of the service and many of you feel a professional responsibility to contribute to the service. This is very much appreciated.

We have prepared an induction pack which, with this letter, we hope will make venturing back into the out of hours environment a smoother process for those considering taking the plunge.

Patients present with the same conditions as we see in daytime practice.

Most of us who do work out of hours find the job professionally rewarding.

The application process would be for you to contact us at indicating that you wish to apply.

If you are a NHSGGC general practitioner we would ask that you send us your details. This would be followed by a telephone interview – or face to face if needed – with me.

Following a successful interview we would arrange Adastra training (IT software – takes 30 to 60 minutes), educate you on how to bid for sessions (10 minutes) and you can then work with us as often or seldom as you wish.

If requested we can arrange for you to work alongside a colleague in a “shadowing” capacity initially to allow you to gain confidence.

We do need your support to continue to provide a safe and effective service and I encourage you to consider signing up for a session or two.

The pay rates rise considerably over the festive period which is busy though well staffed and well rewarded.

We are happy for doctors to sign up for part of a shift if the current shifts are too long (range from 4 – 8.5 hours).

We need to be flexible to encourage you to help so feel free to contact me to discuss.

As always a very sincere thank you to the 400+ GPs who work with us on a regular basis. Your dedication and professionalism is very much appreciated.

This page provides links to various resources and webpage for General Practice Nurses and Advanced Nurse Practitioners. If we have missed anything thing that you think would be useful for this page please contact:

For specific Advanced Nurse Practice queries please email