The security of our staff is paramount within NHSGGC. To enable our line managers to support their staff, the Human Resources teams monitor the international threat level for the UK. The UK threat levels are set by the Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre (JTAC)
JTAC analyses and assesses all intelligence relating to international terrorism, at home and overseas. It sets threat levels and issues warnings of threats and other terrorist-related subjects for customers from a wide range of government departments and agencies, as well as producing more in-depth reports on trends, terrorist networks and capabilities.
JTAC brings together counter-terrorist expertise from various organisations. This information is analysed and then shared across UK Government organisations.
JTAC works closely with MI5, which manages investigations into terrorist activity in the UK. This enables it to assess the nature and extent of the threat in this country.
Current national threat level
The five UK threat levels are categorised as follows:
- Low means an attack is highly unlikely
- Moderate means an attack is possible, but not likely
- Substantial means an attack is likely
- Severe means an attack is highly likely
- Critical means an attack is highly likely in the near future
The UK threat level was lowered from Severe to Substantial on 09 February 2022.
If you are concerned about security within your workplace, you should discuss your concerns with your line manager in the first instance. Alternatively, you can contact the Human Resources Support and Advice Unit for further guidance.
This webpage will summarise the key amendments, policy changes or workforce initiatives updated on HR Connect.
18 July – Staff Bank Newsletter (Summer 2022)
The Summer 2022 Staff Bank Newsletter, focuses on:
- Our brilliant Bank teams
- the DNA procedure
- Staff wellbeing
- Moving to other wards
11 February – Dying to Work Charter
The Dying to Work Charter was adopted by NHS Scotland in March 2021, and endorsed by NHSGGC Chief Executive and Employee Director. It sets out an agreed way in which our staff will be supported, protected and guided throughout their employment, following a terminal diagnosis. Please select the header above to be taken to the agreement and management guide.
01 April – Whistleblowing Policy review
From today, the new National Whistleblowing Standards are in place forming the Once for Scotland Whistleblowing Policy.
For further information on training and contact information, view the Whistleblowing Policy.
29 March – Gender Reassignment Policy review
The Gender Reassignment Policy sets out NHSGGC’s roles and responsibilities as a service provider to patients who have the protected characteristic of Gender Reassignment.
01 March – Scottish Government Bonus Payment
Please refer to the frequently asked questions regarding the NHS Scotland’s agreed qualifying criteria for the £500 one-off payment announced by the First Minister.
09 November – Living Wage Employer
We are delighted to announce NHSGGC are now a Living Wage Employer.
What is a Living Wage employer?
A living wage employer ensures that all employees aged 18 and over, including certain classes of contracted staff, are paid at least the living wage.The employer also agrees to increase the amount which it pays to employees by the same amount as any increase in the living wage within six months of the date of the official announcement.
What is living wage accreditation?
Living wage employer accreditation is managed by citizens UK and provides employers with a licence to the living wage employer mark. The accreditation process is simple and is open to employers already paying the living wage, or those committed to an agreed timetable of implementation.
12 August – Medical Appraisal and Revalidation
Dr Gregor Smith (Interim Chief Medical Officer to all Responsible Officers in Scotland) has written to all NHS Scotland Health Boards regarding the national arrangement for restarting Medical Appraisals.
Please review the updated information on the NHSGGC medical appraisals website and email if you have any further questions regarding the letter.
23 July – Jobtrain version 7 upgrade
The NHSGGC recruitment system will shortly be upgraded to version 7. This briefing outlines what this will mean as one of NHSGGC’s hiring managers.
16 March – COVID-19 update
Please keep up to date with the latest guidance and frequently asked questions on the designated NHSGGC Coronavirus website. This information is updated daily and if you have any questions not covered, please contact email your specific query at and we will arrange to update the FAQs to respond to your questions.
