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Staff & Recruitment

How does a Sessional GP get an NHS mail account?

Response from NSS – Any GP, including Sessional GPs, are entitled to an NHSmail account. The issue is whether they should be attached to the practice they work in or not. I would suggest that if they are likely to work in a practice for 3 months or more they should be attached to the practice and if they move to another practice they are marked as a leaver from that practice and then added to the next by the practice admins. This would need to be done by your local administrator. If they are only working for a week here or there, they should float within the Board (not attached to anything except GGC Board).

To get an NHS Mail account a Sessional GP should phone DAISY, the IT Company NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde use to support their systems, on 0344 863 1244 and log a call. The operator will take the GP through a series of questions, including which Health Board they are hosted by, take contact details, and then the account will be set up.

If a GP has an NHS Mail account from working in a practice can they retain it if they leave the practice to work as a Sessional GP?

Yes – When the GP is working for a Practice they will be attached to that practice, if they move to another practice they will be marked as a leaver from that practice and then added to the next by the practice admins. This would need to be done by your local administrator. If they are only working for a week here or there, they should float within the Board (not attached to anything except GGC Board).

What are the implications for a person’s PVG Scheme membership if they move from working in a practice to working sessionally, or if they come from another part of the UK?

PVG application is carried out as part of a new GP’s induction process, along with Performers List application, when they wish to practice as a GP. It is a national scheme and covers them wherever they work in Scotland, and whether they work as a Principal in a practice or sessionally. If a GP comes from another part of the UK they will have to complete the Scottish PVG process even if they are members of the scheme elsewhere in the UK

How would Sessional GPs access BNF online?

The BNF can be accessed from the Medicines Complete website at British National Formulary (BNF) | Pharmaceutical Press in order to access the site you must be working in a GP Practice, a member of NHS Scotland staff, student on NHS placements, or partner in local authorities and the voluntary health sector.

How would Sessional GPs Access the NHSGGC formulary?

You can access the GGC Formulary through Staffnet. If you are working in a practice the permissions on the PC should be sufficient. There are also smartphone apps that can be downloaded, however you need a SharePoint account in order to open either the online formulary or the app: GGC Clinical Info – Home (

How would Sessional GPs Access the online BNF?

Go to and you can access the BNF on your device, either desktop or mobile.

Please click on the links below to view the Medical (GP) Lists.

This information is updated quarterly.

Quarterly Medical Lists

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    GGC Medicines

    Clicking on the link below will take you to the GGC Medicines webpage which contains a link to the current GGC Drug Formulary and other useful information.

    Course Overview

    In this module you will examine some useful tools and methods that can help you understand the skills needed for good time management.

    Learning Outcomes

    By the end of this module you will be able to:

    • Organise and plan your time
    • Apply priorities to your tasks to manage your time effectively
    • Recognise ways of scheduling time, managing distractions and managing e mail
    • Use planning tools to maximise efficiency and productivity

    Course Provider

    • This course can be accessed online via LearnPro

    Who Should Attend

    • All staff are welcome to attend


    • There are no pre requisites for this module


    • Self-directed learning but should take approximately 45 minutes
    • C2 – Personal and People Development
    • C4 – Service Improvement
    • C5 – Quality
    • G5 – Services and Project Management
    • G6 – People Management


    This is e-learning course and is available via LearnPro. You will find it under the CPD category. For information and registration please click the link LearnPro .

    If you need any further support to access this course, please contact the Learning and Education Support Team on 0141 278 2700 (Option 3).

    Course Overview

    NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) is committed to providing a positive security culture throughout the organisation and to ensure personal safety at all times of patients, residents, staff and visitors. We have produced this short e-module in line with changes in legislation and to help ensure we embed security principles within our workforce.

    Learning Outcomes

    By the end of the course delegates will be able to:

    • Understand the principles of the UK Counter Terrorism Strategy (CONTEST)
    • Keep secure door codes confidential so that they are only known by those that require them for regular discharge of their duties
    • Observe all personal safety and security rules at all times as described in the NHSGGC Security and Threat Policy
    • Challenge those persons not wearing photographic identification badges unless to do so would place them at risk
    • Wear an up to date photographic identification badge at all time during work
    • Understand the process for reporting and recording Security incidents at a local level
    • Understand the vulnerability factors that can make individuals susceptible to radicalisation or a risk to others and can seek advice from if they have concerns about an individual who may be being groomed into terrorist activity
    • Ensure passwords and login details are kept secure at all times
    • Access the NHSGGC Security and Threat Policy for further information

    Course Provider

    • This course can be accessed online via LearnPro

    Who should attend

    • All NHSGGC employees are required to complete this course


    • No pre-requisites required


    • Self-directed learning but should take approximately 40 minutes
    • C1 – Communication
    • C3 – Health, Safety and Security
    • C4 – Service Improvement
    • C5 – Quality


    • Security and Threat training is delivered via LearnPro.
    • You will find it under the Statutory/Mandatory tab on your front page.

