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Staff Parking

Information including link to the NHSGGC Staff Car Parking Policy and Operational Procedures

Staff Car Parking Permit holders have access to designated car parks on all sites covered by the NHSGGC Car Parking Policy.

Link to current Parking Policy and Operational Procedures can be found at NHSGGC Parking Policy Doc.

Please note that the application form on this document is no longer to be used, more info on correct site specific applications in content below.

What NHSGGC sites have managed car parking and require a permit?
  • Gartnavel Campus
  • Glasgow Royal Infirmary
  • Royal Alexandra Hospital
  • QEUH
  • Stobhill
  • Victoria ACH
  • West Glasgow ACH
Staff Parking Permit Application Process and Forms

Staff permits are allocated on the basis of frequency of need to use your personal vehicle to undertake NHS duties, and supply and demand at each site. You apply for a permit for your base site which allows you to park in the permit areas of other NHSGGC sites with managed car parking in place, you do not apply for each site you require to attend for work.

Not all sites use the same application, please see below or click on site to download the correct application;

Please only submit the above application forms after they have been verified by your GM and Director.

They can be e-mailed to Please note, this e-mail address receives a very high number of enquires and as such a response may take some time.

Staff Non Permit Holders

A number of parking bays will also be set aside for non-permit holding staff at each of following sites.

  • Gartnavel Campus: Area adjacent to transport depot at Shelley Court
  • Glasgow Royal Infirmary: MSCP Level 4
  • Royal Alexandra Hospital: Various locations at front rear and side of the hospital building
  • QEUH: Surface Car Parks: P4, P5, P7
  • Stobhill: Adjacent to nursery
  • Victoria ACH: Entrance ‘A’
  • West Glasgow ACH: Lower car park.

These spaces are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis and are subject to review of effect on car park management arrangements at each site.

Car Share Permit Information

We encourage staff to car share where practical and possible. Car sharing can help you reduce your daily travel costs while helping to reduce CO2 emissions at the same time. You can take turns driving and you do not have to do it every day. It’s completely flexible.

Regular car-sharers save on average £80 a month – that’s nearly £1000 per year! They drastically reduce CO2 emission which helps towards a healthier and happier community.

Please note that car share permits are available on selected sites, West Glasgow ACH, QEUH, Gartnavel Hospitals Campus and RAH. 

  • Reduce your individual carbon footprint.
  • Reduce stress, share the driving.
  • No need to change your insurance.
Car Share information and application form
  1. Contact the travel plan office by email or phone 0141 451 1646 or 0141 451 1647
  2. Complete the Application Form for each car share team member. This is an online process, via Staffnet, and the travel plan office will process your application and notify applicants within 10 to 14 working days *only available through intranet.
Car Share Permit holders must observe the following terms and conditions

Permit holders must observe the following terms and conditions.

  • Permits can only be used for car share journeys and must not be used for single occupancy journeys. If team members are on leave then the car share permit cannot be used.
  • Please ensure your car share team is still in place when you enter the car parks as attendants will be monitoring the car share permit spaces.
  • The permit is issued for use by members of the car share group only. It is not transferable and must not be used for single occupancy journeys.
  • The permit is only valid for the site the permit is issued for and cannot be used at any other site.
  • Misuse or breaches will result in the permit being withdrawn.
  • Notify the Travel Plan office at if your team membership changes.
  • Please notify by return if you no longer require a car share permit.
  • Staff are encouraged to extend the membership of their car sharing teams and are encouraged to find additional matches for your commute.

For more information contact Travel Plan Office on 0141 451 1467 [61467] or email

Concern regarding insurance for those officially car sharing

The Association of British Insurers is supportive of car sharing and have agreed that insurance cover will not be affected if passengers contribute towards your journey costs (including fuel, vehicle depreciation and associated vehicle running costs), as long as lifts are given in a vehicle seating eight passengers or less. The principle being that a profit is not made from private travel.

Over 300 insurance providers are members of the ABI, accounting for about 95% of the motor insurance market in the UK. Drivers with any concerns, however, should check with their own insurance company as terms and conditions may vary between insurance providers over time.

Pool Cars

Pool cars are available for staff to access at a number of sites, with many of these electric vehicles. More information is available from Pool Cars under Managed Car Parking pages.

For more information on alternatives to driving and the boards sustainable and active travel schemes please look at the following link Travel Information for Staff – NHSGGC

The maximum number of NHSGGC staff that can be carried on each Shuttle Bus is limited to 4.

