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Staff & Recruitment

Laboratory Genetics forms part of the West of Scotland Centre for Genomic Medicine and is co-located with the Clinical Genetics Service at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow. The Laboratory provides a comprehensive diagnostic genetic service for the patients of the West of Scotland (population >2.7 million) and offers specialised testing to the whole of Scotland, the UK and overseas. 

The laboratory is a member of the Scottish Strategic Network for Genomic Medicine, with laboratories also located in Aberdeen, Dundee and Edinburgh. The Laboratory Services are funded by National Services Division of NHS Scotland (NSD) and are commissioned to work together to provide a comprehensive genetics service to the patients of Scotland.

Our Services

The department offers Germline and Somatic testing, full details of which can be found under the Information for Healthcare Professionals link.

Where to find us

Postal Address for correspondence and samples

West of Scotland Centre for Genomic Medicine

Laboratory Genetics

Level 2B Laboratory Medicine & FM Building

Queen Elizabeth University Hospital

Glasgow, G51 4TF

Contacting the Laboratory

For general enquiries please contact our Duty Scientist at

or telephone 0141 354 9300 (internal 59300)

For Clinical Genetics please call 0141 354 9200 (internal 59200)

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday, from 8.30am – 5.00pm

The laboratory does not offer an out of hours service but it may be possible to arrange the analysis of urgent samples out with these times, by prior arrangement. The department is closed during public holidays.     

More Information

It is increasingly important for NHS Scotland to develop a workforce that can not only cope with the current demand for health services but will also be able to deliver a high standard of care in the future.  

This means attracting, training and retaining members of staff to ensure we have an appropriately trained workforce today, and in the years ahead, while recognising that additional support or new mechanisms for supporting entry to the workforce may be required for under-represented groups and those who experience barriers to employment

Working with a range of partner agencies we are working on the following:

  • Raising the awareness of the range of career opportunities within the NHS and pathways into these. This includes a revised calendar of schools engagement activity, development of a revised model of school work experience and an online resource for careers information.
  • Developing new pathways for entry level jobs which will include pre-employment programmes
  • Ongoing development and expansion of the Apprenticeship Programme. 

We promote a culture of inclusion across the organisation and are proud of the diverse workforce we have.

If you are leaving school, returning to the workplace, changing your career or starting out NHSGGC has something to offer you.

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Palliative Care Definition

This framework sets out a vision for the next five years, outcomes and ten commitments to support improvements in the delivery of palliative and end of life care across Scotland. It will give an understanding of the definition of Palliative care and the link to preferred place of death.

Palliative and end of life care: strategic framework for action.

Anticipatory Care Planning Resources

Whilst Anticipatory Care Planning may be particularly useful for people receiving palliative care, it is a tool that can be used with anyone. Staff should encourage everyone to start to think about what matters to them and what their wishes and preferences may be. More information and resources to help guide conversations can be found on the ACP Resources Page.

As part of the GGC Unscheduled Care Anticipatory Care Programme, a standard operating procedure has now been published giving detailed guidance to staff regarding the process of having and recording anticipatory care planning conversations. This guidance is applicable across all areas of NHSGGC, including the 6 HSCPs, Primary Care, Acute settings and the independent care sector.

The SOP is very comprehensive with a quick guide to support navigation. These can be accessed via the ACP Resources Page or via the links below:

We hope existing and newly recruited staff, managers, GPs and Nursing/Care Homes will find the SOP helpfully provides guidance around ACP conversation initiation, use of the ACP Summary documentsaving to Clinical Portal and KIS.  Example ACP Summaries are also included providing extra support. All staff can also access ACP training via the emodule or attending a virtual communication skills workshop (dates available on the webpages).

We will be promoting this document over the next month via tweets, core briefs, e-bulletins etc. and would appreciate your help in spreading the word. You can follow us on twitter at @NHSGGC_ACP or forward any emails you receive to colleagues and networks you feel may be interested. 

Any feedback or questions regarding the documents or the programme can be sent to

NHSGGC Documents
Transforming Nursing Roles (Advanced Practice) Papers
Transforming Nursing Roles – Advanced Nurse Practitioner Competency Frameworks
Other Resources

District nursing is an accessible service for adults confined to their own home, who require assistance with their their nursing needs.

To contact the service direct, please call the Single Point of Access on 0141 355 2180.