02 March – NHS Scotland ‘Once for Scotland’ Workforce policies
Individuals currently within an NHSGGC process should complete the process under that policy, unless they are at the very start of the Attendance or Capability policies in which case they should move across to the NHSScotland Workforce policy on the completion of Stage 1, provided both sides are in agreement. If both sides are not in agreement, the individual will remain on the NHSGGC policy.
Where a process is underway within an NHSGGC policy, the policy and supporting documents, including template letters can be accessed through HR Connect – Policies & Associated Guidance.
05 February – NHS Scotland Staff Pension Policy
Further to the Core Brief on the 29 November 2019 and following the recent Pension Information sessions delivered across GGC, a copy of the presentation and frequently asked questions can be found at REC Information.
To support employees who may be affected by the impacts of international events, we want to ensure staff are aware of the resources available to them. We take the wellbeing of our employees very seriously and pride ourselves on being a diverse and inclusive workforce.
It is understandable that international events might make you may feel anxious, upset or overwhelmed. In recognition of this, we ask that anyone who is experiencing difficulties, whatever they may be, to raise this with their line manager in the first instance or through the Human Resources Support and Advice Unit. By advising us of any concerns you have will enable us to take a person-centred approach to assist you in your role, during these uncertain times.
If you have loved ones currently in an area directly impacted by an event, we appreciate you may wish to keep in more regular contact with them. As such, should you wish to discuss temporary adjustments to your working hours, rest breaks or duties, we will do our upmost to accommodate this through our Flexible Working Policies.
We would also like to remind you that you have access to a range of confidential support. This includes: self-help, money advice, mental health and wellbeing and the NHSGGC Counselling Service.
We understand people may have differing views of international events; however, the organisation does not condone any form of bullying, harassment, or discriminatory behaviour. We would like to remind all staff members to use respectful and appropriate language and be kind to colleagues.
Similarly, staff are reminded to only use appropriate channels to communicate in line with our Email Usage policy, Internet Acceptable Use policy; and our Personal Use of Social Media policy, and to, at all times, be sensitive to the individual circumstances of others.
Questions or Concerns
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding these matters, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Human Resources Support and Advice Unit. If you are a member of a Trade Union/Professional Organisation they may also provide you with advice and support.
HR Connect was launched in 2016 Since then it has grown and developed based on staff feedback.
Your views and suggestions are valuable to us in helping us to know what works and what can be improved and may help shape future developments.
Staff are encouraged to provide feedback relating to HR Connect using the survey below.
Feedback can be provided anonymously if preferred.
Supporting staff that also care for someone when they are not at work, is important. It is important for line managers to understand how caring for someone can have an impact on a staff members’ health and wellbeing and to ensure appropriate support is put in place to maintain their health and wellbeing. This will also ensure staff, who are carers, can continue to work if they wish to do so.
There are many ways line managers can ensure a supportive working environment for carers and we recommend that you have a discussion with staff members to discuss the options. This does not necessarily require big changes within the workplace, it can be small adjustments which can make a big difference.
Identifying staff who are carers
To be able to identify staff, who have caring responsibilities outside of work, it is important to have a clear definition. The NHS Scotland Special Leave policy defines a Carer as ‘someone who has responsibility for a family member, partner, friend, or another individual who relies on the employee.’
Many carers do not identify themselves as a carer, they may describe themselves as ‘looking after’ or ‘supporting’ someone. Many do not think about informing their line manager that they are a carer. Although the aim is a supportive working environment where carers feel comfortable informing their line manager that they are a carer, it is important to recognise that it is the staff member’s choice whether they disclose this.
Line managers might be aware of family circumstances that might suggest that the member of staff is also looking after or supporting someone. Think about opportunities when you could have a conversation with the staff member, for example at one to one meetings. If you require support on how to approach this conversation, please contact the Human Resources Support and Advice Unit.
Supporting Carers in the workplace
There is a range of support that line managers should be aware of when discussing an employee’s caring responsibilities with them.
Supportive NHSGGC Policies
As a line manager, you should familiarise yourself with the NHS Scotland Special Leave Policy, and the associated Manager Guide. In addition, you may find it helpful to look at this in conjunction with the NHS Scotland Flexible Work Pattern Policy.
