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Staff & Recruitment

Staff Governance is a term which describes the framework for managing employees inside NHS Scotland. The commitments surrounding the framework, are in place to ensure all staff have a positive experience at work, where they feel motivated and engaged with their role, team and the Board.

If you have any queries please contact the Staff Experience team:

What does it mean?

Staff Governance is defined as: “a system of corporate accountability for the fair and effective management of all staff”.

It can be measured through assurance that the Standard commitments are being met, and this is assessed locally via the Staff Governance Committee of each Board.

Staff Governance Standard

The Staff Governance Standard sets out what each NHSScotland employer must achieve in order to continuously improve in relation to the fair and effective management of staff. Click on the links for more information.

There are 5 Staff Governance Standard commitments set out what staff can expect from their NHS Scotland Board, and they are that staff should be:

  • Well informed
  • Appropriately trained and developed
  • Involved in decisions
  • Treated fairly and consistently, with dignity and respect, in an environment where diversity is valued
  • Provided with a continuously improving and safe working environment, promoting the health and wellbeing of staff, patients and the wider community.

However, the Standard also sets out corresponding responsibilities for staff (at any level within the organisation). Staff should:

  • Keep themselves up to date with developments relevant to their job within the organisation
  • Commit to continuous personal and professional development
  • Adhere to the standards set by their regulatory bodies
  • Actively participate in discussions on issues that affect them either directly or via their trade union/professional organisation
  • Treat all staff, patients and service users with dignity and respect while valuing diversity
  • Ensure that their actions maintain and promote the health, safety and wellbeing of all staff, patients, service users and carers.

These dual commitments are in place to ensure all staff have a positive experience at work, where they feel motivated and engaged with their role, team and the Board.

NHSGGC Staff Governance Committee assesses how well the Board is complying with these Standards.

Fair Work Framework

The Vision and Framework for Fair Work in Scotland, state that, by 2025, people in Scotland will have a world-leading working life where fair work drives success, wellbeing and prosperity for individuals, businesses, organisations and for society.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) is committed to the Fair Work principles in order to deliver Scottish Government ambitions of a Fair Work Nation.

As a large public sector organisation, we work in partnership to align the Fair Work principles through commitment to the Staff Governance Standard, as well as a range of other activities and plans across the organisation including, the Procurement Strategy, Workforce Equality plans, Learning and Education activity, the Staff Health Strategy, Safety and Wellbeing plans, flexible and family friendly HR policies, and our Workforce Plan. Additionally, NHSGGC are proud to be a Living Wage Accredited employer.

Staff Governance Committee

The Staff Governance Committee (SGC) is a standing committee of each NHS Board which, together with the Clinical Governance Committee and Audit Committee, forms the full governance framework for NHS Boards. 

The purpose of the Staff Governance Committee is to provide assurance to the Board that NHSGGC meets its obligations in relation to Staff Governance under the National Health Service Reform (Scotland) Act 2004 and the Staff Governance Standard. The Staff Governance Committee is a Standing Committee of the Board.

The Committee ensures that structures and policies are in place to provide assurance that all staff are:

  • Well informed
  • Appropriately trained and developed
  • Involved in decisions
  • Treated fairly and consistently, with dignity and respect, in an environment where diversity is valued
  • Provided with a continuously improving and safe working environment, promoting the health and wellbeing of staff, patients and the wider community.

Each Health and Social Care Partnership, Acute Services and Corporate Directorate have their own Staff Governance arrangements and structure.

The Staff Governance Committee meets four times per year to review and as part of each Committee meeting, speakers provide assurance that structures, actions and processes are in place to meet the Standard.

The NHSGGC Staff Governance Committee is co-chaired by Ketki Miles (Non-Executive Director) and Ann Cameron-Burns (Employee Director).

Approved minutes of Staff Governance Committee meetings can be accessed via the NHSGGC Board papers page or by emailing

Further Information

The Staff Experience Team runs a programme of Collaborative Conversations Staff Engagement Sessions to hear more from staff about their staff experience.

In 2023, and early 2024, we ran a programme of conversations with staff to test how we were using feedback from iMatter and Investors in People. At those Staff Engagement Sessions we asked staff for their input on what difference they’ve seen over the last year and what they think would make the biggest difference to their experience at work and the experience of colleagues.

The staff feedback was provided to the Investors in People (IiP) Cluster groups to inform their improvement plans and help create a better workplace in all our areas.

