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Staff & Recruitment

IENs and staff who support them should utilise these resources in order to facilitate a learning environment which allows them to consolidate their clinical skills and OSCE preparation course.

Internationally Educated Nurses resources 

TURAS Unit for Learners

TURAS Unit for Educators

NHSGGC IEN recruitment programme handbook

International Recruitment Toolkit

Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical and Cancer Nursing Procedures

To support learning and preparation for OSCEs, all IENs shall receive a copy of the book. If IEN has commenced within your area and has not yet received this, then please contact the PEF or email:

FAQ International Internationally Educated Nurse

NES Cultural Humility Learning Resource

The NES Equality, Diversity and Human Right Team developed this digital learning resource to consider how our backgrounds and the backgrounds of others can impact our relationships. Subsequently launched by @NHSScotAcademy, it provides leaners with tools to develop their cultural humility values, attitudes and behaviours. What’s more, learners will benefit from the range of videos, reflective activities, scenarios and a resource pack.

Specifically, the NES Cultural Humility Learning Resource will enable learners to:

  • Understand the concepts that underpin cultural humility
  • Identify the key behaviours for supporting an inclusive workplace
  • Apply a reflective approach aimed at transforming practice in health and social care

Both health and social care staff can easily access the NES Cultural Humility Learning Resource from any laptop, computer or smart device through their TURAS account.

NMC Resources and Welcome to the UK workshops
Other resources

RCN: Journey of an Internationally educated nurse short film series

The RCN launched a series of short films detailing first-hand accounts from IENs on their experience of moving to the UK.

NHSGGC BME Staff Network

The Black And Minority Ethnic (BME) Staff Network was established in 2018. This followed a consultation with key stakeholders about their lived experience. The Network is working closely with the Workforce Equality Group to continuously improve the workplace experience of BME staff. Please click above link for further information.

BME Webinars

The BME Network has organised a programme of webinars for all IENs to provide helpful information about the experience of staff in NHSGGC. Each session will be led by an NHSGGC Manager, who is Black Minority Ethnic, who will give their perspective on how staff are led and managed in NHSGGC and give you an opportunity to ask questions.
These sessions will be delivered online, via MS Teams.
You can find the times, dates and links for the meetings below. Please register for the events via the link below.

Time & Date
Link to Sign up
January 8, 2025 @ 19:15- 20:15
Guest Speaker: Mr. Oudwin Griffith, Clinical Nurse Specialist Neuroradiology, Department Institute of Neurological Sciences, QEUH
January 13, 2025, @ 16:30 – 17:30
Guest Speaker: Mrs. Bally Kaur, Senior Charge Nurse, Gynae Theatre, GRI
January 23, 2025 @ 13:00-14:00
Guest Speaker: Ms. Linda Oduro, Senior Charge Nurse, Ward 6C Cardiology, QEUH
January 31, 2025 @ 14:00- 15:00
Guest Speaker:  Ms Li Shen, Theatre Education Co-ordinator, MSc. Advanced Practice, Theatres & DSU, GGH
         If you have any questions about the sessions, please contact or if you have any issues with booking onto a webinar, please contact

Presentation for staff supporting IENs (UK based cohort)

LNs/SCNs/DCNs and staff who support IENs (UK based cohort) within the clinical area are invited to the next Internationally Educated Nurse information presentation.  Afterward, there will be time for Q & A’s. Both the presentation and Q & A’s will take approximately 1 hr.

Thursday, 13th February 2025 at 2pm – 3pm

Review presentation


Alcohol and Drug Snapshot

Our team produces and circulates a monthly Alcohol and Drug Snapshot that provides a range of information including resources, research articles, reports, events, learning and funding opportunities.

If you would like to sign up to receive our Snapshot, please contact*.

*Please note that this is a generic admin inbox and not monitored immediately. If you, or someone you know are in distress and need an immediate response call the emergency services on 999 or NHS24 on 111.


