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Acute Staff
Registered Nurses
Care at Home
(please be aware that the NHS does not provide all of the products shown on these websites)
Which Way has been designed to encourage learners to discuss and think more carefully about risk, risk taking behaviours and the decisions they make around them. Through the activities and discussion, learners will consider the factors that influence their decision-making, think about the impact their choices may have and identify where and who they can go to for support for example Glasgow City Youth Health Service. Activities should encourage discussion, peer support and critical thinking.
Participating in risk taking behaviours is natural and essential for child and youth development. For most this will be low risk, but for a small number of young people, adolescence can cause harm and impact wellbeing.
Risk behaviours are usually considered individually. It is widely recognised that behaviours often interact and develop as a response to life circumstances. Many risk behaviours tend to cluster together, particularly in young people from the most socio-economically deprived backgrounds. Those young people engaged in multiple risk behaviours are therefore impacted by greater inequalities in health and wellbeing and this poses increasing concern for those who are more vulnerable.
A number of factors have been identified that can protect children and young people or, alternatively, can put them at risk during this stage. These factors relate to different personal and environmental factors, for example personal assets, the community, school, family, peer groups and individual characteristics.
The Which Way curricular pack was originally developed by Glasgow Council on Alcohol (commissioned by Glasgow City HSCP Health Improvement) in 2017. The Which Way curricular resource has been reviewed and updated by the Glasgow City HSCP Health Improvement team in 2023/24 to reflect up to date data, guidance and policy.
Using the Which Way Curricular Resource
The Which Way curricular resource is made up of ten sessions which each detail a lesson plan and activities. These lessons plans should be used alongside the Resources and Handout document to complete activities. The Glasgow City HWB Education website provides background knowledge and information for educators to carry out these sessions and makes links to other health topics (such as mental health, sexual health etc.). Educators should refer to the Multiple Risk page of the HWB website (linked below) where the information aims to build educators knowledge and confidence in facilitating discussions with young people on multiple risk.
Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) Health Improvement staff have created this HWB Website for all Education staff in Glasgow City. This provides Health Improvement an opportunity to streamline communication, share quality assured resources and create a consistent health and wellbeing offer across the City. It also provides Education staff with an enhanced experience when delivering various aspects of the Curriculum.
At the beginning of each session, educators should discuss safeguarding, confidentiality and respect with learners this discussion may influence a class/group agreement that will support learning and delivery of lessons. Activities can be completed using a smart board/whiteboard or alternatively using flip chart paper and pens.
This resource should be used alongside other quality health and wellbeing curricular resources, all of Health Improvement’s quality assured curricular resources can be found on the Glasgow City HWB Education Website under each topic area. Each learner will have their own experiences and varied understanding of the topics included within Which Way and some of the lessons and activities may be emotive for young people therefore should be approached sensitively. It’s important to provide a safe space for young people to explore emotions that have been brought up. The NHSGGC Healthy Minds resource can be used to facilitate discussions around mental health with children and young people and covers a range topics (e.g. Emotional Literacy).
Young people engaging in multiple risk behaviours that are impacting on their health and wellbeing can seek support from the Glasgow City Youth Health Service which offers confidential, personalised support for young people aged 12-19 years in Glasgow City. Young people can be referred to the Youth Health Service by a Parent, Carer or Professional. Please note there are other services and support organisations available across Glasgow City that offer support to children, young people and families, find more information via Useful Contacts.
Which Way Resource – Primary 7 (P7)
Which Way – Primary 7 (P7) includes four lesson plan documents and one document containing worksheets to support activities within the lesson plans. To support delivery of these lessons and activities, we encourage educators to review the information on Multiple Risk included on the HWB Website.
Which Way – Secondary 2 (S2) includes six lesson plan documents and one document containing worksheets to support activities within the lesson plans. To support delivery of these lessons and activities, we encourage educators to review the information on Multiple Risk included on the HWB Website.
Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) Health Improvement staff have created the HWB Website for all Education staff working in Glasgow City. This provides Health Improvement an opportunity to streamline communication, share quality assured resources and create a consistent health and wellbeing offer across the City. It also provides Education staff with an enhanced experience when delivering various aspects of the Curriculum, joining the dots between topic areas and relevant resources and training. The website hosts quality assured information and resources on priority health topics for early years, primary and secondary aged children and young people and is updated every 6 months. The HWB website includes:
Health Improvement Training Calendar (no cost attached) – Health Improvement courses are no longer featured on CPD manager and should now be booked via the HWB Website.