The team is now working with local services and teams to identify key themes from the 2024 iMatter survey to plan this year’s programme of Collaborative Conversations. Feedback from these will inform both Cluster IiP actions, local Directorate and Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) activity, and the NHSGGC Board action plan.

For our New Starts, we are always looking for ways to improve the onboarding experience – for this to happen, feedback from colleagues who have newly joined NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) is invaluable. Therefore we are running quarterly Collaborative Conversations which provide an opportunity for us to hear what went well during recruitment, onboarding and first few months in post. We are always keen to understand what went well and use feedback to identify any areas we can improve.

In addition, we have been running a series of Conversations to engage with staff about the Workforce Strategy, both to provide an overview of progress from the current Strategy, and to help inform the Strategy from 2025. This helps the team understand what staff feel is important to see included in the Strategy and help deliver a strategy that moves culture and leadership to where we want it to be.

If you have any queries please speak with your manager and you can also email

Staff experience takes account of a staff members full employment journey, from being a prospective candidate right up the point they leave an organisation.

As an employer, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) wants to ensure all staff have a positive experience at work, through:

  • Ensuring visibility of, and access to, the right people and the right information at the right times
  • Developing capability, inspire ownership, accountability and trust at all levels, and empowering the workforce
  • Ensuring equality, diversity and inclusion to continuously establish a fairer workplace for all
  • Creating and embedding two-way, feedback rich conversations throughout the organisation
  • Encouraging a culture of excellence, celebrate success, benchmark against world class standards.

The Staff Experience team work in a number of areas, to ensure NHSGGC staff to have the most positive experience. The key areas of work and contact details for the team are outlined below.

The Staff Experience Team 

Our Staff Experience team is committed to growing an inclusive organisation, where every employee is treated fairly and consistently, with dignity and respect. To get in touch, please email us at

The team consists of the following members and you can contact them via the buttons below:

Further Information

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The induction programme is for all community staff working within the Glasgow City area. For Induction information in your area, please contact your line manager.

To access the Induction documentation please email

The 6 steps of Induction

Welcome to the District Nursing Induction portal for Glasgow City HSCP.

If you are a new member of staff, working within a District Nursing team within Glasgow City HSCP, you’ve come to the right place!

A new member of staff includes both ‘new to the organisation’, ‘new to the role’ or if you have moved to the same role within a different base/locality.

Getting Started

There is a lot to get your head around when starting in a new role within District Nursing.  For this reason, we run monthly induction sessions which all new members of staff must attend.

You can access the booking information below.

Once you have completed your induction day, you may wish to come back to this page to get the most up to date induction documents, or to use as a point of reference.

Everything you need to know is below

The 6 steps of Induction

Step 1

Step 1 of induction is an organisational welcome video. This should be watched by all new staff, irrespective of previous roles or experience. The video is approx. 6 minutes long and can be accessed below

Click here for the video 

Learning Needs Analysis is a self assessment of your transferrable skills and competencies which you should complete alongside your line manager on your first 2 weeks of starting your new post. All new staff must complete a Learning Needs Analysis. A completed copy of this should also be sent to your NTL.  

Important: To download the Learning Needs Analysis, please right click and
select ‘save link as…’ on the following link: Learning Needs Analysis

Step 2

From day 1, you and your line manager will begin working through the induction checklist.  This discusses everything from department orientation, health & safety, professional development, PDP, job role, information governance, confidentiality, awareness of policies & NHSGGC expectations of staff.

You will have 12 weeks to complete the induction checklist and it can be accessed here.

Step 3

As part of your role, you are required to complete all relevant statutory and mandatory training via Learnpro. You can access Learnpro here.

Below is a full list of all statutory & mandatory learnpro modules you must complete.  Theses should be prioritised and must be completed within the first 12 weeks of your employment.