Local Bus Services

  • Stagecoach X19 operates at regular intervals between Glasgow Royal Infirmary and Queen Elizabeth University Hospitals (QEUH) via Govan and Glasgow City Centre. 
  • First Glasgow 34 operates at regular intervals between Castlemilk, New Victoria, Shawlands – Cardonald and QEUH.
  • First Glasgow 77 operates at regular intervals to link Glasgow City Centre, Partick, West Glasgow ACH, QEUH, Braehead and Renfrew, with some journeys extending to Glasgow Airport.
  • McGills service 17 operates between Foxbar, RAH, Paisley, Cardonald and QEUH.

Dedicated Shuttle Bus Services

There are timetabled services between the below noted sites.

  • Glasgow Royal Infirmary to Gartnavel General Hospital 
  • Glasgow Royal Infirmary to Stobhill ACH
  • Gartnavel General Hospital to QEUH
  • QEUH to Glasgow Royal Infirmary
  • QEUH to New Victoria ACH
  • RAH to Vale of Leven – more journeys have been added

Important Information

There is no advance booking of seats, availability is on a ‘first come first served’ basis. Shuttle Bus Service is only available for use by NHSGGC Staff or authorised persons. No patient travel is allowed. Timetables correct as of 16th June 2023.

Whilst every effort will be made to operate according to the above timetables, journey times may be affected by inclement weather and/or road traffic conditions.

Supervision provides a safe place for reflection for all AHPs, regardless of band or role (registered staff and health care support workers).

NHSGGC clinical supervision policy and supporting documents
NHS Education for Scotland (NES) Resources
Other Resources
NHSGGC clinical supervision policy launch June 2019

This event took place at Stobhill Hospital on 21st June 2019 and was attended by 70 AHPs from a range of professions.




Support and Contact Information – NHSGGC AHP Practice Education Manager

For further information and support contact, Jane Dudgeon, NHSGGC AHP Practice Education Manager


NHSGGC is the largest health board in the UK. We provide healthcare to over 1.2 million people and employ around 38,000 staff, many of which are Allied Health Professionals (AHP’s).

NHSGGC AHP staff have a positive and integral role to play in the delivery of healthcare. NHSGGC are committed to nurturing the future generation of AHP’s through AHP student practice placements. Working in tandem with Higher Education (HE) and HEIs we support and facilitate pre-registration practice based learning and development.

NHSGGC offers client facilities and services in both acute and community settings, over a vast geographical area from Greenock to Glasgow and many places in between. If you are coming to NHSGGC for a placement you may be placed in one or many of the settings where we provide health care to service users.

You might feel a mixture of emotions about coming on placement, this is ok and perfectly normal.

You will find in the sections below, relevant and necessary pre-placement information including confidentiality to uniform policies, what to expect from the placement and what we expect from you. This, in turn can help to empower and create optimistic emotions which can positively impact on confidence and learning throughout your placement.

Profession specific information will be available soon.

At this time, each Scottish HEI is providing a range of wellbeing support to which you can self-refer.

A Support for AHP Students poster has been created, detailing local resources which may support AHP students during the cost of living crisis.

AHP student and practice educator handbook

Provides a variety of resources and information for students and practice educators, including:

  • student use of electronic information systems.
  • code of conduct
  • policies
  • student car insurance
  • student feedback
  • students raising a concern
  • membership of PVG Scheme
  • fire safety for students
  • Templates for recording student information and reflection.

The handbook is updated quarterly to ensure it reflects current AHP information and resources. However, if you feel information needs to be updated or added, please contact,

AHP Student Feedback Questionnaire

To allow AHPs to improve and understand the student experience it is important for us to find out what went well and where we could improve the placement experience. It is also very valuable to share the different challenges that were experienced and how these were perhaps overcome. Although voluntary to complete, we would greatly appreciate your participation with the AHP Student Feedback Questionnaire. Your responses to questions are anonymous, unless you choose to add the placement area details.

The data from the survey will initially be shared with the AHP professional leads for dissemination through their service.

The link to the survey should be provided by your Practice educator who is working directly with you on placement within NHSGGC,

  • as a link within an email
  • on student induction paperwork
  • in student information folders
  • in written form as a URL
AHP practice based learning agreements

Since 2010, there have been AHP Practice Placement Agreements in place between each Scottish HEI that runs pre-registration programmes and each NHS Board. Previously known as Practice Placement Agreements (PPA). The AHP PPA’s are currently being refreshed (now to be called AHP Practice-based Learning Agreement ).