Quality assured curricular resources
Non-curricular resources and publications relevant to priority health topics
Information on health priorities for children and young people in Glasgow
Information on services and support for children and young people
Sign up to the HWB Mailing List to receive updates from the Glasgow City HSCP Health Improvement Team on any information, resources or training for education staff. Click here to sign up.
The following Experiences and Outcomes can be met by completing Sessions 1-6 of the Which Way Multiple Risk Curricular Resource – Secondary 2.
Health and Wellbeing – Mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing:
HWB3-01a I am aware of and able to express my feelings and am developing the ability to talk about them.
HWB 3-02a I know that we all experience a variety of thoughts and emotions that affect how we feel and behave, and I am learning ways of managing them.
HWB 3-03a I understand that there are people I can talk to and that there are a number of ways in which I can gain access to practical and emotional support to help me and others in a range of circumstances.
HWB 3-06a I understand the importance of mental health & wellbeing and that this can be fostered and strengthened through personal coping skills and positive relationships. I know that it is not always possible to enjoy good mental health and that if this happens there is support available.
HWB 3-09a As I explore the rights to which I and others are entitled. I am able to exercise these rights appropriately and accept the responsibilities that go with them. I show respect for the rights of others.
HWB 3-12a Representing my class, school and/or wider community encourages my self-worth and confidence and allows me to contribute to and participate in society.
HWB 3-16a I am learning to assess and manage risk, to protect myself and others, and to reduce the potential for harm when possible.
Health and Wellbeing – Substance misuse:
HWB 3-38a I understand the effect that a range of substances including tobacco and alcohol can have on the body
HWB 3-39a I know that popular culture, the media and peer groups as well as my own attitudes and values can influence how I feel about substance use and recognise the impact this may have on my actions
HWB 3-40a I know that alcohol and drugs can affect people’s ability to make decisions.
HWB 3-41a After assessing options and the consequences of my decisions, I can identify safe and unsafe behaviours and actions.
HWB 3-42a I know the action I should take in the management of incidents and emergencies related to substance misuse.
HWB 3-43a I understand the impact that ongoing misuse of substances can have on a person’s health, future life choices and options.
Health and Wellbeing – Relationships, sexual health and parenthood:
HWB 3-44a I understand the importance of being cared for and caring for others in relationships and can explain why.
HWB 3-44b I understand and can demonstrate the qualities and skills required to sustain different types of relationships.
Literacy and English – Listening and talking:
LIT 3-02a When I engage with others, I can make a relevant contribution, encourage others to contribute and acknowledge that they have the right to hold a different opinion. I can respond in ways appropriate to my role and use contributions to reflect on, clarify or adapt thinking.
Literacy and English – Writing
LIT 3-26a By considering the type of text I am creating, I can independently select ideas and relevant information for different purposes and organise essential information or ideas and any supporting detail in a logical order. I can use suitable vocabulary to communicate effectively with my audience.
Expressive arts – Drama
EXA 3-12a I can create, develop and sustain a realistic or stylised character through the use of voice, movement and language.
Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA)
The information included in this pack has been developed based on current guidance and policy for health and wellbeing of primary school aged children in Glasgow (see Multiple Risk Strategy/Policy Links). However, we recognise that children, classrooms and schools will all have varying needs for learners and adaptations may have to be considered to meet needs. Each session includes links to useful websites which may offer further learning or information to expand on the activities/topics covered or to adapt activities to suit the needs of the learners in the classroom.
Glasgow City HSCP Health Improvement have carried out an Equalities Impact Assessment on this curricular pack and have made the following considerations in relation to protected characteristics:
Age: P7 and S7 age groups are at higher risk of early initiation of risky behaviours and so this resource has been targeted at these stages as an early intervention approach. However, we do recognise that learners may experience this at different ages and stages for a number of reasons and this should be taken into consideration by educators and adapted appropriately.
Disability: suggestions and amendments have been made throughout the Which Way resource to support the inclusion of learners with a disability in activities as much as possible. This includes consideration of learners who are neurodiverse.
Gender reassignment: In order to reduce stigma, the curricular pack has used gender neutral names and pronouns throughout the activities.
Marriage and civil partnership: this characteristic is not identified or explored within the pack.
Pregnancy and maternity: Which Way makes links to additional quality assured learning and curricular resources (e.g. RSHP) covering topics of sexual health – which can be used as appropriate to support further learning and development around pregnancy and maternity.
Race: Which Way recognises the influence race may have on learners knowledge, experience and understanding of multiple risk. Educators are encouraged to consider how this might influence at-home learning and to be mindful of the varying experiences within the classroom.