In addition to our core work plan, members of our team provide supplementary support functions including

  • representation on local and Board wide dedicated alcohol and drug structures and allied topic structures, funding and recruitment panels,
  • strategic policy development,
  • workforce development and networking opportunities,
  • resource development and training development, delivery and evaluation,
  • consultation, advice and report writing,
  • research, monitoring and evaluation,
  • commissioning and contract management,
  • budget and project management,
  • staff recruitment panels, staff induction and on going support

The NHSGGC Alcohol and Drugs Health Improvement Team are a Greater Glasgow and Clyde wide team who support our colleagues and partners across the six Alcohol and Drug Partnerships to promote alcohol and drug public health and equalities across the six Integrated Health and Social Care partnerships in Greater Glasgow and Clyde – East Dunbartonshire, East Renfrewshire, Glasgow City, Inverclyde, Renfrewshire, and West Dunbartonshire.

We share updates about the work we are undertaking with partners across key priority areas, share useful resources, research and policy information to help you deliver on the alcohol and drug harms agenda. We are part of the wider Mental HealthAlcohol and Drugs Health Improvement Team.

Contact the NHSGGC Alcohol & Drugs Health Improvement Team
  • Trevor Lakey, Health Improvement and Inequalities Manager – Mental Health, Alcohol and Drugs
  • Jo McManus, Health Improvement Lead, Drug Prevention and Harm Reduction
  • Maureen O’Neill Craig, Health Improvement Lead, Alcohol
  • Graeme Mathew, Health Improvement Senior, Alcohol Brief Intervention
  • Claire Marie Blair, Health Improvement Senior – Drugs
  • Admin, Owen Breen and Donald Boyle
  • Please note that these inboxes are not monitored immediately. If you, or someone you know are in distress and need an immediate response call the emergency services on 999 or NHS24 on 111.
  • Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership Headquarters – Commonwealth House, 32 Albion Street, Glasgow, G1 1LH

Get in touch

If you have any questions about our team or our work, please get in touch with us by emailing

These preceptorship resources will support nurses, midwives and Specialist Community Public Health Nurses (SCPHN) in their transition to new roles and in practice settings. Not only from the point of registration, but also as they progress through their career. Furthermore, they aim to promote consistency in the provision and support offered by preceptorship programmes across Scotland.

Scotland’s Preceptorship Framework

This preceptorship resource has been developed to support nurses, midwives and Specialist Community Public Health Nurses (SCPHN) in their transition to new roles and practice settings from the point of registration and as they progress through their career. Not only does this national resource aim to promote consistency in the provision and support offered by preceptorship programmes across Scotland. It also builds on the NMC Principles for Preceptorship and offers guidance to preceptees, preceptors, managers and the wider organisation.

Preceptorship | Turas | Learn (

The Midwifery Preceptorship Framework for Scotland 2023

This framework provides guidance on how midwifery preceptorship should be planned, delivered and evaluated within an enabling environment.

The Midwifery Preceptorship Framework for Scotland 2023 | Turas | Learn (

Scotland’s Preceptorship Framework (NES Presentation)

This NHS Education for Scotland PowerPoint presentation is a preceptorship resource that not only defines preceptorship and outlines why it is needed, but also describes the roles and responsibilities of the preceptee, preceptor and line manager.

NES Preceptorship Presentation

Principles for Preceptorship (NES Webinar)

NES Principles for Preceptorship Webinar

Recorded in 2021 to support the launch of the NES Preceptorship resource.

NMC Principles of Preceptorship 

The NMC developed the Principles of Preceptorship in recognition of the benefits that a supported, structured period of preceptorship brings to employers, preceptees, and people who use services.

Principles of preceptorship – The Nursing and Midwifery Council

NHSGGC Resources/NES Templates

Click here to return to Practice Education’s main page

Supporting Patients With A Dual-sensory Loss 

An awareness event for NHS staff – delivered by Deafblind Scotland

This discussion and learning event is designed to give an understanding of deafblindness and of the communication and support needs of deafblind people. The session will give focus to the experiences of patients using healthcare services and how to reduce barriers within NHS appointments.