NHSGGC have AHP Practice-based Learning Agreements with Glasgow Caledonian University, Queen Margaret University,  Robert Gordon University, University of Strathclyde and Edinburgh Napier University

What is new in the AHP Practice-based learning Agreement?

The revised agreement provides greater clarity and consistency in approach to governance arrangements for professions, Universities and Practice Education Providers. It consolidates current custom and practice that has evolved in relation to student Practice-based Learning since 2009.

The approach to refreshing the agreement has been to include agreed content written during the original signing, and subsequent developments that underpin the provision of AHP student Practice-based Learning e.g. HCPC Guidance on Conduct and Ethics for Students (2017), AHP placement cancellation guidance, provision of practice educator training etc. The refreshed content has an operational focus to address and balance the requirements of different stakeholders.

What has not changed?

The agreements clarify contemporary governance arrangements for Student Practice-based learning. The approach to refreshing the agreements has not included a review of the ongoing commitment to student ‘Practice Based Learning Weeks’ (placement weeks) per profession. This work is being progressed separately and will involve Scottish Government, AHP Directors, Practice Education Providers and professional bodies.

AHP Students from non-Scottish HEI’s

AHP students who are studying at non-Scottish HEI’s often have placements within NHSGGC, however as there are no practice-based learning agreements with these institutions, governance arrangements regarding issues such as PVG, immunisations etc must be discussed with the HEI and student prior to the student coming on placement.

HCPC regulatory body

Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) is the regulating body for health, psychological and social work professionals. They protect and set standards around education and training which includes continuing professional development (CPD).

NHS Education for Scotland (NES) funded AHP practice education programme to support high quality placement opportunities. The site offers support on pre placement orientation and induction material, Practice Educator CPD and support and an overview of AHP Practice based learning partnership agreements.

NHSGGC policies and procedures

AHP Practice-based Learning in NHSGGC

NHSGGC is proud to provide a large numbers of practice-based learning experiences for Allied Health Professions (AHP) students, contributing to the future AHP workforce. This could not be done without the commitment and enthusiasm from the AHP Practice Educators to provide quality practice-based learning. AHP Practice Educators play an essential role in the development of new AHPs. Working with the higher and further education institution they support students with the development of their knowledge and skills.
To ensure AHP Practice Educators are supported in their role there is both national and local work ongoing. This website will be one of the ways to provide AHP Practice Educators with information and resources. The information and resources on this page come from a range of sources-
NHSGGC AHP Practice Educators, Higher and Further Education Institutions, NHS Education Scotland(NES) AHP Practice Education and the NHS GGC AHP Practice-based learning Quality Group

The AHP Practice Placement Quality Group members and the AHP practice education team are working hard to support AHP Practice-based Learning. NHSGGC AHP Practice-based Learning Newsletter (June 2024)  has been developed by a sub group of the NHSGGC AHP Practice Placement Quality group in order to celebrate successes, highlight key resources and provide updates around practice-based learning. Previous editions of the newsletter can be accessed below.

NHSGGC AHP Practice-Based Learning newsletter December 2023

NHSGGC AHP Practice-Based Learning newsletter June 2023

AHP Peer Assisted Learning and Digital Workshops

The AHP Practice Education Team have recently run AHP Peer Assisted Learning and Digital Workshops to support AHPs who are considering peer assisted learning and digital placements. We hope to run further workshops in the future. To register interest please email please email

Contact Information

AHP Practice Education Lead:

The Practice Educators website is spilt into different pages. To access each page please click on the relevant section.

AHP Practice-based Learning National Resources

The AHP Practice-Based Learning (PrBL) national site is funded by the AHP Practice Education Programme. It contains resources to support PrBL. This includes links to the ‘How to’ workshops, information on models of placement delivery, digital knowledge and skills and practice educator preparation.

Additionally the site provides an explanation of the national groups supporting AHP PrBL and Scotland wide initiatives to support PrBL.

Student and Practice Educator Wellbeing

NHSGGC Spiritual Care and wellbeing resources can provide support to both AHP Practice Educators and Students

Scottish HEIs provide a range of wellbeing support to which students can self-refer. Students can also access NES wellbeing resources. Practice Educators can also signpost students to both wellbeing resources within the HEIs.