Religion and belief: Which Way recognises the influence religion and belief may have on learners knowledge, experience and understanding of multiple risk. Educators are encouraged to consider how this might influence at-home learning and to be mindful of the varying experiences within the classroom.
Sex: this characteristic is not identified or explored within the pack.
Sexual orientation: Which Way encourages educators to explore further learning around relationships, sexual health and parenthood using the RSHP curricular resource.
Socio – Economic Status & Social Class: Which Way recognises that socio-economic status and social class influences learners engagement in multiple risk behaviours. Which Way offers a universal approach to education around multiple risk but can be used alongside targeted approaches i.e. CRAFFT
Other marginalised groups: Which Way recognises the impact multiple risk education may have on other marginalised groups (e.g. learners experiencing addiction at home, young carers, looked after and accommodated children) and educators are encouraged to be mindful of the experiences and circumstances for learners taking part in lessons and activities.
You can find out about the Equality Act (2010) by clicking here and view the Which Way Equality Impact Assessment by clicking here.
For lots of families, choosing to birth their baby at home comes with a wide range of benefits and can be the safest place to give birth. There are also circumstances, where birthing within the hospital is advisable due to additional risk factors affecting you, your pregnancy or your baby. You can speak to your community Midwife, Consultant or contact the Homebirth team for more information to enable you to make an informed choice.
We provide one to one care throughout your pregnancy; we have several clinics across the city, allowing you to choose which one suits you best. The schedule of care is the same as community midwives, we do however attend your home for one Antenatal visit when you are approximately 32 weeks pregnant.
Birthing equipment including Entonox (Gas and Air) is delivered to your home by our transport team when you are about 36-37 weeks pregnant. We provide an on call service from 38 weeks of pregnancy.
Postnatally the team look after you at home and provide care until handover to your Health Visitor. The team also complete the detailed examination of your new baby in the comfort of your own home.
Please read through all links 1 – 5 below, plus the additional info links where applicable.
1. Isotretinoin Information Leaflet British Assoc Derm
تتوقعين ولادة طفل؟
ضعي خططًا لمقابلة ممرضة التوليد.
ليس من السابق لأوانه أبدًا في الحمل التسجيل في خدمات الأمومة.
استخدمي خدمة الترجمة الشفوية عبر الهاتف للاتصال بخط حجز الأمومة على 01413478422استخدمي خدمة الترجمة الفورية عبر الهاتف لإجراء مكالمة إلى أي خدمة من خدمات هيئة الخدمات الصحية الوطنية.
اتصلي على 01413196103
سيُطلب منك رقم PIN الخاص بالمريض. هذا 182987.
سيتم بعد ذلك توصيلك بمترجم فوري في أقل من 15 ثانية.
أخبري المترجم بالرقم الذي ترغبي في الاتصال به، على سبيل المثال 01413478422 (حجز الأمومة) يمكنك استخدام هذه الخدمة للاتصال بأي من خدماتنا، بما في ذلك NHS24 (111) وخدمات الطوارئ (999).
বাংলা – Bengali
সন্তান সম্ভবা?
আপনার মিডওয়াইফের সাথে দেখা করার পরিকল্পনা করুন।
গর্ভাবস্থায় প্রসূতি পরিষেবার জন্য নিবন্ধন করা কখনই খুব তাড়াতাড়ি হয় না।
0141 347 8422 এ ম্যাটারনিটি বুকিং লাইনে কল করতে আমাদের টেলিফোন ইন্টারপ্রেটিং পরিষেবা ব্যবহার করুন
যেকোনো NHS পরিষেবাতে কল করতে আমাদের টেলিফোন ইন্টারপ্রেটিং পরিষেবা ব্যবহার করুন।
ফোন 01413194850
আপনাকে আপনার রোগীর পিন নম্বর চাওয়া হবে। এটি 182987।
তারপরে আপনি 15 সেকেন্ডের মধ্যে একজন দোভাষীর সাথে সংযুক্ত হবেন।
আপনি যে নম্বরে কল করতে চান তা দোভাষীকে বলুন, উদাহরণস্বরূপ 0141 347 8422
(মাতৃত্ব বুকিং)
আপনি NHS24 (111) এবং জরুরী পরিষেবা (999) সহ আমাদের যেকোনো পরিষেবায় কল করার জন্য এই পরিষেবাটি ব্যবহার করতে পারেন।
български – Bulgarian
Очаквате бебе?
Планувайте да се срещнете с акушерката си.
Бременността никога не е твърде ранна, за да се регистрирате в програма Майчино здравеопазване.