    Course Overview

    This course will provide you with a basic knowledge of the Data Protection Act, 1998 and an understanding of your obligations to keep personal identifiable data confidential and secure.

    Learning Outcomes

    By the end of the course delegates will be able to identify:

    • Store, transport and transfer Board records and data (including health records, staff records and sensitive corporate information) securely and effectively
    • Understand the safe use of information and communication technology
    • Inform individuals about the use of their data
    • Understand the circumstances when consent should be sought prior to obtaining and using personal data
    • Verify recorded data using processes for positive patient identification
    • Record personal information accurately and consistently
    • Ensure that recorded information is relevant and not excessive
    • Use patient related data to support the delivery and management of healthcare
    • Understand the circumstances in which information may be used for healthcare support purposes such as clinical audit and service monitoring
    • Identify circumstances when personal data can, should and must be shared
    • Respond appropriately to requests for all recorded information held by the Board, demonstrating awareness of access to information legislation and local compliance requirements
    • Understand and apply rules for appropriate authorised access to personal and other sensitive data
    • Ensure that conversations in relation to sensitive or personal information, whether face to face or by telephone, take place in an appropriate area.

    Course Provider

    • This course can be accessed online via LearnPro

    Who should attend

    • All NHSGGC employees are required to complete this course


    • None


    • Self-directed learning but should take approximately 40 minutes
    • G1 – Learning and Development
    • C2 – Personal and People Development
    • IK3 – Knowledge and Information Resources


    • Safe Information Handling – Foundation training is delivered via LearnPro.
    • You will find it under the Statutory/Mandatory tab on your front page.

    Course Overview

    This e-module is designed for people who may be involved in the response to an emergency. This includes people from Category 1 responder organisations, third sector organisations, and staff in health and social care services.

    There are three sections in the module. The goal is to understand when and how to provide Psychological First Aid (PFA) in the immediate aftermath of an emergency.

    Learning Outcomes

    By the end of the course you will be able to:

    • Define Psychological First Aid
    • Describe the 7 key components of effective Psychological First Aid
    • Feel reasonably confident in delivering Psychological First Aid
    • Adapt Psychological First Aid to different settings and populations
    • Identify ways to take care of yourself while providing Psychological First Aid

    Course Provider

    • National Education for Scotland (NES)

    Who Should Attend

    • People who may be involved in the response to an emergency. This includes people from Category 1 responder organisations, third sector organisations, and staff in health and social care services.


    • Approximately 1 hour
    • C3 – Health, Safety and Security

    There is no classroom option for this topic.


    An e-learning module is available for this topic via Turas Learn.

    If you already use the Turas platform to access other Turas applications such as Turas Appraisal, Turas Professional Portfolio or Turas People you simply add Turas Learn to your Dashboard using the ‘Add Applications’ link on the homepage.

    You can then use the search function to find and add specific learning resources and eLearning modules.

    Course overview

    To successfully manage a project an understanding of project management methodology is required. This course will show how to use a combination of processes to manage time, cost, quality, change, risks and issues in order to manage a project effectively.

    Learning outcomes

    By the end of the course delegates will be able to:

    • Explain what a project is
    • Explain what project management is and methodologies you can employ
    • Develop a business case and initiate a project
    • Decide on the best techniques for planning your project
    • Identify methods for executing a project
    • Describe how to close off a project and review the project completion

    Course provider

    • Learning and Education Team

    Who should attend

    • All staff are welcome to attend who have a leading role running a project


    • There are no pre requisites for this module


    • Guided learning time 45 minutes
    • C1 – Communication
    • C2 – Personal and People Development
    • C4 – Service Improvement
    • C5 – Quality
    • G5 – Services and Project Management
    • G6 – People Management


    • An e-Learning option is available for this topic via LearnPro. You will find it under the CPD category. Information and registration for LearnPro.

    Course overview

    It is important for members of staff to be able to prepare and deliver good quality presentations.  Developing these skills is essential to improve both your confidence and your effectiveness as a presenter.   This module will examine these skills and enable you to prepare for and understand how to deliver presentations effectively.   

    Learning outcomes

    By the end of the module delegates should be able to: 

    • Recognise the importance of being fully prepared 
    • Explain the importance of identifying and understanding your audience 
    • Identify how to prepare your material 
    • Describe the tools and techniques to help you to deliver a presentation effectively 
    • Explain how you would overcome any issues that arise 

    Course provider

    • Learning and Education Team 

    Who should attend

    • Any staff who wish to develop skills in creating and delivering presentations. 


    • There are no pre requisites for this module 


    • Guided learning time 45 minutes 
    • C1 – Communication 
    • C2 – Personal and People Development 
    • G1 – Learning and Development 


    • An e-Learning option is available for this topic via LearnPro. You will find it under the CPD category. Information and registration for LearnPro