A Support for AHP Students poster has been created, detailing local resources which may support AHP students during the cost of living crisis.


AHP Student and Practice Educator Handbook

The AHP Student and Practice Educator Handbook provides a variety of resources and information for students and practice educators.

It provides information for students and practice educators on:

  • student use of electronic information systems.
  • code of conduct
  • policies
  • student car insurance
  • student feedback
  • students raising a concern
  • students accessing electronic information systems
  • membership of PVG Scheme
  • fire safety for students
  • Templates for recording student information and reflection.

It is updated bi-annually to ensure it reflects current AHP information and resources.

If you feel information requires updated or could be added to please contact

AHP Student Feedback Questionnaire

The recovery of AHP practice placements within NHSGGC has recommenced following the pause of placements due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In many cases NHSGGC AHPs are providing placements differently or with some changes due to COVID-19 therefore we greatly value feedback from AHP students. This feedback allows AHPs to improve and understand the student experience by asking what went well, where we could improve the placement experience, what challenges were experienced and how these were perhaps overcome. Feedback is obtained by way of a questionnaire, although participation is voluntary, the information gathered is very valuable in informing future placements. This questionnaire is anonymous unless you choose to add the placement area details.

The data from the questionnaire will initially be shared with the AHP professional leads for dissemination through their service.

The link to the AHP Student Feedback questionnaire should be provided to each AHP student by the Practice educator who is working directly with the student on placement within NHSGGC.

The link can be provided:

  • within an email
  • on student induction paperwork
  • in student information folders
  • in written form as a URL
Guidance on cancellation of AHP practice placements

Cancellation guidance is to be used when cancelling a practice placement within the health board to ensure other options have been considered. The cancellation guidance is supported within the health board by the AHP Practice Placement Quality group.

AHP practice based learning agreements

Since 2010, there have been AHP Practice Placement Agreements in place between each Scottish HEI that runs pre-registration programmes and each NHS Board. Previously known as Practice Placement Agreements (PPA). The AHP PPA’s are currently being refreshed (now to be called AHP Practice-based Learning Agreement ).

NHSGGC have AHP Practice-based Learning Agreements with Glasgow Caledonian University, Queen Margaret University,  Robert Gordon University, University of Strathclyde and Edinburgh Napier University.

What is new in the AHP Practice-based learning Agreement?

The revised agreement provides greater clarity and consistency in approach to governance arrangements for professions, universities and Practice Education Providers. It consolidates current custom and practice that has evolved in relation to student Practice-based Learning since 2009.

The approach to refreshing the agreement has been to include agreed content written during the original signing, and subsequent developments that underpin the provision of AHP student Practice-based Learning e.g. HCPC Guidance on Conduct and Ethics for Students (2017), AHP placement cancellation guidance, provision of practice educator training etc. The refreshed content has an operational focus to address and balance the requirements of different stakeholders.

 What has not changed?

The agreements clarify contemporary governance arrangements for Student Practice-based learning. The approach to refreshing the agreements has not included a review of the ongoing commitment to student ‘PrBL Weeks’ (placement weeks) per profession. This work is being progressed separately and will involve Scottish Government, AHP Directors, Practice Education Providers, professional bodies.

AHP students who are studying at non-Scottish HEI’s often have placements within NHSGGC however as there are no practice-based learning agreements with these institutions,  governance arrangements regarding issues such as PVG, immunisations etc must be discussed with the HEI and student prior to the student coming on placement.

AHP Practice-based Learning Quality Group

The AHP practice placement quality group provides an inter-professional health board wide approach to improving the quality of AHP student education and increasing the capacity to provide learning opportunities for preregistration students.

The group will support a positive learning environment through enhancing the student experience informed by AHPs within the board, NHS Scotland, Quality Standards for Practice Placement (QSPP) and student evaluation.

The AHP practice placement quality group will enable communication, information sharing and facilitate collaborative engagement between the board and higher/further education institutions about AHP student education.

It guides both current and future projects and allows sharing of good practice across professions.

The group has representatives from AHP professions within NHSGGC.

Terms of reference for the group.

AHP Practice Educator Preparation

AHP practice educator preparation is provided by all five of the Scottish higher education institutions (HEIs) who provide pre registration AHP courses: Glasgow Caledonian University and Strathclyde (jointly), Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh Napier university and  Robert Gordon University. The NHSGGC Practice Placement Quality Group have agreed that AHPs should refresh their practice educator training every five years.