The event also offers the opportunity to learn about the communication needs of deafblind people and to practice some basic deafblind manual communication skills.

The session will be facilitated by a trainer from Deafblind Scotland who has learned experience as a person with dual sensory loss.

This is an online event which lasts 90 mins.

Sessions will be on the following dates:

  • Thursday 26th October 2023 from 12.30pm – 2:00pm

Awareness Event by Deafblind Scotland Mon 26 Oct 2023

  • Monday 11th December 2023 from 12:30pm – 2:00pm

Awareness Event by Deafblind Scotland Mon 11 Dec 2023     

  • Monday 19th February 2024 from 12:30pm – 2:00pm

Awareness Event by Deafblind Scotland Mon 19 Feb 2024

Click on the link to book a place for your preferred date.

Arranging face-to-face training 

As an alternative, there are a limited number of face-to face sessions available. 

If you would like to arrange a tailored session within your workplace or for your team, then contact Martin Patterson from the Equality and Human Rights Team for more information and to discuss any requirements you might have for this training.

On this page

Payroll Documentation Guidance

The completion of accurate payroll documentation is key to ensuring personal data is robust and up-to-date and all payroll timeframes are adhered to.

The below guidance details each of the payroll forms and what elements are required to be completed by both Manager and Employee.

The forms are:

  • Staff Engagement Form (SEF) – digital SEF should be completed and submitted to the eESS Support Team via the HR Connect Portal
    • Employee completes Sections 1 – 11
    • Employee completes Sections 1 – 11
  • Notification of Change (NOC)
    • Manager completes changes via eESS Manager Self Service
  • Termination Form
    • Manager completes termination via eESS Manager Self Service
    • End employment termination (where employee only holds one position)
    • Assignment termination (where employee holds multiple positions)


Temporary Promotion to a Higher Pay Band – Guidance for Managers

The Agenda for Change Terms and Conditions Handbook paragraph 6.32 states:

 “Individuals may be moved into a higher pay band where it is necessary to fill a post on a temporary basis when a vacancy is unfilled, but being advertised, or the post is being held open for someone who is due to return, e.g. from long-term sickness absence, maternity leave, or from extended training”.

Please see below Management Guidance for staff who receive a temporary promotion to a higher band:


The Secondment Policy is accessible to all employees within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and applies when an employee wishes to undertake a temporary move (secondment) to another organisation, or to a different post within this organisation, for a defined period of time.  There is no automatic right to a secondment, however, no application will be unreasonably refused. 

Secondments offer the opportunity for individuals to develop new skills or enhance existing skills but should also be mutually beneficial to the Organisation.  The policy sets out guidance on types of secondment, suitable opportunities and arrangements as well as defining roles and responsibilities within the secondment process.

Top Tips on using the Policy……..
  • Discussions should take place between employee and current manager before an application for secondment is made.
  • Secondments vary in length but usually last between 3 months and 2 years.
  • A secondment agreement, signed by the relevant parties, should be in place prior to the secondment commencing.
  • Employees and their substantive manager are mutually responsible for ensuring they keep in touch during the secondment.

Clear arrangements for return at the end of secondment should be set out and detailed in the secondment agreement.

Secondments Guidance

What is a Secondment?

A secondment is a “temporary loan of an employee to another organisation, or to a different part/post of the same organisation, for a specific purpose and for a specific time, to the mutual benefit of employees and NHS Scotland generally.”

Who is entitled to request a Secondment?

All employees within NHSGGC will have equal access to the Secondment Policy in compliance with relevant legislation and no application for secondment will be unreasonably refused.

Are there different types of Secondment?