Further Information

For Clinicians

We have moved! The content published previously on this page has now moved to our District Nursing SharePoint site.

You will need to be logged on to the NHSGGC network to access this content.

Trainees are expected to build up a portfolio of evidence throughout their 2-year training. We currently use the Turas Professional Portfolio available from NHS Education for Scotland. These are free to nurses working within Scotland.

Go to and follow links to register for an account.

Trainees will begin to build this early in their training and continually contribute evidence to the Portfolio as they progress through training. For example, evidence of achieving competencies related to prescribing and therapeutics can be added whilst undertaking the prescribing component of your pathway.   

Portfolio Content

Trainees are expected to record the following in their Portfolio:

  • Personal details including NMC PIN Number.
  • Learning Plan – the ‘Professional Journal Plan’ in the Portfolio can be used for this purpose.
  • Record of Learning – All learning activities (these can be grouped into themes e.g. modules completed, eLearning, supervised practice etc)
  • All supervision sessions
  • An anonymised list of patients seen (gender, approx age, presenting complaint, diagnosis, management/referral and any key learning points). Trainees may wish to keep this as a spreadsheet or word file and upload into their portfolio periodically. A blank template can be found on the trainee ANP moodle site. 

Remember – no patient identifiable information should be kept in your portfolio.

  • Competencies
    • Trainees are expected to work through the appropriate competency document and upload a scanned copy to their Portfolio prior to any supervision meetings (relevant competency documents will be given to trainees during the training). The trainee should self-assess and then the Practice Assessor should go through with the trainee. Competencies should be signed as complete when the assessor has seen satisfactory evidence, within the Portfolio, that the competency has been met. Items listed below can contribute towards evidence of competence achievement and should be cross referenced within the Portfolio. 
  • Reflection
    • Trainees are encouraged to regularly write up anonymised reflective accounts relating to patients they have seen or from appropriate learning situations.  
  • Feedback
    • Supervisor in Practice Reports. Practice Supervisors are expected to feedback at various points throughout a trainees training using the Generic Feedback form in the Portfolio.
    • Trainees are expected to get feedback from a variety of different people for components 1-3 described below:
      1. Mini-CEX – Trainees should include a number of mini Clinical Examination assessments in their portfolio. A mini-CEX should be used where a Practice Supervisor gives formal formative feedback to a trainee on a consultation. Forms can be found on the Portfolio and ‘a ticket’ can be raised so the supervisor can complete. 
      2. DOPS – Direct Observation of Procedural Skill. Once a trainee has learnt a new procedural skill, the Practice Supervisor should give formal formative feedback using the DOPS form. Forms can be found on the Portfolio and ‘a ticket’ can be raised so the supervisor can complete. 
      3. Case Based Discussion – Trainees will discuss numerous cases with their Practice Supervisors. Trainees are encouraged to keep notes on all their significant discussions and to write up formal case based discussions. The Case Based Discussion template within the Portfolio should be used for this.
      4. Multisource feedback (MSF) – Trainees should request feedback from different clinicians (e.g. ANPs and medical staff) and non-clinicians. The generic feedback form in Portfolio can be used and a ‘ticket’ can be raised for the respondent to complete. 

Ultimately, the Portfolio will become a central part of the final sign-off process and trainees should familiarise themselves with the requirements for this on the Final Sign-Off area on this web page.                                                              

Final Sign Off

Prior to being recorded as an ANP your line manager needs to confirm that you have completed all the required training for the role and have evidence that you meet all the required competencies. This process is termed ‘final sign-off’.

Final sign-off is required when an individual:

  • Completes initial training
  • Changes job (especially if it’s in a new speciality)

For final sign-off the ANP trainee should select out the ePortfolio evidence which best demonstrates their learning and competence. The trainee ANP will submit a ‘Share-Pack’ of this evidence to their line manager when they are ready for ‘final sign-off’.

The Final Sign-Off Process

Final Sign-off involves:

  • The individual’s line manager who will take the lead on the sign-off process
  • The Practice Supervisor or a nominated Practice Assessor
  • The Education Institution – this would usually be through evidence of completion of a programme of education (for example a copy of the Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Practice and/or academic transcript)


The trainee ANP will develop a share pack of evidence within the ePortfolio which meets the requirements of final sign-off. 