Name of ModuleLocation on LearnProFrequency
GGC: 001 Fire SafetyStatutory / Mandatory2 years
GGC: 002 Health and Safety, An IntroductionStatutory / Mandatory3 years
GGC: 003 Reducing Risks of Violence & AggressionStatutory / Mandatory3 years
GGC: 004 Equality, Diversity and Human RightsStatutory / Mandatory3 years
GGC: 005 Manual Handling Theory 
(Link in with your local Moving & Handling assessor as you will need to do annual practical competencies each year)
Statutory / Mandatory3 years
GGC: 006 Public Protection (Adult & Child)Statutory / Mandatory3 years
GGC: 007 Standard Infection Control PrecautionsStatutory / Mandatory3 years
GGC: 008 Security & ThreatStatutory / Mandatory3 years
GGC: 009 Safe Information Handling – FoundationStatutory / Mandatory3 years
GGC: 061 Management of Needlestick & Similar InjuriesRole Specific Mandatory Modules           2 years
GGC: 063 Managing Skin Care for Responsible PersonRole Specific Mandatory Module2 years
Scottish IPC Education Pathway – Foundation: Prevention and Management of Occupational ExposureInfection Prevention and ControlNot Specified
Scottish IPC Education Pathway – Foundation: Hand HygieneInfection Prevention and ControlNot Specified

GGC: 270 An Overview of Malnutrition Role Specific Not Specified

GGC: 271 Assessing Risk Of Malnutrition Role Specific Not Specified

GGC: 273 Food First Strategies – Community Role Specific Not Specified

Step 4

Step 4 only needs to be completed by HCSW staff.  If you are not a HCSW, move on to Step 5.

The HCSW Induction Book is designed to support you in your new role and should be completed within the first 12 weeks of employment.  You can access this book here.

Step 5

Once you have completed Steps 1-4, your line manager should now sign off the first part of your induction here.

Steps 1 – 5 should be completed within the first 12 weeks of your employment.  If there are any reasons why this cannot be achieved, you must inform your Nurse Team Leader at the earliest opportunity.

Step 6 – District Nursing Only

Steps 1 – 5 represent a basic induction which is completed by all staff within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Step 6 is the final part of your induction process which is geared towards a more ‘role specific’ approach within District Nursing . Within this final part of induction will be a more detailed approach to knowledge and skills required for this specific speciality within nursing.

This document should be started from Day 1 of your employment, however you have 12 months to complete this part of your induction.

Please access your book here  (Important: To save this to your computer, right click this link, and select “Save link as” – save this somewhere on your computer that is easy to find.  You can then open it on your computer and fill this in as you go.  If you fill this in online, it may not save properly). Access your Community District Nursing Specific Booklet HERE.

Available Dates and New Staff Member Guidance

My name is Susan Kenmore and I am the Practice Development Support Nurse who is here to support you through the next 12 months of your induction. My main aims are to get you started on your induction journey, giving you the confidence and tools you need to get the best start out of your new career.  

As you’ll see from the illustration above, there is a lot for you to get through and in a fairly short space of time. With this in mind, below, is a list of sessions available for Induction Study Dates, and I would recommend you or your line manager book you onto the date closest to your start date of your new post to ensure you achieve everything with plenty of time to spare.

Staff Induction Training Dates

The Induction Study Day will be held within Pollok Health Centre. When you have successfully booked onto the Induction Study Day, you will receive a confirmation email containing further information.  

To book a space, simply click on the preferred date below.

Training times: 9.30am – 4.30pm

2023 Dates

29th September

27th October

30th November

13th December

Spaces are limited to 10 so be quick!

What’s included in the Induction Training Days?

If you have any problems accessing any of these dates, or any induction queries, please send me an email at

Manager Guidance

As a line manager, there are 4 key steps to inducting your new member of staff. Click on the link below and follow the guidance to begin the induction process. You should begin these steps once you have a start date for your new member of staff.

Please use the Manager support document to prepare for the new staff Guidance for District Charge Nurses To induct new members of staff. You should start to plan induction post interview in order to prepare robust induction for first 4 weeks. This document will also give you a suggested induction template. 

Need any help, support or advice?  Please feel free to contact Susan Kenmore (Practice Development Support Nurse) via email on

Line Manager Guidance

As a line manager, your first step is to book your new staff member onto the Induction Training day with Practice Development.  Try to book the date closest to your staff members start date via the link below.

The Induction day will run from 9.30am – 4.30pm

What’s included in the Induction Training Day?