For further advice on Workforce Policies, contact the Human Resources Support and Advice Unit.
Practical support
Supporting carers within the workplace is not always about changing working hours. There are practical and often small changes that can make a difference in the workplace. Here are some suggestions that might help:
- Telephone access: providing private access to a telephone or allowing an employee to keep their mobile phone on in case they need to respond to an emergency. Staff are encouraged to provide work telephone numbers to dependents in some clinical areas where mobile phones are not permitted.
- Health and Wellbeing Support: There are a lot of support services available for carers. Managers should make themselves aware of what is available for staff. Posters and flyers promoting carer support services within the workplace, are available from the Public Health Resource Directory. Additionally, health and wellbeing information for NHSGGC staff is available on HR Connect. Occupational Health can provide support to staff if their own health is impacted.
Carer Support Services
There are dedicated support services across the Greater Glasgow and Clyde area and further afield. These services provide practical and emotional support for carers, they understand what it means to be a carer. The support these services provide can also help the person they look after.
You can also drop-in, call or email the Support & Information Service on the ground floor of the New Victoria and New Stobhill Hospitals and the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital.
Are you looking after someone when you are not at work? If this is you, then you could be a carer.
You may not identify yourself as a carer – you may see yourself as a partner, sister, brother or friend, and this relationship will not change. However in recognising yourself as a carer, this entitles you to certain rights and access to information and support, specifically for you as a carer that may assist you in your caring role. This may also be helpful for the person you care for.
The NHS Scotland Special Leave policy defines a Carer as ‘someone who has responsibility for a family member, partner, friend, or another individual who relies on the employee.’
Many carers say they do have a good balance between caring and being able to do other things in life. However for some, trying to balance working life and caring can be stressful and can affect health and wellbeing.
“Research tells us that it is important to understand how caring can have an impact on wellbeing and to ensure that appropriate supports are put in place to maintain the health and wellbeing of the carer.”
We understand that it can be difficult at times to balance working life and being a carer. For this reason, we want to recognise and value our staff who are carers and raise awareness of the help and support that is available.
Help and Support
If you do look after someone, support is at hand. This includes supportive NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Policies and local community-based services dedicated to carers. Even if you do not need this help and support just now, it is good to know there are services out there should you need this in the future.
You can find out more information on support available, please visit our dedicated NHSGGC Carers page.
Carers Manager Information and Guidance
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Policies
Local Carer Support Services
There are dedicated support services across Greater Glasgow and Clyde area and further afield. These services provide practical and emotional support for you as a carer and they understand what it means to be a carer. The support these services provide can also help the person you look after.
What do carer support services provide?
- Practical information for you. They will let you know about your rights as a carer and what help and support is available for you.
- Emotional support and a listening ear for you.
- Access to training that will support you in your role as a carer.
- Information about financial support that may be available for you or for the person you look after.
- Information about how to access short breaks from providing care.
Click on the Carer Contact Information webpage to find the contact information for services within your area.
Health, Wellbeing and Wider Support
There is a dedicated Staff Health page which provides information and support for staff on a range of health topics and factors that can impact on our health, all in one site.
You can also drop-in, call or email the Support & Information Service. Find out more on the Support and Information Services webpage.
The Spiritual Care team can also provide confidential, compassionate, inclusive, non-judgemental, person-centred spiritual, emotional and bereavement care and support. You’ll find out more information on the Spiritual Care team webpage.
Support for Staff with Money Worries
In the current economic climate, many staff are experiencing money and debt problems, which can increase personal stress. NHSGGC has a number of resources to support staff.
The NHSGGC Money Management Guide covers money advice and affordable credit options for staff including the NHS Credit Union.
The ‘Help for You’ leaflet can also be used for staff experiencing money difficulties and copies can be left in staff informal meeting areas and notice boards.
Childcare Voucher Scheme
Staff are able to join the Tax-Free Childcare Scheme (TFC) via Childcare Choices.