There are a number of different types of secondment which are as follows:

  • Internal secondment within NHSGGC
  • Internal secondment within NHSScotland
  • External secondment (e.g. to Scottish Government, local authority, trade unions, professional organisations and the voluntary sector).

How do I apply for a Secondment?

Secondment opportunities may arise through a variety of circumstances, but should ordinarily be advertised in line with the normal recruitment process. Employees must ensure that authorisation has been provided by their Accountable Manager prior to accepting a secondment opportunity.

How long can I request a Secondment for?

Secondments vary in length, usually between three months and two years, depending upon the circumstances.

What is a Secondment Agreement?

If the request for secondment has been agreed the approving manager will ensure that, prior to commencement of a secondment, the appropriate secondment agreement has been completed which will take into account the main following points:

  • Clear reasons for the secondment.
  • Clear agreement on the start and finish dates.
  • If employee’s substantive role may be unavailable for their return, then this must be understood and agreed prior to the commencement of the secondment, or at the time of any subsequent proposed extension or at the time of organisational change.
  • That the employee fully understands any terms and conditions implications.
  • Training needs during and following a period of secondment.
  • Arrangements for appraisal/PDP&R completion during the secondment.
  • Relevant statutory requirements for maintenance of professional registration.
  • Arrangements to keep in touch with the Secondee on a regular basis and to consult them on any proposed changes to their substantive post during the term of the secondment.
  • Clear arrangements for return of the Secondee to their substantive post or a suitable alternative.

Please refer to the full Secondment Policy for details on terms and conditions, and roles and responsibilities of a secondment.

Keeping records up to date

We need to know when you’re at work and when you have any type of time off. This is important to make sure we pay you correctly too.

All managers should ensure that SSTS is updated correctly and payroll is informed, where SSTS is not available.

The HR Support and Advice Unit can be contacted on 0141 278 2700 if you have any further questions or need advice on this policy area.

Secondments Tools and Templates

If the request for secondment has been agreed, the approving manager will ensure that, prior to commencement of a secondment, the appropriate secondment agreement has been completed which will take into account the main following points:

  • Clear reasons for the secondment.
  • Clear agreement on the start and finish dates.
  • If employee’s substantive role may be unavailable for their return, then this must be understood and agreed prior to the commencement of the secondment, or at the time of any subsequent proposed extension or at the time of organisational change.
  • That the employee fully understands any terms and conditions implications.
  • Training needs during and following a period of secondment.
  • Arrangements for appraisal/PDP&R completion during the secondment.
  • Relevant statutory requirements for maintenance of professional registration.
  • Arrangements to keep in touch with the Secondee on a regular basis and to consult them on any proposed changes to their substantive post during the term of the secondment.
  • Clear arrangements for return of the Secondee to their substantive post or a suitable alternative.

External secondment agreements can be more complex and therefore if required, managers should seek advice from their local HR Manager.

Secondment Template Letters

New and Changed Jobs

New, Changed Job and Reviews

All new jobs must be authorised by the Director/Head of Service and submitted into the Job Evaluation process via the Head of People and Change. If the new post is part of a wider service change, involving more than one post, then all job descriptions established should be submitted.

Posts can change over a period of time but for most the job evaluation outcome will not normally be affected unless there are significant changes. When the duties of a job have changed significantly then this should be addressed through the New and Changed Job process.

When a job has changed significantly the following must be provided:

A revised job description should be submitted and the agreed proposed national profile. · The original job description, CAJE matched job report and national profile;

The changed job submission pro-forma detailing the changes to the skills, responsibilities, effort or environmental aspects of the post.The content of our job descriptions must reflect NHSGGC organisational values and behaviours. 

Job Evaluation Handbook

The Job Evaluation Handbook provides information on the NHS job evaluation scheme, including the background on NHS pay structures prior to Agenda for Change and guidance on how to apply the scheme in practice. The contents of the handbook have been agreed in partnership by the NHS Staff Council.