  • 6 Steps of Induction (see banner at top of page)
    This will get your staff member started on their mandatory completion of the 6 steps. Steps 1 – 5 should be completed within 12 weeks of employment/Study day, and step 6 must be completed within 12 months.
  • Safe Use of Clinical Sharps Training
  • SEPSIS Training
  • Record Keeping Training
  • CNIS Training
  • NHS Principals and Values (previously Values & Behaviours)
  • NHSGGC Policies (including Datix, Fair Warning, Safe Use of Clinical Sharps)
  • Specialist Subjects including:
    • Tissue Viability (Pressure Ulcer Prevention, Wound Formulary, First Dressings, Basic Wound Care)
    • Vascular (Introduction to leg ulcers)
    • Palliative Care (Introduction & Documentation)
    • District Nursing Medication Administration (DTA, Stock Recording, Medication Administration sheets)
Line Manager Steps 2 – 4

Step 2

Your next step, is to download and save a copy of the Learning Needs Self Assessment.  This should be done within your new staff members first 2 weeks of employment.  This is aimed at finding out what skills and competencies your staff member brings with them to the role, and what they need further support with.  Your staff member should complete this themselves, and you should review this with them and plan training according to their needs, and the needs of your caseload.

IMPORTANT: To download the Learning Needs Analysis, please right click and
select ‘save link as…’ on the following link: Learning Needs Analysis

Step 3

Before your staff member attends the induction study day, they should complete the following Learnpro’s for ‘Safe Use of Clinical Sharps’ in order to be signed off for this at the induction day.  If they can’t complete this before the study day, they can still attend but you will be required to sign them off once the learnpros are completed.

  • GGC: Management of Needlestick and similar injuries
  • GGC: Managing Skin Care for Professional Persons
  • Infection Prevention and Control – NES: Prevention and Management of Occupational Exposure.

Step 4

Now that your new staff member has successfully completed the induction day, they are now fully informed of the 6 steps of induction detailed below.

Your role is now to support them over the next 12 weeks for steps 2 – 5, and 12-18 months for the Step 6 DN Role Specific Induction.

Step 2 – When your staff member returns, you will be expected to begin signing off their STEP 2 induction Checklist.  The checklist has items to be signed off on ‘Day 1’, ‘Week 1’, ‘Month 1’ etc, so please ensure you pay close attention to these timings.  This must be completed within 12 weeks of employment/attendance at induction training day.

For Step 3 – you should allocate your staff member time to complete all statutory and mandatory learnpro modules over the next 12 weeks and confirm completion.

Step 4 – HCSW’s will have been given an overview of their workbook they are required to complete within 12 weeks, and you should allocate some time each week to go through their progress and ensure they are on track to complete this.

Step 5 – At the 12 week mark, your staff member should have completed all of the above steps, and you can now CLICK HERE to go to the corporate induction sign off page.  This should take 1-2 minutes to complete.

Finally, Step 6 is the Nursing Learning Education and Development Framework – Older Adult services and has a stronger focus on clinical skills that new members of staff are expected to undertake within their role. This also forms part of their PDP / TURAS, and you should encourage them to attend training to ensure competency and sign off each skill once complete.  This should be completed within 18 months of employment.

Specialist Services

Community Nursing means linking in with various services to assist with implementing the best care into your practice. Click the button below and find out how these services can do just that.

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You can do a guideline search via the NHSGGC Clinical Guidelines Platform.

 If you experience any issues with this page please email or

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MicroStrategy Presentations

If you experience any issues with this page please email or

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Risk Assessments

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Workload Tool Demonstration Video

Please note: This demonstration video will ask you to use CHI numbers as unique identifiers, however, as per training, please note current guidance in GGC is not to include CHI numbers.  Please use ‘patient 1’, ‘patient 2’ etc instead.


This timeline has been developed to give an overview of the workload tool run, and provides information on local support available throughout the tool’s run for 2021. 

For any questions or assistance, please contact Linda Brennan (

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Awareness presentations for Pre-registration Student Nurses in Community Settings

Further Information

Student Induction Pack
Student Workbook

The workbook will be owned by yourself and we would hope it will assist you with reflective conversations with your practice Assessor/ supervisor. We hope that you will gain practical experiences of the scenarios we have provided and the Student workbook will give you additional direction of what to consider when supporting a patient in the community .

They will also highlight that it will be through discussion between the practice supervisor / assessor and the student that will identify if part or all of the document is to be completed. 

The document will be your (students) property, it is not required as part of your university work but will inform your practice supervisor / practice assessor of your progress in placement and the evidence from this will inform interim and final assessment.

Scenarios for Student Nurses

Take a few minutes to read through the following scenarios and think about what you would do as the newly qualified Staff Nurse in each scenario.  Think about how you would act at the time, what actions you would likely take, what you would do with the patient, who you would inform, and if you would follow this up with another visit/referral to specialists etc.

Discuss your answers with your Practice Supervisor or Practice Assessor. These are designed to give you scenarios to discuss are part of a reflective discussion.