Information relating to the former childcare scheme can be accessed at Fideliti Childcare Vouchers
Bank Staff
A new Bank management and booking system was introduced to NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde in July 2017.
The new system, called BANKSTAFF, is used to manage bookings for the following staff banks:
- Medical locums
- Nursing and midwifery
- Administration and clerical
The provider of this system worked with NHSGGC and developed a project plan which is managed by an Operational group comprising of HR, operational service colleagues and Staff Side colleagues.
A key improvement to the BANKSTAFF system is Employee Online (EOL). This is a self-service and booking app, managed through your mobile, tablet or desktop computers which will allow bank workers to, in the first instance, view all available shifts and place their availability onto the system.
In due course, it is intended that medical staff will be able to book shifts online. Future communications will provide more details of this new facility.
More information will be distributed explaining how you will be able to access the system. Keen an eye on HR Connect, StaffNet and Core Briefs for further updates.
Great healthcare from great people
The Medical Staff Bank provides temporary medical staffing cover for NHSGGC, across all training and non-training grades and specialities.
What are the benefits
- Quality: Help us offer patients the best quality care using NHSGGC-approved medical staff.
- Flexibility: Access rewarding, relevant Medical Bank placements across NHSGGC reflecting the type and level of work you want to do.
- Experience: Gain the experience you want in the specialty of your choice.
- Weekly pay: You will receive your Medical Bank payments weekly.
- Priority to all available vacant shifts requiring cover.
- Paid accrued annual leave.
We look forward to receiving your application and welcoming you to the Medical Staff Bank.
HEPMA (Hospital Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration) Update
HEPMA is Hospital Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration. This is a new digital system that will replace the paper drug chart (kardex) for inpatient areas across NHSGGC.
Doctors and other prescribers will use HEPMA to prescribe medicines for inpatients.
Nurses will use HEPMA to carry out drug rounds and record the administration of medicines to patients.
HEPMA will link with TrakCare for patient demographics and movements.
Update – February 2023
A new capability to import discharge medicines from HEPMA into Clinical Portal IDL is now available for use for existing HEPMA/Clinical Portal users. This follows a successful pilot at sites within the board.
This capability brings a number of benefits to service system users and patients including:
- Reduced manual transcription time and effort for discharge of medicines
- Quicker and more efficient generation of IDLs
- Quicker discharge process and experience for patients.
Quick Reference Guides detailing how to use the new capability (use of which is optional) are available on HEPMA StaffNet Support Site.
HEPMA Facilitators are visiting key sites to raise awareness and provide user support for the new capability. Telephone support is also available by calling 07971 977806.
Any further queries, please contact
FairWarning – Appropriate Access to Clinical Records Information
NHSGGC has a moral and legal responsibility to protect the confidentiality of the data it holds and patients expect the information we retain about them will be kept secure and confidential. Your job role may give you access to patients’ clinical information and you are reminded of your responsibility to access only the information that is required to allow you to carry out your legitimate duties. This includes never accessing HEPMA records on occasions where either you or somebody you know personally is receiving treatment as an inpatient.
To protect against inappropriate access to records, the Board continues to use an audit system called FairWarning which was put in place to provide assurance that clinical information is kept safe. The system provides the Information Governance Team with daily audit reports from clinical systems which allows them to monitor and investigate any potential inappropriate access to records, including staff accessing their own records and those of family members. If, after investigation, a record is found to be accessed inappropriately, then a formal discussion between the member of staff and manager will take place and depending on the severity of the breach, there could be a number of consequences including refresher training and/or formal disciplinary action. Some good practice tips are:
1. Never share passwords with other colleagues or managers.
2. Keep your LearnPro Safe Information Handling Training up to date.
3. Be familiar with the FairWarning guidelines
Staff are reminded that if they wish to access their own health information, they should submit a subject access request. The Board’s Subject Access Policy provides the relevant information and forms needed and can be found here Subject Access Policy.