Възползвайте се от безплатен преводач по телефона, когато се обаждате на линията за записване на час за Майчино Здравеопазване на телефон 0141 347 8422
Възползвайте се от безплатен преводач, когато се свързвате с всички отдели на Ен Ейч Ес (NHS).
Телефон 01413196104
Ще бъдете помолени да въведете ПИН номера на пациента. Той е 182987.
След това ще бъдете свързани с преводач в рамките на 15 секунди.
Кажете на преводача телефонния номер, с който искате да се свържете, например 0141 347 8422 (Записване на час за Майчино Здравеопазване)
Може да се възползвате от тази услуга, за да се свържете с всеки отдел на ЕнЕйчЕс (NHS), включително Неотложна помощ (NHS24)- телефон 111 или Спешна помощ- телефон 999.
廣東話 – Cantonese
使用我們的電話口譯服務,請致電產科預約熱線:0141 347 8422
電話 01413196105。
告訴口譯員妳想撥打的號碼,例如0141 347 8422
妳可以撥打電話使用我們的任何服務,包括國民保健署 24(111)和緊急服務(999)。
Očekáváte dítě?
Udělejte plány na setkání s vaší porodní asistentkou.
V těhotenství není nikdy příliš brzy na registraci pro mateřské služby.
Použijte naši telekomunikační tlumočnickou službu k zavolání na linku Maternity Booking na čísle 0141 347 8422.
Využijte naši telekomunikační tlumočnickou službu k zavolání do kterékoliv služby NHS.
Telefonní číslo 01413196106.
Budete požádáni o váš pacientský pin kód. Ten je 182987.
Poté budete připojeni k tlumočníkovi za pouhých 15 sekund.
Řekněte tlumočníkovi číslo, na které chcete volat, například 0141 347 8422 (Maternity Booking). Tuto službu můžete využít k volání do kterékoliv naší služby, včetně NHS24 (111) a pohotovosti (999).
دری – Dari
؟ندش راد لفط نتشاد راظتنا
.دینک یزیر همانرب هلباق اب تاقلام یارب
تسین دوز زگره نامیاز تامدخ یارب مان تبث یارب یرادراب نارود رد سامت 0141 347 8422 هرامش هب نامیاز تبث ای فرزیر طخ اب سامت یارب ام ینوفیلت هعمجرت تامدخ زا
دینک هدافتسا NHS تمدخ ای سیورس ره اب سامت یرارقرب یارب ام ینوفیلت هعمجرت تامدخ زا
تلفن 01413194842
تسا 182987 نیا دوشیم هتساوخ امش زا ضیرم نیپ هرامش
دش دیهاوخ لصو نامجرت کی هب هیناث 15 فرظ رد سپس
دیئوگب نامجرت هب 0141 347 8422 لاثم ناونع هب ،دیریگب سامت نآ اب دیهاوخیم هک ار یا هرامش
)یرادراب تبث ای فرزیر(
یرارطضا تامدخ و NHS24 (111) هلمج زا ،ام تامدخ زا کی ره اب سامت یارب تمدخ نیا زا دیناوتیم
.دینک هدافتسا (999)
فارسی – Farsi
آیا باردار هستید؟
برای ملاقات با ماما برنامه ریزی کنید.
در بارداری برای ثبت نام در خدمات زایمان زود نیست.
از خدمات مترجم تلفنی ما برای تماس با خط تلفنی تعیین نوبت بارداری از شماره 01413478422 استفاده کنید.
از خدمات ترجمه تلفنی ما برای برقراری تماس با همه خدمات ان اچ ای می توانید استفاده کنید.
تلفن 01413196107
از شما شماره مربوط به زبان شما را می خواهد، سپس تلفن از شما شماره( پین) مربوط به (بیمار) شما را درخواست می کندد. برای مثال این شماره( پین) شکا 182987 است.
سپس در کمتر از 15 ثانیه به مترجم متصل خواهید شد.
سپس به مترجم شماره ای را که می خواهید با آن تماس گرفته شود، اعلام کنید. به عنوان مثال شماره تلفن 01413478422 را به مترجم بگوئید. ( شماره تعیین نوبت مامایی)
شما این خدمات را برای همه خدمات ما، از جمله 111 شماره 24 ساعته ان اچ اس یا خدمات اورژانسی 999 استفاده کنید.
Français – French
Est-ce que vous êtes enceinte ?
Vous pouvez planifier une rencontre avec votre sage-femme.
Il n’est jamais trop tôt pendant la grossesse pour s’inscrire aux services de maternité.
Utilise notre service d’interprétation téléphonique pour appeler la ligne de réservation de maternité au 0141 347 8422.