Question 1

You are asked to visit a gentleman who has a sore bottom and it turns out he has a pressure ulcer on his right buttock. How would you assess this and what would your care plan consist of? What else would you do?

Assessment – Have you considered…

  • What grade of pressure ulcer this is?  Pressure Ulcer Grading Chart
  • Have you measured the wound?
  • Have you considered the reason for the patient developing this pressure ulcer and looked at ways in which to minimise further damage?  (Think SSKINS)
  • Have you informed the caseload holder?

Planning Care

  • Think about dressings – what would you likely want to use for the different grades?
  • Consider how much exudate (fluid) is coming from the wound
  • Consider how often to visit and change dressing
  • Consider what you want dressing to achieve (absorb, reduce bacterial load, protect, progress to healing etc)
  • How often would you measure the wound?
  • How often would you change / update the care plan?

Question 2

You go to visit a lady who has type one diabetes who requires the nurses to administer her insulin. What are the steps you would take prior to administering her insulin?

Have you considered…

  • Have you checked her Nursing notes to ensure no-one else has visited this patient prior to your arrival?
  • Have you checked her Direction to Administer?
  • Once you have checked the patients Blood Glucose level, have a think about what the ‘normal range’ would be for this patient – discuss with your mentor.
  • What steps would you take if the patient is hypoglycaemic / hyperglycaemic?
  • If safe to do so, are you familiar with the device used for administering insulin?
  • Is your device in line with the safer sharps policy?
  • Have you disposed of the sharps appropriately?

Question 3

One of your patients who has a wound on their leg has phoned to say his wound is very painful and his dressing has fallen off. When you saw him yesterday there was minimal pain at dressing change however you did think it was exuding more fluid than before. What things would you consider when you go to visit this man? What would your assessment include?

Have you considered…

  • Is the current dressing appropriate for the increased exudate levels
  • Frequency of visits (may need increased)
  • Are you expecting the wound to increase in pain?
  • Consider wound infection – if likely, what steps might you take?  (Remember, is it localised or systemic?)
  • Does this gentleman need referral to Vascular / TVN?
  • Would you change his care plan, nursing assessment, waterlow?

Question 4

A patient phones to advise that their catheter bag has been empty all morning and their stomach is becoming painful. What would you do? Is there any advice you can give over the phone initially?

Have you considered…

  • Asking them to change position to allow gravity to assist
  • Asking the patient about their bowels (are they regular / constipated)
  • Ask about fluid intake over past 24 hours
  • Provide reassurance
  • If requiring a visit – what would you be looking for?
  • What would indicate a change of catheter is required
  • Are there any signs of CAUTI
  • How would you record your visit?  (Think about Catheter Assessment Procedure)

Question 5

The carer of a palliative patient calls to say that their loved one has become very distressed and is trying to get out of bed. They had been administered 2mgs midazolam only an hour before hand and are on a syringe driver with diamorphine for their pain. How would you assess this situation? Is there anything else that could be causing this agitation?

Have you considered…

  • Patients’ position in bed / chair
  • Bladder
  • Bowels
  • How many breakthrough doses over past 24 hours
  • Is the breakthrough dose sufficient
  • Should we consider adding Midazolam to the Syringe Driver?
  • Medication review from GP / Independent Nurse Prescriber
  • Support for family
  • Home Care / Marie Curie
Student Resources
Alcohol and the Community

Topic: Alcohol.

Description: Alcohol focused activity for use in Social Studies. Young people will begin to understand how alcohol misuse can have a negative effect on the local community.

Type: Lesson plan.

Target group: Third; Fourth.

IT/practical requirements: Access to IT desirable for additional research by young people but not essential. Flipchart paper and pens required. 

Implications for staff: None.

Cost attached: No.

Resource link: Alcohol and the community (pdf)

QA Tool: Alcohol and the Community

As it is

Topic: Alcohol; Drugs.

Description: The AS IT IS DVD is a resource that tackles the issues of gang fighting, territorialism, offending behaviour and substance misuse. The DVD was produced by a partnership of statutory and voluntary agencies based in Glasgow. Accompanying pack was developed by Glasgow Council on Alcohol.  DVD includes interviews with real people and graphic imagery which some people may find disturbing. The resource challenges entrenched thinking by showing how choices made by gang members have impacted in their own and other people’s lives.  Police Scotland advise that the resource is an early intervention toolkit and can be used with P7, S1 & S2 pupils.  This resource will generate discussion and provoke different thinking with all age groups.  It is recommended that parental consent should be obtained if this resource is to be used with persons under the age of 16. It is strongly recommended that staff view the films and teaching aids prior to use.  If additional hard copies are required please contact Inspector Stevie Kinvig, Police Scotland.