If an AHP attends a course from one of the HEI’s, this provides them with the information and knowledge to supervise students from all HEI’s i.e. an AHP does not need to attend all four HEI’s practice educator training courses to supervise students from the other HEIs. However AHPs need to ensure they are familiar with the paperwork and requirements for each course.

The universities have collaborated to create shared online practice educator training modules.

All new and experienced practice educators from any sector in Scotland can access these modules if a registered user of TURAS.

NES have developed a SWAY detailing information on practice educator preparation.

The SWAY will be added to as further resources for practice educator preparation become available and can be accessed via the same link.

Thank you to those of you who took the time to complete the National AHP Practice Education Survey 2022, it is much appreciated and helps to support and guide future development of student practice education in Scotland. 

An infographic has been produced to provide a brief NHSGGC board summary of the main themes that have come out of the survey.

Other Resources

The Quality Improvement Network for AHPs in NHSGGC (AHPQIN) had over 500 members.

At the start of 2024 we decided to scale up and spread to transition to a GGC-wide network for all members of staff from all areas and professions. This process is still taking place and will shape what the network looks like in future and what it offers.

AHPs retain a specific channel within the network on MS teams to ensure we can still share information specific to AHPs.

If you would like to join the network simply click on the link below and ask to join the team.

Quality Improvement Tools and Resources

The NHSGGC Clinical Effectiveness Team has compiled a set of resources to help you carry out improvement projects.

Note these will only open when connected to the NHSGGC Network as are hosted on Staff Net.

Other Useful Resources

Using QI Tools for Virtual Training and Development Improvement Project (video)

This is an interesting driver diagram as presented by Jason Leitch during the Covid-19 pandemic to illustrate the governments response to this.

Principles of Realistic Medicine
Quality Improvement Projects/Journeys

QI Projects

Here are some projects completed by AHPs during the NHSGGC AHP Quality Improvement Program as well as other sources.

Hopefully they may inspire you to carry out your own QI project.

If you have already carried out a QI project and would like to share this please use one of the templates below and send this to to be uploaded to this site.




Scale Up and Spread

Every QI enthusiast needs to be able to spread the word of their successful Improvement.

This is an excellent video to give you some inspiration (credit Juliet Harvey)

Below are some presentations from the 2021 cohort of the AHP Quality Improvement Program to help you choose the best way to share your Improvement Journey with Others.

If you are looking for a mentor for your QI project, you can ask for advice from the QI Lead for your profession.

LearnPro – GGC:109 Quality Improvement Fundamentals

log in to the learnPro system as normal and search for the module below

NHS Education for Scotland (NES) QI Courses

NHS Education for Scotland (NES) offers many courses or Learning Programmes in Quality Improvement with varied target audiences. For the most up to date information please visit the NES program page at:

1. For all Staff Working to Improve their Services

These resources can be used by staff working across the public sector in Scotland. Each module’s page includes a short description of what you can expect to find in it, who should do it and how long it will take to complete it. Most of them will take around 30 minutes to complete.

The modules available are: 

  1. Measurement for improvement
  2. Understanding your system 
  3. Developing your aims and change ideas
  4. Testing your change ideas
  5. Implementation and Spread
  6. Introduction to demand, capacity, activity and queue
  7. Introduction to Value Management
2. Scottish Improvement Foundation Skills (SIFS) Programme

This programme is aimed at all people working in the public sector across Scotland who have ideas that can improve the way things are done in their own workplace. Staff working at foundation level will be functioning as part of a team to improve service delivery in their own workplace. Foundation learning resources introduce staff to widely used improvement methods to help support them achieve the outcome they are aiming for.

The aim of SIFS is to support individuals to develop the skills, knowledge, and confidence to participate as members of improvement teams and contribute to testing, measuring and reporting on changes made.

NHSGGC Clinical Effectiveness Department run regular Scottish Improvement Foundation Skills Courses (SIFS) open to all members of staff in NHSGGC.

If you would like to register your interest for a future SIFS course, please register your interest below:

3. For Managers Coaching and Leading Teams to Improve their Services

SCLIP is a 3-month Quality Improvement learning programme. The target audience for the programme is core managers who are responsible for coaching and leading their teams to improve their services and helping embed improvement strategies within their organisation. Participants will be recruited and selected by the local organisation. It is recommended that applicants fit the following criteria:

  • responsibility for managing a team or teams
  • motivation to improve their skills in leading and coaching teams to deliver improvement
  • a strong desire to improve outcomes for people
4. For Individuals who need in-depth QI knowledge to support others across their organisation

The Scottish Improvement Leader (ScIL) Programme

The aim of the ScIL Programme is to enable individuals to:

  • design, develop and lead improvement projects,
  • lead and generate support for change, and
  • provide expert QI support and advice in their organisations.