The Agenda for Change Job Evaluation Handbook can be accessed on the NHS Scotland Management Steering Group website.

National Profiles

The NHS Job Evaluation scheme allows the majority of NHS jobs to be matched to nationally evaluated profiles, based on the information within job descriptions, person specifications and any additional job information.

The profiles also provide a framework to consistency-check local evaluations. For further information please visit the NHS Employers website.

Job Evaluation Group Advice

The Job Evaluation Group (JEG) provides information and advice for employers on the implementation of the NHS Job Evaluation scheme.

Further information on JEG can be found on the NHS Employers website.

New or Changed Jobs, and Notification Process

There is a need for the NHS Job Evaluation Scheme to continue to be used for determining the banding of posts, which will apply to all new posts and posts which have significantly changed since they were last evaluated.

New jobs

All submissions for new job roles to be evaluated require to be authorised by the Director/Head of Service and submitted to the Job Evaluation process via their Head of Human Resources.

Submisions must include the following:

  1. A completed and authorised submission form
  2. The agreed job description to be used in the job matching/evaluation process. 
  3. A full organizational chart showing the post to be graded
  4. A note of any similar posts in the organization that may be comparators.

A copy of the job description and submission form must be retained by the department for their records.   

Changed jobs

All posts change over a period time. For most, the job evaluation outcome will normally not be affected unless there are significant changes. Where a postholder and the manager agree that the demands of the job have or will significantly change then a re-evaluation of the post may require to be carried out.

Submissions must include the following:

  1. A completed and authorised submission form
  2. The original job description used in the job matching/evaluation process. 
  3. A copy of the matched job or evaluation report relating to the original job description and grading outcome
  4. The revised job description, clearly showing additions and revisions
  5. A full organizational chart showing the post to be graded
  6. A note of any similar posts in the organization that may be comparators.

A copy of the job description and submission form must be retained by the department for their records. A copy of the revised job description should be provided to the employee(s) and a copy held in their personal file.


Following the being notified of the matching outcome of a changed job, the post holder may wish to request a review of the outcome. The postholder must discuss the ‘request for a review’ with their line manager. The line manager must support and agree to the ‘request for a review’, in terms of the job description’s content and confirm it is a true, fair and accurate reflection of the job demands. All review documentation, including the Review Submission Form requires to be submitted to the relevant Head of Human Resources for submission within three months of the notified matching outcome.

Notification process

When job matching and evaluation outcomes are finalised, the NHSGGC Job Evaluation Unit will notify the outcome to the appropriate Head of Human Resources who will then update the manager and confirm the pay band for the post.

The line manager will formally notify the employee(s) and provide a copy of the matched job report and the national profile used to match the post or the evaluation report as appropriate.

Where the pay band has changed, the manager is responsible for notifying payroll and updating EESS to ensure employees are paid correctly.

A copy of the job description, submission form and matched job or evaluated job report must be retained by the department for their records. A copy of the notification to the employee)s) and the job report should be retained in the employee’s personal file.

Further details of the above process are outlined within the NHSGGC Agenda for Change New or Changed Jobs Process.

Agenda for Change Job Evaluation Submission Form

The Agenda for Change Job Evaluation Submission Form must be completed and forwarded to the Head of Human Resources.

New or Changed Job Review Submission Form

The New or Changed Job Review Submission Form must be completed and forwarded to the Head of Human Resources for instances where additional information should be considered within the Job Evaluation Review procedure.

This form should also be completed and forwarded to the Head of Human Resources where employees disagree with the banding outcome for their post, but do not wish to submit any additional information.

Job Description Template

All job descriptions submitted for job evaluation must be provided using the Job Description Template. A copy of the JD template with guidance notes on completion is available here.