Utilise notre service d’interprétation téléphonique pour appeler n’importe quel service du NHS.
Téléphone 01413194846
On vous demandera votre numéro d’identification personnel. Il s’agit du numéro 182987.
Vous serez alors mis en relation avec un interprète en 15 secondes seulement.
Indiquez à l’interprète le numéro que vous souhaitez appeler, par exemple 0141 347 8422.
(Réservation de maternité)
Vous pouvez utiliser ce service pour appeler n’importe lequel de nos services, y compris NHS24 (111) et les services d’urgence (999).
ქართული – Georgian
ბავშვს ელოდები?
დაგეგმეთ ბებიაქალთან შეხვედრა.
ორსულობისას არასდროს არის ნაადრევი სამშობიარო სერვისებზე დარეგისტრირება.
გამოიყენეთ ჩვენი სატელეფონო თარჯიმანი სერვისით, რომ დარეკოთ სამშობიარო დაჯავშნის ხაზზე 0141 347 8422
გამოიყენეთ ჩვენი სატელეფონო თარჯიმანი სერვისი NHS-ის ნებისმიერ სერვისზე დასარეკად.
ტელეფონი 01413195224
თქვენ მოგეთხოვებათ თქვენი პაციენტის პინის ნომერი. ეს არის 182987.
ამის შემდეგ თქვენ დაუკავშირდებით თარჯიმანს სულ რაღაც 15 წამში.
უთხარით თარჯიმანს ნომერზე, რომლითაც გსურთ დარეკვა, მაგალითად 0141 347 8422
(სამშობიარო დაჯავშნა)
შეგიძლიათ გამოიყენოთ ეს სერვისი ჩვენს ნებისმიერ სერვისზე, მათ შორის NHS24 (111) და სასწრაფო დახმარების სერვისებზე (999) დასარეკად.
Ελληνικά – Greek
Περιμένεις μωρό;
Κάντε σχέδια για να συναντήσετε τη μαία σας.
Δεν είναι ποτέ πολύ νωρίς σε μια εγκυμοσύνη για να εγγραφείτε στις υπηρεσίες μητρότητας.
Χρησιμοποιήστε την τηλεφωνική μας υπηρεσία διερμηνείας για να καλέσετε τη γραμμή κρατήσεων μητρότητας στο 0141 347 8422
Χρησιμοποιήστε την τηλεφωνική μας υπηρεσία διερμηνείας για να πραγματοποιήσετε μια κλήση σε οποιαδήποτε υπηρεσία NHS.
Τηλέφωνο 01413196108
Θα σας ζητηθεί ο αριθμός pin του ασθενούς σας. Αυτό είναι 182987.
Στη συνέχεια, θα συνδεθείτε με έναν διερμηνέα σε μόλις 15 δευτερόλεπτα.
Πείτε στον διερμηνέα τον αριθμό που θέλετε να καλέσετε, για παράδειγμα 0141 347 8422
(Κράτηση μητρότητας)
Μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε αυτήν την υπηρεσία για να καλέσετε οποιαδήποτε από τις υπηρεσίες μας, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των υπηρεσιών NHS24 (111) και Υπηρεσιών Έκτακτης Ανάγκης (999).
हिंदी – Hindi
क्या आप गर्भवती हैं?
अपनी दाई से मिलने का प्लान बनाएं।
गर्भावस्था में जितनी जल्दी हो सके मातृत्व सेवाओं के लिए रजिस्टर कराना अच्छा होता है।
0141 347 8422 पर मातृत्व बुकिंग लाइन पर कॉल करने के लिए हमारी टेलीफोन दुभाषिया सेवा का उपयोग करें
NHS की किसी भी सेवा पर कॉल करने के लिए हमारी टेलीफोन दुभाषिया सेवा का उपयोग करें।
फ़ोन 01413196109
आपसे आपके मरीज का पिन नंबर पूछा जाएगा। यह 182987 है।
दुभाषिया को वह नंबर बताएं जिस पर आप कॉल करना चाहते हैं, उदाहरण के लिए 0141 347 8422
(मातृत्व बुकिंग)
आप NHS24 (111) और आपातकालीन सेवाओं (999) सहित हमारी किसी भी सेवा पर कॉल करने के लिए इस सेवा का उपयोग कर सकते हैं।
Magyar – Hungarian
Éppen babát vár?
Tervezze be a szülésznőjével való találkozást.
Terhessége során sosincs túl korán, hogy beregisztráljon a terhesgondozási szolgálathoz.