The tANPs manager sets a date for the tANP to submit the ‘Share Pack’ and shares this with the Practice Assessor. Both would be expected to review the portfolio and confirm it meets the criteria for final sign-off. As a minimum the following is expected:

  • Record of their learning including clinical experience as a trainee.
    • A minimum of 400 hours of supervised practice[1] over a minimum of 1 year
    • Evidence of learning[2] covering the following areas:
      • Clinical assessment
      • Clinical reasoning, judgement and diagnostic decision making
      • Anatomy and physiology
      • Non-medical prescribing
      • Leading, delivering and evaluating care
      • Worked based learning
    • Completion of all academic requirements (record of all modules undertake, including copies of transcripts to evidence results and a copy of their final exit award certificate).
      • Copy of a masters level qualification in advanced practice (or evidence of equivalence [this would normally be 120 credits with a minimum of 50% at masters level).
      • Evidence of being recorded with the NMC as a Nurse Independent Prescriber
      • Evidence of being recorded with Health Board as a Prescriber
    • Completed competencies – The competency framework should be completed and mapped to evidence within the ePortfolio.
    • A range of Work Based Practical Assessments[3] demonstrating competence is managing the broad range of patients seen within the role. This is likely to include:
      • Mini-CEX (min 6)
      • DOPS (min 2)
      • Case Based Discussions (min 10)
    • Reflective Accounts (min 10)
    • Evidence that a broad range of patients has been seen (e.g. an anonymised patient log)
    • Feedback from others (min 4 different people)
    • Satisfactory Practice Assessor reports which confirm the trainee has completed training and has been assessed as competent performing as an ANP


The Practice Assessor and Line Manager will together determine whether the trainee has:

  • Passed – Satisfactorily passed all academic requirements and evidence of competence to practice in ANP role contained within ePortfolio.
  • Provisional pass – satisfactorily passed all academic requirements, but some minor gaps in evidence of competence.
  • Fail – either has still to pass all academic requirements or has major gaps in evidence of competence or both.


If the trainee has passed, the line manager would complete the final sign off form. The trainee will upload and add this to the share pack and forward the  completed share  pack to for internal moderation.

If the internal moderator agrees that the portfolio meets all of the requirements then the trainee, employed as Band 7 Annex 21 or Band 6, would be expected to move to a Band 7 at this stage. 

If a provisional pass by either line manager or internal moderator, the line manager would set a period of time (no less than 1 month and usually no-more than 6 months) for the individual to obtain the required evidence.

Trainees employed as Band 7 Annex 21 or band 6 would not normally move until competence has been achieved.

If a fail, the line manager, in consultation with others (which may include the clinical supervisor, education supervisor and Human Resources) the most appropriate course of action for the individual. This may include re-doing part of the training or termination of the traineeship.

If the Practice Assessor and Line Manager cannot agree on a grade the view of the internal moderator should be sought.


As part of quality assurance, it is current practice in NHSGGC for all share packs submitted for final sign-off to be internally moderated by an Advanced Practice Lecturer Practitioner.


A sample of portfolios will be externally moderated each year via the Advanced Practice Academy. This mechanism will involve a suitable expert from another Board reviewing ePortfolios and providing feedback to the line manager, the Board Advanced Practice Lead and the Board Nurse Director.

External Experts will be recorded within their employing Board as an ANP or NMAHP Consultant and either have teaching and assessing qualification or be recognised by the Academy as an ‘External Expert’.

The Academy’s recommendations will be advisory only. Ultimately it will be for the employer to determine whether an individual has met all the requirements to practice.

[1] Supervised practice may involve direct supervision where the supervisor is physically present with the trainee or indirect where supervision is provided at a distance or delegated to another clinician

[2] This may include formal academic modules/courses, clinical courses, eLearning, reflection

[3] Individual specialist areas may require higher numbers that specified here

Final Sign off documentation

Click here to see the ‘Final Sign-off’ documentation that the line manager and supervisor in practice will use to assess the ePortfolio.

Example of an ePortfolio share pack

Please click on the link below to see a dummy ePortfolio for a trainee ANP. In this portfolio you’ll see evidence being gathered to meet the requirements for final sign-off.

Please note the numbering system and ordering being used to make it easier for a reviewer to find the evidence.