Type: Pack.

Target group: Second; Third; Fourth.

IT/practical requirements: Access to DVD Player/PC & Projector to allow DVD to be played.

Implications for staff: The nature of this resource means that staff should review prior to use, young people may have experienced gang fighting & consequences & as a result may require support during and after use of the resource. DVD contains graphic scenes of violence.

Cost attached: No.

Resource link:   

QA Tool:

Assessing the impact of advertising

Topic: Alcohol.

Description: Alcohol based activity focussing on the impact of advertising for use in Social Studies. Can be used as a standalone lesson or to complement Take a Drink Drama performance. Explores the extent to which young people’s choices and decisions around alcohol consumption can be influenced by advertising.

Type: Lesson plan.

Target group: Third; Fourth.

IT/practical requirements: Access to IT would be useful for further research by young people but not essential. Selection of magazines and newspapers would be useful.

Implications for staff: None.

Cost attached: No.

Resource link: Assessing the impact of advertising (pdf)

QA Tool:

Sun, sea and safety

More information coming soon…

Analysis of Alcohol Facts and Figures

Topic: Alcohol; Drugs.

Description: Alcohol/Drug based activity for use in Mathematics. Can be used as a stand alone lesson or to complement Take a Drink Drama performance. Explores the effects of alcohol/drugs on society by analysing relevant data.

Type: Lesson plan.

Target group: Third; Fourth.

IT/practical requirements: Access to computers required for pupils to research topic and present findings.

Implications for staff: None.

Cost attached: No.

Resource link: Analysis of alcohol facts and figures (pdf)

QA Tool:

Health, Safety and Dignity

Topic: Alcohol.

Description: A four week peer education programme for use with S1 and S2 pupils developed by senior pupils in St Roch’s High School in Glasgow.  The course focuses on alcohol and has three themes: safety, health and dignity.  The course comprises a series of interactive workshops to help young people make positive choices about alcohol.  The pack can be used by staff to deliver alcohol education to young people or by senior students wishing to gain experience of peer education delivery. Positive choices about alcohol.

Type: Pack.

Target group: Second; Third; Fourth; Senior phase.

IT/practical requirements: Access to smartboard required for session 3 –WEBSITE REFERRED TO NO LONGER AVAILABLE, please use

Implications for staff: Support for delivery of this resource is provided by Glasgow Council on Alcohol.

Cost attached: No.

Resource link: Health, Safety and Dignity

QA Tool:

Myths and Facts

Topic: Alcohol.

Description: Resource pack which includes bottles and units activity, alcohol quiz and discussion around safety tips and advice. Explore common myths and misconceptions around alcohol and alcohol use.

Type: Pack.

Target group: Third.

IT/practical requirements: For best results the session should be delivered along with a collection of bottles, jar of pickled liver and beer goggles.  Please contact your local GCA office or Health Improvement Team to borrow resources.

Implications for staff: None.

Cost attached: No.

Resource link: Myths and Facts (zip)

QA Tool:



Alcohol Focus Scotland

Course Name

Rory – using the Rory resource in Schools

Aim of the course


  • Learners will enhance their awareness and understanding of the problems caused by alcohol in Scotland;
  • have a greater awareness of the impact of harmful parental drinking on children and families;
  • more confidence to respond to children who are or may be affected by parental drinking.

Description of Training course

The training explores the Rory storybook and resource pack, which aims to build resilience and protective factors in children.  The pack comes with a range of age appropriate lesson plans and activities which focus on exploring relationships, development of problem solving and communication skills. 

Dates of training (Day, date, year)

Throughout year, available from 

Participants (who should apply? Criteria?)

Primary school staff (P1-7) who would like to learn more about Rory and how it can be used with children aged five to eleven years, building resilience and increasing social & emotional wellbeing.  

Trainers / organisation

Alcohol Focus Scotland is the national charity working to prevent and reduce alcohol-related harm.

We want to reduce the impact of alcohol on individuals, families, communities and Scotland as a whole.

We want to see fewer people have their health damaged or lives cut short due to alcohol, fewer children and families suffering as a result of other people’s drinking, and communities free from alcohol-related crime and violence. 