Any research taking place in NHS GG&C that doesn’t fit the definition of NHS GG&C Sponsored or Commercially Funded and Sponsored, would be considered to be NHS GG&C Hosted (i.e. All Non Commercial studies that aren’t Sponsored by NHS GG&C).  This includes all studies that are academically led by another health board, trust or academic institution (not NHS GG&C and or the University of Glasgow) 

All multicentre clinical, health and social care Research and Innovation studies in Scotland require to be submitted to the NHS Research Scotland Permissions Coordinating Centre (NRSPCC) at  NRSPCC will upload multicentre studies onto the shared Scottish R&D web based database and make them available to participating Health Boards for review and approval and will ensure single centre studies are available to the relevant R&D office. 

All research teams are encouraged to submit their application for NHS R&D management approval in parallel with their application for an ethics committee opinion, as this will help expedite the R&D management approval process 

To find the appropriate contact in the R&I Hosted Team for your study, please use the Info Path document available here

Contact Details

Study Type

Ionising Radiation for combined review of clinical trial of an investigational medicinal product Ionising Radiation and Devices form for combined review of combined trial of an investigational medicinal product and an investigational medical device Clinical investigation or other study of a medical device Other clinical trial to study a novel intervention or randomised clinical trial to compare interventions in clinical practice.

Disease Area

A & E, Trauma & Emergencies Critical Care Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Haematology (Oncology only) Medical Genetics Mental Health (Includes Adolescent Psychiatry, Alcohol/Drugs Misuse, Adult Mental Health, Psychological Medicine/ Clinical Psychology, Family Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry and Learning Disability) Neurology (Non Stroke) (Includes Dementia, Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Epilepsy, Migraine & Headache) Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Midwifery Oncology Ophthalmology Oral and Dental Health (Includes Oral Medicine, Dentistry/Community Dentistry and Dentistry – Restorative) Pathology.

Hosted Facilitator

Ms Sandi Conway – Research Facilitator
0141 314 0221
Line Manager: Dr George Bakirtzis

Administrative Support 

Ms Natalie Phillips – Research Administrator 
0141 314 0216
Line Manager: Dr George Bakirtzis

Ms Oumaima Abakar Ismail – Research Administrator
0141 314 0217
Line Manager: Mr Ross Nicol


Study Type Disease Area Hosted Facilitator Administrative Support 
As above Anaesthetics Cardiology Cardiovascular & Exercise Medicine Dermatology Diabetes Gastroenterology Haematology (Non Oncology) Heath Services and Delivery Research (Includes Biochemistry, Immunology, Clinical and Medical Physics, Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Homeopathy) Hepatology Infectious Diseases Includes Infectious Diseases, Microbiology, Virology) Metabolic and Endocrine) (Includes Dietetics, Metabolic Disease and Human Nutrition) Orthopaedics Public Health (Includes Occupational Health, Sexual Health, Reproductive Health and Family Planning) Physiotherapy Renal and Urology Rheumatology Respiratory Medicine Stroke Surgery Mrs Karen Puglisevich Chase Research Facilitator  0141 314 0222 Line Manager: Mr Ross Nicol Ms Oumaima Abakar Ismail Research Administrator  0141 314 0217 Line Manager: Mr Ross Nicol  
Study administering questionnaires/interviews for quantitative analysis, or using mixed quantitative/qualitative methodology Study involving qualitative methods only Study limited to working with human tissue samples (or other biological samples) and data (specific project only) Study limited to working with data (specific project only) Research tissue bank or Research database Patient Information Centres (PIC) Basic Science Study involving procedures with human participants All of the above Ms Rozanne Suarez Senior Research Administrator Line Manager: Ms Rebecca Jardine  Mr Euan Rennie  Senior Research Administrator Line Manager: Ms Rebecca Jardine    

Informatics Team Contact Information

Mr Graeme Piper – NRS Portfolio Performance Manager
0141 314 0222

Mr Radek Penar – Research Information Officer
0141 314 0226
Line Manager: Mr Graeme Piper

Ms Islay Morrison – Research Administrator
0141 314 0230
Line Manager: Mr Graeme Piper