Abbreviations used:

MCEX – mini-CEX

DOPS – Direct Observation of Procedural Skill (DOPS)

CBD – Case Based Discussion (CbD)

REF – Reflective Account

FFO – Feedback from Others

SPR – Supervisor in Practice Report

Professional Portfolio – View Share Pack (

Please note this is ePortfolio is provided as a sample and do not scrutinise the evidence provided, it is indicative of whats required. 

This highly desirable and reputable clinically focussed module is predominantly aimed at Trainee Advanced Nurse Practitioners (tANPs) and ANPs working in acute care settings who manage acutely unwell patients. Priority for places is given to tANPs. This is a double module accredited by Glasgow Caledonian University (SCQF Level 11, 30 credits) and forms part of the MSc Nursing: Advancing Professional Practice. The module can also be undertaken as a stand-alone CPD module.


The aim of the module is to equip practitioner’s with the knowledge and skills, to assess, diagnose and clinically manage acutely unwell and deteriorating patients. Contemporary teaching and learning strategies are employed, including scenario based learning, tutorials led by experienced clinicians and simulation of clinical scenarios. This contributes to a modern blended approach which is led by clinical experts.


Formal assessment is by:

  • Academic written examination (Case Study)
  • Assessment in simulated clinical scenarios
  • OSCEs
  • Completion of clinical competencies
Academic Level

The module is offered at SCQF level 11 (masters) – MMB726315/BC

Students who successfully complete this module will gain 30 credits at Masters level (SCQF level 11).


The module runs over a 5-month period, on a day release basis and requires approximately 11 days of study and 2 days of simulation. These are spread between January – June. Teaching usually takes place one afternoon per week or every 2nd week, mostly at Glasgow Royal Infirmary, however venues may change across NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.


Essential prerequisites for students to be considered for a place on this module include the following;

  • Employed as a tANP or ANP
  • Normally 6 years post registration qualification
  • Advanced Life Support (ALS) qualification if employed within acute care or ILS if you are a Hospital at Home tANP/ANP
  • Clinical assessment module or equivalent.
  • Venepuncture & cannulation
  • An undergraduate degree (usually at honours level for masters)
Course Team

Module Leader – Victoria Campbell Lecturer/Practitioner– Advanced Practice, NHSGGC

Course Medical Director – Dr Drew Smith – Consultant Anaesthetist, NHSGGC

Module Tutor – Dr Mark Cooper – Consultant Nurse Advanced Practice, NHSGGC

Extended inter-professional Advanced Practice Faculty from NHS Scotland.

Module Fee

The cost of the module is the standard GCU double fee for MSc modules.


Places are in demand, we suggest notification of a required place should be done as quickly as possible. To be considered for a place on RAM please initially discuss with your Line Manager and following this send an initial note of interest email to Victoria Campbell: If appropriate an application MS Form link will be sent. Please ensure the following document is uploaded to your MS Form application to provide evidence of workplace support.

Manager Support Document.

NHSGGC Specific Applicants from NHSGGC will also need to complete a Study Leave 2 form and submit this through their line manager.

Advanced Nurse Practitioner

The professional development of an ANP requires significant educational commitment and investment to underpin the provision of high quality safe and effective practice. Key to this is a Masters level qualification in Advanced Practice, with core educational focus on the development of competence:-

• Clinical assessment;

• Clinical reasoning, judgement and diagnostic decision making;

• Anatomy and pathophysiology;

• Non medical prescribing- V300;

• Leading, delivering and evaluating care;

• Practice learning/transferable work based learning. For further information on the ANP role in Scotland please see the Transforming Nursing Roles Phase 1 paper (link in the introduction).

ANP Education Programmes

Local ANP education providers include the University of the West of Scotland (for neonatal, paediatric and adult ANP education) and Glasgow Caledonian University (for adult ANP education).Napier University provides role specific training for ANPs in Critical Care.

Information on the new UWS programme and the programme provided at GCU can be found below, together with contact details for the Programme Leaders for more information.

Please discuss your education requirements with the Consultant Nurse for Advanced Practice before enrolling trainees.


Financial support for education is available, but must be discussed and agreed prior to enrolment. 

University of the West of Scotland, MSc Advanced Clinical Practitioner Programme

University of the West of Scotland, MSc Advanced Clinical Practitioner Flyer

Please note that this programme is only for trainee ANPs and has pathways for training neonatal, paediatric or adult ANPs.

Glasgow Caledonian University, MSc Advancing Professional Practice Programme

Please note that this programme contains many modules. Please discuss the appropriateness of specific modules for a trainee ANP with the Consultant Nurse for Advanced Practice and the Programme Leader.