Vegye igénybe telefonos tolmácsszolgálatunk segítségét, hogy felhívja a Maternity Booking vonalat a 0141 347 8422-es telefonszámon.
Vegye igénybe a telefonos tolmácsszolgálatunk segítségét ahhoz, hogy bármelyik NHS szolgáltatásunkat felhívja.
telefonszám 01413196110.
Kérésre, adja meg a pin számát, amely 182987.
Ezt követően, mindösszesen 15 másodperc alatt, össze fogják kapcsolni a tolmáccsal.
Adja meg a tolmácsnak azt a számot, melyet fel kíván hívni, mint például a 0141 347 8422-es
(Maternity Booking)
Ezt a szolgáltatást bármelyik szolgáltatásunkkal való kapcsolatfelvételre használhatja, beleérve az NHS 24-et (111), és a Sürgősségi Szolgálatokat is (999).
Italiano – Italian
Aspettate un bambino?
Organizzatevi per incontrare la vostra ostetrica.
Non è mai troppo presto per iscriversi ai servizi di maternità.
Chiamate il nostro servizio di interpretariato telefonico al numero 0141 347 8422 per la prenotazione della maternità.
Utilizzate il nostro servizio di interpretariato telefonico per effettuare una chiamata a qualsiasi servizio del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale.
Telefono 01413196111
Vi verrà chiesto il numero di pin del paziente. Il numero è 182987.
In soli 15 secondi sarete messi in contatto con un interprete.
Informate l’interprete del numero che desiderate chiamare, per esempio 0141 347 8422
(Prenotazione maternità)
È possibile utilizzare questo servizio per chiamare qualsiasi servizio, compresi l’NHS24 (111) e i servizi di emergenza (999).
Yu de expect fɔ gɛt pikin?
Mek plan fɔ mit yu midwayf.
I nɔ de ɛva tu ali we uman gɛt bɛlɛ fɔ register fɔ materniti savis.
Yuz wi fon intaprit savis fɔ kɔl di Maternity Booking line na 0141 347 8422
Yuz wi tɛlifon intaprit savis fɔ kɔl ɛni NHS savis.
Fɔn na 01413194762
Dɛn go aks yu fɔ yu patient pin nɔmba. Dis na 182987. Dɔn yu go kɔnɛkt to intaprita fo lɛk 15 sɛkɔn.
Tɛl di intaprita di nɔmba we yu want fɔ kɔl, fɔ ɛgzampul 0141 347 8422 (Bukin fɔ Materniti)
Yu kin yuz dis savis fɔ kɔl ɛni wan pan wi savis dɛn, lɛk NHS24 (111) ɛn Imejɛnsi Savis (999).
Nigdy nie jest za wcześnie, aby zarejestrować się na usługi położnicze.
Skorzystaj z naszej usługi tłumaczenia telefonicznego, aby zadzwonić na linię rezerwacji macierzyństwa pod numer 0141 347 8422.
Skorzystaj z naszej usługi tłumaczenia telefonicznego, aby zadzwonić do dowolnej usługi NHS.
Telefon 01413196118
Zostaniesz poproszony o podanie numeru PIN pacjenta. Jest to numer 182987.
Następnie zostaniesz połączony z tłumaczem w ciągu zaledwie 15 sekund.
Podaj tłumaczowi numer, pod który chcesz zadzwonić, na przykład 0141 347 8422
(Rezerwacje położnicze)
Możesz skorzystać z tej usługi, aby zadzwonić do dowolnej z naszych usług, w tym NHS24 (111) i służb ratunkowych (999).
Português – Portuguese
Você vai ter um bebê??
Organize-se para conhecer sua parteira.
Nunca é cedo demais para você se registrar com os serviços de maternidade.
Use nosso serviço de interpretação telefônica para ligar para a Maternity Booking line (Linha de agendamento de consultas dos serviços maternos) no número 0141 347 8422
Use nosso serviço de interpretação telefônica para fazer uma chamada para qualquer serviço do NHS.
Telefone 01413196119
Você será solicitado a fornecer o número PIN (senha) do paciente. Você deverá informar o número PIN do paciente, que é 182987.
Em seguida, você será conectado a um intérprete em apenas 15 segundos.
Informe ao intérprete o número para o qual você deseja ligar, por exemplo, 0141 347 8422
(Consulta de serviços maternos)
Você pode usar esse serviço para ligar para qualquer um dos nossos serviços, inclusive o NHS24 (111) e os serviços de emergência (999).
Urobte plány na stretnutie s vašou pôrodnou asistentkou. V tehotenstve nie je nikdy príliš skoro na registráciu pre pôrodné služby. Použite náš telefónny tlmočnícky servis na volanie na linku Maternity Booking na čísle 0141 347 8422.