It is aimed at people working in the Scottish Public Service in a role with a significant focus on quality improvement and dedicated time allocated to lead improvement projects.

5.The Scottish Quality and Safety (SQS) Fellowship Programme

The Scottish Quality and Safety Fellowship Programme (SQS Fellowship) is a lead level quality improvement and clinical leadership course managed by NHS Education for Scotland (NES), working in partnership with Healthcare Improvement Scotland and NHSScotland.

The Fellowship is open to healthcare staff who currently undertake clinical practice and has a direct influence on improving the delivery of safe patient care, as well as staff in clinical professions who do not currently deliver hands-on care but do have a role in improving patient care or safety.

An important aspect of the Fellowship is also the participation of Fellows from outside Scotland with long standing relationships with Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, Norway and Denmark to mention but a few.

This is information for Allied Health Professions (AHPs) – an umbrella term used to describe a diverse group of health care professions.

Within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde there are 12 different professions who are known collectively as AHPs. More information and links to the Profession Specific webpages can be found in the below drop down boxes.

Arts Therapies

Arts Therapies is one of the Allied Health Professions and is registered under the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC).

“An Arts Therapist is a psychological therapist who has arts-based experience and training in psychological interventions using drama, music or art as their primary mode of communication”. (HCPC)

Art Psychotherapy is currently provided in the following areas within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde:

  • Adult Specialist Mental Health Services
  • The Glasgow Psychological Trauma Service
  • Specialist Children’s Services, including in-patient settings and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
  • Prison Healthcare
What We Do
  • We provide a different approach for people who may struggle to access or make use of talking therapies.
  • It is a form of psychotherapy to help people who have been affected by injury, illness, disability and/or trauma, to communicate and understand difficult feelings. It can help to support their psychological, emotional, relational, cognitive and social difficulties.
  • Arts therapies are delivered by appropriately trained and qualified staff (see useful resources at end of page).
How to be referred

We are a small profession and access is limited at present. Referrals would need to meet the criteria of those services. We are continually working on ways to expand the service.

What to expect at your appointment
  • You may be offered an individual or group treatment, depending on your needs.
  • Arts therapies are provided either virtually or in person. You will first meet your art psychotherapist to assess the problem and agree a plan for treatment. Together you will decide a suitable time and place for working together.
  • Sessions are confidential and held in a private room where you will have access to a range of art materials and resources.
  • Virtual sessions are held in an online meeting room using Near Me and for some people is a beneficial way to engage in their therapy.
  • You will work in collaboration with your therapist to identify what matters most to you to agree goals in therapy, regularly reviewing progress, agreeing timescales and planning your next steps (Realistic Medicine | NHS inform).
  • You may be offered appointments with a trainee Arts Therapists if this is right for you. We are happy to provide practice placements for the Msc Trainees from Queen Margaret University. All trainees will be supervised throughout their placements.

Do I need to be good at art to take part?

  • You do not need to have any previous experience or expertise in art to benefit from Art Psychotherapy. The aim is to express, explore and manage what you’re feeling. This is a confidential process of art making. It is not about producing skilful art. Instead it is the relationship with the therapist aided by a process of creating art that can be of benefit. Arts Therapists will always use the best evidence and encourage you to work at a level comfortable for you, where you feel more able to express yourself and work towards achieving improved outcomes in your therapy.

How often will sessions take place?

  • Generally sessions take place on a weekly basis however this will be agreed with your therapist depending on what is right for you.

How are Arts Therapies (Art, Music, Drama) regulated?

  • In the UK, the title of Art therapist and Art psychotherapist are protected by law. All UK Art therapists must be registered with the HCPC. All registered Arts Therapists (Art, Music, Drama) can be found on the HCPC register.
  • Arts Therapists will follow robust allied health professional governance protocols and adherence to policies and guidance within NHSGGC.
Where to Find Us

For more information please email:

Tracy MacMillan
Art Psychotherapist and Professional Lead for Arts Therapies
Art Psychotherapist
Specialist Mental Health Services
The Glasgow Psychological Trauma Service

Email address:

Useful resources
Occupational Therapy
Radiography (Therapeutic)
What is Radiotherapy?