Advanced Clinical Nurse Specialist

Transforming roles paper 8 sets the educational requirement to be an Advanced Clinical Nurse Specialist as a minimum of Post Graduate Diploma. 

As this is a recent publication, NHSGGC and the Higher Education Institutions are collaborating to create pathways for ACNS that meet both the academic requirements and the bespoke in-depth clinical learning required of an ACNS. 

It is envisaged that many of the generalist components of ANP education will also be essential for the ACNS:

• Clinical assessment;

• Clinical reasoning, judgement and diagnostic decision making;

• Anatomy and pathophysiology;

• Non medical prescribing;

• Leading, delivering and evaluating care;

As the number of advanced specialists in each field will be relatively small, it is expected that specialist component of ACNS education may come from practice learning/transferable work based learning. Under this model, the HEI works with NHSGGC and the specialist clinical teams to devise learning contracts, and deliver bespoke learning and assessment, to highly specialist trainee ACNS.

For other specialists, there may be ‘off the shelf’ existing specialist education, such as the long running endoscopy module at Glasgow Caledonian University (Module details | Glasgow Caledonian University | Scotland, UK ( while other specialist modules are likely to be created when the number of trainees requiring a specialist skill warrants a specialist programme, such as the new Glasgow Caledonian University / NHS Education for Scotland Post Graduate Diploma in Non- Medical Cystoscopy

Module details | Glasgow Caledonian University | Scotland, UK (

Non-medical cystoscopy | Turas | Learn (

We will update this page over the coming months as things develop. 

Information for Managers

NES ANP Service and Education Needs Analysis Tool – Useful questions to help with deciding whether ANP post is needed and to help build any business case.

ANP Service SOP template

Generic ANP Job Description (Adult)Associated AfC Job Match Report for reference

Generic ANP Job Description (Paediatric)

Agenda for Change, Annex 21 – To convert a post into a trainee post

SOP for new ANP Roles

WoS Advanced Practice Academy Clinical Supervision guidance

NHS Education for Scotland Nursing and Midwifery TURAS ePortfolio

Final Sign-off (DRAFT DOCUMENT)

Metrics (Transforming Roles Advanced Practice Group)

Trainee ANP & ACNS Funding

Funding for ANP training is different this year (2020/2021) as NES funding is coming to an end.

NES Funded Trainee ANPs – i.e. Continuing trainee ANPs (i.e. those who started their ANP training during the 2019-20 academic year).

If the trainee ANP is directly employed by NHSGGC then they should complete an SL2 form for the modules being undertaken this year. This should be locally approved and sent to as soon as possible (September 2020). This allows purchase orders to be raised. Following this the trainee ANP should receive an email regarding this. If the trainee ANP is employed within General Practice then their practice should have already applied to NES for their funding for this year.

Service Funded Trainee ANPs – i.e. trainee ANPs who are starting their ANP training now (post August 2020).

If the trainee ANP is directly employed by NHSGGC they should speak to their line manager regarding applying for funding. The trainee ANP will be expected to complete an SL2 and submit via their line manager to approval and funding. If the trainee ANP is employed within general practice they should speak to their local practice manager.

Download A tANP SL2 form (with modules listed).

Trainees should apply directly to the University for a place on the appropriate ANP programme. If uncertain about which programme a trainee should go on they should contact for advice and to obtain a copy of their education plan.

Please note that funding can only be applied for one year at a time, so a further SL2 form will be needed for the second year of any programme.

It is the trainee’s responsibility to:

  • Ensure they know which programme and modules they are to undertake – all trainees should have an education plan which can be obtained from
  • Complete and submit an SL2 for funding (see above)
  • Apply to the university for the appropriate programme (and modules)
  • Send a copy of their ‘award letter’ with the relevant Purchase Order details to the university when they receive it.

Important information relating to Non-Medical Prescribing

For the Non-Medical Prescribing module apply via the Pharmacy & Prescribing Support Unit. Email Mandy Logan (, Non-Medical Prescribing Co-ordinator for an application pack including your contact details.

ANP trainees should undertake Non-Medical Prescribing at Masters Level (unless already held) at the institution the ANP programme is being undertaken. Please make it clear when applying to the Pharmacy & Prescribing Support Unit which institution the ANP trainee will be studying at.