Closing date to apply to attend (for example – 2 weeks before the course start date)

Until course is full 


This is a 4hr course delivered over 2 x 2hr sessions, usually 4pm-6pm.

Contacts / booking details / website etc. 

Call: 0141 572 6700


Varies, contact provider

Choices For Life: Sophie’s Story (Alcohol)

Topic: Alcohol

Description:   Together with PACE Theatre, Choices for Life have produced a series of dramas “Someday” which are all interlinked. They tell the story of Liam, Sophie and Scott as they experience peer pressure, smoking, drugs and alcohol for the first time and must face the consequences that lead from it. 

Sophie’s story is about a group of school girls who have been invited to a house party and offered alcohol.  It focuses on Sophie, who gets really drunk and the consequences that follow.  

The film lasts approximately 15 minutes and can either be watched on its own or as part of the someday series covering other substance misuse topics.  You can also see what happened to Sophie after the party by watching the follow on film “Facing the consequences” – a documentary style drama exploring long and short term consequences.

Type: Online resource, Film

Target group: Third Level

IT/practical requirements: Access to the internet required 

Implications for staff: No additional training required

Cost attached: No

Resource link: 

Take a Drink

Topic: Alcohol; Drugs.

Description: Drama performed by PACE Theatre Company highlighting the dangers of risk taking behaviour to young people, for example, the consequences/situations facing young people under the influence of alcohol and or drugs. The drama follows three characters who attend a party and all have very different experiences due to their excessive alcohol consumption. Follow up workshops are delivered by Glasgow Council on Alcohol to allow discussion about issues raised in the play.  This play is commissioned by NHS GG&C for all Glasgow Secondary Schools at present.  If you are interested in running a similiar project outwith the Glasgow area please contact PACE Theatre Company directly.  Take A Drink 2012 Evaluation Report available on request.

Type: Performance/Drama.

Target group: Third; Fourth; Senior phase.

IT/practical requirements: Stage area required or large hall depending on audience size. Drama company provide all required equipment including sound equipment.

Implications for staff: None.

Cost attached: No.

Resource link:

QA Tool:

Young Booze Busters Website

Topic: Alcohol; Drugs; Tobacco.

Description: Interactive, incentive based information on alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.  This online resource contains information for young people and parents/carers as well as video clips, games, competitions and a link to Becky Booze Buster. Provides information on alcohol.  Additonal information on drugs and tobacco has recently been added.

Type: Online interactive resource.

Target group: Third; Fourth.

IT/practical requirements: Computer with internet access.  You Tube access required to watch videos.  Link to Becky Booze Busters is via Facebook or email.

Implications for staff: None.

Cost attached: No.

Resource link: Young Booze Busters

QA Tool:

Oh Lila


Alcohol Focus Scotland

Course Name

Oh Lila – a learning resource for pre – school aged children

Aim of the course

The course explores the key themes of the Oh Lila resource and how it relates to building resilience in children. Oh Lila is linked to the curriculum for excellence with a particular focus on Health & Wellbeing.

On completing training learners will:

  • Have enhanced awareness and understanding of the problems caused by alcohol in Scotland
  • Be more aware of early years policies and strategies
  • Be able to identify ways to confidently use Oh Lila
  • Be more confident in managing disclosures

Description of Training course

Oh Lila is a flexible resource which aims to build resilience and protective factors in young children, helping them to explore their emotions, develop social skills and identify trusted adults. The 4 hr workshop provides learners with an interactive and engaging experience.

Dates of training (Day, date, year)

Throughout year, available from

Participants (who should apply? Criteria?)

Target group – Nursery workers and practitioners working with children of pre-school age (3-5yrs) to help them to identify trusted adults and understand that asking for help is a positive behaviour.  

Min/max participants – Min 6 and max of 18

Trainers / organisation

Alcohol Focus Scotland is the national charity working to prevent and reduce alcohol-related harm.

We want to reduce the impact of alcohol on individuals, families, communities and Scotland as a whole.

We want to see fewer people have their health damaged or lives cut short due to alcohol, fewer children and families suffering as a result of other people’s drinking, and communities free from alcohol-related crime and violence.

Closing date to apply to attend (for example – 2 weeks before the course start date)

Until course is full


Training is delivered over 4 hours – usually 9am-1pm or 1pm-5pm.

Contacts / booking details / website etc.

Call: 0141 572 6700


Varies, contact provider