Využite náš telefónny tlmočnícky servis na volanie do akejkoľvek služby NHS.
Zavolajte 01413196123.
Budete požiadaní o váš pacientsky pin kód. Ten je 182987.
Následne budete pripojení k tlmočníkovi už za 15 sekúnd.
Povedzte tlmočníkovi číslo, na ktoré chcete volať, napríklad 0141 347 8422 (Maternity Booking).
Tento servis môžete použiť na volanie akejkoľvek z našich služieb, vrátane NHS24 (111) a Núdzových služieb (999).
Soomaali – Somali
Ma fileysa ilmo?
Samee qorshe aad kula kullanto umulisadaada.
Marna ma aha goor hore ee uurka in la iska diiwaan geliyo adeegyada hooyada.
Isticmaal adeegga turjumaada taleefanka si aad uga wacdo khadka Balan qabsashada Hooyada 0141 347 8422
Isticmaal adeegga turjubaanka taleefanka si aad u wacdo adeeg kasta oo NHS ah.
Taleefanka 01413194694
Waxaa lagu weydiin doonaa lambarkaaga biinka bukaanka. Tani waa 182987.
Hamilelikte doğum hizmetlerine kayıt yaptırmak için hiçbir zaman çok erken değildir.
Gebelik Randevusu hattını aramak için Telefon Tercüme Servisimizi kullanın: 0141 347 8422
Herhangi bir NHS servisini aramak için telefonla tercümanlık hizmetimizi kullanın.
Telefon 01413196127
Size hasta pin numaranız sorulacaktır. Bu numara 182987’dir.
Ardından, sadece 15 saniye içinde bir tercümanla bağlantı kuracaksınız.
Tercüman’a aramak istediğiniz numarayı belirtin, örneğin 0141 347 8422
(Gebelik Randevusu)
Bu servisi NHS24 (111) ve Acil Servisler (999) dahil olmak üzere herhangi bir hizmetimizi aramak için kullanabilirsiniz.
українська – Ukrainian
Чекаєте на дитину?
Заплануйте зустріч з вашою акушеркою.
Ніколи не зарано під час вагітності зареєструватися на послуги з материнства.
Використовуйте нашу послугу телефонного перекладу щоб подзвонити на лінію бронювання послуг з материнства 0141 347 8422
Скористайтеся нашою послугою телефонного перекладу щоб подзвонити в будь-який сервіс NHS.
Наберіть 01413196128
Вас запитають про ваш номер пацієнта. Це 182987.
Потім вас з’єднають з перекладачем протягом 15 секунд.
Скажіть перекладачу номер, за яким хочете подзвонити, наприклад 0141 347 8422
(бронювання послуг з материнства)
Ви можете використовувати цю послугу, щоб дзвонити до будь-яких наших послуг, включно з NHS24 (111) та Невідкладна служба (999).
اردو – Urdu
کیا آپ امید سے ہیں؟
اپنی دایہ سے ملنے کا پلان بنائیں۔
زچگی سے جڑی خدمات کے لیے جتنی جلدی ہو سکے رجسٹریشن کروا لیں۔
میٹرنٹی بکنگ لائن کو 0141 347 8422 پر کال کرنے کے لیے ہماری ٹیلیفون انٹرپریٹنگ سروس کا استعمال کریں۔
NHS کی کسی بھی سروس کو کال کرنے کے لیے ہماری ٹیلیفون انٹرپریٹنگ سروس استعمال کریں۔
فون 01413196129
آپ سے آپ کا مریض پن نمبر پوچھا جائے گا۔ یہ 182987 ہے۔
پھر آپ کو 15 سیکنڈ سے بھی کم وقت میں کسی مترجم سے جوڑ دیا جائے گا۔
مترجم کو وہ نمبر بتائیں جس پر آپ کال کرنا چاہتے ہیں، مثال کے طور پر 0141 347 8422
(میٹرنٹی بکنگ)
آپ اس سروس کو ہماری کسی بھی سروس بشمول NHS24 (111) اور ایمرجنسی سروسز (999) پر کال کرنے کے لیے استعمال کر سکتے ہیں۔
Tiếng Việt – Vietnamese
Đang mong đợi một em bé?
Lên kế hoạch gặp nữ hộ sinh của bạn.
Không bao giờ là quá sớm trong thai kỳ để đăng ký các dịch vụ thai sản.
Sử dụng dịch vụ phiên dịch qua điện thoại của chúng tôi để gọi đến đường dây đặt lịch thai sản theo số 0141 347 8422.