Radiotherapy is the use of radiation, usually x-rays, to treat cancer. Radiotherapy can be used to try to cure cancer, reduce the chance of cancer coming back or to help relieve symptoms. It is normally given in conjunction with other treatments, such as chemotherapy or surgery.


Radiographers are regulated professionals with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). They are entitled to hold one of the protected titles Radiographer, Diagnostic Radiographer or Therapeutic Radiographer. Radiographers undertake a broad portfolio of either diagnostic examinations or radiotherapy procedures. They work in partnership with team members, patients and carers to deliver care that may include screening, diagnosis, treatment or health monitoring for patients.

Health and Care Professions Council

To register, radiographers must hold a relevant BSc (Hons) or MSc qualification. To maintain registration with the HCPC Radiographers must undertake and keep a record of their continued professional development. In addition to HCPC standards, radiographers work to the standards of the Society of Radiographers code of professional conduct. The code includes expectations that radiographers act in accordance with values of respect, empowerment, empathy, trustworthiness, integrity and justice. Radiographers must always act with compassion: caring for patients is at the heart of what radiographers do.

Therapeutic Radiographers

Therapeutic radiographers are responsible for the planning and delivery of accurate radiotherapy treatments using a wide range of technical equipment. Accuracy is critical, for example, the aim of treatment may be to treat a tumour and destroy diseased tissue while minimising the amount of radiation exposure to surrounding healthy tissue. Together both diagnostic and therapeutic radiography professionals provide essential services every year to millions of people.

Post Qualification

Radiographers follow career paths according to a combination of their personal interests and the needs of healthcare services and patients. Promotion opportunities are excellent, with a grading structure that sees the radiographer’s salary increase as they move along the career pathway. British radiographers are recognised as receiving excellent training with innovative career paths.


Therapeutic Radiographers are able to initiate resolution of problems and be able to exercise personal initiative

Therapeutic Radiographers recognise that they are personally responsible for and must be able to justify their decisions

They are able to make and receive appropriate referrals

They understand the importance of participation in training, supervision and mentoring

Therapeutic Radiographers are able to assess a professional situation, determine the nature and severity of the problem and call upon the required knowledge and experience to deal with the problem

They are also able to make reasoned decisions to initiate, continue, modify or cease radiotherapy treatment or diagnostic imaging examinations and record the decisions and reasoning appropriately

Advanced Practice

A growing number of Therapeutic radiographers undertake tumour site specific roles or specialist treatment roles (at both advanced and consultant level practice), where they are responsible for their own patient load from treatment referral, through treatment to post treatment follow up.

Multi-disciplinary Practice

Therapeutic radiographers take part in the multi-disciplinary approach to patient management by attending and participating in MDT meetings. This ensures continuity of care for patients across their cancer journey, with improved levels of care for all patients as well as efficiency benefits for the service.

Research radiographers

Therapeutic radiographers are also involved in clinical research at all levels. This ranges from recruitment to trials through to radiographer led research studies to evaluate the newer technologies and techniques as part of providing evidence based practice.

Radiotherapy Managers

Radiotherapy Service Managers are professional qualified managers responsible for the strategic delivery and planning of the service along with the day to day operational management of radiotherapy services. Their professional training and expertise is critical to the provision of safe and efficient radiotherapy services.

Image interpretation

Image interpretation and reporting by radiographers was initially established in ultrasound. This has now become firmly embedded within the scope of practice of therapeutic radiographers. They undertake image acquisition and interpretation utilising their advanced training in the decision making process.

Radiotherapy Information and Support Service

Having treatment for cancer can be a difficult time for anyone. You may benefit from talking to our Information and Support Radiographer.

They can provide information and support to help you while you are having your treatment.

They can provide:

  • Support when you need it.
  • Give relevant and timely information on Radiotherapy treatments, side-effects and other relevant issues, particularly on how best to cope
  • Explain and clarify medical terms
  • Provide a confidential service to discuss any concerns or questions you may have regarding your treatment
  • Refer you to appropriate professionals or services that may be of assistance to you/may help you
  • Offer telephone support

How to get in touch

If you think you would benefit from seeing them, ask your Radiographers to contact them or you can phone them on 0141 301 7427.

Please leave a message and they will call you back as soon as possible.

Speech and Language Therapy
Spiritual Care and Chaplaincy