If you have any questions on FairWarning or data protection in general, including training, please visit our Information Governance Knowledge Hub, or contact the Information Governance Team:
Contact Information
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Medical Staff Bank
NHSGGC Medical Staff Bank
Administration Building
Gartnavel Royal Hospital
1055 Great Western Road
Glasgow, G12 OXH
Telephone: 0141 278 2671
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday: 8.00am to 6.00pm
Closed Christmas Day and New Years Day
Lisa Reilly – Medical Staff Bank Manager
Telephone: 0141 278 2547
Joan Docherty – Medical Staff Bank Supervisor
Telephone: 0141 278 2671
Stephen Meechan – Medical Staff Bank Call Co-ordinator
Telephone: 0141 278 2528
Arlene Connelly – Medical Staff Bank Call Co-ordinator
Telephone: 0141 278 2574
Nikki Crossan – Medical Staff Bank Call Co-ordinator
Telephone: 0141 278 2679
Medical Staff Bank Opening Hours
Monday to Friday: 8.00am to 6.00pm
Urgent medical locum shift requests out with Medical Bank opening hours ie after 6.00pm to 8.00am Monday to Friday and Friday 6.00pm to 8.00am on Monday, are dealt with by Litmus Workforce Solutions, the Board’s managed service provider, and their out of hours contact details are:
Telephone: 0141 225 5458
Litmus ‘Patchwork’ – user guides
Litmus have provided user guides to support managers in the following topics:
- Reviewing an agency proposal shift
- Request and create a shift
- View the shift audit trail
Useful Information
Please return completed application forms to:
COVID-19 Vaccine PGDs
14/03/2024 – These supersede and replace all previous versions and are ready for use please print out for immediate use at all sites.
Influenza PGD
Other programmes
The below protocols are for use by HCSW vaccinators only, these will supersede all previous versions
Our Service
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Admin and Clerical Bank are here to help when there are planned, or unplanned, shortfalls in the levels of administration or clerical staff.
We currently provide band 2, band 3 and band 4 admin staff throughout GGC, to provide a short term temporary solutions to gaps in administration staff.
Bank workers are registered with NHSGGC Admin and Clerical Bank and are available to fill short-term shortfalls in manpower resource for up to 3 months.
(Roles expected to last longer than 3 months should be referred to the budget holder of the service, as an considered solution may be a fixed term contract)
What we do
The Admin and Clerical Bank service provides a central booking, recruitment and management service for NHSGGC. The service provides a crucial link for unforeseen or unplanned gaps in administration services.
How to contact us
Administration Bank Booking and Control Process
Background and Purpose
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) has an Administration Bank which is accessible by all services.
The purpose of this to provide immediate administrative cover for departments; to provide resources for short term vacancies up to a maximum duration of 3 months for Band 2, 3 and 4.
Where a vacancy is expected to last beyond 3 months then the post must be processed through the Directorate/HSCP/Corporate Vacancy Control Review Group, with consideration given to alternative hiring and contract arrangements.
Any position which reaches a duration of 3 months and requires to be extended must then be progressed through the Directorate/HSCP/Corporate Vacancy Control Review Group. Engagement will take place with the Staff Bank prior to this date to allow appropriate time for consideration of the vacancy.
Administrative & Clerical Bankstaff (Booking system)
Bankstaff (Booking system)
The bank management and booking system was introduced to NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde in July 2017. The new system, called Bankstaff, and is used to manage bookings for Administration and Clerical Bank
Once the bank staff office receive the completed Admin & Clerical booking request from, they will be responsible for adding the shifts to the bank system. Should you require additional shifts to be added, please contact the bank office
Following the shifts being completed, the authoriser(s) are required to access the Bankstaff system and electronically confirm the shift has been worked, and then finalise the timesheet to allow the shift to be paid.
Authorisers will be provided with log-in details for Bankstaff by the bank office.
The payroll cut off for electronic time sheets authorisation is now 12.00pm on Friday, to allow the shift(s) to be paid the following Friday.