Sử dụng dịch vụ phiên dịch qua điện thoại của chúng tôi để thực hiện cuộc gọi đến bất kỳ dịch vụ NHS nào.
Điện thoại 01413196130.
Bạn sẽ được hỏi số pin bệnh nhân của bạn. Đó là số 182987.
Sau đó, bạn sẽ được kết nối với thông dịch viên chỉ trong 15 giây.
Cho người phiên dịch biết số bạn muốn gọi, ví dụ 0141 347 8422 (Đặt lịch thai sản)
Bạn có thể sử dụng dịch vụ này để gọi bất kỳ dịch vụ nào của chúng tôi, bao gồm NHS 24 giờ (111) và Dịch vụ hỗ trợ khẩn cấp (999).
Nreti ọmọ?
Ṣe awọn ero lati pade agbẹbi rẹ.
Ko ni kutukutu ni oyun lati forukọsilẹ fun awọn iṣẹ alaboyun.
Lo iṣẹ itumọ telifoonu wa lati pe laini Fowo si alaboyun lori 0141 347 8422
Lo iṣẹ itumọ tẹlifoonu wa lati ṣe ipe si eyikeyi iṣẹ NHS.
Foonu 01413196131
O yoo beere fun nọmba PIN alaisan rẹ. Eyi jẹ ọdun 182987.
Iwọ yoo wa ni asopọ si onitumọ ni diẹ bi awọn aaya 15.
Sọ fun onitumọ nọmba ti o fẹ pe, fun apẹẹrẹ 0141 347 8422
(Ifowosi ọmọ iya)
O le lo iṣẹ yii lati pe eyikeyi awọn iṣẹ wa, pẹlu NHS24 (111) ati Awọn iṣẹ pajawiri (999).
What is Osteoarthritis?
Osteoarthritis, often abbreviated as OA, is a common and chronic joint condition that primarily affects the cartilage in the joints. Cartilage is the tough, slippery tissue that covers the ends of bones where they come together to form a joint. In osteoarthritis, this cartilage gradually breaks down and wears away, leading to pain, swelling, and reduced joint mobility.
The exact cause of osteoarthritis is not always clear, but it can be related to factors such as ageing, genetics, joint injuries, and obesity. As the cartilage deteriorates, the bones in the joint may begin to rub against each other, causing further pain and joint damage. Osteoarthritis commonly affects weight-bearing joints like the knees, hips, and spine, as well as other joints such as the hands and fingers.
The symptoms of osteoarthritis can vary from person to person and depend on which joints are affected and the severity of the condition. Common symptoms of osteoarthritis include the following:
This can be variable and sometimes described as a deep ache
Particularly in the morning or after periods of inactivity. It may take some time for the joint to “warm up” and become more flexible
Reduced movement
Decreased range of motion in the joint: This means it becomes more difficult to fully bend, straighten, or move the joint
Swelling and tenderness
The affected joint may become swollen, and the surrounding area might feel tender to the touch; but it should never be very swollen or hot and red
Bony changes
You can sometimes get the development of bony growths (osteophytes) around the affected joint
Some people with osteoarthritis experience a grating or crackling sensation, known as crepitus, when moving the affected joint
Weakness or muscle loss
Over time, as the joint becomes less functional, the muscles around it may weaken or atrophy due to decreased use and support of the joint
Osteoarthritis is a long-term condition, and while it cannot be cured, there are various treatment options to manage its symptoms and improve quality of life. These may include lifestyle changes (such as weight management and exercise), pain-relief medications, physiotherapy, and in some cases, surgery to repair or replace the damaged joint. The goal of treatment is to reduce pain, improve joint function, and enhance the individual’s overall well-being. It is useful for individuals with osteoarthritis to work closely with healthcare professionals to create a personalised treatment plan based on their specific needs and the severity of the condition. Remember that managing osteoarthritis is an ongoing process, and it may involve trying various strategies to find what works best for you. A positive outlook, proactive management, and a support network can make the journey with osteoarthritis one of growth, adaptability, and resilience.
“Versus Arthritis,” is a charitable organisation, offering a range of resources and support to help individuals who are affected by arthritis and related musculoskeletal conditions. They provide information, resources and support to individuals with arthritis, as well as their families and caregivers. Their services are designed to empower individuals with arthritis to manage their condition, improve their well-being, and connect with a supportive community.
To benefit from Versus Arthritis, you can visit their website or call their helpline (tel: 0800 5200 520)
Versus arthritis have developed a leaflet for activity and other self management opportunities available in Scotland (updated 2024)